10241/To break the language barrier.
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To break the language barrier. | |
Date of Scene: | 22 February 2022 |
Location: | Library |
Synopsis: | And Sam gets some pointers |
Cast of Characters: | Xi'An Coy Manh, Samuel Guthrie
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh is working in the library well into the evening. Re-shelving books and generally setting things aright before she locks up for the night. She should have had it all done earlier, but she got caught up on her computer for a time, engaging in a fiery debate with a few other colleagues about a variety of subjects. Well, as fiery as the debates of librarians might be.
She's wearing a black and white striped sweater long enough to reach her thighs over a pair of black tights and simple flat shoes. Her black hair is cut in an asymmetrical bob, one side of her head shaved and showing off a gleaming of silver rings in that ear. Her make-up is sparse but attractive. She looks up as she senses an approaching mind, and a familiar one at that.
"Hello, Samuel. I haven't felt you here in a while."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie walks in carrying a bag, it is a Big Belly Burger bag, he knows most can't have food in the library, but he also knows a certain librarian will get busy and miss meals. So he looks over and smiles as he sees Xi'an. "Hey Xi'an just the person I was looking for. I was wondering if you could help me find some books, and maybe audio books on learning Italian. I know some of it, but need to work on a few sentences in particular." He holds up said bag "And I brought a bag." The bag will smell of what Xi'an always ordered when they were kids.
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh raises an eyebrow as she steps down from a short stepladder and walks over towards her old classmate. "Bribery. I should disapprove, but I must admit that I am starving a bit," she says, taking the bag and leading Sam over towards the computer section, "Most of the audio stuff is just downloads now, so you'll be disappointed if you're looking for cassette tapes like we used to have," she says. She had upgraded a LOT of the library materials when she took over, using Professor Xavier's funds liberally to get things up to speed with the modern age. "Any particular reason for the Italian?"
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will run his hand through his hair blushing ever so slightly, and Xi'an can see that 16 year old kid who joined up when she did. "I need to know how to ask Alexis's grandparents for her hand." He tells his friend. "This whole language thing was a lot easier when the prof just went " He holds his hand to his temple "And we knew a new language."
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh raises an eyebrow, "Her hand?" she says in surprise. "My goodness," she says. To her, the idea of marrying at their age is inconceivable. Not that she has anyone in her life that might be a potential candidate regardless. She considers a thousand cautions to give him, her mothering instinct coming to the fore, but she smother them quickly. Sam is a man grown now, just as she is a woman. He needs her support, not her advice. "I'm glad for you," she says finally. "That was a good trick. Still a bit beyond my own telepathic capabilities. In part just because I don't know Italian either. I could probably teach you Vietnamese."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her and says in Vietnamese "Prof gave me a few, Ah think it was more to let folks see, Ah was not just red neck farm boy if needed." He grins and sees the surprise, and says back in English "We have been living together for over a year, you should come by and meet her, but will warn ya she may want to see what you remember from Stevie's classes. She has me down helping when she is teaching classes, specially when some young boy says Ballet is for girls."
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh shakes her head, "I do not mind sharing my memories. Those were good times," she says softly. "I am glad you have found such a strong and pleasing partner, Samuel. You, of all of us, deserve it," she says. She pops a thumb drive into the computer, downloading a few simple programs to help him learn Italian. "You can also get some good apps on your phone for it, but these are a bit more sophisticated, if you want to learn quickly." she says.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Thanks." He does lean on the desk, and says "Well Ah have been planning it for a while, but figure Ah might want to make it official before folks think Ah am copying Juves." He jokes, a bit and says "Seriously though, her dad came over and she told him we were already married to make him loose his mind, before she showed him she was not just marrying a mutant but was one as well."
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh crosses her arms over his chest, "I suppose that's one method. So much shock at once that he might accept the lesser surprise," she says. "I hope he accepts her and you both. Family is so important and you don't want them to be hostile to you. I know Westerners tend to be disdainful of that kind of tradition, but I understand its importance. I think you do, too, southern boy," she smiles.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head and says "He won't, thats why Ah am skipping over him, and going to her grandparents, they love me, her Nana is already wanting her to and I quote have baby with strong farm boy so she has great grand babies." He smiles a moment, but then seriously "Her Dad's high up in an anti mutant group Pro Humana, they try to say they are just showing how good humans are but are blatant anti mutant. When she showed him she was a mutant, he put an statement out his daughter was missing and dead and some monster was masquarading as her."
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh frowns and takes a moment to straighten a shelf, just to keep her calm about such matters. Even after all these years, she still cannot understand those who choose bigotry over their own flesh and blood. "Then I am glad she is away from him and glad that she has you to help protect her. If you ever need the rest of us to help in that account, you know that all you need do is ask."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "Yea, I appreciate it, she is up for meeting most folks, but she had some bad experiences with a person or two here a while back, and she knows everyone aint like that, but does not feel as welcome here any more. Ah am working on it, but not going tp pressure her about it. She has met most of the guys and girls, your one of my besties she still needs to meet."
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh frowns softly, "Bad experience? With who?" she says. "No one here should be making any mutant feel unwelcome. That's contrary to the entire purpose of the institution. Personal conflicts happen, of course, but not at the cost of the mission," she says, clearly piqued at the idea that someone is driving others away from the school that has become her home.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "He is not here, and it was cause he was an asshat. Ah came close to putting him through a wall." He admits. "I am pretty sure the higher ups and ask him to leave." He tells her. "But the damage was done and she is happy with out place in little Italy, and Ah still have my room here if I need to crash her, and she can get in if she wants to.""
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh sighs and nods, "That is good, then. Do try and coax her. Whoever this ruffian was, he is not a representative of the general spirit of the school," she says, her Xavier's pride showing. "I don't suppose she has a pretty sister?" she says, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe who likes books?"
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head "Na, she is an only child, but Ah'll have her keep an eye out on her adult students." He grins and says "Had a really sweet mute girl come in for classes the other day, but Ah wonder if something else is wrong with her. She was on her own but in some ways seemed a lot younger than she looked."
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh frowns softly, "Well, perhaps some telepathic intervention will work. I would be happy to help, although I am not the most adept of the school's telepaths. I am, however, perhaps the least busy," she says with a raised eyebrow. "So much of life here seems to revolve around battle. I'm afraid that was always my least favorite aspect of our life."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods in agreement, and says "Yea, Ah know what ya mean, Heck, Ah am considering trying to find something different to do profession than I was looking at. Alexis having to worry about me doing the hero thing that she can understand she has done it some. But worrying about me as a police officer think might be rough on her.
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh nods, "You should follow your own dream, Samuel. That doesn't mean she doesn't get a say, but don't sacrifice your own happiness for someone else. The best relationships will be those where you can find a way to achieve your dreams together," she says. Then laughs, "But, again, what do I know?"
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Well Ah would say pretty much, who do you seek answers from? A librarian." He grins and says "I was doing it more to try to help folks in bushwick, but am not sure about it, think if Ah do it need to be open as a mutant, and not sure the police force would have me then.
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh shakes her head, "If they won't have you openly as a mutant, then they're not an honorable group to join into. I understand we want to make headway, but we can't do it at the cost of our principles, Samuel," she says. "Knowing you, you will help whether you have a badge or no anyway."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to that, and says "Ah plan to, just trying to find the best way to do it, we already are known for teaching anyone at the ballet class, and the comic shop under it is open to anyone as well."
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh taps a pen against her lips, "Not vital services, I suppose, but it's the thought that counts," she smiles. "The important thing is that you're happy, Samuel. After everything we've all been through, it is good for us to find lives for ourselves, meaning, purpose and joy."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Ah am happy, Ah still need to tell Paige Ma, sent me Grandma Guthrie's wedding and engagement ring. Ah worry about it being small compared to what she is used to, but Ah know it will mean a lot to her. I may just have to save up for something big for her, on our first year anniversery."
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh smiles, "I'm sure Paige will be glad to learn of it. In a family as large as yours, there are surely mementos abundant to keep you all in rings and baubles for generations to come," she teases. She has a big family of her own, after all, although so much of her family's possessions were lost or stolen. The burdens of being a refugee. "And I'm sure your love will treasure it because it came from you."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and smiles a bit and says "Well just remember my family aint just the blood back home in Kentucky, there are a lot of you here that are family even if your not my blood" He smiles at her
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh presses her hands together and bows slightly, "The feeling, my friend, is mutual," she says softly. "I wish you luck with your Italian grandfather-in-law. If he has any sense, I am sure he will see your merit."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Ah think it is just a formality they all like me over there. That side of her family owns vineyards there, and the fact that Ah was willing to help out and not afraid to get my hands dirty, Ah think impressed them. That and they would pretty much give her anything she wants." He grins a bit and says "I need to talk to Illayana about getting a disk over there.""
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh smiles, "Good luck with that. Illyana's helpful, but she also doesn't love being used as a taxi service. She'll probably make an exception in your case, of course," she says. "I should probably get to locking up. I have a date with a microwave dinner and Netflix."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will stand and move to hug the woman, and says "Well, she has rode on my back enough Ah think Ah can talk her into it." He grins a bit and says "Well if you need anything let me know, and Ah will bring it to you, Ah am thinking of bringing some of the comics from the store to add to the library here."
- Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh returns the hug, "Absolutely. Especially if you have any manga. The kids prefer those to Western comics these days, although I have to constantly edit them to make sure it isn't just porn," she says with amusement. "Come by anytime."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Will do, we own 50 percent of the shop in the building, so figure I should be able to keep you in stock." He waves to her to let her have her moment alone in the library if she wants it, or can head out as he does.