James Proudstar scheduled,
On 2022-07-08 at 2022-07-08:00:30:00
Yukon AIM

The Professor maintains connections of various natures throughout the intelligence community and when reports come across his desk of electronic chatter out of the far north, a possible secret facility with ties to weapon plus he calls the guy he trusts with the darkest of ops. Warpath heads north but after reporting in that it was actually an AIM facility, which looked decimated by a Hulk level force, they lost contact. It's been three days and that's when they send in the cavalry. So, Charles asks X-Force to go take a look, find out what happened to Jim and what became of the base. Who X-Force & Friends Danger Level Anything capable of taking Warpath out of the picture should not be underestimated OOC Note: One of a collection of events, a sequel is planned and ancillary plots of varying connectedness will follow depending on interest.