Owner Pose
Michael Hannigan Saturday mornings are a fantastic time. Most people working the basic 9 to 5 are off work and getting started on doing the things they want to do. And for most of those people the thing they want to do is sleep in. Which is what leads to this particular hallway of City Spire Condominiums to be rather quiet.

Mike is not most people. Nor does he work a traditional job but he does have a schedule. And today's schedule has him about ready to run errands. Empty bookbag upon his shoulders, the dressed down musician turned actor steps out and clunks the door shut. Turning around. He tests the door to make sure it's properly locked.
Bruce Banner Bruce Banner tends to limit his social interactions with the world. It's just better that way. People can be volatile, unpredictable. Bruce does better with routine, calm, control. He picks his battles, so to speak, although he had been venturing out more lately. But he's also felt some other things slipping a bit. He doesn't like feeling that way.

So he's come seeking his cousin Jennifer, a wise counselor if ever there was one, more level headed than he and with a unique perspective. But she's not home. He should've called ahead - do people still do that? Text. He should have texted. Instead, he'd just gotten on a train on impulse and now he's left at her door. Then he hears the keys in Michael's lock and steps over to look and sees Michael.

"Oh. Hello, Michael."
Michael Hannigan Hearing his name, Mike turns his head to the familiar voice. Noting the non-neighbor at present, he smiles.

"Hey Doctor Banner." Mike greets, glancing to the door as he sets his keys back in pocket. The door's properly locked after all. "How're you doing today? Visiting Jen?"
Bruce Banner Bruce Banner nods, "I'd intended as much, but it seems I should've anticipated her busy schedule," he says. "My own fault for being impulsive. In fact, the very reason why I am rarely impulsive."

"We haven't crossed paths in a while. How are things with your...what you do," he says. "Something SWORD related, if I recall? My memories can be scattered at times. The unfortunate side effects of a split personality."
Michael Hannigan "We do have a lot of busy people living in this building it seems. I mean I'm bouncing around so much I have a manager to help me ensure that I'm not going overboard. But- I'm assuming she'll be back soon enough. If you'd like you could hang out in my place and wait a few to give her a chance to reply."

Mike blinks to the mention of SWORD. And with the word he tries to put some potential context to it. "...Do you mean the sword fight scene in Count of Monte Cristo?"
Bruce Banner Bruce Banner considers for a moment, "That was probably top secret. Don't worry about it.. I do that sometimes."

"Hang out? Were you coming home or leaving? I wouldn't be comfortable left alone in your home. I know we had our...swapping incident, but we're not so intimate as that," he says.

"I do like the Count of Monte Cristo, but if I'm going with swordplay, I prefer the old Disney Zorro. Or the Princess Bride."
Michael Hannigan Mike pauses for a moment to the response before replying. "Alright then. I'm going to say that you did mean the sword fight scene." He gives a wink, indicating he's not going to push at the comment while pulling out his keys. "Well, that thing I said about having a manager to ensure I'm not being overboard-" Mike turns back to the door, "That also means having the free time today to be a little bit random. We can hang out together while you get an answer from your cousin. Get a cup of tea in or something."
Bruce Banner Bruce Banner considers. Going back to his own place on the drop of a dime, after planning to be out all day, is not ideal. "Maybe at least while I found out what Jen's schedule is. I should text her," he says. "But...I admit, tea would be good. What kinds do you have? I tend to prefer more Asian style teas than British, although Sleepytime is always nice. But I do not want to get sleepy at the moment," he says.

"What have you been working on?"
Michael Hannigan Mike glances up as he tries to list them. "Chamomile, Green, Peppermint, Honey Lavender, A few custom blends from Nettie's tea shop which are good for sleep..." He pauses, working to unlock the door "...There's one more but it's slipping my mind at the moment."

Lock undone, Mike opens the door, waving the doctor in. "Well, with the movie released, I do have a few occasional interviews scheduled for the international releases but otherwise, there's an album I'm working on finishing up and then after that, I'll probably be touring."

The door upon open reveals a condo that may not seem large to someone outside of New York City, but considering the view from the window across the way, it is reasonably generous. A studio layout but with two loft beds creating plenty of floor space for other belongings, a sofa, a tv, and a small table in the kitchen area up against the wall next to some colorful wooden artwork hanging on the walls. The chairs for the table appear to be missing.
Bruce Banner Bruce Banner nods, "Green should suit me just fine," he says.

He looks about the space, in a general sense. He hasn't had a regular apartment in years. He has a place in Avengers headquarters, but it's more utilitarian, a little spare. Simple. Simple is good, at least for the outside world. He has enough chaos in his head.

"Oh yes, you're some sort of entertainer. I'm sorry, I don't keep up with movies or TV very well. Most of what I know of is stuff I remember from when I was younger," he says. He looks out the window, seeing the view of the park. "This is a nice view."
Michael Hannigan "That's perfectly fine." Mike replies as Bruce admits that he doesn't keep track of movies or tv that well. Moving to the wall near the table he tugs off one of the pieces of artwork and with a quick shifting motion it becomes a colorful chair. "Everyone's got something they don't keep up with or weren't exposed to. Although the rooms mom cleaned did have TVs in them, I spent more of my childhood reading than watching stuff. Hell, the first time I paid for cable was when I moved here. So I'm kind of playing catchup with older shows." He sets it down and moves to the other side, grabbing another one to do the same.

The comment about the view gets a nod as Mike moves further into the kitchen area. "It is a great view." Mike agrees. "When the weather's not being cooperative enough to actually walk down there, I tend to appreciate that view even more."

There's the sound of a kettle being set upon the stove before burner is clicked on. "Might take a few for the water to heat up." Mike announces. "But if Jen shows up before then, we can make it one to go instead."
Bruce Banner Bruce Banner is on his phone, sending his cousin a text to see when she might be coming home. "My father didn't believe in television and movies. Or the radio. He was paranoid about all forms of radiation, even the commonly used frequencies we utilize for simple communication. Certain that the whole human race would begin to mutate," he says. "I'm sure he'd feel vindicated by the modern world, with mutants a rising tide in the world. But he'd also be terribly full of hate and fear. He always was," he says.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to overshare," he says. "I like walks. I used to take them more, but I get recognized now."
Michael Hannigan Mike is quiet as Bruce explains the nature of his father. But he assumes the pause was noticable as he hears Banner start to apologize. Brow lifting, Mike shakes his head. "...Don't be sorry." Mike replies, "I don't know, if you gleaned anything when you woke up here as me but...I think we might have a few things in common. Just, different packaging."

Reaching over a cabinet door Mike tugs it open. The familiar rattling sound of an orange bottle fills the mostly quiet studio as it tumbles out. Door released, Mike reaches his free hand out to catch the bottle before it falls entirely to the counter. Righting it, he sets it back inside before tugging out a tea tin. That gets set on the counter before he moves to another cabinet.

"If you need help with finding an outfit that helps minimize being recognized, let me know. I'm not always successful but I have dodged paparazzi from time to time by just... removing the context from my style."
Bruce Banner Bruce Banner considers, "I feel silly wearing a disguise. Also, dishonest. I am a danger, after all. Am I putting others at risk by hiding who I am? Shouldn't they know there's a monster walking among them? I think it's kept me safe sometimes. Nobody wants to mug the Hulk," he says.

He takes a seat, taking off his coat. He's wearing a simple white dress shirt, bow tie, grey slacks, simple Oxford shoes. "If we have that in common, I'm sorry. The damages our parents can do cast ripples down through our lives. No one's a better testament to that than me," he says.
Michael Hannigan Mike considers the attire on display. "I wasn't meaning, hide your face or anything of that nature. Just maybe for you... when you want a quiet moment, dress more casually. Wear jeans. Tennis shoes. Maybe a T-shirt. You're still you but just... off duty."

The performer pulls out a couple of mugs and sets them down on the counter. The comment to the parents gets a nod as he glances to the cups. "In my case it was less parents and more an entire neighborhood."

The tin lid pops off, revealing an assortment of tea packets. Fingertips run along them before pulling out two packets of varying shades of green. "It took awhile to realize I wasn't the problem. Hard to do when outnumbered."

Pale eyes glance up, looking back over to Bruce, "For what it's worth. I don't think you're a monster. You got a raw deal."