Wade Wilson scheduled,
On 2022-07-08 at 2022-07-08:23:15:00

chrPITCH:c/ The final culmination and defeat of the local Project AG2 facilities. Answers will be found. Some questions will be exposed. The big bad will hopefully be turned into a smoothie. Let's do it! chrTHREAT LEVEL:c/ Boss music is almost necessary. Bring you big guns. Big powers. Pent up aggressions. All of it. The title says it all. chrSLOTS:c/ 7 (It's possible we pick up a straggler/possible recruit in the process.) chrOOC NOTES:c/ Big finale of X-Force inaugural mission. After this, it's completely official and more will likely come. Let's go out and have some fun with property destruction and excessive violence!