10188/Quiet in the Coffee Shop

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Quiet in the Coffee Shop
Date of Scene: 19 February 2022
Location: Coffee of DOOM
Synopsis: Emma Frost goes to hire a group of reputable killers for hire to find some cloners who made Divine to be dealt with.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Stefani Houston, Inez Temple, Neena Thurman

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost has put through her feelers to Quiet that she's requested a meeting. Nothing particularly formal. Hence why Emma's selected the Latverian coffee shop in the midst of rapidly being rebuilt Manhattan. Emma's surveiling the menu while deciding what she's going to get and waiting for her companion to arrive with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A meeting, a means of pay and perhaps an update? Certainly Quiet's own assignment had been...well, much like her namesake. A little observation or infiltration here and there? That's all she'd been tasked for.

Of course, another public meeting meant she had to be dressed more 'civillian', but the woman makes her way into the restaurant none the less.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is waiting for Quiet to arrive, sitting at her table. Prompt as always. Emma strongly appreciated that. A nod given over at Quiet then to invite her to approach, Emma going to pull ou ta file folder over to rest it on her lap and a small envelope in her other hand held up to a wrist.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently sitting in the back of the Latverian Coffee Shop, Manhattan back to life outside. Emma is being joined by Quiet sitting at a back table, as well as some others that she's been looking to hire. Because who is going to be crazy enough to pay attention to such an eclectic group in the Coffee Shop of DOOM?

Inez Temple has posed:
Neena and Inez show up together, a standout pair if ever there was one. One all pale skin with black and white clothes, black and white hair, and a devil-may-care attitude. The other a blonde bombshell looking like she stepped out of an episode of the Dukes of Hazzard, with a cocky grin and an air of confidence that says she's ten feet tall and bulletproof. Well, almost six feet tall and MOSTLY bulletproof. Chatting amongst themselves, Inez lets out a laugh over something Domino has said and grins, "Damn its good to be back, Domino. Y'know I got stuck in Utah fer a year? UTAH." Then they're approaching and she flashes that bright grin towards Emma and Quiet, tipping her hat at them. "Howdy ladies. Think yer waitin' fer us?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
Sure enough, the silent woman draws up to the table, a nod of greeting as she sets herself down. The envelope is glanced at, familier perhaps in shape and styling from last time, but there's only an expectant tilt of her head as she looks to the woman...only to spot the new arrivals approaching the table.


Neena Thurman has posed:
    "Oh my God, Utah? I am /so/ sorry." Domino says this /fervently/. Utah? Really? Ugh.

    She turns to look Emma and Quiet over. She's met Emma before--they've even had a spa day together--but she doesn't know the woman /well/. And Quiet she's never met. So she nods to both, then puts on a smile. "This place is so... fancy. Think the coffee's actually any good?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would gesture at the two, "Thank you for your arrival." She would dip her head. "This is.." She would consider. "Neena Thurman and Inez Temple." She would add, "Both have excellent reputations. Would you two sit? And whatever you have to eat or drink will be on my dime. I will however not cover any damages to here in any event." Smirking.
    "So please, do feel free to order. if you wish I can summarize the circumstances tht have lead me to take an interest in expert troubleshooters such as yourselves, or food first."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Yeah. And I thought -I- grew up in the scrubs! God as my witness, I will burn that state to the -ground- before I spend more than a few hours there again," Inez shakes her head, maybe she's serious, maybe she's not! Probably not. But still. UTAH.

She holds a seat out for Domino with a wink, then takes one herself, throwing an arm over the back of the chair and crossing her legs in a comfortable slouch. "Howdy." She flashes a grin at the introduction, then nods to Emma, "Business first, I think." She glances around the place, then asks, "D'ya think they got regular coffee?"

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "It's probably all super-fancy coffee with triple shot double caf non-caf whatever," Neena says with an easy shrug as she sits down. "I'll gladly try some, though. No damages unless someone else starts shooting first." She doesn't even have a gun on her! Not a visible one, anyway!

    "Business first, I think, yeah, and then we try the fancy food and coffee. At least give us an idea what we're dealing with." She gives Quiet a curious look and then focuses back on Emma.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Very well. There is a.. Child. She was cloned to be a weapon, aged up to the state of an adult. She is roughly two years old as near as I have been able to tell. I need to find the ones who made her and have them killed and their life's work destroyed."

Inez Temple has posed:
Nodding to Neena, Inez chuckles, "Yeah, same. Won't turn down free, but still. Coffee. Bagel. Bacon. I'm jes' a simply country girl at heart." Winking at her friend, she turns to put her 'serious face' on as Emma tells them the overview. One brow jumps up, but she glances at Domino, then gives a nod, "Sounds terrible. Th' girl okay? An' yeah, scorched earth sounds like th' way t'go in that case."

Stefani Houston has posed:
The two new women are glanced over, a slow draw of her eyes commiting detail and assessment to memory under her superhuman gaze before a light nod is offered and attention moves back to Emma, a little shift suggesting some the infomation was a little more familier to her.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    "That sounds... sadly familiar," Neena says with a frown. "Who is it that did the cloning? Is there anything in particular we should know about the girl?"

    She sits back a bit, crossing her legs. "Don't get me wrong... it sounds terrible, and it's the sort of thing I'm glad to put a stop to, even when there isn't money involved. But I'd rather not get stuck in a bad situation and have to rely /entirely/ on luck to get out of it, if there's important information that could help."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her hands together, "The.. Genetic donor was an alien. An extremely powerful alien. The girl is safe for now and I'm seeking to get her into the care of the Justice League. But this sort of thing needs stamped out. Not just the perpretrators arrested to escape or put to work elsewhere in the government. THis is not hte sort of thing that someone like CADMUS could have. I need them destroyed and all they have made /finished/. And I wish to gather a team capable of performing hte mission /when/ there is actionable intelligence."

Emma would take a sip of her own drink. "Which I do not currently have. When I do -if- you agree to the contact you will be contacted, given what intelligence I have access to on hte project and develop a plan of assault."

Inez Temple has posed:
Pointing to Neena, Inez nods along with what her friend is saying. She maintains her casual slouch even if she's anything but relaxed. "Definitely sounds like somethin' that needs t'be handled carefully. But also sounds like somethin' that needs t'be handled." She glances to her friend, then over to Quiet, and finally back to Emma. "On that basis, I'm in. Gather yer information, let us know whatcha find. We'll go from there. An' if it turns out t'be a bigger scope than two badass chicks c'n handle... well, we got a few friends." She curves a grin and nods to Neena again.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Introductions weren't really Quiet's strong suit without a notepad or phone unless one happened to understand sign language, so the woman simply lifts her hands, a few gesture indeed signing her agreement to the task. If the target could be located, she could take action on them and likely eliminate them...but these sorts of people tended to hide themselves well and take care not to be exposed often. Luck and cooperation would indeed be what they were most likely to need.

Still, a more universal 'thumbs up' was offered to Inez's comment. More resources never hurt to have in reserve.

Neena Thurman has posed:
    Neena considers it only a moment before nodding. "I'm in as well. And yeah, there's more resources to bring to bear if need be." She grins, briefly, then adds, "I presume our silent companion here is part of the mission, too?"

    Contracts are made easily enough, and often before there's actionable intelligence. Wipe everyone out; that's a thing they can definitely do. Probably make sure there's no genetic material left in reserve. Aliens, now... her brow furrows, slightly. That might prove complicated. But they'll figure it out.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Neena and Inez, "Very well. I want this done. No theatrics. No games. It's personal, not a mutant affair." Emma goes to tabulate in her mind an appropriate scale.. "One point five million for each of you when the mission is completed. All expenses covered within reason. A hundred adn fifty thousand each for your retainer in the affair and availability when I have appropriate intelligence to forward."