Owner Pose
Juggernaut A pretty normal Sunday in Central Park. People spending time with family and loved ones, taking advantage of the weather gradually shifting towards being more pleasant. The paths dotted with folks. And a lot of them just sort of avoiding the seven foot plus redhead with the face of a petty thug stomping his way through, taking in the ambiance. Or something. The big muscley sometimes villain ignoring the looks he gets like usual.
Mary Bromfield Mary Bromfield, aka ContraryMary, is busy reading... a book?!? Well, it might be a lost art by some, but Mary seems particularly intrigued by the written word as she seems to be enjoying a moment of peace and quiet.

That is, until the stomping of Cain Marko catches her attention. She glances up, then blinks a bit as she seems to recognize the man, eyes narrowing just a bit... but then she shrugs, since, well, he's not hauling a bank behind him. So there's that, at least. She does, however, do the polite thing and give him a cheerful wave.
Juggernaut Cain is mostly ignoring the people around him. So Mary doesn't really register at first. Eventually, the fact she was waving instead of giving him the stink eye seeps in, and his head turns in her direction. He stares at her for a time, trying to determine if he knows her or not. Hmm... doesn't really ring any bells. Still, he eventually grunts, and raises a hand in her direction. He's approaching where she was reading, just sort of coincidentally. The ground not shaking or anything, but the solidness of those footsteps is easy to tell all the same.
Mary Bromfield The book in question, is actually Dune. A bit of a weathered hardcover, that has the look of a text that's been lovingly cared for and still read multiple times. She does, however, put a bookmark in her place and set the book to the side when Cain gets closer. When he's close enough, she gives him a friendly smile that involves no stink-eye, "Hi there." She keeps it simple enough on the greeting, as she looks... well, she doesn't look angry, or scared. Weirdly, she looks perfectly relaxed at the moment.
Juggernaut When Mary follows up the wave with actual words, Cain comes to a stop. He honestly doesn't look in the best mood himself. Not angry. But vaguely grumpy in some way. He looks at her again, the silence again stretching on for a few moments before he response. "...Hi." His voice is deep and rough. Not overly pleasant, but it's not like it's grating. Just unrefined. After one more brief silence he adds, "I know you, lady?"
Mary Bromfield Mary chuckles, "Me, no. You fought a friend of mine a few years back, but..." She shrugs a little, "Everyone else was giving you a bit of the stinkeye, so I figured I'd be polite and say hello." She gives Cain a curious look, "You're not going to try and pick up a bank and make off with it today, right?"
Juggernaut The mans brows draw together at the first part. "You're gonna have to be more specific than that. I get into lots of fights with people." Pick up a bank? Oh right. "That guy, huh. If you happen to see him you can tell him he's a bitch from me." He stretches his arms over his head. "I'm not plannin that though, no. I'm not bored today."
Mary Bromfield Mary can't help but snicker at that, "Well, I'm sure I'll have a chance to tell him that next time he shows up to try and crash my game stream." She grins a little, "Good to hear. I'm not looking for a fight, and besides, I just got to the good bit. Well, it's all the good bit, really. Still haven't had a really good version of this book in film." She pats her book again.
Juggernaut Cain glances at the book she was reading. Assuming the title is visible, he lets out yet another grunt. "That huh. Never read it. Not big on books. And all this new stuff isn't really my style." He looks her in the face, then adds, "Well. I guess good luck with your... stream. Whenever that its." He's also not much of a computer guy! Maybe that's why he gets bored. "Maybe I'll beat you up some other day. We'll see." He raises a hand, then turns and starts to walk off again.
Mary Bromfield Mary grins, "Maybe so. You shouldn't pick a fight with folks from Philly though." She gives him a cheerful wave, then goes back to reading her book. As she did get to the bit where the Emperor's motivation for eliminating the Atreides was revealed...