10816/X-F: Kitties Need Scritches
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X-F: Kitties Need Scritches | |
Date of Scene: | 29 April 2022 |
Location: | Riverdale, Bronx |
Synopsis: | X-Force takes down another of the facility bent on cyber-genetics with the help of Inque. More files were found on their next target. But more questions were raised: Who is the mysterious man who seems to be in charge and what is X-00? |
Cast of Characters: | Wade Wilson, Clarice Ferguson, Neena Thurman, Cable, Gabby Kinney, Inez Temple, Inque
- Wade Wilson has posed:
The call has gone out from whatever mobile devivce that Wade has to each member of his crew. X-Force is on the clock and Riverdale was the target. The somewhat suburban residential district of the Bronx is usually not a hotbed for criminal activity. The NYPD 50th Precinct is one of the best in the area and has continually kept the neighborhood in the top 20 safest patrol areas in the city.
Which is why it's such a perfect hidey hole for this organization.
Wade's spent the last few weeks scouting the place out (when he isn't 'busy') and determined that the organization's HQ to be a side building near to the YWHA community center. What sets this building apart from the rest of the area? It -couldn't- be fact that there are no windows, no signage, and no identifying marks of any kind on it despite it being in the midst of a number of community buildings. That would be too obvious. Deadpool is just a good detective when he wants to be. Obviously.
He's set up shop in an office complex across the street, his red crotch-rocket parked inconspicuously perpendicular to a parking meter (motorcyclists have no true idea how to drive in the city after all) and his eyes are fixed on the building. He is in the dusty white-grey and black suit of X-Force as he waits for the rest of his team to arrive. Outside the building are three men and three women playing a game of basketball. It's a good disguise for a crew of guards. They're close to the door and in the open. The problem is that a trained eye would be able to see the signs of not-entirely humaness on them all.
One's too big to be anything short of a bodybuilder but moves with a grace that borders on the inhuman. Another's tongue is a bit too long to be normal, seen when their deep into the game. The rest have minor signs of oddness. Jewelry that seems a bit too directly fused to their skin (an obvious sign of cybernetic enhancements) and other tidbits that point to the entire group being homo superior or modified humans in some fashion.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice arrives in her usual manner - by stepping through a purple-tinged tear in reality that opens into the room where Deadpool waits, and watches. "Thanks for the pic," she remarks casually as she steps through, followed immediately by Neena. She means the pic of the room he sent her, along with the coordinates, to help her 'stick the landing' safely as she arrives.
What did you think it meant?
The normally magenta-hued woman was already disguised by her image inducer as a young asian woman with much fainter versions of her own facial markings. She also wears the black coat and pants she'd been provided with for missions with the group.
She hazards a look out the window towards where Deadpool was looking - then takes a step back to simply give the man a questioning, curious look, waiting for an explination of what they were all up to today.
Other than murdering guards.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino steps right on through behind Clarice, having learned that keeping portals open takes energy and concentration. It's just polite to let the portal-maker be done quickly. She's wearing her favorite suit with the X-force belts on, bearing weaponry from knives to guns, because nothing says 'covert operation' like being openly armed.
Look, it's going to become obvious pretty quickly. Clarice's disguise is to hide her ties to the Brotherhood, not to hide-hide.
"What've we got?" she murmurs to Deadpool as Clarice looks at him, raising a dark eyebrow of her own.
- Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers is already in the room, wearing a heavy flack jacket studded with various forms of ammunition. He has a modified gatling gun resting beside his body and the handle of a machete with a molded grip jutting out just behind his head. His arms are crossed over hischest, his left eye glowing golden and flaring momentarily when Blink's portal opens.
He isn't likely to offer much in the way of exposition. He's essentially in repose, waiting for the inevitable eruption of violence, like a landmine with a hair trigger.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Who you gonna call? Apparently everyone on the list which is a fantastic thing for Gabby right now: Being included in something was the best feeling ever. Especially with the past week or so she's had. The chance to not only be included in the mission, but to also have the chance to potentially punch and kick some stress out on people who totally deserve it, well, it made her day. It's no wonder she gets to the location provided as quickly as mutantly possible (for those without teleport powers.)
Riding up on a motorcycle that looked as if it was either a dirt bike that had been modified for street use, or a delivery bike--Man it was a weird bike--she parks a little ways down the street. Her hair was up in a ponytail right now, and she was apparently not in uniform. Costume. Nope. Wearing an oversized windbreaker with a slice of pizza with wings on the back she hops off, grabs one of those thermo-bags off the back rack of her motorcycle, and then half-jogs right past the 'basketball' players to head for a building a few down.
It's there she ducks into the office building where Deadpool waits. Just a pizza delivery, nothing serious here. A quick shave-and-a-haircut knock later has her entering the room to place the pizza bag down. It actually DOES smell like there's pizza in there as she cracks it open to pull out her uzis that were situated ontop of the pie inside. The oversized 'work' jacket is shrugged out of leaving her in her similarily white and black suit.
"I've got snacks if we need," she sing-songs with a grin. "Also if any of them end up being cute guys I have dibs on punching them because I have some unresolved emotioanl issues I need to vent in a constructive fashion."
- Inez Temple has posed:
Inez is there with the rest of the group, hurrying through and looking around the area with a small sigh, "Suburbia... why's it gotta be suburbia?" Gabby is given a quick squeeze and smile before she offers, "If'n ya need me t' punch some asshole fer ya.. happy t'do it." Winking, she sidles over towards Domino and gives her a nudge, "This is new. Usually we're neck deep in th' city or out in BFE somewhere. Feels weird, don't it?" Clarice is given a smile and nod, Deadpool is winked at. Nate gets a smile AND wink, because he's grump-facing.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Deadpool is all game-face with the mask on. The red eye ports give him an almost sinister appearances against the dusty white and black. "Not sure..." he says. "I've been casing the place--when not testing the sound proofing on the asteroid's quarters--and from what I can tell people go in... they don't come out. Or if they come out they come out... very different than they went in."
A flicker of light flashes across the interior of the office complex as sun glints off a cybernetic bracer of one of the guards. "Like that" he says pointing. "Don't know what sort of tech they're brandishing inside but it's higher than we're working with in this time and day..."
He gives Cable a look and eyes the plating on his arm. "Seems more like your neck of the woods to be honest. But, we're going to have to get inside to know more" he shrugs.
"Nice of you to bring snacks" he says to Gabby before snagging a slice of pizza. The mask goes up enough to scarf the slice down. "Fuel up quick people..." he says around a mouth full of pizza, as he tugs his mask back down. "It's go time." He taps a small device on his belt and a folk rhythm starts to pour out of the mini boombox.
Just call me angel of the morning, angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, darl--
"Shit... wrong one.." Deadpool says before hammering off the song and pressing another button. The song that starts up has a hard hip-hop drive of brass instruments and a hard vocals of DMX hyping up the song 'X Gon Give it To Ya.'
"Better..." he says before he heads out, strolling towards the building, drawing his heavy pistols as he makes his way casually forward.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Clarice likewise helps herself to a slice - giving Gabby a thumbs-up of approval - and after swallowing a bite hastily asks, "They seemed like they were willing on the way in?"
Regardless of the answer, she reaches over her shoulder to where she's balancing a quiver filled with slender, silvery darts. She charges them both with some of her teleportation energy and while Deadpool heads towards the building - she makes her way towards a solid wall, flinging one of the javelins. When it hits the wall, it blinks out with a large, circular section of the wall, leaving the interrior exposed. Hopefully that wall wasn't too load bearing.
- Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers nods at Deadpool's assessment. "Some of their stuff indicates ties that might give them access to future tech. Know better afterward," he says. At being told it's 'go' time, he hefts up his gatling gun with his cyberarm and slings it up over his shoulder, unlatching the flaps on a few of his pistol holsters, numerous pouches on display on his heavy armored jacket.
"That song sucks," he says of the Juice Newton classic, the scarring on his face showing in a harsh light as he prepares himself for another day in the trenches.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney actually starts to check her gear in a proper manner once she arrives and makes her announcement. She's just slinging the straps of the uzis in place over her shoulders when Inez steps in for a quick squeeze. "Thanks," she returns with a grin. "But you can't punch him, and I can't punch him, because issues." It's all she states for now. Unresolved issues were still unresolved but this was a welcome distraction. "Seriously though, what's the sitrep?"
Reaching up she slips her goggles on over her eyes, and tugs the jagged 'toothy' mask up around her face to finish gearing up. Her attention swivels to the windows regarding the grouping outside while Wade starts to give explanations, only for a pause. Her hand shoots up, single finger in the air. "I do not need details on the soundproofing situation, I already know way too much about my siblings sex lives at this point. I'm so shooting someone tonight." With that she tugs the mask down to grab a slice herself with a quick grin and nod given to Clarice's approval of the food. The slice is folded New York style and chomped into with a quick lick of greasy fingers as Wade makes his music selection. "Maybe we can snag some sweet gear while in there."
Nathan's hefting of the gatling gun causes her to pause as she peers up at the taller man bearing such a hefty weapon. A squint is given, and she tugs her goggles back into place with a solemn nod. "Gonna have to lift a lot of weights if I want to do that someday." Sigh. But she's ready so she follows out head already bobbing along with Wade's chosen music.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino grabs a slice and eats quickly, rolling her eyes at Wade's music choices. "Thanks for the pizza!" she says with a grin for Gabby. "Stick with me and you'll get lucky, find someone to shoot for sure."
Then she grabs up a pistol for each hand, checks the slides and makes sure they're loaded and ready, before turning to follow him on out. They look cool, they really do, music and all.
- Inque has posed:
Inque has been interested in this location since it's implied existence in the gigabytes of information she stole from Genetech's business offices. The company had picked up the mutagenic experiments that had created her where the previous company had left off. She has no idea how they had gotten that information. She thought she had erased all trace of it in her first round of vengeance oh so many years ago. It looks like this to be one of the places where they ship iterations of the substance off.
The security on the place is tight. Not tight enough, however, to keep a being that is essentially sentient liquid out. Tonight she plans to get into their servers and see exactly what it is that they've been up to, and then destroy the facility. She's seen the labs. She's seen the 'experiments'. Normally she wouldn't care about people who sign their life away to be augmented. After all, that's pretty much how /she/ was created. But these were children, and even somebody as amoral as Inque has a line, and they've crossed it.
Before she can act, however, she hears the faint sounds of somebody rapping...
|Fuck waitin' for you to get it on your own, X gon'
|deliver to ya (Uh)
|Knock-knock, open up the door, it's real
|With the non-stop pop-pop from stainless steel
|Go hard, gettin' busy with it (Ooh)
|But I got such a good heart that I'll make a |motherfucker wonder if he did it (Yeah)
DMX? From the shadow that she had been lurking she slinks around the building until she comes to face the approaching X-Force. Interesting. Looks like she's not the only one interested in this place. When Clarice opens up a hole to breach the facility right next to her she decides it's time to act, and set some things straight.
"Ladies, Gentlemen," she says forming up from a puddle of blackness. She looks like some kind of sentient abstract art. Arms and legs are black ribbons, a vague torso, and a blob for a head, with only a white circular patch on it that could indicate where a face might have been. "It looks like we have a common interest. I don't care what you do, but they have information on their servers that I need. As long as I get that, we can all be friends."
- Inez Temple has posed:
Nodding to Gabby's response, Inez winks at her, "Well, if you want t' punch people after this, let me know an' I'll take ya out where we c'n find a good fight." Because that is how you resolve issues! Punching people in the face! She moves towards her own small armory, checking over guns, ammo, making sure everything is in place and ready, then grabs a slice of the pizza as Wade talks. She flashes a grin at him towards the mention of testing the soundproofing at the Asteroid, chuckling lightly.
Settling on the shotgun again for the main gun, she casts an envious glance over at Nate's gatling gun and smiles, "Think ya c'n get me one o' them? I c'n pay fer it." Because seriously, who -doesn't- want a gatling gun?! Especially if they can carry it on their own!
Then Wade's kicking off the music and she's letting out a laugh and looking aside to Gabby, "Still not as bad as th' time we raided a drug runner's warehouse while he was blastin' 'Afternoon Delight'..."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"The Starland Vocal Band is a classic and no one can tell me differently" Deadpool comments as he starts firing a trio of bullets at the guards, who have noticed the team's advance and moved to intercept. "As is Juice Newton." He comments. "Just because tall, metal, and broody over there has no class doesn't make a song ba--"
His admonition is cut off as the large hulking beast of a man bull rushes him and sends him flying 15 feet to slam into the side of a panelled van, leaving a vaguely Deadpool sized dent in the side of the vehicle. The Merc With a Mouth pushes himself to his feet and gestures vaguely at the amorphous liquid creature inside the building. "Sounds good..." he wheezes out, his words barely audible over the lyrical assault of DMX. What -is- audible is the popping of his ribs shifting back into place. "Just... help us out and you'll get yours."
The massive man sizes Deadpool up and readies to deliver another bone crushing charge. The woman with the too long tongue reveals a mouth far too wide to be human and that too-long tongue flies out at chameleon-like speed towards Gabby, quick trained eyes can see that the tip shimmers with sharp pointed metal.
The tall, atheltic looking man with the basket ball holds up the athletic piece and it starts to glow. "You can't be here" he says, before tossing it overhead towards the large man with the gattling gun. Anyone who's seen Gambit in action has at least a rudimentary knowledge of what may happen when that ball hits something solid. Another of the guards, a women awith cybernetic looking bracers on her arms raises both arms and beams of yellow energy blast out from her hands in a zig-zag pattern toward the asian-looking woman with the magenta darts. Domino for her part, gets confronted with a pair of raised uzis that materialized from literally -no where- into the hands of the final women on the six.
The last man seems to have vanished and appears behind Inque. "Naughty, naughty..." he murmurs before his entire body is engulfed with flame and he lunges forward to grapple the liquid-like creature.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"At least they keep things interesting," Clarice remarks brightly. She watches the man rushing towards Deadpool for a second time - and decides to spare him the need to heal yet another broken spine as she opens a portal infront of the behemoth just before his crashes into the merch with a mouth.
The exit sends him barreling towards the woman with her cybernetic bracers - and conveniently, directly into the path of the yellow, zig-zagging energy. Clarice doesn't stick around, however, to see how the collision goes as she starts jogging for the entrance she made - curious to see if they managed to catch anyone offguard inside.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino doesn't bother trying to dodge the shots from the uzi. It probably looks reckless and stupid, or maybe suicidal, the way she throws herself toward the woman who materializes guns from nowhere. And yet, somehow, she manages to run in between the bullets, firing off her own shots as she goes. One bullet ricochets off one of the uzis, causing it to jam; the other conveniently locks up at the same time.
This leaves the woman open for a dual pistol-whipping, which Domino delivers as she skids to a halt. She's directly in front of the woman, so it doesn't take much to bring the butts of the pistols to bear on either side of her head.
- Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers doesn't have to dramatically raise his hand or make any sort of gesture to seize the charged object with his telekinesis, his mind cinching in around the makeshift mutant bomb and holding it in place for a second.
"Tactical error. Rook takes pawn," he says. He telekinetically projects the bomb back at its thrower, aiming low to try and hit them near the feet, attempting to launch them in the air. Which is convenient since he drops his gatling butt into his bicep on his cyberarm and aims his shots high in a cascading shower of gunfire to cut off any attempt to escape the consequences of their ill-thought actions.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had guns but she also had fists that were already loosely held out at her sides in a prepared stance as she moves forward. The sound of bullets through the air is ignored--It was inevitable as XForce clashed with the guards here. It's the woman with that too-long tongue whipping out toward her that she had to deal with.
A quick twist to the side seeks to dodge the first tongue-lashing sent her way. Flicking her wrists sharply she brings her left fist up to punch at the tongue with a muted SHK of bone claw bursting through the skin on the back of her hand, seeking to impale the flesh of the tongue with the swing. Her right hand lashes out to grab at the tongue itself. One way or another that woman was going to find that the Honey Badger had her tongue, and she was preparing to do some very painful things to it.
- Inque has posed:
Fire is just as dangerous to Inque as it is to anybody else, though its touch won't burn her. It'd /boil/ her and that is a thoroughly unpleasant experience. She realizes that it was a mistake showing herself. She should have just stuck to the shadows and followed the team of mutants in, letting them draw all the attention. No help for it now.
"Mmm, maybe," she says playfully to the Human Candle, "But you'll be the one getting the punishment." Before he can get his arms around her, she loses all cohesion, and spills to the ground. "Catch me if you can."
From the ground several ribbon like tendrils shoot out to wrap around the nearest combatant who /isn't/ on fire, the tongue-woman. She engulfs the woman with her form, her head emerging. "Say, 'aaaaah!'" she teases, and the head thrusts forward, shoving its way down her throat.
- Inez Temple has posed:
Inez had trailed the group in the event that someone came up from behind. That the one seemed to teleport himself behind Inque before lighting himself on fire seems good enough to her! Letting the shotgun fall on its strap, she strolls right up to the man's back and murmurs, "Hey darlin'.. ever hear of a Fastball Special? How bout a Texas Tornado?"
Grabbing the man at the wrist and the back of the neck, ignoring the searing pain of bruning skin, Inez whirls the man around like she's going to be throwing discus in the Olypmics. Around and around they go! Where they stop, only... well, everyone's about to know!
She hurls the flaming man stright towards the build, holding one blackened (but healing) hand up to call out, "FORE!"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
The Rhino-wannabe won't stop-can't stops into the line of yellow beams and turns into an x-ray model before falling into a pile of ash. "You stupid bitch!" the woman shrieks, to Blink or the behemoth is unclear but another zagging arc is sent toward the woman as she sneaks in.
Inside is a factory of sorts, but with people... living people on the conveyor belts. The jerk and shift in fear and discomfort as they are pushed through a number of machines. Some enter and scream in agony before being shunted out as mostly robotic amalgams with warfield level munitions attached to them. Blink doesn't have much time to ponder that though, as a pair of tendrils wrapped in electricity lash out at her darkened silhouette.
For the combatants outside, things are going a bit better. Domino's uzi weilding adversary drops in a heap after the double slam of pistol butts concusses them out of consciousness. The woman with the metal tipped tongue screams as Honey Badger's claw gives her an impromptu piercing and jerks back, only causing the claw to rip a deeper and longer rivulet in the soft tissue, drawing another shriek of pain that is subsequently choked off as Inque goes down her throat. The body jerks and convulses involuntarily as the dark liquid flows inside her.
The man who flung the hyper-charged basketball wasn't expecting a telekinetic among their foes and doesn't move fast enough to dodge his own projectile. The explosion does send him into the air, and Cable's bullets tear through him like tissue paper sending a messy gore splattered body to the ground twitching and dying in a bloody pool.
The human-torch poser is flung with a scream of panic into the wall of the building. What's left is smoldering red smear of meat that flops to the ground with a wet squelch.
Deadpool recovers well enough and rushes forward toward Blink, he casually hamstrings the Inque-filled woman as he passes her, giving the dark liquid-like woman an exit route if she so needs one. His target however is the beam blasting woman. He slips away the gun and draws his other katana before making the woman into an art piece of human kabab. More blasts of energy fly from her fingers as she flails but it only serves to damage the structuire of the building as she screams and writhes on the ultra-sharpened blades. "Just die already..." he mutters over the final blasts of his song before it starts up again on repeat. To help guide the woman to the afterlife he shakes the blades a bit, bouncing her bloody form up and down on the katanas a few times before casually using the blades to heft her aside like a dead sack of flesh. "Everybody inside!" he says as he starts for the hole Blink so graciously provided.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"Shit..." Blink says in a shocked voice. "GUYS!" she calls in an urgent voice - even as she flings one of her charged javelins at the conveyer belt that's moving people forward into the horrible machine. A large chunk of the belt is abruptly gone - and reappears on the otherside of the room with a loud thunk.
Her focus on the machine and the horror in front of her, however, means she gets blindsided by the tendrils, which wrap around her, shocking her form. She lets out a strangled cry - the image inducer flickering off and on a few times, to alternate between the projected image of an asian woman, and her true magenta hues. It doesn't hold her long, however, as she instinctively teleports herself free and about three feet forwards, crumpling forward onto the floor with her vision swimming.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino doesn't bother checking to see if her target's fully down, trusting her luck as she plants a foot and shifts direction, sprinting toward the hole Blink made. She skids to a halt again inside the room, eyes widening for a moment.
She doesn't have a lot of time for disgust, though, given that Blink's already down.
Her luck is with her; she flings herself out of the way of one of the tentacles as it swings toward her, rolling to her feet and sprinting toward the machine. "Somebody take them out!" she shouts, referring to the electric tentacles. She's focusing on the machine, trying to be sure it's shut down. A piece of the belt being gone goes a long way toward that, but better to make sure it's entirely done for. If she can find the right button...
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney successfully lands her blow and though she didn't intend for it to be too bad, the woman's own instinctive reactions make it so. Perhaps somewhere in the back of her mind Gabby knew full well this is how it would turn out as her bone claw tears through the soft and yeilding flesh of a too-long tongue. Metal tipped or not the fleshy bits were now shredded leaving her with bloodied hands while Inque attacks the woman further. As far as the youngest of XForce was concerned, the woman was down and out. She doesn't hesitate to follow after Deadpool or the others through the portal Blink had created into the building itself.
Inside the sight is... Not what she expected. Not at all. It doesn't matter though: She knew testing was going on. Modifications. This was simply a different form of it than expected. What mattered right now was what was going on--Those dark tendrils that were going after the momentarily felled Blink are what she reacts to while the others head further in. Throwing a shoulder forward brings the uzi slung at her back around to grab with a practiced gfesture, and her thumb finds the safety to flick it off without even having to look. Careful to keep an awareness of her teammates' location around her, and to NOT fire directly at those assembly lines, she opens up a rain of bullets toward the tentacles seeking to find their source.
- Inque has posed:
Inque just oozes out of the dead woman's pores and wounds once she stops twitching, forming up into her humanesque form. "Brutal," she says in appreciation of the carnage around her, following Deadpool's lead into the warehouse proper. "It's nice to see some spandex types not pulling their punches. Matching outfits, too. What do you call your outfit?"
"I'm Inque, by the way," she says conversationally, as if they're having a pleasant chat over coffee. The round oval of her 'face' peers up to trace where the electric tentacles come from. Spying the tall, humanoid figure she flings out a ribbon, sharper than steel, and spears it in the chest. "You may have heard of me."
- Inez Temple has posed:
Inez moves along with Wade into the warehouse, already scanning the area for any lingering bad guys or alternate exits or escape routes that might have been taken. She glances over as Inque joins them, flashing a smile, "We're more a leather crowd than spandex. I'm Outlaw, that's Cable, Honey Badger, Winky, Deadpool, and Domino." She fans out from the entry portal and starts moving deeper into the warehouse.
Last time, there was an office with a motherlode of information. If they're lucky, this time will be no different! There's a glance down at her hands, nearly healed, and she smiles, "Hey! If there's anyone hidin', we're gonna come find ya, an' yer not gonna like iiiiiiiiit!"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Lucky for the rest of X-Force whatever comotion they may have caused is being overshadowed by the racket of the machines in the facility. The tentacle weilding electrocutioner stiffens as Inque's spear impales him and Gabby's bullets finish him off. Deadpool steps up behind Inez. "Winky?" he says with a shake of his head. "B is fine. We're X-Force" he says to the dark female form. "You're welcome to join after we get out of here if you want. Though I will warn you, we're not in the nature of theft." Yes, he knows who the woman is, if not by her looks or reputation then by the numerous times she's appeared on one of the better hero cartoons of the late 90s and early 2000s.
He looks to Domino and asks, "What've you got? If luck is with you, like it always is, you can find a big red switch and just... you know... shut it down." Just as he says it the machines in the factory all stop, powering down with a whir of engines and a hiss of steam. "Like that..." Deadpool finishes.
"You know it's not nice to sneak into a restricted access facility, murder a number of its employees, and destroy property that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars... if not millions" comes a deep voice. High on a catwalk above the machines a man stands in a white and teal robe. "You're the same team that disrupted operations in Manhattan aren't you?" he asks. "No matter. Pests are something that all good companies must deal with and... fortunately, we have a wonderful extermination crew."
He snaps his fingers and bootfalls of metal on concrete start to fill the facility. From both sides of the machines a corp of cybernetic soldiers emerge in rank and file. They stop and raise one arm in uninson, a small red light appearing at the wrist joint to track on each of the infiltrators. "Good-bye X people" the man says before turning and strolling away.
Deadpool frowns. "Wait..." he says sliding his swords into their sheathes on his back. "I'm a Marvel property. I get that. I know Disney likes to share but Attack of the Clones with MCU just... doesn't work... seriously. Anyone who can't handle a load of laserfire... in the center..." the says slowly moving to put himself in position to block Blink off from the line of fire. He's not sure of Inque, but he's pretty sure the rest of them can heal themselves in the event of being shot--save Domino. "On three... I say we give 'em everything we got and even out our numbers at the very least. With me?"
"One..." he says, slipping out the heavy pistols from his hips. "Two..." He's hoping everyone else has moved into position to block Blink and form a tight lock for Domino and the downed woman. "Three!" he shouts and lets loose with his pistols.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
Does Clarice even realize the danger she's in? It's questionable at first. She isn't lying on the floor - but she is collapsed to all fours, feeling pain in her body from the residual effects of the electricity causing her muscles to contract repeatedly, and spasmodically. She lets out a groan - rather than reply to any of the words being bandied about - she doesn't even reply to being called 'Winky.'
But she must have some awareness, because as the booted feet move into position and begin training weapons on them- a portal appears briefly in a position to provide her with some cover, the exit aimed back the other way. ...the portal blinks back out almost as soon as it appears, unfortunately.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino found the button that shut down the machine, yes, and just in time evidently. She hops away from the thing, glowering at it all, but can't quite worry about dealing with the people that were going into it... because there's another bad guy to deal with. "Seriously," she says in agreement with Deadpool, "the whole getup's just /tacky/." Okay, she's not saying /quite/ the same thing he is, but it's the thought that counts, right?
Domino can usually trust to her luck to not get hit--but Blink can't. She doesn't bother firing at the droids as Wade hits 'three.' Cable has a /gatling gun/, after all. Guy's got firepower enough for the whole team. Instead, she runs over to Blink and grabs the woman, dragging her to safety behind a nice hunk of protective metal. "Collect yourself," she hisses. "And stay down."
Then she pops her head back up to fire toward the droids with everyone else. Pew pew!
- Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers may not be at the point of the action, but he remains to play Moses, parting the seas of dreg and dribble, mercenary and dupe. He rains hellfire from his gatling gun, turning left and right to put down the lesser elements of the resistance.
He can do that because he can rely on his teammates to do their jobs and assume that everything else will go according to plan. Because it needs to for them to succeed. And he can trust them with that.
Because if he couldn't, there would be hell to pay.
And so he switches to his machete, dropping his pistol and keeping the gatling in his cyberarm, giving his team enough air to breathe to get the objective completed. And doing it with a very tight, very hard to see smile on his face.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"You know this has got to be the worst run operation ever. If he'd just gone commercial people would probably pay a fortune to be modified probably," Gabby points out with a cluck of her tongue. Apparently she wasn't so busy she couldn't quip, either. Maybe it was because Domino gets in there to help Blink out. While she does so, she swings an uzi around to fire at several of the droids hoping to cover them until they were safely tucked away.
Then SHE is moving to dodge for cover. Even if she could heal it'd be best not to get shot, and she was half afraid lasers might be involved. Or maybe they were just laser sights. With a quick diving roll she ends up tucked behind one of the machines giving her a bit of cover.
- Inque has posed:
X-people? "You've got an awful lot of guns for Xavier's crowd," drawls Inque with some amount of amusement. "Plus his folk doesn't usually leave people in body bags. You are an /intriguing/ bunch of people. Theft isn't my forte, either, to be honest. Sabotage and assassination is my specialty. /This/ I'm doing as a side project."
By the time she's done talking Deadpool has counted down to three, and on his mark she loses cohesion and stretches up to the ceiling until she reaches an HVAC vent which she pulls herself into. Any lasers or firearms that manage to hit her displace her like it would water, the droplets and splatter quickly reaching back up to her main mass until all of her is in the pipes. "Have fun," she says, "You'll find me in the server room."
- Inez Temple has posed:
Inez frowns as the cyborg brigade shows up and starts to lineup like it the Civil War to show them down. She has a decent healing factor, but lasers are a pain in the ass. Also, she's not into letting the bad guy in the bad robe disappear so quickly. Instead, she squats down and pushes off with that amazing super strength to 'fly' up to the catwalk the man is strolling away on. She aims for landing on the catwalk, then starts moving after the man in the robe, "Hey now, pardner, nobody leaves th' part b'fore th' cake's been cut an' we ain' t even blown out th' candles yet!" Yeah, the lines are cheesy, but the woman means business!
- Wade Wilson has posed:
The lasers at are fired are pretty painful and while Deadpool is not immune to pain his relationship with the nerve reaction is pretty distanced by now. He takes a number of strikes but manages to grit his teeth and bear it. It's almost like he's copying Cable's smile. Between his pistols, Cable's gattling gun, and flanking fire from Gabby and Domino the droid army is reduced to circuitry and flesh in a matter of moments. "Good work. How's B doing?" he asks, checking himself over. Only about 30 percent of his body is covered in bleeding holes and burns. Not too terrible all things considered.
He glances up at Inez as she tracks the leader of the operation. She's a big girl, she can handle herself... hopefully. "Cable, get to the office before Inque gets her..." he stops. "Yeah, can't finish that one with a straight face. At least stop her from taking everything before we can get a copy." He follows the pipes toward what looks like a walled off space in the middle of the factory. "We'll work on get the remaining people out before we blow this place..."
Up high, the man in the robe turns. "Intersting" he says, stopping to regard Inez for a moment. "You and your people seem to enjoy wasting my precious time." He raises a gloved hand and suddenly the gravity pushing down on Inez increases greatly. "That pressure you feel is equivalent to 10 times the Earth's gravity. Even the strongest of mutants would have difficulty managing a step in that localised environment." The metal of the catwalk strains and creaks under the force of his strange assault.
"I will leave you with this... be happy that this was simply a testing facility. Were this anything greater you and your little 'crew' would be melted down and harvested for genetic material... as it stands, we have bigger operations than this... scrap heap." He turns and vanishes into a cloud of smoke. As the smoke fades from view the weight on Inez also fades, allowing her a moment to catch her breath and join the others in stopping Inque from clearing the place out--one can't be too careful with rebellous sorts such as her, right?
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I'm... good," Clarice manages to grit out. "Thanks," she adds - grateful to the cover. She starts to force herself to her feet - then thinks better of it, and drops down to stay behind her cover, peeking out cautiously. "Fuck that hurt," she adds.
"...we in the clear now? We gotta free up these people. And see if we can do anything for the ones that've already been 'upgraded.'" Wait. Who got Clarice to sit down and watch Doctor Who?
Once she's clear there's no immediate danger - she pushes herself to her feet, moving towards the conveyer belt to start teleporting away the straps that lock the victims into place.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Ohh, /that's/ what this reminds me of." Domino makes a face. "I hate the Cybermen. All cold and unfeeling." She shudders. "Ugh."
She follows Blink, pulling a knife to start cutting straps, herself, and saying, "Can we open a portal to... where are we taking them, anyway? A portal to wherever that is, so we can get them out of here before any more cybernetic army shows up."
- Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers frowns for a second, "Cybermen? Were those the guys in Libya? The ones with the satellite dishes on their head? Am I remembering right/" he says, turning to Domino.
Which might seem a bit odd, given how he's caked in gore and has clearly been performing something of a massacre of the local cyborgry in recent moments. Yet he seems almost as pleasant as he's ever been, even-tempered and calm, as if the simple storm of the ultraviolence lent him some degree of peace.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney straightens from her hiding spot with a little stretch followed by a quick check of her guns. The magazines are unloaded, and new ones are slapped into place just in case. Jogging over to rejoin the others, careful to step over the icky bits of the cyborgs with a wince, she clears her throat lightly. "So. Uh. I'm going to need to process this later but for now..." Her hand lifts to gesture up to the catwalk where Inez had been going after the big guy in charge. And in the same direction Inque had gone a bit before. "We should probably hurry. If they're not completely gone by now, we're probably going to be dealing with police soon from all the noise." A concerned frown is cast toward Deadpool given his bloodied state. "Need some duct tape? I've got some," she offers.
- Inque has posed:
Inque slides into the server room, and slides open one of the consoles. Extracting a device that looks a lot like a thumb drive, she plugs it into one of the slots, and starts typing away on the keyboard, logging in with stolen credentials. She's not a hacker herself, but she has a trusted companion who is, who had given her several devices to install several days ago.
It doesn't take much time to offload the information that she's looking for. She isn't concerned with a lot of the goings on with this particular installation. Just what they've been doing with the Mutagen, and making sure to scrub all evidence of it.
Still, it takes time, and by the time she's done, Cable arrives. "I got what I wanted," she says, pulling the thumb drive out of the USB slot. "When you're done, torch the room." With that she flows back up into the HVAC to make her exit.
- Inez Temple has posed:
Inez hits the catwalk when the mastermind turns up the gravity on her, letting out a sudden exhale as it presses down on her, pressing her harder into the catwalk as it creaks and moans. This is not a comfortable position and she's pretty sure if she gets cubed, she can't come back fromt hat. BUt then he disappears and she's able to suck in a big breath, pushing up slowly to her feet and and gripping the rail. "Fuck! That were kinda fucked. But, apparently this is jes' a testin' facility, there's bigger setups already runnin' elsewhere. Someone needs t'get that info from that Inque lady but quick."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Deadpool gets the duct tape from Gabby. "Thanks HB, lifesaver there..." He's wrapping his wounds as he makes his way into the office just as Inque is leaving. He makes a sound of irritation. "Why do I feel that she was after something specific?" he says as he moves to the computers and starts inserting his own thumb drives with 'Weasel's Wacky Worm' programs to copy and then destroy the files inside the computers.
As the drives do their work he takes stock of the room. Another LED map with only one light flickering on an off: the facility in Weehawken, New Jersey. Again the names of the Lazarus Weapon, End of All Hope Project, and Cable's nemesis are mentioned in the files but they seem to be copies of the ones from before. . There is something new though. A medical file on subject with the name: X-OO.
He picks up the medical file and reads out loud. "Subject appears to have a healing factor similar to that of primary host body. Despite extensive injury subject recovers near instantaneously. Despite composition of two right appendages subject does not appear incapacitated subject shows great adaptability to this novel physical mutation. Subject kept in containment at Weehawken until further testing partners are available. Prognosis is favorable for field tests in the next 90 days."
Deadpool frowns at the mention of two right appendages and shakes his head. "Something to look at later. Cable... once Dom, HB, and B have the living out of there... you know what to do."
He grabs the thumb drives as they go from red to green, indicating a clean scrub and steps out. "Two down, one or two more to go people. Let's make it a habit." He pulls a can of black spray paint from his back pouch and exits the facility before spraying in large black letters 'X-Force WuZ Heer' on the pavement outside the building.
- Clarice Ferguson has posed:
"I'm- yeah, I feel alright. I can get people clear," Clarice promises.
Still trying to keep the Brotherhood largely clear of X-Forces activities, she opens a portal to a remote facility on Genosha where they can evaluate and treat the various survivors - only a little strain showing on her features with the effort of keeping such a long-distance portal open for such a length of time. "Is that.. everyone?" she asks - waiting for confirmation. She'll be through her own portal last - letting it close behind her.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Once they've got everyone through and Domino's made sure Blink went, she does a quick sweep of the place and then jogs on out to join Deadpool outside. "B's got everyone out, and the places seems clear. Cable can fire it up whenever he's ready. Find anything new?" There's hope underlying her tone, and she touches her upper chest, briefly. Very few people know she wears a locket with a picture of her younger brother there, beneath her suit.
- Cable has posed:
Nathan Summers always brings a flamethrower to every mission, always. It wasn't alwasy needed. Often it sat disused, left behind. An over-the-top tool for a practical age.
But not today.
Nope. Today, Nate Summers caught to burn some motherfuckers down and he was going to enjoy it. That enjoyment is only omentarily tamped seeing Domino's gesture, a flinch of understanding and empathy as he numbly shakes his his head. And then, his mind readjusting, anger sliding into the place of giddy excess, he snarls as he unleashes the first gout of flame to set the place ablaze and annihilated.
He puts a hand on Domino's back, a brief, momentary contact - steady - and then they're moving on, leaving what may become the team's trademark in their wake - brutal absolution.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances back only once. Sure it wasn't COOL to look back but... Sometimes it was good to do so just to make sure there wasn't anything flying your way in regards to debris. A single nod is given at the sight of the destruction. Looking forward again she tugs her goggles back into proper place and trudges along with the others.