10516/Library Lounging

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Library Lounging
Date of Scene: 20 March 2022
Location: Library
Synopsis: Emma and Xi'an talk about life and libraries
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Xi'An Coy Manh

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently heading along over into the library sometime in the evening. Emma's currently got a file folder with her and is casually scanning some things for hte interinary of spring break. Also reviewing another pamphlet which would have any particular history, legends, etc from the area they were going. Waking a giant corrupted elder god on winter break had spoilt much of the skiing trip.

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh has her earbuds in, since the teenage set rarely makes much use of the library on Saturdays. Homework crunching comes on Sunday night and most are taking a well-deserved evening off. She's tapping occasionally on the keyboard of her computer, black-glossed nails tick-tacking back and forth, as some sort of ambient music soothes her.

She does, however, sense Emma's approach - while she could not possibly penetrate Emma's shields, her general aura is still distinct. She turns off the music and lays her earbuds on the desk, moving to stand. She's wearing an emerald blouse with a knee-length black skirt, dark stockings and heels. "Emma, so good to see you. How can I help you this evening?" she smiles.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Oh, hello Xi'an. Merely doing some research based upon our spring break destination. Given the.. Experience from winter break, I felt it prudent to try and ensure that if there was anything catastrophic locally that we had some degree of awareness going in to the istuation. I'm sorry to bother you. I hope that everything finds you well with your own projects." Emma would fold the files she had been reading shut.

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh shakes her head, "Not at all. I'm glad of the company. Most especially yours," she says warmly.

"I can help you find anything, if you need it. I haven't memorized the entire catalogue of the library, but I can usually estimate within a shelf or two where any given book might be found," she says. "I had heard murmurs of what happened, although I confess I didn't read the direct report on the matter. I confess, such eldritch threats give me something of a shiver down my spine."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "No, I'm fine. I'm just hoping that htis particular trip does not involve another eldritch being. I suppose that's a risk one runs when they go traveling but still. I can always not go on it if I'm worried. And nothing particularly extensive. A buried murderer the team dealt with the year before corruped a sleeping eldritch being in the area, then they had to deal with it before it leveled the town."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh gives a little shudder anyway. Her very traumatic teenage experiences with the so-called Shadow King have left her extremely wary of entities of evil. Technically, the King had once been a man, but he always felt like a monster to Xi'an.

"I'm not certain that evil creatures are a typical travel hazard, but something about the X-men does seem to somehow attract such things."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her hands together, "Yes, so if it's a near inevitability teh least we can do is look ahead to possible disruptions along our route. I'm sure that no matterw aht happens that Rogue, Jean, and Scott can handle it." Emma would note in amusement.

"THey have the last several times and I have faith in them to hold together through inevitable catastrophe. The beach.. So likely a Kraken."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh nods, "They are a rather formidable crew, no doubt about that," she says. Xi'an doesn't operate in the field terribly often, unless her particular talents are called upon. It is so much easier, for example, to break into a facility when she can merely possess the guards and have them open the gates.

"I usually use my vacation time to go visit my family in Vietnam," she says.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Of course. Are those your plans for this spring break? Or do you think that you'd join the group heading to the beach?" Emma hasn't decided yet whether she will be or not, given her tone of voice. But with the amount of money she had, it wasn't an issue if finding somewhere to stay was a problem..

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh considers, "I won't be going to Vietnam, the break is shorter than I would like for that. The flight alone takes more than a day," she says. "Were you planning to go, Emma? Because, if you were, well, that would be a very persuasive argument for me to join in. I can certainly overcome my usual social disengagement if the reward is seeing you in a swimsuit," she grins.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "I haven't figured out yet. The beach can be rather gauche.. But the possibility of company is appealing over staying in the city for whatever the latest crisis will be hitting here." Emma had long since come to accept the inevitables in lifne.

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh nods, "I think the two of us would likely raise the tone of the beach all by ourselves, don't you think?" she says with a playful smirk. "It would almost be like charity. An act of giving, for the general welfare."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Well, then we shall. If you prefer me to go, then I'll do so so long as you go to it as well and we'll see whatever catastrophe happens where we're staying."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh smiles, "I'll make sure to pack my costume, just in case. I realize I haven't worn it in ages. I might need to make sure it still fits," she says. "I'm glad you find my presence persuasive."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "I'm sure that it will fit you fine, Xi'an. If you wish we can go out to try and find something that would suit you a little better."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh smiles, "That might be delightful. Something more customized to my taste would be good - I'm still using the basics of my New Mutants costume, for the most part, in terms of overall design. I like something simple, yes, but it might just be a little too plain.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Well, it never hurts to update a classic. I'm sure we can find something. And.." She would note, "With us, Xi'an, I make no promises on how things will turn out." Her tone is simple. "You're a big girl."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh nods, "So I am. I have no illusions, Emma. I know that you have likely many suitors, of which I am only one. But I make no demands or expectations of you. That we would be better friends would be wonderful. If you were interested in being lovers," she says softly, "I would be delighted, of course. You're the most gorgeous, elegant woman I've ever seen."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "No, Xi'an. I don't." Her tone is flat and amused. "I've just not had a great deal of experience in them and few have lasted." Is Emma Frsot revealing somsething personal? "So if we don't work out, it says nothing about you in the matter. We're both adults."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh frowns, "That sounds like something of a crime," she says. "I don't confess to having much experience in relationships either. I had a couple of girlfriends in college and...maybe a few dalliances here and there. The 'friends with benefits' variety, as I believe the nomenclature is. But nothing serious," she says. "I don't tie my self-esteem to my desirability. I was considered undesirable, once, for far too long to do otherwise and stay sane."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Thank you, Xi'an. but we all have our own.. Shall we call them issues. I look forwards to seeing what happens between us. But for the two o us this will be a bit of an exploration. both of us reserve the right to break off at any point. And that sounds very mature with you."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh nods, "Of course. I think we are both women of logic and self-awareness. That said, I will confess that I want to kiss you quite a bit, should you permit it," she says with a slight smile, turning to face the White Queen directly, "At least to begin testing the waters of our chemistry together."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Not tonight, Xi'an. Such a thing should have some degree of buildup to it rather than something so casual an dmundane." She would offer lightly. "So let's have some time to get to know one another."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh smiles, "Fair enough," she says. "You can't blame a girl for trying," she adds with a wink and then heads off into the stacks to help Emma find some of her materials, "Our occult section is back this way."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would stand up, "So are they on loan from somewehre else or from Illyana's collection? And if they are should I have to worry about one of them going to bite me and make sure I use a set of tongs to pick them up?"

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh shakes her head, "We don't keep anything accursed or actively enchanted here. Illyana would have anything of that variety in her private stores. I would never allow anything dangerous in the library where students could get at it. Or me for that matter. I like having all my fingers."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "And since when is live all about what we want and what we think we're going to have happen? I'm relatively sure that we're not allowed to have everything the way we'd like to."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh nods, "Oh no, the world is rarely under our control, but the library is my domain and I keep quite firm control over what is permitted and what is not. Although I never truly censor anything in terms of topic - merely over whether or not they could do actual harm."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would twitch her lips upwards in a smiel, "Fair enough. We can do our best to control those small areas we have under our thumb, for all the good it will do us beyond enabling our own denial in the matter."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh nods, "It's also my responsibility - if someone were to be injured from something in my collection, the staff would look to me for an explanation. And I had better have one. Dangerous magickal tomes are best curated and preserved by experts, of which I am not."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would dip her head to Xi'an, "Quite. In this world ever so much the difficulty to admit that there are thsoe better than ourselves in areas that we have no remote right to dally within no matter our egos."

Xi'An Coy Manh has posed:
Xi'an Coy Manh nods, "I've seen it far too often, I'm afraid. Too many people unwilling to admit they just don't know a thing, preferring instead to speculate wildly and pretend expertise. There are a lot of things in which I am highly skilled and educated, but what use is it if someone else with none of that will pretend to know as much as me?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her hands, "Yes. I've got it somewhat better, but it's a trick most telepaths do in the short term, whether or not they would ever admit to it. But.. Go somewhere and just let thoughts wash over you. For exams I'd just sit in the university library and absorb things."