10724/Securing the Glades
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Securing the Glades | |
Date of Scene: | 10 April 2022 |
Location: | The Glades |
Synopsis: | Turns out a raid on a Montesi building at the Glades turns into an explosive trap for Vin and Thea. They get out alive but Vin's ninja outfit doesn't survive. |
Cast of Characters: | Thea Queen, Vintridr
- Thea Queen has posed:
Now that the Verdant is finally up and running it doesn't mean work is done. No, instead it's the start of the actual difficult work which is to bring some kind of peace and safety to the area. Of course that it's easier said than done and Thea is certainly no Green Arrow so she has been taking her time stalking on the various criminal organizations around the Glades.
Like the Montesi outfit.
Bunch of old school crooks that have recently taken a turn to trafficking of the worst kind. Humans. And it means they have to be taken down. Her contacts have led her to find their source of operations, a building on the poorest part of the Glades (which considering it's the Glades it's telling something) with it's decrepit buildings, fallen debris and a particular building that's her target. She lands on the rooftop silently, dressed in her black and red outfit, bow on her back and speaks quietly on comms, "I am on the roof, Vin. Are you close?" a beat, "Speaking of, have you thought of a codename instead of having to use your name?" she asks, dropping into a crouch while waiting.
- Vintridr has posed:
<<I see you, >> comes the soft response on Thea's comm. << I am on the fire escape in the alleyway across the street, just to your north. >>
It's hard to get clear imagery at that distance, especially in the gloom -- until what Thea had assumed was a shadow suddenly waves a hand and the picture slides into focus like one of those trick photos. Vin appears to be persisting in her 'budget urban ninja' look; jogging pants and a hoodie, with a scarf concealing most of her face, in colors of dark green and grey that blend surprisingly well with the surroundings, especially when she's crouching down and resembling a heap of laundry more than a person.
<< I have two of their pet goons play-acting at being sentries beneath me, >> she continues, her offended professional sensibilities clear in her voice even over this soft transmission. << They are taking turns smoking something foul and bragging about their sexual conquests and occasionally looking out over the streets, no more than once every two minutes; their superiors call them for an update once every five. >>
<< As to a codename... I have yet to decide. For now, 'Rook' shall have to suffice. >> A brief, soft chuckle. << Entirely too many of the good ones have already been taken, sadly. >>
- Thea Queen has posed:
Reaching up to her goggles Thea adjusts the settings, the picture more and more discernible until she finally sees the waving Vin. It has her quirk a brow. "There you are. Trying to be the Shadow, are you?" some amusement on her tone at the easiness in which the large Asgardian appears to be able to hide herself. She listens to the explanation on the sentries below and nods sharply. "Yea, guess the Montesi are finding it hard to get 'good' people for their endeavors. Good, means we might be making a difference.." a grin.
"And time to do some more."
Yet before continuing she pauses, "Rook? Really?" oh, she understood the 'why' she took that name. A sigh later and then a, "Fine..." she making her way to the trapdoor and quietly opening it. Head pops inside and she checks the place, "Some sentries inside too." she tells Vin, "Let's attack on both fronts and pincer them together. On my mark, 3, 2, 1..."
And she jumps down the trapdoor.
- Vintridr has posed:
<< If this continues we may have to find worthier opponents -- or failing that, some decent sparring partners, >> Vin opines. << Untried skills degrade.>>
<<... Admittedly I do have concerns. Montesi has a backer who has some kind of design on this area; sooner or later she will have to decide whether o abandon her designs or reinforce her cat's paw. I mislike surprises when I'm not the one providing them; stay alert. >>
Then Thea gives the countdown, and the time for banter is at an end for now. <<Meet you inside,>>
As the count completes, Vin simply hops over the railing and drops straight down, letting one of the two goons break her fall, then coming up from her crouch with a punch, carefully pulled to merely render a normal human unconscious without doing too much lasting damage.
- Thea Queen has posed:
<< You know, sometimes I do like to say beware on what you wish for. Nothing wrong with mopping up some losers if it means we get to make the neighborhood safe. >>
But then they are getting into the warehouse and it's radio silence for now. At least on where it comes to talking to Vin because Thea sure is chatty with the first sentry she finds. With her back to her and shoulder against a wall. Really, shouldn't they have better watchouts? "Room service.." she whispers from behind before catching the man in a chokehold, arm around his throat and she using her weight to push back and keep him from struggling. The man is surprised, trying to grasp at her arm but she has learned well, eventually he falling down unconscious.. Easy.
Too easy?
The two goons try to react but it's hard to go against an Asgardian. And when it's an Asgardian setting an ambush? Near impossible! The punch sends the poor man flying and he is sprawled unconscious.
Thea's voice is heard after, << Minimal resistance so far. I am moving further inside and.. --- Ah shit, the captives aren't here anymore. It's all empty rooms and nothing more. Come in here if you can, first floor. >>
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin frowns underneath her scarf. She's survived entirely too many traps and ambushes not to listen to her instincts. <<On my way,>> she replies, quickly sprinting toward the entrance.
<<Do you have an exit route?>> she asks as she reaches the door and briefly considers it before deciding that subtlety is not called for, taking two steps backward and slamming into - and through - it with full strength, trusting momentum and the door's shielding to keep her from being targeted in the half second she'll need to assess the situation inside.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Crashing in through the front door brings up a reaction from the men inside. Yet perhaps not with the intensity one would expect from the Montesi. Not if this was their actual main place for the captives. A couple of men get up from a table suddenly, surprised. They were playing dice apparently and reach for their guns to shoot at Vin. "Oh shit, we are being attacked!" "Shoot her! Must be an amateur vigilante, look at that outfit!" even the goons diss Vin's outfit! Clearly time to get a new one...
Yet they are also trying to be positive about it because that said 'amateur vigilante' just smashed in through a damn doorway like it was nothing. Long gone are the times in which all they had to worry about was some Robin Hood wannabes in Starling...
Thea remains upstairs, checking rooms. << Yes, exit route is secure. This was clearly their holding place before but ... there's no one else here anymore. Besides the goons.. >>
- Vintridr has posed:
While it's true that Asgardians are mostly bulletproof - although pedants would insist on calling it 'bullet resistant' - Vin prefers not to advertise the fact unless she has to.
A solid shove with her foot sends what remains of the door skidding along the floor and into the table, upending it and knocking one of the men clear off his feet -- and before the others have recovered from their surprise, she's already among them, and a melee is a terrible place to have a gun.
A snap kick, a quick feint and a quicker throw later, none of the goons are in a position to cause any more problems tonight, and Vin heads for the stairway. << Keep at the ready. I mislike this, >> she comments as she ascends.
<< Consider. You command a criminal network which is under assault from vigilantes; you've been unable to determine their base of operations, and your conventional forces are not enough to stop them when they hit your places, but you do know what types of operation draw their attention quickest. What do you do? >>
- Thea Queen has posed:
It doesn't take long for Vin to come face to face with Thea. Or rather, the vigilante Red Arrow! She is by the doorway to a room, craning her neck back when she hears movement coming upstairs. Noting it's Vin she nods sharply her way. "All empty." she considering Vin's words while looking around, eyes narrowed.
"I know what I would do, I would draw them over and ..." eyes go wide and she gestures. "We need to get out of here. NOW." she begins running to the nearest window.
Vin's sharp senses may catch a constant ticking coming from not that far away on this floor.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin's eyes likewise widen when she hears the telltale ticking, but she'd already been half expecting something like this and surprise barely slows her down.
Two bounding strides let her reach Thea and grab her by the waist without slowing down on her way to the window, twisting to hit it with her shoulder at full tilt, then twisting again in mid-air to put her body behind Thea and the explosion she's trying to outrun.
... Yes, they're also about ten meters off the ground in mid-air, but that's a problem for about a second and a half for now and can therefore wait.
- Thea Queen has posed:
At least Thea doesn't let out an indignant yelp when she is picked up from the ground by Vin even if inwardly she does so. She can run too! But hey, if this is set to explode better safe than sorry. And caution is proven right as when Vin jumps out the window there's that whistle of fire spreading quickly before an explosion rocks the top floor. With the duo already somewhat far with the jump it means there's no burning even if the impact would be a lot stronger than what a normal woman could withstand, they being thrown out of control on that ten meter fall...
And that's when Thea brings the bow up. It's tricky, shooting while being held, mid-fall. But she is the Red Arrow and with a quick snap of her hand she brings out a arrow and shoots it up to a building not far from the one that just exploded. The arrow lands. A zipline arrow..
"Hold on to the zipline!" She tells Vin. Hopefully they will simply swing on the rope without hitting the ground if all goes well!
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin nods wordlessly and reaches out with her free arm to grab the zipline the moment she hears the telltale snick of its anchor engaging.
That done, the first order of business is stabilize her spin to get a better sense of where she's moving and how to best angle to absorb the impact so that Thea doesn't have to -- whether that's the ground in an overly rough landing, or the side of a building.
- Thea Queen has posed:
There's a bit of a spin. And a skid against the side of the building. But all in all they are able to come out in one piece even if Vin's ninja outfit may have been a bit burned on the back. And torn with the impact, "Seems like we will have to get serious about these guys.." Thea says once they land down on the ground, she coughing out and wincing as she moves her shoulders, sore with the impact of the explosion still.
"Thanks .., Rook." She tells Vin with a faint smile.
"Think these guys have no idea who they just messed with.." It was time for payback.
- Vintridr has posed:
"Indeed," Vin affirms, taking a moment to look Thea over for injuries, then tilting her head to listen for sirens -- this still isn't exactly one of the best serviced areas of town, but an explosion and fire like this will draw attention sooner than later. "... But we'd best do our planning somewhere other than here, before anyone else shows up."
Starting with whatever source pinpointed this location for Thea. Either they were fooled, or they were turned -- and Vin will know which.