10359/White and Wicked

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White and Wicked
Date of Scene: 06 March 2022
Location: Emma's Suite - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Emma and Divine talk and make plans for parties.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Divine

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost has not run into Divine in a few days having been busy wiht her own affairs. Going towards the apartment she had setup for the younger girl, Emma would go to announce hereslf at it iwth a light knock on it. There was still politeness. Divine could of course track her wherever she was with her abilities.

But form before function. Etiquette was supreme.

So, waiting to be let in, Emma would just cock her head to the side, a low look of amusemen ton her face already.

Divine has posed:
Divine has mostly been keeping to herself since the incident in Metropolis, and the burning she got by Xavier's School. She went to the Hellfire Club's most recent party, but she felt she should as an employee of Emma Frost.

It was hilarious, but she still doesn't know why.

When the door is knocked on, the half-Kryptonian is lounging around, the television streaming some documentary on superheroes. She pauses it before she moves to the door and opens it. She blinks a few times, ushering Emma in.

"Miss Frost, I wasn't expecting you."

Emma Frost has posed:
As Emma would enter in, she would smile, "Hello Divine, I'm sorry for my abscence the last several days. I've been.. Remiss in checking up on you and I apologize. You represented yourself and my interests quite well voer at the festivities. I'm sorry I couldn't make them."

A hand would go forwards to try and lightly squeeze the wrist of Divine. "Your actions were strongly appreciated."

Divine has posed:
The tall woman looks away, bashful. "I just wanted to see what that party was like," she says, her tone shifting to amused. "A lot of women flashing people, and drinking way too much."

She pauses. "And I apparently chased Mister Shaw away by mentioning your name."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile at Divine, "Yes dear, I'm so proud of you. And.. Mardi Gras is an event oriented towards such things. Did you get any beads of your own or were you not particularly interested? Or did you give any out?"

Divine has posed:
She shakes her head. "None of the above. I was ... Observing. I'd never been to any kind of party until that one. ...Lots of attractive people." Divine shrugs. "At least my make-up was fantastic. And I didn't have to punch anyone."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would laugh, "That's one way to define those that cavort around and to indulge oneself. So, Divine.. Did you enjoy yourself at it? And making your outfit?"

Divine has posed:
"I ... I think so. Miss Grey and Miss Rogue were there and acted like I didn't exist for some reason," she says with another shrug. "But yeah, it was a nice time. I could get used to that."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head and sigh. "I'll speak later on that with them." Then she would go to give Divine a hug. "If you do like these events, I can take you to some of those I go to in the future. If you find them fun."

Divine has posed:
"I need to work on being a person. I can only absorb it so much through media, I need to meet people. But it's hard for me," she says. She lets Emma hug her. She returns it too, her motions very deliberate and careful. Because Stronk.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to hug Divine tenderly. "Then I'll take you along with me in the future. And try to find other things that you might enjoy doing for fun." A low promise. "I want you to enjoy yourself."

Divine has posed:
The clone just nods once. "Of course, ma'am. But part of that is, well, learning what it is that I enjoy. I simply don't know yet."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give another gentle hug to Divine, "Then we'll have to get out and explore some dear, and seew hat appeals to you. And you can expand your horizons and we can find ways that you find engaging and fun."

Divine has posed:
"Yes, ma'am. Of course," she replies. "Then, also, you should probably give me something to do. So I'm not lying to people when I say I work for you."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to release her grip on Divine, "Yes, I suppose I should. I do have plans for you.. It's time I started to put them in action." She would muse over while tapping at her thigh in thought.