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                "title": "Reagan Murphy",
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                        "*": "{{CharacterPage\n|NameOnMUSH=Reagan Murphy\n|banner name=Caprice\n|Char_id=3379\n|Img=\n|FullName=Reagan Murphy\n|Gender=Female\n|Superalias=Caprice\n|Species=Metahuman\n|Theme=Original\n|Chartype=OC\n|Occupation=Student\n|Citizenship=American\n|Residence=Happy Harbor\n|Education=High School Senior\n|Groups=[[Happy Harbor]]\n|Quote=Maybe it feels easier that way, just being invisible instead of always worrying what people\nthink of you. - Leigh Bardugo\n|PAge=18\n|AAge=18\n|DOB=04 April 2003\n|Height=5'6\"\n|Weight=115 lbs\n|Hair=Red\n|Eyes=Green\n|Actor=Sadie Sink\n|Song=\"How I Disappear\" by My Chemical Romance\n|Twitter=@Nothing2C\n|Profile=Reagan Murphy is a recent transplant from Chicago and a senior at Happy Harbor High School.\nOn the surface, she seems like a typical depressed and nerdy teen. She plays the cello and does some \nart and tries not to bother anybody. That she's also a programmed superassassin who can turn \ninvisible or change her appearance isn't known to pretty much anybody except her and her Aunt.\n|History=\n<span style=\"color:#009999\">'''Timeline:'''</span>\n<br>* 2003: Reagan is born in Chicago, Illinois. Her father, Ronald, was a schoolteacher while her\nmother, Emily, worked as a research scientist. All seemed poised for a happy and prosperous \nlife.<br>* 2010: Ronald becomes ill with an undiagnosable illness, growing weaker and thinner at a \nrapid pace. His skin changes texture, becoming almost transluscent. He dies after nearly a year of \ndecline and agony.<br>* 2013: Ten year old Reagan begins acting out. Running away from home, \nshoplifting, getting in fights. She doesn't run with a bad crowd - quite the opposite, she becomes \nvery isolated, very much a loner. Her absentee mother doesn't help matters. Finally, it seems that \nEmily realizes her daughter needs her help and Reagan is enrolled in both therapy and a drug program \nfor depression.<br>* 2016: Reagan goes through a period of illness. Some of her symptoms seem eerily \nsimilar to those shown by her father. Finally, one day, she simply disappears - not gone, but \ninvisible. Once this happens, her illness recedes and she discovers she has the power not only to \nmake herself invisible, but to use a light field to change her appearance however she desires.<br>* \n2018: After a period of adjustment, Reagan embraces her powers and begins to practice with them. Her \nmother begins homeschooling her, using a virtual reality tutoring system that's supposed to be \ncutting edge. Then Reagan discovers a secret file on her mother's computer and, in the process, \nuncovers nearly two decades of research for a secret stealth agent program - of which Reagan is the \nultimate result. A result now being programmed to do an assassin's work in the name of Hydra.<br>* \n2019: Reagan runs away. Her powers and the skills with which she has been implanted allow her to \nsurvive on her own. While she is away, she learns that her mother has been arrested and that some of \nher crimes have been exposed.<br>* 2021: Reagan has resettled on the east coast, living with an aunt \n(her father's sister, Bonnie). She's enrolled at Happy Harbor High School to finish her education.\n|Personality=\n<span style=\"color:#1f75FE\">'''Creative:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan is a creative person, with a passion for making things and a powerful imagination. She\ndoes crafting and writing, as well as playing the cello. She finds great value in her making and it \nis her safe place to lose herself in these passions.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#1f75FE\">'''Depressive:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan is prone to bouts of depression, wherein she wants to just sleep all day and not deal\nwith the world. This is even easier to do when you can become invisible. She takes medication, but, \neven on that medication, she can't always fight off the dark times and, when they take her, they can \nbe quite rough.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#1f75FE\">'''Geeky:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan has sort of the classic geek/nerd interests. She watches a lot of streaming shows, she\nwrites fanfic, she's into sci fi and fantasy, vampires and such. When someone can engage with her on \nthese interests, she opens up more and can be more relaxed and friendly.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#1f75FE\">'''Whatever:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan projects detachment and slight disdain for the world around her. She's been hurt enough\nthat she tries to be untouched by the world now and likely feels more than a bit numb after what \nshe's been through. She isn't likely to be enthusiastic about much of anything, at least not with \nnew people.\n|Powers=\n<span style=\"color:#8a14ff\">'''Appearance Alteration:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan can use her holographic field to alter her appearance at will. It's essentially coating\nher in different light to change the way she's perceived. Nothing physically changes and it's \nentirely cosmetic. It does work on cameras and surveillance, as it's an actual alteration of light \nand not merely a psychic illusion. There's no real limit to what kind of appearance she can take on, \nalthough the basic shape and build needs to remain mostly the same. Doing too much size change tends \nto make the way she moves seems awkward and the illusion shows through, although she can also use \nthat to her advantage to take on horrifying or unsettling appearances if she wants. She can imitate \nthe appearances of others to a large degree, although the finer details may not always be accurate \nand are limited to her own knowledge of what they look like. Studying photographs can help a \nlot.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#8a14ff\">'''Invisibility:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan has the ability to generate a small holographic field around her body, manipulating light\nfor a variety of effects. The first and most simple of these is that she learned to become \ninvisible. She will simply vanish from ordinary sight or camera observation. She will still show up \non thermal cams and exists physically to be detected by other senses, but she cannot be seen by \nconventional optics. The field will take her clothes and a modest amount of space along with her, \nusually enough to disappear a backpack or even a bicycle but not much more than that. If she isn't \ntouching an object, it will leave the field and become visible again.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#8a14ff\">'''Programming:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan was subjected to two years of subliminal training and mind alteration by her mother. The\nresult is that she has a package of assassin training planted within her mind. Since she hadn't been \n'activated' as of yet, she can only access these skills if she feels threatened in some way, the \nflow of adrenaline from fear or anger serving as a trigger. These skills include:<br><br>Martial \nArts - Reagan becomes a capable hand to hand fighter, equivalent to an elite special forces \noperative, with both striking and grappling capabilities.<br>Weapons - Reagan becomes an expert user \nin firearms, martial weapons and blades.<br>Security - Reagan becomes capable of bypassing and \ndismantling advanced security systems, allowing her to infiltrate buildings or commit burglary on \nmost buildings.<br>Escape - Reagan becomes capable of picking most locks, slipping bonds and even \ndislocating parts of her body in order to free herself from confinement.<br><br>These abilities can \nalso be activated through use of a Hydra subliminal command word (which Reagan herself does not \nknow). A skilled deprogrammer or telepath could potentially unlock these abilities on a permanent \nbasis.\n|Skills=\n<span style=\"color:#00CED1\">'''Academics:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan is a high school senior with a fairly high GPA, taking advanced placement classes in\nHistory and English. Like most high school kids, she has certain skills at her fingertips that many \nadults have forgotten in the years since they left school.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#00CED1\">'''Cello:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan is an excellent cello player and has considered music as a potential career once she goes\nonto college. She practices almost every day and can play most major pieces with skill and \naplomb.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#00CED1\">'''Computers:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan isn't a hacker by any means, but she does have some experience writing code and working\non programming for her own interests. She can build a computer with the requisite parts and \nunderstands how everything works, software and hardware, enough to perform repairs on her own \nmachine if need be.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#00CED1\">'''Crafts:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan has always been adept with crafts and tries her hand at lots of creative things. She can\nsew and knit, is a decent illustrator and painter and is experienced in clothes construction and \ncostuming for her own amusement.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#00CED1\">'''Survival:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan lived on her own for a while, essentially homeless. She learned to scrounge and to make\ndo in tough circumstances. She's primarily an urban survivor and didn't really spend much time in \nthe wilderness. She knows how to find shelter, deal with street people and generally can function \nsuccessfully as a person on the fringe if circumstances require.\n|Resources=\n<span style=\"color:#228B22\">'''Bonnie:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan lives with her paternal Aunt, Bonnie Murphy, in a modest two bedroom apartment. Bonnie\nworks as a graphic designer and her income is determinedly lower middle class but enough to support \nthem both without too much difficulty. Bonnie gives Reagan a lot of independence but will still get \nconcerned if her niece is out too much or doesn't touch base. Reagan has a debit card she can use \nfor expenses if need be, but she does have to answer for what she spends.\n|Weaknesses=\n<span style=\"color:#EE204D\">'''Hunted:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan is, in some ways, an escaped experiment. Hydra would probably like to have her back under\ntheir control after the investment they put into her.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#EE204D\">'''Latent:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan has intensive fighting and combat skills - that are subliminally buried in her brain\nuntil she's enraged or in danger. Outside of those circumstances, she can't fight worth a damn and \nshe's very vulnerable if taken off guard.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#EE204D\">'''Mother:'''</span>\n<br>Reagan's mother, Dr. Emily Murphy, is currently in prison at an undisclosed location for working\nwith terrorists and violating numerous other laws regarding medical practice. She and Reagan are not \nin contact, but she's a black mark on Reagan's record that she'd like to forget.<br><br>\n<span style=\"color:#EE204D\">'''Other Senses:'''</span>\n<br>While Reagan's ability can fool sight and cameras, other senses won't be effected by her\nholographic field. She can still be heard, touched or smelled by those with enhanced senses. If she \nbumps into something or someone, she can give herself away when invisible (or even if she's just bad \nat sneaking at that time).\n}}\n\n{{#set:\nHero name = Caprice\n| Actor name = Sadie Sink\n| Theme = Original\n| Character Type = OC\n}}\n\n[[Category:Happy Harbor]]"
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                        "*": "{{TPPage\n|Summary=When the latest addition to the Reavers turns out to be a mutant with the power of healing, Joshua Foley finds his life turned upside down and sideways as he comes to terms with both being a mutant and being hunted by the Reavers.\n|Scale=Minor\n|Runner=853\n|Participants=4235, 192\n|State=Finished\n}}"