MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "xmlns:Foaf": "",
    "xmlns:Owl": "",
    "query": {
        "Actor_name": {
            "label": "Actor name",
            "key": "Actor_name"
        "Alignment": {
            "label": "Alignment",
            "key": "Alignment"
        "_PVAL": {
            "label": "Allows value",
            "key": "_PVAL"
        "Book_Authors": {
            "label": "Book Authors",
            "key": "Book_Authors"
        "Book_Date": {
            "label": "Book Date",
            "key": "Book_Date"
        "Book_Synopsis": {
            "label": "Book Synopsis",
            "key": "Book_Synopsis"
        "_CHGPRO": {
            "label": "Change propagation",
            "key": "_CHGPRO"
        "Char_id": {
            "label": "Char id",
            "key": "Char_id"
        "Character_Type": {
            "label": "Character Type",
            "key": "Character_Type"
        "Chartype": {
            "label": "Chartype",
            "key": "Chartype"
        "_CONV": {
            "label": "Corresponds to",
            "key": "_CONV"
        "_CDAT": {
            "label": "Creation date",
            "key": "_CDAT"
        "_PREC": {
            "label": "Display precision of",
            "key": "_PREC"
        "_DTITLE": {
            "label": "Display title of",
            "key": "_DTITLE"
        "_UNIT": {
            "label": "Display units",
            "key": "_UNIT"
        "_URI": {
            "label": "Equivalent URI",
            "key": "_URI"
        "Foaf:homepage": {
            "label": "Foaf:homepage",
            "key": "Foaf:homepage"
        "Foaf:knows": {
            "label": "Foaf:knows",
            "key": "Foaf:knows"
        "Foaf:name": {
            "label": "Foaf:name",
            "key": "Foaf:name"
        "Group": {
            "label": "Group",
            "key": "Group"
        "Has_default_form": {
            "label": "Has default form",
            "key": "Has_default_form"
        "_LIST": {
            "label": "Has fields",
            "key": "_LIST"
        "_ERRP": {
            "label": "Has improper value for",
            "key": "_ERRP"
        "_ERRC": {
            "label": "Has processing error",
            "key": "_ERRC"
        "_ERRT": {
            "label": "Has processing error text",
            "key": "_ERRT"
        "_ASK": {
            "label": "Has query",
            "key": "_ASK"
        "_TYPE": {
            "label": "Has type",
            "key": "_TYPE"
        "Hero_name": {
            "label": "Hero name",
            "key": "Hero_name"
        "Hometown": {
            "label": "Hometown",
            "key": "Hometown"
        "_IMPO": {
            "label": "Imported from",
            "key": "_IMPO"
        "_NEWP": {
            "label": "Is a new page",
            "key": "_NEWP"
        "_LCODE": {
            "label": "Language code",
            "key": "_LCODE"
        "_LEDT": {
            "label": "Last editor is",
            "key": "_LEDT"
        "Log_Characters": {
            "label": "Log Characters",
            "key": "Log_Characters"
        "Log_Date": {
            "label": "Log Date",
            "key": "Log_Date"
        "Log_Location": {
            "label": "Log Location",
            "key": "Log_Location"
        "Log_NPC_Characters": {
            "label": "Log NPC Characters",
            "key": "Log_NPC_Characters"
        "Log_Synopsis": {
            "label": "Log Synopsis",
            "key": "Log_Synopsis"
        "Log_Tinyplot": {
            "label": "Log Tinyplot",
            "key": "Log_Tinyplot"
        "_MDAT": {
            "label": "Modification date",
            "key": "_MDAT"
        "Music_Characters": {
            "label": "Music Characters",
            "key": "Music_Characters"
        "Music_Date": {
            "label": "Music Date",
            "key": "Music_Date"
        "Music_Genre": {
            "label": "Music Genre",
            "key": "Music_Genre"
        "Music_MainCredit": {
            "label": "Music MainCredit",
            "key": "Music_MainCredit"
        "Objid": {
            "label": "Objid",
            "key": "Objid"
        "Occupation": {
            "label": "Occupation",
            "key": "Occupation"
        "Owl:differentFrom": {
            "label": "Owl:differentFrom",
            "key": "Owl:differentFrom"
        "Plot_id": {
            "label": "Plot id",
            "key": "Plot_id"
        "_PPLB": {
            "label": "Preferred property label",
            "key": "_PPLB"
        "_PDESC": {
            "label": "Property description",
            "key": "_PDESC"
    "version": 2,
    "query-continue-offset": 50,
    "meta": {
        "limit": 50,
        "count": 50