Owner Pose
Tara Tsabedze With everything that had been going on in Manhattan, Tara had been spreading herself out between helping at Grand Central Station and maintaining her three days a week as the nurse at Happy Harbor. Although it was after hours, the students all home or in the dorms, she sat at her desk performing the arduous task of taking the written reports on students who came to the nurses station and entering them into the computer. Given the claws on her hands in place of nails, it was far easier for her to write than to type, but the information still had to make it into the computer.
J'onn J'onzz     As he walks through the halls of Happy Harbor, J'onn is lightly scanning the area as he often does, just enough to detect if someone is there, but not enough to invade privacy. He mainly is looking to make sure none of the various refugees from Manhattan have decided to break into the school. He detects a mind in the nurse's office, so heads that way. It feels like a mind that has been there before, so he's not too worried, but it's late and worth checking.

    When he gets to the door and steps inside, he sees Tara at the computer and the mystery is solved. "Working a bit late tonight, I see. If you have a few minutes, we've never actually been introduced." He moves over to her, extending his hand to shake. "J'onn J'onzz, I'm one of the teachers." Given that he doesn't bother disguising himself as a human when he's at school, this probably isn't new information to Tara, but it's polite, anyway.
Tara Tsabedze The footsteps give the Martian away, Tara's right ear turning toward the door just a few moments before he steps inside. She had seen him around the school of course, much like herself with the feline features and fur, it was hard to miss the large green man. She had never really thought to pry into why he was teaching at a high school, given his involvement with the Justice League, in the long run it really didn't matter, he was a good man to do so.

Standing up to accept the offered hand carefully, the claws interfering with this sort of thing as well, she offers a gentle shake. "K'tara Tsabedze, school nurse," she offers in return, a smile on her face at getting to officially meet him, and an East African accent to her tone. "Most people call me Tara, which is perfectly acceptable. The reports," she indicates the papers. "Need to be put into the computer, this is not my area of expertise."
J'onn J'onzz     After shaking hands, J'onn looks over at the computer then nods. "I have seen you around, but we've simply not run into each other to do introductions." He looks over to another chair, which obediently rolls over to him so that he can sit down. "So, what brought you to Happy Harbor? Do you know one or more of the students?"

    Glancing over at the computer, he also asks, "Would you mind if I took care of them for you, or do you prefer to do it yourself? I can see you can do it, but it's not exactly a keyboard that fits you well."
Tara Tsabedze Tara's golden feline eyes widen slightly at the offer. It's likely she could have left them for the other nurse that comes in, or arranged for someone to do it, but it never occurred to her to do either of those things. His offer however, brought a smile to her face and she nods. "I would very much appreciate that," she replies softly, stepping away from the computer so he can get to it.

"I can do it, it just takes me a lot longer than normal fingered individuals," she then adds with a soft chuckle. "When I first arrived to New York, I was looking for an occupation to earn my own way. My tribe feel obligated to support me, but I wanted to make the attempt to support myself. In my search, I found that my healing abilities were the one thing I could offer that was in demand. I started searching for positions that would accept that although I have no official medical training, such as Doctors, and nurses, my magical talents supersede that education, and I found an ad from Ms. MacIntyre for Happy Harbor."
J'onn J'onzz     J'onn rolls himself over to the computer and looks at the pile of reports. As he places his hands on the keyboard, the papers float into the air in front of him. His fingers become a blur over the keyboard as the front report returns to the desk, brining the next into view. In a matter of seconds the reports have all been entered.

    He turns away from the computer to face Tara again with a slight smile, "It took me a little while to learn what speed the computers could handle before locking up for too much being entered at once." He gestures to the computer, "If you like, I can see about getting you a custom keyboard that wouldn't make things as difficult. I know a number of people who could whip something up."
Tara Tsabedze Tara stares, she doesn't mean to, but she does. The papers floating can be explained as telekinesis, but the hands blurring over the keyboard? That poor keyboard. First it was stabbed repeatedly by her claws, and now it was blurred by hands moving far too fast. When she realizes she's staring, her cheeks flush a darker shade of black and she looks away. The wall becomes very entertaining.

"I would not want to be a bother," she offers to the wall, in answer to his comment. "I have tried many kinds of keyboards, in the end they end up pierced as the plastic weakens more and more. I would not mind one that did not break however," she finally looks back to him, now that he's not blurring. "Would it be to much? I mean right now is clearly a bad time, given the heavenly host and all, but should be all survive the end of the universe, it would be nice to have a keyboard that I can type on."
J'onn J'onzz     J'onn nods, "Certainly, should we all survive, I believe I know exactly who to talk to about it. I'm certain we can come up with something that will stand up to your claws and also has larger keys. You make have to get used to it since it will be larger, so you may not be able to reach all the keys using standard typing skills."

    "On the matter of your joining the school, it's always good to have a healer around, even if you are not a licensed doctor or nurse. You can probably do more to help the kids than one of them could do, depending on the situation."
Tara Tsabedze Walking over to the little counter behind the desk, Tara turns on the electric kettle there to start making some hot water. She had intended to make tea and type for next few hours, however the typing part was taken care of thanks to J'onn, the tea part still needed to happen.

"I have studied the human body in detail," she offers as she prepares two cups and the small tea pot with the loose leaf tea. "I merely have never gone to a university. I spent twenty years learning how the body is put together, how it functions, the organs, skeleton, muscles, I wanted to ensure that when I did heal, I did it correctly."

With the water now getting hot she looks back to him. "There was one student, a young Jedi," a slight smile plays at the corners of her mouth and her tail flicks. "She broke her arm attempting some trick with a tree. She was overly concerned how her mother would react, given that her mother seems to be very over protective of her. I reset and healed the arm, with no indications of the break ever happening, and entered the report in the computer. I suppose I should have made an effort to inform the girl's mother, but..." she shrugs lightly. "It was my second day here."
J'onn J'onzz     With a chuckle, J'onn says "And that is just what I meant. A nurse or doctor could only have set it and put a cast on, instead of the whole thing being fixed the same day. As for the mother, I suppose it's alright since it was a relatively minor incident, not like she got in a fight and got injured. I imagine the pain of breaking her arm will have taught her to be more careful in the future."

    He takes the offered teacup and makes himself a cup of tea. "It's good to know that we have someone who can take care of things if somehow a student does get badly wounded. It shouldn't happen, but with the different powers walking the halls with young minds behind them, you can never be sure. A pyrokinetic teen still has all the peer pressure and possible bullying as normal one does, but the normal one can't set a bully on fire."
Tara Tsabedze Tara's tea gets cream, real cream, not that imitation creamer stuff... feline, cream, go figure.

"That is something I was not prepared for," she admits, stirring her tea then moving to slide the other chair over to sit in, so he still has one as well.

"I did not understand the concept of 'bullies' until I started working here," she continues. "Yes, I knew that there were people who pushed others around, but the concept of a bully in schools, that was new to me. I find myself very much disliking it, and have been considering offering to do a presentation on the effects of bullying from both the bully's perspective, as well as the one being bullied, but I was not certain it would do any good."

A small sip of the tea is taken. "It might be obvious at this point, but I did not grow up in this part of the world. Thankfully there is another advantage to my presence at the school. Even when I am not here, if I am called I can be here through the shadows in a matter of seconds. Far more quickly that EMTs or a trip to the hospital."
J'onn J'onzz     "As for bullies, we try to shut that sort of behavior down as quickly as possible due to so many here having powers. It is much more dangerous than a normal high school, not only for the bullied, but also for the bully and any innocent bystanders in the area. It's just not a good idea to let that behavior continue. We're trying to teach our students to be a positive influence on the world, or at the very least, to not be dangerous to others."

    He nods, saying "I can also be called here very quickly, so it's good to know that a healer can get here. If need be I can have someone at the hospital in seconds, but it's better to just have them healed that quickly."
Tara Tsabedze Adjusting herself in the chair, Tara is grateful for the open back of these rolling office chairs. It gives her tail a place to be, and it needed that place to flick as she watched him. Curiosity killed the cat, which is why she isn't asking, but there are a number of questions that race through her mind that she could ask.

"My phone number is available through the teacher's weekly report," she offers. "I have been trying to program my phone to give each teacher a ring tone or specific text message tone, but the emergency 'get her now' number is different, that phone just vibrates and rings, I check it an teleport."

Taking a small sip of the tea, her tail swishes a big broadly behind her. "How did you learn so much about bullies?" she finally asks, because the concept of them is still new and she'd like to know more so she can help stop bullying from being a thing.
J'onn J'onzz J'onn takes a sip of his tea and shrugs, "I've been studying the human race for quite some time, in many countries. That sort of thing just comes along with all the other information while I was learning. The humans.. They have greatness in them, but darkness as well. I had to learn as much as I could about them if I was going to live among them."

    He picks up the cream and add just a bit to his tea, then sips again. "If it is impolite to ask I apologize, but are you a mutant, or do you get your powers elsewhere?"
Tara Tsabedze And there it was. The question causes Tara to smile rather broadly as it is one she has heard hundreds of times in her life outside the tribe. Some might consider it rude or impolite to be asked such a thing, but to her, she believed the question to come from curiosity and how could she, of all people, think of that in a negative way?

"I do not find it impolite to ask," she offers first, just to make sure he's more comfortable with having asked. "I have been asked many times that very question, though with different words of course."

Another sip of her tea is taken and she sets the cup on the desk. "I am not a mutant. I was born as you see me now, yes, but my nature is magical. The most direct way to answer is to say that I am the living avatar of the goddess Bast, born to serve her, my tribe and this world."
J'onn J'onzz     J'onn nods, "That is certainly an honorable thing. I have had contact with others attached to gods, and a few of the gods themselves. It can be a murky area at times, figuring out what is or is not an actual god. I've come to just not worry too much about it unless the being in question is causing troubles that my comrades and I have to deal with. I am not terribly spiritual myself, but I would also never tell someone that they should not be."

    He takes another sip from his teacup, then pauses, tilting his head slightly. "Oh dear. I hate to cut this short, but I am needed. It was good meeting you K'tara, I am sure we will speak again soon." He puts down the teacup, stands and goes straight up, phasing right through the ceiling.
Tara Tsabedze "The concept of religion, gods, goddess, who follows whom, it is all quite complex and often even /I/ am confused by it all," Tara offers with a soft chuckle. "I do not force my beliefs or what I know as fact on others, I never have and I never will. Everyone in the universe is permitted to believe as they wish, and I will /not/ be one to force anything on them."

As he stands, she takes that moment to rise as well, getting to say, "If you ever have need a healer, for any thing or a even just your friends, please feel free to call me." And then he goes through the ceiling and she is left standing there, tail flicking behind her in a wild pattern, staring at the ceiling with a 'what the hell' expression on her face.