10220/Sam tries to decide on a plan.

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Sam tries to decide on a plan.
Date of Scene: 21 February 2022
Location: Garage / Stables
Synopsis: Sam gets advice
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Lorna Dane

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is out at the mansion today and his truck is parked in its normal place, but the young southerner is not in it, no today has him passing back and forth from it to the tool area and back. He has a small black box in his hand, and looks down at it, as he talks to himself as he paces "Top of one of the skyscrapers maybe?" HE shakes his head a bit "Maybe in Italy, or Kentucky. " He hmms "I need to ask Blink about a trip to Italy as well." HE says to himself

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Trying to expand your horizons, Sam?" Lorna had been at the mansion visiting and was just on her way into the garage to pick up her car. It wasn't often she drove it anymore with Blink and other teleporters at her beck and call. They weren't always ones she wanted to rely on constantly though. A curious glance is tipped toward him as she offers a friendly smile. "Been awhile. How are you doing?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks up and blinks a moment "Oh um Hi Lorna." He says and moves to slide the box in his pocket, as she gets closer it is obviously a ring box. "Well, sorta, Ah am trying to figure out a place for a special event Ah am planning." He does blush just a bit and says "So, how are you doing this evening?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smirks faintly at the sight of the box which earns a little chuckle. "I see. So who's the lucky lady?" A small shrug comes from her as she gestures slightly toward her car. "I'm fine. I thought I should probably turn the old girl on for awhile so she doesn't sit too long. I haven't had much chance to use her lately." The little red Aston Martin convertable certainly hadn't had much use, sadly." There's a momentary pause before she suggests, "I was engaged once. Maybe I can offer some advice on tactics?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie blushes a bit more and says "Alexis Carr, or you may have heard of her as Allegra Caradenza, the lady whose father claims she is dead and a monster is in her place." He sighs a bit and says "He is a big name in Pro Humana, one of the Ant-Mutant humans first groups." He looks to her, and says "He was pissed off she was dating a mutant, got even worse when she showed him, she was one as well. " He pulls the ring out from his pocket, and shows her an older ring "I need to get it resized, and go ask her Papa for his permission, her Papa and Nana love me though so I don't think it will be a problem. I have to figure out where to ask her though I want it to be perfect for her.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane considers the ring though she's more listening to what's being said with a slow nod. "Ah, yes I'd heard about that. I thought it was a little odd. And a bit like the rhetoric they use when realizing someone in their family is a mutant," she adds a bit quieter. There were suspicions on her end. "A location doesn't have to be spectacular to be romantic, Sam. Sometimes it's just a place that is important to you both. Maybe where you first met her, or your first date."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods and says "Ah am trying to figure one out, we met while she was spending time on the streets helping people and hiding from her dad." He admits. He looks to her, and says "She jumped out of her penthouse window to me to get away from him and to me. She and Ah now have a place together in Little Italy. Ah need to get the ring resized it was my grandma's

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles faintly at that. "I guess that does make it hard then. Over her favorite dinner, then? Though yes you should get it resized first. Fitting properly would probably be best before you make that call. Or otherwise give her a necklace to wear with it until it is resized," she suggests.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "Ah need to find someone who is good at it. And like Ah said Ah need to go talk to her grandparents' and such. " He looks over to her and says "Anything you would suggest for a fancy night out, she is much more used to fancy high end stuff than me."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles faintly at that. "The Hellfire club has an excellent steak house, and the luncheons there are far more reasonably priced than their evenings. As an option. It'd also be less crowded during the daytime," she points out with a wry chuckle. "So it'd be a little bit more intimate."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and will put that in his possibilities. "Ah will have to remember that one, Ah am trying to find maybe a good broadway show, or a ballet, she dances herself." He will lean against his truck, and says "So you want to crank ya car, and I will see if it sounds right?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane steps forward to head for her car sliding down into it. "I'm sure it's fine... Just not so sure if the gas is still good." Reaching down she starts it up with a chuckle. "Guess we'll find out." The engine takes a moment before catching with a healthy rumble.