1062/And a delivery is made to home.

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And a delivery is made to home.
Date of Scene: 08 April 2020
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Pizza tonight CAH another night.
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Logan Howlett, Henry McCoy, Bishop, Gabby Kinney, Warren Worthington, Douglas Ramsey, Illyana Rasputina

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes walking in from the garage. He is in his delivery clothes, sporting the logo of Giavani's Pizza Parlor. He is carrying a stack of 8 pizza boxes and has a back looking somewhat heavy carried from his arm as he heads for the kitchen isle.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan is aready in the kitchen. He's dressed in his work clothes, with grass stains on his jeans, and a worn t-shirt and boots, and he's nursing a beer after a long day. He glances over from the table and his nostrils flare. "Whatcha got there?," the groundskeeper growls curiously.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast had stepped into the kitchen as well, chalk dust covering his hands. He nods to both Logan and Sam, offering a pleasant smile. "Delivery? How nice, Sam." A grin to Logan, as he washes his hands. "Any more suds in the fridge?" He asks, before heading that way and checking.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Not sure who ordered the, but paid on the school's card. Got 3 meats, 2 cheeses, a supreme and a hawaian, and a veggie with vegan cheese." He says of the pizzas, and then emptying the bag, "5 20 count wing orders, each different flavor, oh and 3 chef salads." He looks to the two, and says "No drink orders on it though."

Logan Howlett has posed:
He glances over at Beast and gives a nod, both in greeting and as an affirmative to his question. Logan rises to his feet as he stalks over to the delivery curiously. He opens one of the wing boxes an scoops a handful of them onto a small plate, unceremoniously licking his fingers afterwards.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank's eyes roll. "I suppose someone will come claim them, minus the tithing for not telling anyone else." He returns with a bottle for himself, and a fresh one for Logan. "How have you two been doing? Keeping busy with all the new faces and names?" He wonders, selecting a meat lover's slice for himself.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to them and says "Pretty good been spending time with my girl so aint been around as much. Wish I could have found an excuse to get her closer to the school, or even to the school. wonder if I could get her a job here teaching music classes." He says as he pulls his hat off, and the uniform shirt off, having a t-shirt on under it.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The beer is popped open with a claw, Hank taking a sip. "A young lady? Anyone I would know, Sam?" Beast asks with a grin. "And a musician... hopefully a better sort than we were dealing with in the Danger Room." A nod.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Well she does classical music, and her dad's Anti mutant, so probably." He chuckles a bit "Allegrea Caradenza, need to get her checked out about coming around, think she could use some training with her powers. Tried to do some out in the open, but well she fell for the one eyed stuff gator I bought for her to practice catching on fire. " He will tell the other man as Logan has to step out of the room for a few moments.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The blue man ohs. "She's a mutant, then?" His ears perk up a bit. "One eyed gator? A unique gift, Sam. And you got it for her to set aflame?" Henry chuckles. "Well, good fortunes with your girl, and stay safe." Ever the Health teacher! A pause, as he takes a bite from his slice of pizza. After chewing thoughtfully, he wonders. "Does her father know?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head, and says "No, he thinks I am some type of fire mutant who has stolen her mind and kidnapped her. When she left home was not the best of scenes. I sorta got found sneaking into the bedroom to check on her, and ended up with her jumping out of the window into my arms.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank whistles. "Quite a rough start. How is she holding up?" He wonders, sincerly interested. Another bite from the pizza, the another sip of his beer. "Sneaking into rooms... tsk." It's a light-hearted scold, no real oomph in it. "Has she been hiding out nearby? Is she safe?"

Bishop has posed:
There's been a new guest at the mansion/school/compound, whatever this place might ultimately be. It's only been a day, but lets be honest, this is Xavier's everyone is up in everyone else's business here. This one is apparantly another time traveler, which is not that novel in this house. He is however, not descended from either the Summers or Grey clans, which makes him at least marginally more uncommon than most time travellers that end up here.

The big man makes his way into the Kitchen, almost as if he's stepping on egg shells and doesn't want to break anything. He seems to be hoping to make it to the refridgerator to assemble a sandwhich while people are about other evening activites, "Good evening, I hope I'm not intruding.."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "We got a place in the city, had Doug help me with some security. Her grandparents footing the majority of the bills. Told Jean and Scott a bit about her a while back, before she was ready to leave her dad's place. She was hiding she was a mutant, so when she started heating up the room when her dad's goons were going to rough me up, her dad assumed I was the mutant in the room." He looks over to Bishop, and gives him a nod in greeting " We got pizza, and wings here someone ordered them if your hungry.""

Henry McCoy has posed:
An eyebrow arches. "Goons?" The Beast rumbles. "Hopefully you weren't harmed, Sam?" The man questions, nodding over to Bishop as he arrives. "Beer is in the fridge, pizza and wings as young Sam said." A friendly greeting.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop tries to play it cool, and not like he's about to load a plate like a hungry teen. "Well as long as there is extra food." Bishop says as he goes to prepare a plate of some varieties of pizza and wings, "Oh.. is this Lemon Pepper dry rub?" Yoink.

As he hears more of the conversation his expression turns more grim, "Wait... someone set their underlings on you? Are they worse for the experience? Does a visit need to be paid upon these men?" He clears his throat, "I am sorry.. Um.. my name is Bishop, Professor Grey was kind enough to offer me refuge here."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks at Beast and Bishop. "You do know Ah have been going to the school here for three years or so not right? Had a we bit of training for dealing with goons. Put them down without hurting them to bad. She gave me the hint to catch her, so I did the whole, if Ah can't be with you Ah don't want to live, and jump off the balcony, and a few moments later she jumped, and ah caught her and off we went.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Sneak. Sneak. Sneak. The smell of food has lured a hungry Wolverine-ling here. Gabby, aka Dropbear, aka short as fuck, pops her head just up over the counter on the opposite side of where Bishop is loading up his plate. Was she there a second ago? Probably. Somehow. The scar-faced girl grins up at Bishop as she jumps upright to stand straight instead of... you know... skulking around to hide as if she were about to attack a plate of those chicken wings. "Hi! You've got scars on your face, too! That's cool. I'm Gabby!"

With that done she reaches in to snag a drummie which she pops into her mouth with a happy hum before whirling around to find a plate. It's tucked into one side of her mouth making her cheek puff outward as she greets the others. "Hi Dr. McCoy, Hi Sam."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren has heard whispers of pizza. And wings. And while it is unfortunate that he has other matters to attend to at this particular moment in time, there is one thing he can do for the fine students and faculty of Xavier's who are about to engorge themselves on pizza and wings.

So here he is, walking through the kitchen, wings folded neatly behind him, a keg on one shoulder and a big old package of red party cups and a bag of ping pong balls. "I hear it's about to be party time. I wish I could join you all but I have something I need to go do. I've at least brought something for everyone though." He tosses the bag of ping pong balls and the package of cups onto one counter and then puts the keg nearby, tapping it lovingly. "Do me proud everyone."

And with that, Warren heads right back out of the kitchen.

Henry McCoy has posed:
A grin from Beast. "I do, Sam. That does not mean I do not have concerns when one of our students or members is in a scuffle." He offers, sipping his beer. "I am glad you showed restraint - there's no reason to give them more to hate or make them martyrs." A hand is offered over to Bishop. "Dr. Henry McCoy, known to my friends as Hank. Pleased to meet you."

As Warren does a flyby, he waves. And there's Gabby. She gets a wide grin from Beast. "Eat whatever you like, Gabby. I'll order more if we need." A slight chuckle.

Bishop has posed:
"Hurting them badly, I find, is usually the only way Goons, learns." Bishop says, a little darkly and then he looks to Dr. McCoy, almost as if detecting the disapproval and he shrinks, almost chagrined, "Though not hurting them bad sounds like it helped you difuse the situation and get your friend to safetly. Well done." He blinks then as hurricane Worthington comes and goes, but ultimately he is distracted by the tiny tasmanian devil standing on the table before him.

"I got these when I was very young, Scars are good though, they tell the stories of your life. I am Bishop. It is nice to meet you Gabby." He looks briefly then to Hank and bows his head, "It's a true honor to meet you Dr. McCoy."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    This is when Doug rolls into the kitchen... and heads straight for the steamer, with a wistful sigh at the pizza. He opens it up, and takes out the salmon, brown rice and mixed vegetables meal that was pre-made for him, and he finds a pair of chopsticks, before he proceeds to break it all up and mix it together.
    He has to work, to keep X-Men fit. Alas.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins rather warmly over at Hank when he urges her to eat. As if she reeeeally needed encouragement on that! She, too, is distracted by Warren bringing a keg in with a blink of surprise. Should that be around students? Probably not. Thankfully she's easily distracted as well. Bishops' remarks earn another grin. Lifting a hand she points to her own scars with a nod. "Yeah, same here! All my sisters got marked up so they could tell us apart." At least that was the excuse. "But I like them. Tells a story like you said."

Then a plate is snagged and she shakes her head at poor sad Doug. "Chicken's a lean protein!" She offers helpfully trying to give him a bit of an excuse to join in.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Hey Gabby, have at it, not sure who ordered it, I just brought it. He does take his delivery hat off the counter where it put it and puts it on Gabby, with its GPD letters on it. "Hey Doug, there is a veggie with fake cheese, sure it can't be to bed... for ya." He adds.,

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "Not unless the crust is made of salmon and brown rice," Doug says, with his chopsticks in his mouth. "You all have powers that burn calories. I don't!"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry glances over to Bishop, a bit of a blush might be spied. "I don't know about honored, but thank you Bishop." He gives a friendly nod. As more filter in, he fetches his cellphone from his shorts. "I'll order more... we'll demolish whomever's food this is." A chuckle, light-hearted and amused.

"Doug, you can always up your workout regimen. I'd be glad to help, I do teach Health after all." A smile.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The hour calls for coffee, the blacker the better. Illyana comes gliding through from the foyer, a sheathed bastard sword strapped to her back by way of a midnight-black harness wrapped around her waist and bisecting her diagonally from shoulder to hip. An extraordinary accessory to go with a particularly ordinary outfit, just a pair of fitted black pants and about forty cords wrapped together into some peculiar starburst of a shirt. No need for pizza necessarily, but the blonde Russian focuses with singular purpose on the industrial quality coffee machine. She may not be able to sneak in fully behind them all, but neither does it quite matter if her rather tall black boots squeak or not. Another pair of blades ride her hip; a rapier, its smaller stiletto sister. Just in case, what, the pizza tries to make a run for it? The steamer holds one distraction, certainly, and she glances sidelong in that direction to note her favourite rice-munching person.

But then back to the epic of tale, a sorceress prevailed, defeating the hard work, seeking coffee with fail. Toss a wave to your Russian, oh family of plenty...

Bishop has posed:
The Big man downs a wing in manner a hungry defensive lineman might. He nods in agreement with Gabby and says to Doug, "My new friend Gabby is corrent, chicken is one of the best protiens for building dense muscle mass. And Dr. McCoy I am certain could help you refine your regimine." He looks back to Gabby and says, "Hopefully I'll hear your story sometime then." He looks then to Sam, "Thank you for sharing Mr. Guthrie."

His words trail off as Illyana arrives. "Always prepared for battle. A sound policy."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    Doug leans his elbows onto the counter, and continues to pick at his meal. "Salmon has better fats in it. And the stuff the school gets is all wild-caught." He adds, "It's actually not bad... though eating it every day does get a little grating." He exhales, and then says, "Actually if I use my arm for target-practice I'm ravenous afterward, but that sort of draw on my lifeglow causes total body crash, so I try not to do it--" He takes another bite of his nutritionally perfected meal.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney doesn't take TOO much in the food department as she starts to load her plate up with a few chicken of each flavor type so she could try them all. The hat Sam plops on her head causes her to tip her head back a little bit as it was just a tad too big for her and started to slip down into her eyes. Somehow she manages. "Oh no problem. I tell it a lot. Dinner first though--Ooh, Illyana, you know how to use swords!?" Well of course that's exciting. "I haven't gotten to practice since the labs. For some reason people don't like letting me have weapons here." Shrug.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Hey I am just the delivery boy, but since it did not have a specific name and paid for with schools account figured free for all." He looks over to Doug having not heard about that ability with the arm. "Hey Ill." He says to Illyana in greeting. "It is good to see people here just having something to eat like a family." He says, having always thought of those here as his second family"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
A spectacle for the senses: new faces, chicken by the pound, pizza and... stuff. With a single-minded focus, Illyana touches the machine with a fingertip and pulls open the cabinet, extracting a cup. She places it on the counter, still pressing a few buttons to set the machine to a fresh brew by extracting the souls of wayward hopes and unrealized fantasies, producing a seething hiss from the convalescent Italian dragon machine. Her sibilant snarl through bared teeth approximates the same noise at a register fit to put the hairs on the back of the neck rising. Nothing in the variety of weapons halts her from shimmying up to the counter and pushing herself out of the way, though she bounces up and down on her toes while waiting for the percolating to become a full-bore draconic blast of caffeine into the cup. Conveniently in the meantime, she can extend a hand and trail her finger down the back of Doug's spine from nape to coccyx, sparingly light and dragging with wicked intersection of purpose. "Sam." Monosyllabic Russian, what else is new for the stereotype? "Warrior. Dropbear." Bishop gets the secondary tag, Gabby the third. No affectionate hair rustling for the petite murder-fiend, but that might not be a bad thing. The pale-eyed woman has a lean, hungry look about her. Getting betwixt her and her coffee constitutes a terrible idea, all in all. "Da. I use swords. Jungle island, smugglers, rotten rope bridges for a change of fun after coffee."

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a chuckle from Hank as the hat droops on Gabby. An aside to Doug. "I am certainly not one to advise against a healthy meal, Doug. Not at all. I am a fan of variety, however." A chuckle. "It is the spice of life, after all."

He watches the interaction between Illyana and Doug, chuckle. "Illyana. Always nice to see you - though the armnament seems a bit much around the estate." The furry man teases.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug's eyes widen, and he stops, and puts his chopsticks back into the bowl, as his shoulders stiffen and his cheeks turn pink. "...Yana." He says, remaining where he is, frozen like a deer that just saw the tiger as it began to pounce. "We always used to eat together," He adds. "The Professor insisted."

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks at Gabby as if he is honestly very perplexed, "They don't let you carry a weapon? Is it safe to be unarmed? My Grandmother always told me stories of how dangerous New York is." He loosk to Hank t hen suddenly a bit reserved, "Though I am sure the mansion is perfectly safe." He looks to Sam then and says, "My Grandmother used to tell us even if we didn't have much we were rich in friends and rich in family. I am glad you have plenty of both here."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stares momentarily at Illyana only to give a nod of apparent understanding. When Doug expresses his worry she just shhushes him. "Coffee first or else things get stabbed," she suggests helpfully having seen Laura this way many many times before. She glances over toward Bishop with his apparent concern only to grin impishly. "They don't let me but that doesn't mean I *don't* carry any," she assures with a little lift of her foot to indicate her hightop sneakers. "Boot knife. Though Laura did take my butterfly knife," she bemoans. Still grinning she moves over to snag a red solo cup while eyeing that keg, and shifty eyeing toward Sam and Hank and the others. "Besides, they can't take *all* my weapons." With that said she holds up her fist displaying the back of her hand--Just in time for a single bone claw to pop out the back of her hand. Which she holds aloft as she heads for the keg.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Try with herbs, dill, da? Maybe olive oil, lemon, or hoisin sauce." Illyana's dispensing of culinary recommendations for the salmon on display is probably as shocking as her wandering through in a priest's vestments, though not quite up there with nuns. When her brewing coffee produces a sudden outbound hiss of pressure, she swivels and jabs three buttons in memorized succession to end up with the cup full of steaming black coffee substituted as another weapon in case drawing a sword or the stiletto at least was less than timely. Efficiency sees her possessively clutch her beloved in both hands to her chest, tilting her head down to press her cheek to the source of molten warmth, eyes reduced to snowflake agate crescents lushly defined by golden wheat lashes. A rattled noise low in the column of her throat evinces such a mercurial chord of pleasure in sibillant torment that it might be indistinguishable from a rolling, thready purr on a rasped note. Finally extinguished like a wave, she takes a sip. Yes, that probably should burn her mouth and she plain doesn't care. Murmured commentary in sweet nothings in the vicissitudes of tormented consonants cracked and broken on the backbone of her accent could be anything, but to quote the Merovingian, it's a fantastic language, especially to curse with. It's like wiping your face with a cloth of Weapon-X-mutate claws, and throwing hundred proof and salt afterward to cleanse the wound.

One sip of coffee down, and she is particularly linked back down to earth. Bone claw observed with those pitiless eyes, she throws devil-horns back to Gabby in approval. Or threat. Are they one and the same? "Who are you?" Ever elegant transition there, turned back to Bishop. "No one unarmed here." The slow, vulpine uncurling of her smirk almost illuminates the winter shades of pale found in that elegant countenance, though it's a bit like having a glacier sparkling in the sunshine. Harrowing, pretty, and it still wants to devour you and spit out your bones as a jumble of scree. Gabby's got the right of it: someone needs her coffee. Badly.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a gruff harumph from Hank at Gabby's trajectory. "Healing factor aside, Miss Gabby - I think beer is off the table for you." The man explains, regardless of temperment. Brave Hank, denying the dropbear! He says nothing about the weapons - the lot of them are all weapons in their own rights. A glance to Bishop after that. "I would wager it is as safe as we can make it here on the grounds... outside of the Danger Room." A wry chuckle. "I'm still recovering from some bruises and ringing ears from our last training simulation."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Hey now, thats new, and your too young for that Gabby, Soda's in the fridge." He says mimicing Hank's words but with a secondary option at least. He chuckles as Hank beat him to it by a moment, and will move to grab a stool out of the way a bit but still in conversation range.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
Doug turns his head to study Illyana, and he says, "We had a small crisis a few days ago when the pump on her Keurig gave out." He stirs the food in his bowl, and then he says, "That was when I learned how to fix the pump on a Keurig on the fly." He gives Illyana a fond look, and then he glances back to Sam, "...I prefer a French Press, myself? But sometimes you've just got to get your fix in a hurry..."

Bishop has posed:
Bishop taps the tip of Gabby's bone claw, "Very impressive and very dangerous." he says as she walks past him heading for the keg. Hank and Sam are intercepting before he can say something and he looks to Illyana, "My name is Bishop. I am a recent guest, a bit lost, finding my way, but here to help however I can while I am here."

Finishing his plate of wings and his slice of pizza he moves to the sink to wash off his plate. "French Press is a way of making coffee?" he saks, Doug, "I will have to try that. Where I am from we only had instant coffee." Truly Bishop's future is the darkest timeline.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney siiiighs melodramatically as she's cut off from the keg. "I just wanted to see if it was root beer or actual beer." Actual beer. She knew. Pouting she moves to the fridge to grab a soda after letting her claw pop back into her hand without any sign of blood. At least she heals. And has soda. "Oh, never had real coffee? Hope was the same way. You'll *love* real coffee!"

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "Oh, it's one of the simplest ways to brew coffee, you could kit-bash one easily enough," Doug says. "You start with a glass beaker, like you'd find in a science lab, exactly like it, and you cut a metal or wood circle to fit. You'll need some steel mesh and something to anchor it, and then a metal rod to act as a plunger." Doug says, as he sets his food aside. "So what you do is you mix coffee grounds and boiling water and let it sit, and then you use the plunger to push the grounds down and separate them from the coffee."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Eyes narrow considerably from the lithe blonde armed to the teeth, about to go demon or dragon-slaying in the wilds of Panama. Her fingers tap out the bassline from /Whole Lotta Love/ against the cup for Hank's benefit, and she sings... in Russian. Not half-bad, which might be expected for those aware of her other side, few as though in the room might be. Whatever else, though, she glides right back into English. "French press is best. But coffee." A third the cup is patently gone by the time she lowers it back down and looks into the basin, opting then to pour herself more just as a matter of caution. Never know when the world will have nothing but bad, dark coffee of the instant variety. "Your future is deprived," she observes with a sanguine tone to it. This measured look through her golden lashes narrows and she observes something a bit more sidelong, pupils faded bit by bit. Still, for someone who regularly falls out of sync with timelines, this is an important designation.

"Later," she tells Gabby.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry, in a show of solidarity, tosses his empty beer bottle into the recycling bin before vaulting over the counter to get himself a rootbeer from the fridge. See? Soda for everyone. "I will have to make a note to speak with Warren about the depositing of kegs in the common kitchen." There's a deep chuckle at that. "I suppose it is not too entirely different than college in that aspect."

"So many new visitors and students. It does warm my heart to see our doors open like this." He admits, to no one in particular.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop simply nods to Illyana and says, "It is. Of a great many things." And as he cleans his plate, dries it and, after some trial and error finds the cupboard it goes in. "I should go and finish unpacking my things, such that they are. Thank you for sharing a meal." He looks around the room and t ries to offer a polite dip of his head to everyone, "Dr. McCoy, Mr. Guthrie, Mr. Ramsey, Gabby, Ms. Rasputina, thank you."

At the door he stops and looks back for a moment, "If you need any extra help on this jungle island you are raiding, let me know. I am here to help. Of course I also understand if you don't wish to take an unproven ally on a mission. Have a good night everyone."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Probably just forgot how many of us aint 21. He says including himself in that number. So, i heard about a musician in the DR session the other night? He asks looking over to Doug and Illyana.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances between Doug, and Illyana, as she cracks open her own soda to start sipping on. Between bites of wings at least. After a moment of chewing she considers, "I wonder how this would taste with Laura's hot sauce on it." Also, "What jungle what?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Music with fourteen injuries, two severe, one critical," says Illyana in the mode of ulterior motives. "Property damage assessment not known." Her deadpan delivery maybe proves impressed by this number, and maybe not. "Jungle island assault." A gesture indicates the dressed-for-dire-radioactive-demon-bear weaponry. "Practice. Real world, not only a fake room, da?" Still, the crooning measure of music is no longer entirely in her head and she's no longer singing Led Zeppelin to Doug in Russian. Or anyone who might happen to know it, anyway.

"Tonight, maybe play a bad game. I found one or two at the store." Somewhere, there is a battered drone spitting out its last life.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"Would that our life was all about creating pretend dangerous scenarios instead of rushing headlong into real ones." Doug eats a cherry tomato, and chews it quietly, rolling it around in his mouth. "What kind of bad game?" He asks Illyana. "Because that runs a spectrum of bad. There's bad as in this was poorly thought out, and bad as in Gabby won't be allowed to be in the room--"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over, and says "Well I think there is a different word for those, but maybe board games? He asks as she did mention the store. He finishes his pizza, and listens a bit longer to this.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods solemnly at the assessment of whatever the heck went on while chomping down on a spicy wing. She nods again humming. "Sounds like a good take down," she assures with a grin flashed. She looks over twoard Doug though at mention of not being allowed into the room. "Why wouldnt' I be allowed?" Hm. "I'm up for games though."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry clears his throat, not wanting to go into that can of worms, no sir. "Jungle expedition - is this a concerted effort, or more of a lark?" He wonders of Illyana.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"A Big Black Box variation of a card game. To see how smart you are putting words together," Illyana replies with a somewhat innocent variation on her habitual mask. She waits until Doug is preoccupied before picking up his discarded chopsticks -- or stealing them from his hand -- and grabbing a few granules of rice. The opportunity is too good to overlook. "I think it is called Death to Humanity. Or Choke on Humanity. I got a few." And by few, she means the entire freaking set, and then some that don't exist.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
"Cards a--" Doug pauses, and then says, "...But I don't drink." He says, before he gives Illyana fond but long-suffering look. "Okay." He says, with a sigh. "...We can play." He holds up a finger at her, and then says, "...But remember, innocent ears."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and hmms. He looks to Gabby as if trying to decide if she is to young to be around such a game. Yup at times, he is a Jr stick in the mud.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney just stares at this particular description of a game. "That... sounds awesome." She grins from ear to ear and starts to bounce on the balls of her feet in excitement. When Doug mentions innocent ears she glances over at him with a deadpan expression. "I grew up in a lab full of scientists, and my sisters were assassins. How innocent do you think I am exactly? Plus Logan and Laura," she adds with consideration.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Beast finishes his pizza and soda, taking the extra time to rinse the plate and put it in the dishwasher. "With that, I should take my leave." He offers to the assembled. "Try not to innundate Miss Gabby with too much foul-language, yes?" A wry grin. That being said, he offers a wave to them all, before heading towards his room.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Silence spells," suggests the Russian sorceress, "are amazing things." She has nothing there to add entirely. Merely the indications for being absolutely serious about the matter at hand. Of course, she has nothing to add about Gabby's age in defense or lack thereof, but gives Sam a blank, wide-eyed stare because the mere notion is bound to cause discomfort somehow. Perchance it's just a test of his patience. She may well be completely and utterly evil in this action, though. "She is technically older than me. Do not be too unkind." Her arm loops around Doug's waist and she nods to Hank as he prepares to leave.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    Doug turns his head to give Illyana a look. He gestures with his chopsticks. "I was talking about *Sam*." He says, archly.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Doug and laughs slowly "Ha, ha, ha, thats big ears, Innocent ears is back home visiting Moria." He says of one of their friends. "Does the game have a version that aint going to scar her mentaly?" he actually aint played it much himself it seems.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances back and forth a time or two only to nod as she understands. Yeah, Sam was pretty innocent. So was she in spite of her arguments to the contrary. "Oh come on, it's a game, how bad can it be?" She asks as she looks between everyone curiously. Ah so innocent.

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "It really helped cover them up when you grew your hair out," Doug says. "We didn't even know your hair had a part, we just assumed your head would always look like a pencil eraser with wings stapled onto it." Doug tilts his head at Illyana and says, "I'm not playing it with S'ym."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Nyet, you are not. He is playing to learn the rules. He must teach them, da?" Right. Currently, a demon is playing Cards Against Humanity against other humans, presumably, somehow doing this from Limbo. Or they managed to set up an actual server /in/ Limbo, which is probably even more terrifying considering those legions of the untamed under her command are frequently at war and rarely in agreement about anything except their slavish devotion to the Demon Queen. Who clearly wears enough metal to be a threat to the majority of combatants who aren't empowered with Logan-levels of trouble. The relic at her back isn't glowing any more than usual, sheathed to avoid the lightsaber effect going on. "Scandalously rotten. Mmm..."

Blanking out only takes a moment, tipping her head a fraction. "Last three rounds? Blank: kid-tested, mother approved. Winning answer, Oedipus Complex. What gives me uncontrollable gas? Poorly-timed Holocaust jokes. I went from blank to blank all thanks to blank. 'I went from stranger danger to friends with benefits all thanks to an ether-soaked rag.'"

She gestures mildly.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the two. "Well Laura can only be alot upset. He hmms and looks to Doug "I dub the adult, so letting you decide.'

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stares. Blankly. Her soda lifts to her lips to take a long slow sip as she tries to parse what Illyana is ex plaining about the cards and the hands. A deep breath is drawn, and exhaled, only for her eyes to narrow a little bit. "Okay I understand ether-soaked rag..."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    Doug proceeds to stick his tongue out at Sam. "Nyehhhhhhhhhh. You want to see how *adult* I am?" He says, before he gets out his phone. "Hey Gabby. Want to see a photo of Sam when he was sixteen?" He starts going through photos.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Oedipus is a cursed Greek prince abandoned at birth who comes back to marry his mother, Jocasta, and have children together in fulfilment of the doom on him." Usually Yana doesn't talk that much. Not always. But she provides /that/ fact, precise and steeply pointed, entirely unconcerned for the corruption of the children in the vicinity. Her eyes narrow slightly. "Ramsey." A mild statement. A world of promise.

Her shadow shouldn't have horns.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "I'm just glad you did not think to bring your phone that night." He tells his friend grinning a bit, but to Gabby he says 'Probably a game for later, but sure we can find something. Maybe break out talisman?

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney holds up a hand a bit at Doug with a shake of her head only to grin. "Nah that's okay. I mean he's cute enough now, I don't want to forever ruin my image of him." Well at least it was sort of a compliment. Her head tips to listne to Illyana's explanation. It earns a little crinkle of her nose along with, "Ew. Okay different game I guess," she sighs when Sam brings that up. "What's Talisman? We could always just play Texas Hold'em."

Douglas Ramsey has posed:
    "Or we play Monopoly or Sorry! Or we could just skip straight to the fistfight," Doug says, as he swipes through photos, before he looks between Gabby and Sam. "I'm more of a Five-Card Stud kind of guy."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana Rasputina raises her shoulders mildly and smirks. "Fistfights? For Sorry. Why is there fighting for Sorry? Is it a game to make others cry foul?" She really doesn't know, does she? Believe it. Talisman, Sorry! and Monopoly are probably right over her golden head.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Well, lets go see what we can find in the rec room." He will tell tem after washing his dishes up, and says "Anyone want any more before I put left overs up?"