Erik Lensherr scheduled,
On 2022-12-04 at 2022-12-04:00:00:00
A TIME TO ... Lose

c+xterm0.c/ c#00BBFFAc/ c#52D1AATc/c#7BDD7FIc/c#A4E855Mc/c#CDF32AEc/ c#CDF32ATc/c#A4E855Oc/ c#52D1AA.c/c#29C6D4.c/c#01BBFF.c/ c+xterm75Episode Ic/c+xterm11:c/ c+xterm75"c/c+xterm11Losec/c+xterm75"c/ c+xterm75SYNOPSISc/c+xterm11:c/ The X-Men are deployed to investigate the mutant community of c+xterm11Nikashibetsuc/ off the northern coast of Hokkaido after it goes suddenly quiet. What strange forces have rendered a vibrant community of 150 mutants silent? c+xterm75LOCATIONc/c+xterm11:c/ Nikashibesu, Hokkaido, Japan c+xterm75DANGER LEVELc/c+xterm11:c/ High c+xterm75SLOTSc/c+xterm11:c/ 8 c+xterm75NOTESc/c+xterm11:c/ This is an event for the X-Men, and so preference goes to them. If there are spaces left, then it will be open to other mutant characters. c+xterm0.c/