Owner Pose
Michael Hannigan At the end of a very long week, it seems only right that one should have a nice drink as a way to cap off the work week. Something to relax with, lean back in the chair and enjoy the quiet.

Well, quiet might be pushing it. With many folks having the same idea, most bars are likely crowded on a Friday night. Seats are at a premium and you make damn sure you're done with that seat before you leave it.

The Wick is not exempt from this phenomenon and there are plenty of packed persons in the proximity of the bar.

This is likely be why Mike has secured a table away from the bar. There's no food before the musician, only a tall glass of the dark beer he likes to order here. And a notebook...Always with the notebook.
Thomas Blake Thomas Blake enters the Wick. It's been a while but the server definitely recalls him, his charm, and tips. Coming from a messenger gig that is better not to inquire about. Actually doesn't matter. He won't tell you.e's wearing work clothes, a battered but durable leather jacket, despite the heat, messenger bag over one shoulder. The jacket is suspicious in the heat. It doesn't seem the bother the ginger man. He spent a long time in Africa. He orders some ribs to be eaten at the bar and ice water. You don't drink when it's hot.
Michael Hannigan An attractive server walks by Thomas carrying a few drinks. Pausing at Mike's table, she sets down another glass before walking off. To the clunck of glassware, Mike glances up to look to the server, giving a smile. "Thanks."

With his head now up, he takes note of the stand out messenger. Smile strengthening he lifts up a hand to wave over at Thomas, gesturing to the empty seat at the table before him.

Thomas Blake Thomas Blake catches the wave. He scans the room, wondering if he missed anything else, like Len Snart hanging out after that fight in Metropolis? He leaves the bar, with his ice water and proceeds to the table. He gets the server's attention so she'll make a note of it.

He seems a little tired as he plops down and mutters, "Thanks. Long day, and it's not over. I have a couple games at the Hellfire Club tonight."
Michael Hannigan Mike watches as Thomas makes his way over, hand grasping the near empty glass. Hearing the comment Mike gives a nod. "Well, hope the games are fun." Mike responds, lifting the glass, "I'm guessing more poker?"
Thomas Blake Thomas Blake nods and takes another sip. "Poker, rummy, blackjack. Whatever they want. Doesn't matter. They all suck. I have a couple bills to catch up on. I'll play Old Maid if there's money on it. What about you? Did you wrap on that film yet?"
Michael Hannigan "Well, good luck with the games. May the winnings be plentiful and the regrets minimal." Mike responds with a nod, "Well the filming part's done. There's some final editing parts that I'm not involved with. But they got all the footage and recordings they need to get their stuff done."

He takes a moment to down what's left of the near empty glass before setting the container back down. "We're entering the promotion stage of it now. Few talk show appearances, going to be doing another round of Match Game. Premiere is later." He considers Thomas, "Would you be interested in coming to the premiere and after party? You got a guaranteed invite three times over."
Thomas Blake Thomas Blake smirks. "Well my girl is going as a cast member. I suppose I'm her plus one. Oh you're probably be among the crowd to be relieved to know we're kind of an off and on thing now. She has her hero stuff and singing and college and maybe she needs a hero guy, I don't know. I don't see a lot of her. So if I am her plus one I will attend if not, no. It's for the best, really. I nearly caused a riot at the last movie I was in with my dumbassery. I'm not house trained." His ribs arrive and he attacks them, asking briefly for a pitcher of water.
Michael Hannigan Mike's brows lift as he hears the general status of the PixieCat relationship. "Really now?" He comments, head cocking to the side a little, "Huh. Well- If you don't end up as her plus one, you're welcome to be mine."

The musician glances down to the full glass, "I'm not really seeing anyone at the moment and Wade's got an invite already from being part of the production so-" Mike's fingers brush up against the drink. "Hell, you don't even have to see the movie if you don't want. Just swing by the after party and pick up some drinks on the studio's dime..."
Thomas Blake Thomas Blake deadpans. "I'm not your type. Trust me. You're a respectable media star. I prefer the low profile and the low life, frankly. I'm not showing up there to spite Pixie or really tell her anything. This was mutual. If she finds somebody to be seen with, I taught her well. If she wants to take me great bugt showing up there on my own... recipe for disaster."
Michael Hannigan Mike's lips set to a thin line. While his head remains tilted down, eyes roll up to look to Thomas from under the lashes. "Yeah you kind of made that clear awhile ago." He responds, voice a bit bland, "I meant come as a friend. I mean, like it or not, you're part of the industry too."
Thomas Blake Thomas Blake smiles. "Well I'm glad you said that. I was afraid you'd lost all sense. No, I don't have to be a part of the industry. It's full of people worse than the ones I met in prison. Anyway, one of the reasons I mostly stayed free and successful was I learned when to get out of a racket. Hence, a couple mysterious deaths. I'm writing now, believe it or not. A fictionalized account of a criminal known as the Feline. I considered writing actual memoirs for about three seconds. I'd have everyone from the League of Shadows on down after me. I'd need to leave the planet."

"Pete is helping me with it. In fact, he's my literary agent. He evenshowed me how to draw a circle and summon him up and..."
Michael Hannigan "...A few drops of blood and poof he appears." Mike adds in to finish the joke.. Mike chuckles, "Well, you might have switched from acting but you're still part of entertainment in a way. You know he's involved with the movie too, right?"
Thomas Blake Thomas Blake spreads his hands and begins cleaning his fingers. "More than that. Galaxy Broadcasting is interested in financing a new season of Theme of the Crime. It'll stay in Gotham, but maybe do location work. getting me back would be a major inducement, as would getting back Music Master. Good news is Pete is willing to negotiate on the hats. They want Catman to become more of a good guy though. Not sure how I feel about that. Kids should not look up to me... "
Michael Hannigan Mike considers the prospect of the show being brought back. "Really now?" Arms rest upon the table, "Are they going more with the original season's writing or the bullshit from around the time we quit?" A hand comes up to allow his thumb to become a means to prop up his chin. "...It might not be bad to make Catman become a good guy. Well, reformed with good tendencies. It could help give a general message that no matter how much you may have fucked up in the past, you can still change things for the better."
Thomas Blake Thomas Blake raises an eyebrow, "Oh? Fucked up have I? I assure you. Every anti-social act I took was calculated, or done for the soul, or self defense. Only time I fucked up was not strangling that fucking sidekick who broke my jaw. God the ribbing I took... from Kite Man, "Hey Tommy, was he wearing the elf shoes when he beat you up?" Once. He did it once."

"Pete is going to be the Producer and head writer. He's throwing out Season Two. I told him you'd write some original songs for the show. You perform them instead of doing the traditional monologue. I told him he had to use Private Hell for my background. Ka-ching. Wade may get to like me."

"You do know for all that I abused that mother flower, I respect his talents. It was just fun watching Rasputin scare the crap out of him and such. I mean of I didn't like the guy, he'd really know it." Like those lion poachers? Like the Dapper Men? Like Alphonse and Gaston? Like Dad? Me, a hero.
Michael Hannigan "You know what I mean." Mike responds, "You're an example of.. not perfect. Which a lot of us are. Stereotypical heroes in shows tend to be portrayed as -" Mike grimaces, "Well they tend to be portrayed as perfect which is a lie. So, maybe people do need someone who is 'not perfect', more real doing good stuff. Give them a starting point closer to where the viewers actually are."

Mike sips his beer as he listens to Thomas listing the details of the plan. The portions where his participation's already been promised, and then the suggestion of using one of his older title tracks for a theme. "...Have Pete bring things up with Wade if he hasn't already. I'm actually planning on another album release soon...other than the movie soundtrack. But... better plenty of options than none at all."
Thomas Blake Thomas Blake starts laughing. "Not perfect I shot and killed my dad, Michael. It ruled an accident. Let you in on a secret, since they can't try me twice... no accident. He murdered my mom and it was ruled an accident. I got the same escape clause though... I wasn't thinking it at the time. there's blood on my hands. doing a cable show doesn't erase that. Not perfect? I'm a fucking monster. You've seen when people push my buttons. I won the love of a princess of Hell, they don't settle for 'not perfect'. Zinda is not perfect, but she's a hero." He cleans the last of the BBQ sauce off his fingers.
Michael Hannigan "What the hell do you want to hear, Tom? Fucked up. Not Perfect. Monster. Whatever." Mike rolls his eyes ,"The point is still there. In all likelihood It's easier to get motivated when you don't have an impossible ideal for your starting point."

The beer is studied for a few moments. He opens his mouth "Yo-" He pauses. "...never mind."

He lifts up he glass, taking a long sip.