Spiral scheduled,
On 2024-05-03 at 2024-05-03:23:00:00
Mutant Field Trip: Part 2

The edumacational field trip that Spiral intended has hit an interdimensional series of pot holes. What was to be a friendly abduction and coercion of Xavier's School of Gifted souls went off without a hitch, but enroute the group was beset by abominations hungry for violence and spectacle. The X-folk were able to fend off the demonic wolfpack and escape. The resulting crash landing into an unknown where and when, has stranded them, unless a nearby wasteland saloon can provide solutions fluid and favorable. In Spiral's turbulent mind, maybe there's something that still can be salvaged before consequences catch up. When life gives you lemons, ditch the dixie cups and reach for the Hard lemonaid. Field trip upgraded to Road Trip.