Owner Pose
Steve Rogers The five men wearing ski masks and brandishing shotguns, submachine guns or assault rifles inside the New York City Bank have all the customers down on the ground as they begin emptying registers into duffle bags. They don't know that Wallace Smith, New York City Patrolman is there on his day off, but with a gun in his ankle holster.

He waits until they aren't looking and slowly slides his hand down towards it. Only to find another hand reach over and stay his own. Looking up, Wallace's eyes widen as he finds himself looking across at Steve Rogers. Under his breath, Steve says to the off duty cop, "Too many people here. Let them leave. I'll take care of it."

The off duty cop nods, and the bank robbers finish looting the bank and hurry outside. There are two vehicles waiting for them, an SUV and a high end sedan, both black with plates that have been concealed. Both drivers are also masked.

Outside the bank now, a woman screams as she sees the men in masks and with guns. It draws everyone's eyes to the men making for the vehicles. Someone in uniform up the street yells at them to stop. It's a meter maid, but one of the men with an assault rifle turns and fires a shot that pings off the car she was just giving a ticket to. People scatter as the robbers get into the two cars and they begin to pull away.

The door to the bank opens and Steve Rogers rushes out, wearing jeans and a leather jacket, turning to spot the cars starting to pull up the street.
Damian Wayne Inside the bank, Damian Wayne was with Talia, the pair of them checking on some accounts outside the Wayne family's pervue. After all, an al-Ghul needs mad money now and again. And that was when a robbery broke out. And while Damian was itching, hard, to get involved, a glance to his mother tempered him and kept him from leaping right in.

This is only proven to be the right call when he catches sight of Steve Rogers also standing down for the moment - finnne - Damian can behave for a few moments, at least. As the robbery is completed and the crooks are running out, Damian watches Steve head off in pursuit. Now, now he can get excited. And he nearly bounces on the balls of his feet as he grabs Talia's hand. "Come, mother, the chase is afoot!" he calls out, as he tugs her out the door towards the car that she brought him in. So much for a check of accounts and a nice lunch and discussion of Damian's life. AVOIDED.

As he runs for the car, he lets go of Talia's hand long enough to show her that he pick-pocketed the keys. "I'll drive!" he declares, then notices. "They shot the car! They'll pay!" And into the driver's seat, waiting for Talia.

Get in losers, we're going on a chase.
Megan Gwynn Megan Gwynn was just enjoying a peaceful flight over the city when she notices some activity going on down below..Technically, as an Xman, she's only interested in mutant matters and not petty crime, but as Meghan, she knows she has abilities that might help. Marroon eyes narrow as she sees them pile into two separate vehicles.

"Well gee, they're getting away! I'd better follow them.." and so she angles downwards to follow the SUV but keeping high enough to stay out of the way. Where are they headed, and are they going to get into busy traffic? Best not to make a move til she can get them alone.

Of course, dressed in her yellow and blue Xmen uniform, sooner or later they'll likely notice her tailing them if they happen to look up.
Michael Hannigan Today was supposed to be a day off. No bookings, no training, no gym... just a quiet day to take a nice walk. Maybe grab a cup of coffee and get one's thoughts in order.

This is more or less what Mike had planned for today. Wearing Goodwill's finest, the rockstar turned actor is doing his best to go about in incognito mode. And he's doing a great job. No issues with picking up the coffee and he's just walking and sipping.

Until the screams and sounds of gunfire raise up.


Amongst the chaos, the cup ends up in a nearby trash receptacle while Mike ends up darting into an alleyway.

Moments tick by before the body of a raven errupts from between the building, flying skywards before looping and rolling itself into a more constructive pursuit. Dark eyes fixate down upon the scenery, discerning which vehicles to focus on.
Elektra Natchios Just her luck.

This was supposed to be a simple morning, talking to her late father's bank manager about the move of some assets. But no, bank robbers had to ruin Elektra's morning. Where's a hero when the city needs them? Somehow she will most likely be pinning the blame on this on Daredevil. Which is just par for the course. Being a bit aside from the main floor she was observing the criminals, perhaps considering whether to go for them right here and now. Unlike Steve she doesn't have the moral quandaries of saving hostages but she stays put when she notes the rather familiar figure of Steve Rogers not too far and moves when the gangsters step out to flee.

Stopping near Steve she looks his way, "Seems we meet again, Mr. Rogers." a beat, "Shall we give chase?" her exotic accent showing.

Wait, wasn't she just a host at some Hellfire Club party?
Talia al Ghul With her not having access to her 'family' accounts, and on somewhat surer footing with the Waynes.. Talia has accepted that she can have help with some things. And not having to make educated guesses as to which of her private stashes are ones that are being monitored, and what ones her father does not care of. So having access to things from the Waynes are still a mental adjustment tier. As she waits in line over with Damian, there's the screech at vehicles. A bank robbery is something that she would ordinarily stay out of the way of..

But with her son rushing, she is honor bound to go with him. So she goes to break into a run with him as the two head towards the vehicle they came in. The car that the duo came in on is an old Model T style one, that has been lovingly restored by hand and upgraded throughout the years to be something of a classic, looking like it came off the assembly line with a fresh coat of paint. It's been upgraded to some degree so it doesn't need the hand crank to start up and with a modernized engine in.

The car was Talia's choosing. Something about an old style, a classic.. Something reassuring about something old and sturdy, that had withstood so many years of life. And she's over in the passenger seat as Damian gets it going and they're off in the chase!
Steve Rogers Steve Rogers spots the cars pulling away as he hears Elektra as she follows out the door behind him. Steve turns, recognizing her quickly enough. "Miss Natchios, appreciate the help," he says to the woman he only knows as a hostess, and daughter of a Greek diplomat, "But I wouldn't want you to come to any harm." He looks back to the vehicles which have a head start on him. "If you'll excuse me, ma'am," he says as he takes off running, rapidly accelerating to near the speeds the vehicles are able to make.

They are weaving through traffic, having timed the robbery to take advantage of the streets being less crowded than normal. But they still find themselves slowed by other traffic, the blond-haired super soldier sprinting rapidly after them.

One of the men in the SUV looking behind them for cops quickly notices Cap, and also the pursuing Model T, the man not sure which is the odder sight. No sign of spotting Megan above them yet. The windows go down so one of the gunmen can lean out with a shotgun.
Damian Wayne Mother is an odd duck. Damian wanted to take the Lamborghini Spyder. But no, Talia was feeling nostalgic after watching Bonnie and Clyde, and that's where we are. In a wide body four-door sedan that could have just rolled off the assembly line, except now it has a new speed hole thanks to the bullet wound.

The V8 roars to life, and the hulking beast makes it way out of the parking spot, the parking ticket blown off the windshield wiper as Damian guns the engine into pursuit of the SUV, considering that the big car may have a better chance of keeping up with the SUV than the smaller, speedier car.

Weaving in and out of traffic, the young man wears a determined grin as he comes up behind the SUV and *BUMPS* the rear of the larger vehicle as the man leans out with the shotgun, Damian intent on causing him to drop that rifle and take it out of the equation.
Talia al Ghul The old Model T, a classic collected by Thomas Wayne that according to old family legend used to belong to Al Capone himself, races along. As they bump into the car in front of them, Talia looks wistful. Well aware of the ironies of this exchange, which in her mind is enough justification to make an exception to her normal rules of engagement. Her hand is braced over to the side of the door. The car existing long before seat belt regulations, and thus exempted from them. They would bump hard over into the car in front of them, Talia bracing herself over and looking for something she can throw at them.

Noting that would risk throwing out the car's wheels and it overturning. She spies the daughter of the Greek ambassador and watches curiously. Then seeing the sparkly winged magical girl zooming after it. Not often one sees someone with stranger professional attire than Zatanna. She goes to pop open the glove compartment of the car, fiddling around with it in search of something to throw that's not a family thing, historical object, or that the Waynes would miss.
Michael Hannigan As the raven shoots off after the vehicle, he takes note of the surroundings and forms a basic game plan. It seems several others have taken up the chase as well. So... might as well make things a bit easier.

In theory.

Swooping down towards the SUV roof, the raven perches upon it. The head of the bird looks to the pursuing vehicles and...

Did a bird just wave at Damian?

How odd.

The bird fades from view.

Even odder.

No longer visible, the phantasm reaches over the roof to grab the shotgun pointed out of the window, feeding his power into it to help remove that particular weapon from the equation.
Megan Gwynn Thankfully the streets aren't too busy..Yet. Better stop these bozos before things get too busy on the roads. But this could quickly go south too so she has to time this properly. When the SUV rolls down it's windows, she darts in, spying the gunman and trying to time this just right.

"Okay, here we go....!" fluttering her wings quickly, she lands atop the SUV and attempts to sprinkle the roof with faerie dust, aiming to let it spill specifically down on the gunman with the rolled down window. With any luck, should it hit him, he will start to hallucinate, maybe get all confused or giggly or oddly relaxed or sleepy. Her dust has some unpredictable but mostly calming effects Afterall.
Juggernaut Some days can go from bad to worse. For those in the fleeing vehicles with some many of civilization's finest working to apprehend them? The worse comes when the driver in the lead vehicle takes note of a large object some distance away, in the roadway. The towering form wrapped in crimson and sporting a domed helmet marches down the center of the road. One vehicle that has edged over the center line in a bid to get around traffic is carefully lifted with one massive paw of a hand lifting beneath the front of the car's frame. As though adjusting the location of an end table, the Juggernaut gingerly sets the vehicle back into its appropriate lane. "Stay in your lane, pipsqueak," he comments to the gawking driver.

Then it's back to his inexorable, unstoppable march down the center of the street. Directly in the direction of the fleeing vehicles. It's a game of chicken and one is a sedan. The Juggernaut doesn't seem keen to stray out of oncoming traffic. Judging by the malicious grin that's visible beneath the dome of his helmet? That's exactly the plan.
Elektra Natchios Always polite that Steve Rogers. Elektra watches run off. Or rather, *really run off* with the kind of speed that is not normal. Not one that she can hope to catch. Luckily there's a straggler, one of the bandits on a motocycle just about to take off. Taking aim at Steve's back when he is starting his run....

Right into a snapkick out of Elektra, followed by a stomping foot on his head once he falls down. Not enough to kill him of course, she made a promise to a certain blind lawyer. But he will at an hospital, "Thank you for the motobike." she tells the unconscious robber, hopping onto it.

And she even picks up the motohelmet dropped by the assailant. It wouldn't do good for people to be identifying her left and right on the news later tonight. Sliding it in she lets the motobike roar before ensuing pursuit, right after Steve.

"You need someone to watch your six, Steve." says the woman as she weaves past traffic, keeping close to the Captain for a few moments before veering her bike away to get out of the way of the Juggernaut. No one likes to be in his way!
Steve Rogers Before the gunman can get a shot off directly at Cap, the Model T speeds past the running Avenger, thumping the back of the SUV. The gun's aim is jarred wildly and it goes off, shattering the window of a parked car that is thankfully unoccupied!

Soon after the raven lands on the roof of the car, the gun goes incoporeal, the gunman having a moment of perplexed look. But then some of that faerie dust gets on him and he reaches up and pulls off his mask. "Wheeeeew," he says, rubbing his fingers through his scalp now it out from underneath of the confining ski mask. "Really gets itchy in there, you know," he says as he reclines back in the seat and lets out a sigh.

"What the F-!!!" the man riding shotgun (but with an assualt rifle) yells at him. "Start shooting!" He leans out his window as well, having seemed to be spared the hit of pixie dust. He takes aim at the Model T, Captain America, and Elektra on the motorcycle and lets off a quick burst of bullets!

Cap sees the gun pointing his way and dodges to the side, bullets hitting the pavement behind him. He looks over to the motorcycle that suddenly appears, concern on his face as the rider deftly veers around Juggernaut.

But the sedan? It didn't do so well there when it had gotten to the towering figure. The driver hits his brakes and the car fishtails, slamming into Juggernaut sideways, then bouncing off. The font end slams into a parked car and the 3 gunmen stagger out of their doors, getting their bearings before bringing their weapons up.
Damian Wayne As he rams the SUV from behind, Damian notices Juggernaut stepping in front of the lead vehicle and the young man grits. "Hold on tight, Mother! And brace!" he tells her. As soon as the sedan slams into the massive man, Damian is twisting the large, older car to come in and slide against the SUV from behind to box it in and trap it in place, jotsling around both of the occupants.

"Got'em!" he exclaims, noticing the bird waving at him, and it takes a moment for the young man to run through the roster of Titans and their abilities before realizing who it is. A small upnod offered in return, just as the gunman swings around that assault rifle.

"GET DOWN!" he yells, yanking Talia down by the front of her blouse as the shots ring out. There's pok-pok-poks against the side of the vehicle, and when they stop?

Talia might feel the warmth on the back of her blouse but not notice the stain as Damian sits up, dark sweater hiding the bullet wound that passed through his shoulder. "You're alright?" he asks her in concern as he gestures to the passenger door. "Out, quickly!"
Megan Gwynn The back of the SUV gets thumped pretty hard. After focusing g so much on gunman #1, Megan is thrown off guard and she yelps, losing her grip on the vehicle. She briefly loses her balance, nearly falling completely off the rooftop, but thankfully those wings aren't just ornamental. She manages to balance and right herself up again, dark eyes narrowed on the remaining gunmen and the driver.

"Okaaay, all eyes on the pursuing superheroes, pay no mind to the sparkly faerie.." she murmurs. Time to try something a little different. Summoning her glowing pink dagger, she attempts to stab shotgun guy in the head from above, or pretty much whatever she can get ahold of. Should her aim hit true, it will either create intense pain or just knock the guy out, or maybe both.
Michael Hannigan Shotgun acquired and the presence of a Pixie noticed. Phantasm swings the gun back to press it against the roof of the SUV. He shifts over to the front passenger side. Once over there he reaches out to grab at the rifle extending out as well to repeat his previous action.

Hey, if they're going to just STICK them out where he can grab them...
Juggernaut The grin persists while the Juggernaut stands in the center of the roadway and the oncoming sedan grows larger. Well, not as large as THE JUGGERNAUT, but larger. The brake tap turns into a fishtail and Cain's plan to stomp the hood of the vehicle is aborted when it begins to slide. That same slide culminates in the side of the vehicle bashing into the dome-headed Avatar of Cyttorak taking the blow to the side. He begins to laugh as the sedan barely causes him to shift and even that adjustment of his footing is likely a conscious decision by the Unstoppable One. The laughter dies away however as the crimson titan spies the trio of robbers piling out of their wrecked vehicle.

"I'm here for the money," he announces with utter confidence and a step forward. One step for the Juggernaut equates to quite a few more for your standard sized adult male, which is why that single step brings him nearly standing groin-to-face with one of the robbers. The moment a shotgun begins to rise, so too does the Juggernaut's large, meaty hand.

A palm wraps a hand much like the largest of NBA players palms a basketball. Soon enough Robber A is tossed with a flick of the Juggernaut's wrist into Robber B. The shotgun goes off and another laugh erupts, harsh and biting as Ol' Jughead reaches out for the last of the three. What scratches the shotgun blaster MAY have caused seem to dissipate near-instantly. Still the Juggernaut reaches out, attempting to pluck the shotgun away like a toothpick from a child, "Give me the money or this things getting jammed straight up your scrawny ass".

He'll probably do it, too!
Talia al Ghul And Talia goes to brace herself over upon command and Talia goes to brace even before Damian gives the command on it. The Model T swings to the side - more bullet wounds upon it to add to a long history of them. It shall wear the fresh set of scars with pride. The car goes to screech to a stop over as Talia holds herself firm over along the passender side door. The car doesn't flip, thankfully.

"I'm fine. You, however, are not." She goes to quickly assess his injury. Shoulder wound. "The others will take care of it." Damian's constitution is solid, she doesn't have to worry about infection or the necessity of fishing the bullets out immediately. She goes to take up her blouse, and moves to tear it down the middle after yanking it off. She goes to take it out and over to work at quickly going to twist it around in an impromptu torquinet to stop the bleeding as best she can. Checking Damian to see whether the bullet went through the muscle or the joint. Fussing over her son and not caring for the continuing chase.
Elektra Natchios It's a good thing that Elektra had to veer away from JUGGERNAUT because the peppering shots on the asphalt would had hit her otherwise. Not that she comes out fully untouched from the whole thing as her bike veers off from hitting a parked car on the side, only by a stroke of luck she keeping control of the bike.

Or maybe it's all skill. Who knows?!

What Elektra knows is that her leg is hurting like a ***ch and now they have made her angry. Maybe it's a good thing her visor is down so Steve doesn't get to see the wide-eyed thrill-seeking look that the ex-assassin gets as she speeds the bike on, past Steve, bloodlust in her veins.

It's a good thing that the heroes are already handling most of the situation really. An angry Elektra isn't a good sight.
Steve Rogers Over by the crashed sedan, seeing the shotgun blast seeming to do so very little to the Juggernaut causes the remaining gunman to point his weapon up in the air. "Take it, take it. It's in the duffle bags," he says, pointing to the sedan. There are two black duffle bags in there, both in a back seat. The one back door is open where one of the now-hurting gunmen had climbed out.

The robber moves over to help up the one who Juggernaut threw, and the one that was collided with. "Come on, we gotta get out of here!" the ski-masked robber says to the other two, pulling them to get them moving. They stagger woozily, but eventually begin to move in a jog as the three head down the block, one armed with his submachine gun, the other two having lost their main weapons, though they have pistols they have yet to draw.

Back at the SUV, the two visitors from Gotham have cornered the SUV, if taken a wound in doing so.

Megan plunges her dagger down through the roof and into the gunman in the backseat. He lets out a cry of excruciating pain, though thankfully it doesn't seem to actually cause the kind of headwound that an onlooker might expect. It's enough to make him pass out though, and he falls over onto the lap of the pixie-dusted gunman who is sitting there looking thoughtful. He looks down at the man's head resting on his leg and pulls off the unconscious robber's ski mask, gently petting his hair. "Azaleas. They'd look really good along the front walk, I think," he says aloud to him.

The robber in the front passenger seat finds his assault rifle disappear out of his hands much as the shotgun had. "What the F-!" he says, that seeming to be a reccuring statement for the man. He jumps out of the vehicle, pulling the duffle bag out behind him and a pistol from a holster on his belt. He starts running down the sidewalk (the opposite way as those fleeing Juggernaut), waving the gun behind him and firing blindly.

The driver hops out of the SUV. He takes one glance at the backseat where the other duffle bag is, but then sees the X-man with faerie wings on the roof. "Jesus, I hate New York!" he says, taking off running as well.

Steve Rogers darts to the sidewalk after Damian and Talia stop the SUV. He grabs the metal lid off a garbage can set out for trash collection, and wings it towards the fleeing driver. It hits him down at the ankles and knocks the man off his feet, making him tumble into the back of a parked car.
Damian Wayne "Mother, noone wants to see your bra." Damian tries to stop Talia's theatrics with a smirk as he glances to his shoulder. Yes, it stings. Yes, it hurts. But. It was a clean pass-through. Keep pressure on it, a few stitches, it'll be fine. "I have had worse injuries." That between the pair of them.

"We need to exit the car and reassess the situation." Again, keep her on task, don't let her fuss over him. "I can have someone look at the injury later." Probably Leslie Thompkins - though really, it's an easy wound. Any of the family with basic medical training could take care of it.

Which is the plan, once they get out of here. There's still chaos around them and he wants to get them away from it - with the injury - he's no longer fully prepared to deal with the threat appropriately.
Megan Gwynn Okay, so there's Juggy about to take off with stolen money after stopping the sedan. She definitely does *not* want to get involved in that..And more heroes are running in to apprehend the thugs. Probably a good time to make an exit and let the authorities handle this. She grins and waves to Mike, "Good seeing you again, we should catch up soon..Bye for now!" and with that, Megan gives a little wave before flying off.
Talia al Ghul Talia al Ghul would go to work over on Damian's shoulder. "Yes you have. That is however no reason to let you bleed out in the few minutes it will take me to do this. The others have the situation well in hand." If anything between Juggernaut and the ex-Hand ninja she was more worried for the state that the robbers would be in. "And the rest of the family is not here now, I am. So you can do as you're told and let me stop the bleeding or I can pressure point you until you pass out and then stop the bleeding, and drive you back to the Manor unconscious the entire way. It's your decision." The quick tourqinet is done, which should handle things until they can get back to the Manor and Alfred can pull the bullets out with tweezers and handle the basics.

"I will however let you drive." Damian was allowed that victory.
Juggernaut "You made the right decision today," Juggernaut intones with a voice like thunder overhead as the trio of robbers in one state of good health or another, begin to scramble away. While others may be busy with the SUV and perhaps even chasing down some of those remaining robbers, Mr. Marko is getting his payday. Those fleeing are regarded for a moment and the one on the motorcycle - the mystery Elektra - is regarded with a grin from beneath the dome helmet of the Juggernaut. One massive finger extends and points toward the fleeing robbers, as though signaling the motorcyclist to pursue. Because everyone's a hero. Except the Juggernaut. He's a mercenary and there's stacks of cash in the back of that sedan.

A groan of metal can be heard, but also the accompanying snap of sturdy plastic on account of modern automobile engineering as the rear door of the sedan is ripped away with about as much effort as twist the cap from a gallon of milk. The Juggernaut stoops lower, peering his domed helmet into the backseat and the duffle bags there. He chuckles to himself as he reaches out, snatching the pair of bags with resting in the backseat with a single massive hand. Pulling them free of the backseat, Cain's thunderous voice issues forth upon a low mutter, "Bingo. Nothing like an honest paycheck".

He's been paid and now the Juggernaut, armed with his pair of duffle bags, turns and begins to plod his heavy-footed way in literally any direction other than his present location. Which mostly means that he's marching off, back the way that he originally came. He practically trembles the ground with his inexorable march and those stuck in their cars, peering through the windows at the unfolding chaos are each treated to a truly breathtaking sight: a mountain of unstoppable muscle and bad attitude, going wherever he pleases.

He makes it a few steps before Cain twists at the waist, permitting his domed head to peer behind himself and at the chaos still unfolding behind him. "Better not risk it," he mutters to himself like stones being ground together. He begins to pick up speed. He isn't a barreling locomotive and for the Juggernaut, that means he's doing little more than walking with a brisk, unstoppable stride. He does at least do the right thing... though it's largely self-serving. He doesn't leave a trail of destruction in his wake.
Michael Hannigan As the SUV stops, the Phantasm's priorities adjust and yet still stay the same.

Keep people from shooting. So of the robbers, the one who is just straight up shooting at nothing gets his attention.

Target locked.

Leaping off the roof, Phantasm takes pursuit. As he's not dealing with the shock the gunman might be doing and general dream physics being a boon, catching up is a matter of a large leap and landing in front. The general strength concentrated into the crook of the unseen arm for the clothesline finishes the move.
Damian Wayne As Talia lays down the law, for a moment it looks like Damian is totally going to argue with her on it. He's fine, he'll be fine and there's no need to fuss over it. Then she's threatening nerve pinches and things that would probably embarass him and his cheeks puff and he blows out a breath in a /huff/.

"Fine." he grouses to allow his mother to tend to his injury for now. A slight sulk, only made better when she promises he can drive.
Elektra Natchios There is no way in hell that Elektra will try to take on Juggernaut. Her recklessness only goes so far? Not that it stops her from turning her bike over, sharp angle as she veers towards where the fleeing men are going to. For a moment it seems as if she will ride INTO Juggernaut but turns her bike away to go around him and towards those three little morsels.

Closing in she twists the bike around, a wheelie with the back tire that hits one on the torso, sending him flying against the other two, sending them tumbling over.

"You boys going somewhere and didn't invite me?" She tells them, tires screeching as she finally brings the bike to a stop. She hops off when one of them attempts to hit her and a punch to the sternum clearly takes the will to fight out of the group who surrender.

Probably a good move, meaning they don't get beat up by the ex-assassin. Maybe she's getting soft.
Steve Rogers The sounds of sirens indicate that New York City's finest are enroute and close at hand, no doubt alerted by the bank's alarm once the gunmen left, and by the meter maid calling in the incident.

Phantasm downs the last man from the SUV, leaving him groaning on the sidewalk after that clothesline. Cap comes by to gather the man up along with the driver who was lightly concussed by his head thumping the back of the car after the garbage can lid took him off his feet.

"Thank you for your help," Steve tells Phantasm. He also waves up to Megan as she flies off. "I can take those for you," he offers of the weaponry, slinging them over a brawny shoulder to be out of the way.

He looks about, no sign of Juggernaut by the time that is taken care of. Up the street though he can see where Elektra is standing over the other downed men. "Looks like they picked the wrong bank to rob today," he says with a grin to Phantasm before jogging over to check on Elektra and gather up the other robbers.
Michael Hannigan Phantasm fades into view, less raven form and more a figure of shadow. The firearms collected come into view and are offered over to Steve. "It does look like that." Phantasm agrees. Once the weapons are secured and it appears that Cap has the rest of the scene in order, the figure hops up, takes the form of a raven and flies off.

Time to get more coffee.