10573/Damsels in Disorientation

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Damsels in Disorientation
Date of Scene: 26 March 2022
Location: Rubin Museum of Art
Synopsis: Sarah runs into Sam and Valeria at the Museum
Cast of Characters: Sarah Rainmaker, Samuel Guthrie, Valeria Richards

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
It's a relaxing venue. One that she hasn't been to before. It's also quiet. Very, very quiet. And that means that she's mostly alone there. She's not up for being at the Towers now. Sarah Rainmaker just needs space. Feeling hemmed in.. Because family. Needing to get away. So she's just in the museum, looking at something on the wall.. Only after about ten minutes realizing it's the wall itself.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie still thinks of himself as a bit of a country boy, and with him planning on asking a woman who was raised on all the culture stuff he is trying to make up for what he thinks he may have missed. So today Sam has one of the little booklets, and is walking through the place looking at exhibits. Some he nods a bit at, some he tilts his head and then shakes it a bit at.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
It's peaceful here. And quiet. IT gives a sense of solitude. And for Sarah Rainmaker, it's needed. The place is relaxing. The art.. Even with her level of disorientation she takes a moment to come back to awareness as Sam would go past, "Ah, sorry. Was I in the way?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to the girl, and shakes his head a bit "No, Ma'am." He says in polite fashion "Ah am just wondering around trying to make some sense of some of these. Some Ah can understand, but others, well, Ah seen chickens do better than or at least as good.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would shake her head and chuckle, "Don't call me Ma'am. I don't know you and I don't think I'm any older than you are. That's saved for people who have earned it or who are elders. I'm neither. At least I hope on that second."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie rubs a hand through his hair and says "Well, was taught to show respect to folks when Ah meet them, and found Ma'am gets less response than Miss. Ah call someone Miss, and about half the time someone things Ah am going to say Missy, so, Ah try to go with the one less likely to get me hollared at."

Valeria Richards has posed:
Val sometimes does go to museums. Just cause she can sneak onto a time machine doesn't mean she should so checking out any historic information might warrant an up close persusal. And things in Latveria might warrant some extra studdying so all clandestinely dressed and faling because it's just bluejeans, a white jacket and sneakers. Val's celebrity status might give ger away. But at least the museum seems peaceful enough she's mostly left alone.

"It's a good tactic!" Valeria states with a grin from a close by exhinit to the pair.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance over at Sam and anything she would be about to say is cut off by the presence of Valeria. Not recognizing her, "Ah, hello. And I suppose it is." She would say in agreement a moment or so later. In fairness the two were right.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will offer his hand to Dara, and says "Name's Sam. And Ah really hope Ah did not upset ya, just thought I would come out and see how much of this stuff made sense to me and see if Ah could figure out what didn't."

Valeria Richards has posed:
The blonde woman smiles to Sarah and Sam and keeps a cheerful smile as fingers waggle. "Well Sam, they try to display and explain the exhibits with as much information paired down so kids can understand it. " she gestsures a hhand to the little plaques and dais near each exhibit. "Honestly they don't do that good a job making it digestible by anyone." she adds and chuckles. "So if you can figure it out without their hamfisted assistance you might just be smarter than most people." she encourages.

To Sara she smiles. "I'm Val, Miss or Miss Richards if I'm in trouble." she adds and offers her own introduction.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would ah at Sam, and then after a moment say, "Sarah. Nice to meet you Sam and.." Not recognizing Valeria. She would nod at Vlaeria, "I don't know anything about them or the accuracy of the exhibits. But I appreciate the art and the views." 'Miss Richards' still not registering.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie holds up the little book he got and says "Ah bought this so Ah might have a bit of a chance at least." He offers with a smile. He looks over to Valeria, and says "You got a brother named Franklin?" He asks thinking he recognizes her.

Valeria Richards has posed:
Mention of older brothers. That trips and triggers an eyeroll. "Is he in trouble again? Still?" Valeria asks playfully. "Considering where he goes to school that's a potential constant!" she jokes and smiles. Val gets her smile aiming at Sarah again. "There are some delightful exhibits and some of the views do indeed make for a great presentation!" she says back with an agreeing tone to her voice.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would glance over at Valeria and Sam, "You two know one another?" There's something that sounds a little off there. And she quickly goes to shrug, "I suppose so. I presume that it's even lovelier in person. But the Himalayas are rather cold.>"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie makes a soso motion with his hand to Sarah "Ah recognized the name, her brother is a friend of one of my friends. Ah have seen him around a bit." He explains. Ah don't think we have ever ran into one another though.

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Kind of. Like Sam said, brother's friends of friends." Val states and nods her head, blonde hair left loose to drape down her shoulders. "But they're pretty cool. Lot of talent there." Val states and winks to Sarah. "Better views than the actual mountain range. In person, Everest is a trashdump and graveyard." she explains sadly. "Impossible to clean up without risking what's left of the ecosystem."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would ah, "Then a pleasure to.." How her brother's friends mean anything is a bit beyond. But she's not familiar with them so it's fair. "And.. Yes, it is, that's a shame. Or so I've heard. I hope sometime they can figure out hwo to clean it."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Ah am a bit more a fan of the Appalachian chain, but Ah might be a bit biased." His accent agreeing there. "So, what brings you two here?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
Val nods her head with more smiles. "The view is still amazing from the sky. Just don't look at it from ground level. Any mountain range really. And at least the Appalachians have some very friendly folks we don't need to go through customs to meet. Not like I let them hold me up." she states and chuckles.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would nod, "Wait, ah.. How do you know what they look like? YOu sound like you do from in person, not just from seeing pictures of it?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will let the other answer that question, but does add me. "Well ground level is better than the man made underground level of them trust me on that one."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"What do you call a family of four that has more than four members? Fantastic!" Valeria says and unzips her jacket just enough to show off a numeral four on a blue tee worn beneath. "Flying cars with the top down are amazing! But, I've been in enough under ground tunnels. Kentucky? Yeah. That's not a fun set for anyone. Needs more clean energy solutions and people trained to maintain them so workforces can be maintained untill we can go all socialist no money needing folks work how they want to work in society." she answers.

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Now it goes to hit Sarah Rainmaker and she lets out a groan, "I see." And goes to bury her face over in her hands. Moreso theatrically, but also with a 'why didn't I get it'. "So I take it that whenever a giant monster comes up underneath the mountain and goes on a rampage that doesn't count as cleaning it up?" That probably iddn't actually happen, right?

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Well I don't know quite what you would call my family besides huge." He jokes and says "Some caves are nice, but mines suck."

Valeria Richards has posed:
"I doubt I'm the only blonde women names Val Richards in the tri-state area." She reassures Sarah with a warm tone. "But I bet not all of them would offer you a ride home later in a fantasticar." she adds cheerfully. "Sam, I'm sure your family is awesome. You got that raised right sense most girls go nuts for, And the rest asking if you got a sister!" she adds with a smile.

"The giant monsters usually mean well, but they just tend to make a bigger mess. When your footprint is measured in city blocks and you breath radioactive fire you kind of lack a means for provide carbon emission offsets."

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
'Ride home in the Fantasticar' gets a low giggle from Sarah Rainmaker right before coherency catches up with her again as she smiles. "Yes, some are. They can also be rather overhwleming.. But life isn't universal, nor are experiences." The 'right sense' and 'raised' has her expression go fully flat; not representative of either of the two.. B ut something more to herself.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and raises a brow "Something wrong? Anything can do to help?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
"I'm guessing people you gret up with didn't think you were? Well..." And Val steps in close enough range she can drp to sit on the floor in front of Sarah and smile up at the Native American woman.

"They can get fucked. I don't know you. But I've also read just about everything there is on pschology and psychaitrty and anthropology. People stuff. But I get a feeling you grew up right despite and probably inspite of the nay sayers. "Trust me." she states softly but reassuringly. "I grew up with Victor Von Doom as a godfather and uncle. I've probably got a dozen papparazi stalking me at any moment. Getting judged should only happen if you're just really bad at what you're doing. And I bet you rock all kinds of awesome!"

Sarah Rainmaker has posed:
Sarah Rainmaker would just look over at Valeria in full confusion and take a few steps back. "Err." Caught fully by surprise over by the advance of Valeria, totally confusion on her face then as she's trying to figure out what the girl is going on about. "I.. Should go." The quick sense of confusion, leading to the default of 'I should take a step back' polite circuit of behavior.

Valeria Richards has posed:
The blonde scooches back a bit herself and lets Sarah have her space and does look a little awkward and embarrased. "Just cause I've read a bunch of stuff doesn't mean I'm good with it. I'm used to reprogramming Doombots so they can do my laundry." Valeria states and chuckles at her own expense. "Human brains sure I could but that'd just get me in trouble with my folks. Free will is pretty much awesome and deserving of preservation."