Owner Pose
Dinah Lance Test one has been completed for evaluating Helena for the Birds of Prey. Test two is ... the social test. How well can she blend in while socializing? Especially with someone who coated her in chocolate and glitter...

~Hey, Huntress. If you're up for pizza--my treat--reply with "I feel like a pizza!"~

That's the message that came over Helena's phone. Chortling as she typed it, Dinah showed the message to John in her apartment, grinning stupidly. "This should cheer her up. She's a bit upset at me for the chocolate sauce and glitter bombs."

Resting against John's shoulder, legs up at the end of her couch, she presses send...
Helena Bertinelli It was Winter Break. No classes, no papers to grade for almost three weeks. It was a good time of year. She was just about to pour herself a late night glass of wine and sit by a warm fire with a non-school related book of her own chosing. That was when the message pinged her phone. Still not entirely used to it, the chime is jarring in the otherwise silent apartment. She looks at the message and smirks as she replies,

<<I want alcohol. But I'll take free pizza.>>

It's as close to the hoops Dinah is trying to make her jump through as she's going to come.
John Stewart "I'd be upset too about my clothes being splattered if I couldn't just whisk it away with my ring." John tells Dinah dryly as he glances at the message.

He doesn't come around here often, what with Dinah's need for a little bit of privacy in comparison to his own public identity... but that doesn't mean he can't be sneaky about visiting.

Nonetheless, from his position sitting on the couch and reading a tablet PC of his own, his other hand is casually sitting around her waist as she rests against him. It's a normal night for the couple really. John has always been a bit possessive and affectionate with Dinah, and that arm around her is no different in 'tone'.

He leans in then and kisses the side of her neck, "I thought we were staying in tonight? Unless this is some group thing?" John inquires against her neck.
Dinah Lance "Oh, this is a Birds of Prey thing. She's a prospect and I think a bloody good one. I tested her on traps and patience. Now it's time for the social test. SURPRISE SOCIAL! See how well she copes."

Dinah reaches back to caress John's cheek. "Just a pizza. We'll be back here. But it does mean me going in costume. She doesn't know about the mild-mannered flower seller."

The reply comes back.

"Dammit! She didn't say it right. She was supposed to say 'I feel like a pizza' to which I'd respond 'you don't look like one'! Oh well. Time to get into the fishnets and out to Angelo's."

And with that, Dinah transforms, through the magic of grunting and struggling into too-tight clothing, the Black Canary!

"I'm going to ask Mom sometime," she mutters, "why fishnets?"

"You riding with, or flying?"

Protip: the body language says ... she wants the riding with. Probably something to do with the new bike she keeps not shutting up about.

While waiting for the reply, Helena gets the address of Angelo's in her SMS.
Helena Bertinelli Helena Bertinelli gets the address and replies one last time,

<<This place doesn't make a deal about Cosplayers showing up? Not exactly on GCPD's Christmas Card list.>>

Just the same, she's moving to the closet with the false back. Opening it, she sets about becoming Huntress. There is a pause for a long drink from the glass of wine. Because there is no sense wasting it.
John Stewart "This is your show. I'm just observing." John informs her as she stands up and starts getting into her costume... and John makes no attempt to disguise his ogling of her as she gets dressed, "probably because fishnets look hot on you, and you're already gorgeous." John informs her with a hint of amusement as he stands up himself and starts to head for the door. "but I'm just a man appreciating my woman." That last comment more than a hint of flirting to it as he opens the door and waits.

"Taking my hybrid, or yours?" John asks, seriousness coming to his tone now.
Dinah Lance "Mine. I'm still getting used to the Duke..." Her pet name for the Ducati she was gifted. "...and it's time for testing him under load."

She pauses.

"Wear ear plugs."

Winking, then, she headed off down to her cramped Canary Cave (oh GOD when that new one got built she'll be in better shape!) and, John on the back, she set out for Brooklyn like a maniac.

At the pizza parlour, the usual crowd of cape-watchers was there. Many in costume. There were Canaries. A Rave. A few bats. And a forlorn Superman who ... just ... didn't suit the costume he wore. They let up a cheer as Canary pulled up, with a lot of people gawking curiously at the man Canary arrived with.

"Is he a superhero?" the whispers went up and down the crowd as Canary, at John's side, entered the restaurant and claimed the booth reserved by management for any of the spandex brigade who happened to come.

It's good business sense. The occasional cape showing up caused all the watchers to come almost daily.

"So, she's in purple. She's called Huntress. And she's a bit ... ah ... intense. Nice enough, though. And she seems pretty good in a fight. I'll have to patrol with her sometime too, but I think she'll be a worthy Birds asset."
Helena Bertinelli No response to the reception showing up as a vigilante will garner. Great.

Expecting the worst, Huntress makes her way to the small alley access storage unit that happens to store her own bike, only ever used for this line of activity. In moments she is on the road, making her own way to this pizza place.

On arrival it, clearly, is not what she expected. Way too... what's the word? Commercialized. Yes. This isn't going to be a favorite hangout for her, she has already concluded. But who knows? Maybe that will change.
Making her way inside, she looks around for Canary.
John Stewart Yes, his identity is public... but that doesn't mean he can't be low key. As they drive up to the place, his trenchcoat and sunglasses obscure him more than enough that people can't get a solid read on his identity. As they pull up, John whispers into Dinah's ear, "As much as I don't mind being seen with you... if you're gonna keep the ID secret, it would be best if I didn't go to places where they're obsessed with 'heroes' from now on." John then playfully bites an earlobe as he park.

"Unless you want me known as your boyfriend." He teases, before he stands up and -for once- puts both hands inside his trenchcoat pockets: No arm around Dinah this time with so many people around.

Dinah can tell John is a bit on the frustrated side over that, but he makes no word of complaint.

As they sit though, his arm snakes around her waist under the table secretively, "I can handle intense." John tells her smoothly.
Dinah Lance Canary looks up as the server approaches, then past. "Oh, hey, Huntress!" she calls out, standing up briefly. "Over here. This is the capes table. Restaurant policy!"

As Huntress approaches, she starts with the introductions. "John, this is Huntress. She's in my line of work. Huntress, this is John."

Then, in full earshot of a dozen fans and the server, she adds, in a bell-clear voice, "My boyfriend."

There. That oughta get that 'Internet' thing buzzing. With the Facegram and Instabook or whatever flooding with pictures as every phone in the place practically leaps out to take pictures.

"Asked and answered," she murmurs to John as she sits down next to him.

"What're you having, Huntress?" she asks. "My treat."

By which she means, of course, John's treat. But she's nice enough not to say it out loud. Payment comes afterward.
Helena Bertinelli Huntress makes her way to the table. And then Canary is making introductions and laying claims at the same time so that the whole place is no notice. How could they not be after that?

Dropping into a chair that lets her view the room, she shrugs, "I'm a simple girl. Pepperoni, banana peppers and anchovi for me thanks. And a rootbeer."

Because she's not going to get caught on camera in public drinking. It's bad enough keeping a positive profile as a vigilante.
John Stewart Well, he's not shy about it at least.... but he does turn his head just so, so the flashing cameras don't blind him. "Wonderful."

It's not a gripe... at least, his tone doesn't suggest it, but there is a bit of resignation to it.

"I've heard a few things about you." John tells Huntress, "Not bad for someone who likes using crossbows. Why crossbows, if I may ask?" John inquires, casually.
Dinah Lance Taking down the orders as quickly as they come, the server, who's become accustomed to the shenanigans whenever capes are present, nods quickly and scurries off to get the pizzas prepared. Canary watches with approval before turning her attention to Huntress.

"Root beer?" she asks. "Really?" Her own order was beer. The grain kind. "You're not a teetotaller are you?"

She then settles down to listen to the answers to the questions.

"Oh, and thanks for coming," she blurts out before Huntress can answer. "I know it was short notice."

That was part of the test. But that's not spoken.
Helena Bertinelli Helena Bertinelli looks to Canary, "Only when I'm out in public. Of which this is the first time" she says dryly.

She shrugs, "It's fine. I didn't have any other plans." The conversation certainly feels like it is getting off on a rocky footing. She looks over to John, "Sorry. Not trying to be socially awkward." She offers a sincere smile, "It's nice to meet you John."

A glance to Canary then back to him, "She cover you in glitter and chocoate syrup too? Or does she just save that for the girls in her life?"
John Stewart "Honestly, probably means she likes you. We get into other stuff." A brief pause, "pudding comes to mind a bit."

Somehow, John manages to say that with a completely straight face.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she started throwing cupcakes at you eventually."
Dinah Lance "John!"

There's that spark of temper that Canary shows from time to time. Usually pointed at perps, but sometimes at friends. Though this spark is also mixed with a snort of amusement and a vary badly concealed smile.

"I was evaluating her. I set up a bunch of traps. I didn't want to actually hurt her, so the traps were non-lethal."

Canary's eyes swivel Huntress' way. "Though now that I know her a bit better, I think she'd rather have had punji sticks going through her than the double-bomb of chocolate sauce and glitter that got to her in the end."

Canary then sits up straighter, more assertively. "And that wasn't my fault. She only had to trigger one bomb. But she didn't know which one to trigger, so instead of asking she triggered both and rescued both flowers."


"Which was actually very impressive. But it got her doused in chocolate sauce and glitter."
Helena Bertinelli Huntress looks to Canary, "Got me? I took the hit and I saved your plants. Both of them. Sometimes that's what it takes."

"Pudding or no pudding" she adds casually just as her soda arrives. She takes a sip from it and sighs at the various smart phones snapping pictures of the trio at the table.

Setting her drink down and looks at John, "So we're out in public at a general place of business. But only two of us are wearing masks.. " she huh's to herself. It isn't exactly a question. It could be answered or simply acknowledged and she would probably be just as satisfied.
Dinah Lance "What? You think we only date in the scene when in the scene?" Canary smiles mysteriously. "Do you realize how many ego-fuelled guys there are in the scene? Spread your nets wider, Huntress. No matter which way fuels the fires. The civvy scene has lots to offer. I mean Mom was the first Canary, but Dad was just a cop, later a private detective."

She's not saying John is civvy, nor is she not not saying John is civvy. It's not her choice to reveal. But she can misdirect at need.

Then she redirects.

"Pudding is better. Lemon in particular."

And that's when the pizza comes so she doesn't have to expand on it, given she has personally three of them to go through, over and above what the other two are eating.

"Yeah, I know this makes me look like a pig, but ... the Cry takes a LOT of energy out of me. I've gotta refuel or it goes away."
John Stewart "I don't hide who I am. It's out of respect for her that I keep myself low key." John informs Helena. "Also helps that my job is mostly indoors, and that my job is much easier when I can visualize without need for computers." There's a pause as he frowns, then comtinues, "No offense to technology here, but the holograms are first gen stuff and their sculpting programs are terrible."

Then, he looks to Dinah, "You tease me enough, turnabout is fair play." John teases right back before he looks to Helena, "I don't speak for anyone but myself, but ego is part of anyone. For me, I do what I do to improve the galaxy. I see both the Architect and the Corps work I do as just extensions of that."
Helena Bertinelli Huntress looks to the group of pizzas just for Dinah. "Whoa" is all she says. "You do you, Bird Lady." Not judging. Not judging at all!

A clueless look follows an initial expression of empathy over not hiding but keeping a low profile. Then things get weird and her expression reflects her lack of understanding. "Wait. What? Holograms? Corps?" She is pretty sure that isn't the Marines.
Dinah Lance "John was in the Marines," Canary says with a grin. "Was pretty good at the job. So good that he later got picked up by another Corps called the Lantern Corps."

There's a certain amount of pride oozing from her voice at that. Reflected glory and all that.

"So yeah, my boyfriend is a star cop," she adds. "Apples don't fall far, do they? Mom married a cop, and I'm dating one."

Slightly different scales, mind...
John Stewart "Marines, then the Green Lanterns." John confirms, "I was long gone from the marines by the time the ring picked me, though." John shrugs, "they had me pegged from a young age. They recruited me during the Brood invasion while I was doing work with an aerospace company."
Helena Bertinelli Huntress looks to Dinah a bit oddly then back to John. "Ahh. Okay. So literally Green Men. Got it" she says with a slight grin. "Well above my pay grade. I'm just a Gotham Girl. Won't ever need anything more than that. Plenty to do there and always will be." It's Gotham after all.

She stops talking and goes for a bite of her pizza.
Dinah Lance "Hey, I'm a Gotham Girl myself, Huntress. It's where I mostly work. Just the Justice League picked me out for reasons I still mostly don't understand, especially since I hardly ever do things with them anyway."

She stacks three slices of pizza into a wobbling mess which, using a grace born of seemingly years of practice, she manages to get into her mouth enough to tear out a large bite, chewing thoroughly and swallowing before continuing.

"But yeah, Gotham and a bit of Brooklyn is my beat most of the times. As you said, plenty to do." Pause. "Brooklyn because of this place, to be honest. I just like the pizza."

Side-eying John, she elbows him in the ribs. "He's being too modest. It's hard to drag things out of him, but he's got lots to be proud of. Not even just his service as a Lantern."


"Like his killer taste in girlfriend. Best taste ever shown, right?"
Helena Bertinelli Huntress laughs lightly but doesn't comment on it. She's got food on her mind more than anything. It is good pizza they make here. She spares a glance around the room and immediately wishes she hadn't, given the number of gawkers that seem to be watching their table.
Dinah Lance "You get used to the fan club," Canary says dryly to Huntress. "I view it as a kind of necessary part of the job so we don't wind up like that poor Spider guy who can't ever seem to catch a break. Almost as if he's haunted, the poor thing."

The rest of the slice disappears with practiced efficiency.

"Also some of the people are really sweet. They do so much for you and all they want is a selfie or an autograph. It makes up for the weirdos and kooks who think they're your spirit partner or whatnot."