10864/The Journey of Ulik, Part Two. The Embassy of the Enemy!
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The Journey of Ulik, Part Two. The Embassy of the Enemy! | |
Date of Scene: | 22 April 2022 |
Location: | Asgardian Embassy |
Synopsis: | Ulik and Thor agree to accepting a peace treaty of sorts while they wrangle out the details of their blood feud. |
Cast of Characters: | Thor, Jane Foster, Sif, Vintridr
- Thor has posed:
A sojourn across the lands of a rival or an enemy can be fraught with peril. Treachery lies but a moment in the future, ever-present and possible. It is best to be ready for that moment, to be watchful and aware of the turning point when all shall fall upon you. It is a possibility that is topmost in the mind of the great chieftain Ulik. For he knows that if his enemy were traveling so across his lands he would set upon them with a hundred... no a thousand warriors and make sure they paid the price for their hubris in blood.
Yet as he and Jane Foster traveled down Park Avenue in the direction of the Villard Houses...
He was not so beset.
Oh he sees much of Midgard that he has not seen before. In the past when he had set foot in the world it was a blur of motion, a rush of action, a clash of blades and fists. Now? The nine foot troll walked along much to the chagrin of the locals who aimed their little boxes at him. Clearly that is how they communicated alarm. The small lifting of those boxes, the aghast look on their faces. Madness. But none of them raised hand to him. And some... seemed nonplussed but also unimpressed.
Yet no attack.
And there, between Sif and Ulik, there was another traveler. Though that one was only known as silence. One banished ultimately by Ulik when he finally utters the words. "So."
"Thor rules these lands? It seems... productive." Though they are only a block away from their destination by now it is then that Ulik decides to speak.
- Jane Foster has posed:
The task set before Jane Foster is laid out in her own terms: escort to the embassy of Asgard. On foot by preferably a rather direct route, she guides her guest through Midtown. While a vehicle might be ideal, few of them properly contain nine-foot tall trolls with prodigious red beards. Asking him to lie lengthwise in a van could be a possibility but outside the reaches of possibility. Vans in New York are hard enough, and by the time she secured one and got it on the road, they'd be at said ambassadorial quarters.
Asgard's earthly toe hold knows she comes. She warned as much by those magic boxes, more than deft at using a phone as she is reaching out to the invisible audiences over social media, through podcasts, and a host of other media. No doubt some of those photographs and videos will be uploaded in moments, tagged with her name, and drawing the attention of the millions of real followers -- bots need not apply -- who quizzically wonder what the hell's up in New York /now/.
Nobel Prize winner brings dinner guest to meet Thor! Astronomer finds galactic stray!
She doesn't dwell, instead guiding Ulik past the crowds of staring onlookers and plenty who have better things to do. She points out a few general landmarks along the way, for let it not be said hospitality is lacking. Though largely, she needs not chatter aimlessly. If he has questions, she endeavours to answer them. A few points of 'let's not walk in front of the bus' are called out.
No attack, and certainly no threat from his guide. Oh, the irony of a psychopomp who very much could claim his soul after death to convey it to the beyond, doing so in the flesh. Some secrets are better left unsaid.
"Thor does not rule these lands. We have many nations ruling themselves. He protects them, though." Slightly given to irony, her smile is faint but present. "It's quite different here from Asgard, as you can see."
- Sif has posed:
When the call had come in about the incident happening at the park, Sif was notified. Not to interfere but to prepare for the arrival at the embassy. She used her teleportation powers to reach the Embassy, striding with purpose through the building to find some of the guards. There were the two always at the entrance but she wanted additional. Thankfully some stayed on premise at times and she sought them. "With me. A...guest is being escorted into the Embassy." And with that, she was heading for the front doors to stand at the top of the steps.
It was rather common for the two guards at the front gates to get attention from tourists but as the tall warrior woman exited the building with a group of others behind her taking up positions to either side of her. One was assigned to remove any tourists from the area, for their own protection.
She spotted Jane Foster escorting the troll, making Sif frown darkly that Ulik was showing his face on Midgard. Typically, that did not go well. She rested her left arm comfortably on the handle of her sheathed sword, a hint of a warning should the troll decide now was the time to act up.
- Thor has posed:
The answer the tall troll gives is a grunt as he walks, absorbing the information Jane grants him. Or perhaps hiding a lack of understanding. His features, however, remain in that stormy fashion with his jaw set and expression grim. There is a feeling of tension to the chieftain, yet there is also a confidence. That way a leader must have that presents itself as one who believes they can handle anything before them. For he does believe such.
Until, eventually, he mutters. "Very different."
But then he draws up, bringing himself to his full appreciable height as he strides down the street, boots heavy upon the pavement. The cause for this stiffening? Seeing the Asgardian soldiers. And Lady Sif? That makes his crimson eyes narrow. His tusks clack and grind against each other for a moment as they approach. Then, when within shouting range. He does so.
"Sif, you lap dog! I see the Thunderer hides behind you once again!" Yet he does not break stride, instead just keeps that pace.
Though the guards shift their grips on their spears and a palpable tension enters their stance.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr happened to find herself in downtown New York when a pair of women talking to each other about 'a real live troll' caught her ear. A quick eavesdrop on their conversation yields a few more details and a poor quality phone recording - and while it appears to be traveling peacefully, it's still a cause for concern.
She trusts the Einherjar's battle skills if it were to come to that, but she'd consider herself remiss in her duty if she didn't help where needed.
Not being a nine-foot hulking brute, she has much less difficulty acquiring transportation, and despite Jane's head start, the Valkyrior arrives at the embassy only shortly after she and Ulik do.
She tenses as the Troll issues his challenge, ready to flank it should things come to violence.
- Jane Foster has posed:
Yes, there's a real live troll who ripped apart a giant, and yes, Jane well and truly understands the risk she runs against Ulik if things turn bad. To some degree, anyhow.
She steps aside in a ceremonial handoff of her responsibilities to Sif, trusting the Asgardian war goddess to fully comprehend what, who and how. How those keen eyes settle is telling of itself, and her perceptive gaze picks up the other details.
"Lady Sif, this individual claimed he has a legal right to pursue a blood feud. He would lay out his case to Thor." She gestures with a somewhat crisp formality, at least capable of doing that much. "I said I would bring him to the embassy of Asgard. He arrived in Central Park and did not engage in any hostility. His followers were, unfortunately, a bit too quick to violence, but he kept his word in doing no harm to the people or the land."
Duty discharged then, she laces her fingers carefully and withdraws a few steps in case the man bristles to the point of leaving a trollish crater in front of the building. Some awareness of Vintridr showing up is bound to earn her attention.
It certainly earns the notice of the storm-mother on her wrist, confined from immense proportions to a modest bracelet under her sleeve. One that has crackled /quite/ awake, thank you very much.
- Sif has posed:
The words from Ulik along with his striding forward may have set the other guards on edge but Sif knew the troll a bit more. While the physical movement was a challenge, she knew that he just talked that way. To everyone. He'd likely talk to his mother that way so she didn't take offense at the words.
That didn't mean she was going to ignore them.
Sif remained right where she was, planted in front of those double doors leading into the embassy. She shifted her stance slightly, feet shoulder width apart, hand dropping from the weapon to hang at her side. That way if she needed to draw it should he not cease his approach before actually running into her, or attempting to hit her as the case may be, she would only need one motion to draw the weapon.
"There is only one here I see being led by a leash, Ulik," she said with a smirk on her face, eyeing the troll and his 'walker'. "How come she to hold yours?"
Then she turned her attention to Jane Foster, without actually turning her gaze away from the troll. There was a momentary surprise in her expression when Jane Foster stated Ulik had committed no violence. That didn't make sense. Ulik? Not being violent?
The way he was striding up the steps, they were about to find out if that would remain true.
- Thor has posed:
It is as Ulik arrives that there is some commotion at the entrance to the Villard House. The doors open and through them emerges the golden figure of the one known as Thor. Armored in the black plate carapace crafted by skilled hands both deft and magical, his figure is martial and stern. Moreso seeming as two guards move out onto the stoop after him though they earn a quick glance and a raised hand gesture as if to stay them.
Yet for the moment the troll's attention is on Sif and when she offers her rejoinder his eyes /blaze/ with crimson fury!
And, indeed, for a moment there is that feeling one gets when violence is in the offing. So close one can taste it as the great creature clacks its tusks. Only to finally bark a guttural laugh, "HAH! Well spoken, Sif."
"This one," He motions toward Jane and says simply, "Speaks some sense and holds an old soul. I am come to declare blood feud with your master, to set terms, and to have his life or spend mine."
Which is when it is that Thor makes his presence felt as he steps out, hand on the hammer at his hip and his brow furrowed as he shouts, "Ulik, you wild beast! Did I not put you down already? What brings you here! And what finds you in such august company." He turns and gives a nod to Jane, "You have my apologies, Jane Foster. For having had to spend such time with this lout."
Which has Ulik roaring back, "Thor you pompous fool! Once again hiding behind your betters. Having others fulfill your obligations! I will have your blood this day!"
Though for all the strong words hurled, neither of them are reaching for their weapons yet.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin tilts her head and narrows her eyes at the proclamation. Still, a blood feud is no trifling matter, and Ulik seems to be respecting the traditions -- and as long as he does, neither she nor the Einherjar will intervene. Still, this is more than passing odd.
She recognizes the woman who'd led him here as well. Interesting indeed... But for now, observation is called for rather than action - although there's no reason not to discreetly move into a position to act quickly if the need arises.
- Jane Foster has posed:
The lightest lift of her shoulders speaks to tension being shaken off, a duck forbidding any water from settling on its wings. The invisible weight slips away somewhat, though remains present knotted up in Jane's vertebrae and deeper still. A promise of violence stains the air in its rusted tang, still flavouring the back of her throat and staining her sight. Warm sepia eyes carry the gleam of death-heads in them, measuring mortality of immortal things, gauging the changes to anything and everyone in her line of sight.
Standing to the wayside, the perpetual watcher. "It livened up the morning. I may not have acquired a cup of coffee, but gained better acquaintances and an excellent reason to visit." She sounds somewhat amused, brighter in nature than the hurled threats and posturing that presage either a joyous reunion, bloody violence or something in between. "Well met." This for Lady Sif acknowledges the warrior without further distracting her.
To Vin, wisdom says don't distract /her/ either. Thus, if the opportunity arises, a proper nod and no more.
- Sif has posed:
As Ulik reaches that point, Sif had continued to hold her ground. She knew the trolls and their ways. She was certain she knew what would happen. But she had been surprised before. Ulik would respect getting as good as he got when insulting. Thus, it had worked out this time as he laughed. Sif continued to smirk but remained where she was though she shifted her stance enough to look toward Thor briefly. Yet she saw more than the average person and was prepared should Ulik move in that moment.
The signal given, she stepped to the side fully, giving Ulik access to the embassy and no one blocking his passage to Thor should he choose to charge. Yet, she was certain he wouldn't.
This was all terribly odd. She took in the position of Vinnie as she was added the guards present but did nothing more now than listen.
- Thor has posed:
High above, one of the clouds formerly at rest darkens and twists slowly in a languid gyre just in the same moment that Thor's brow furrows and his lips thin. The tendons in his jaw clench slightly. Though his manner remains formal and precise. "Strong words, Ulik. I never knew you for one overly concerned with the tenets surrounding honorable conflict."
Yet he is not ignorant to the potential and the severity of the moment. For a brief instant he looks past the large troll chieftain and finds Vintridr's eyes, no hint of recognition though assuredly he saw her. Perhaps playing it close for the troll before him. "Yet let us not conduct our business here before those who should not be troubled by what is a personal matter between you and I."
Only for those words to cause Ulik to roar, "What!? And enter your den where you likely will ambush me with your many many minions! Never!"
There's a sudden crackle of lightning from above as Thor /stomps/ down one step and points. "I never needed minions before to deal with you and your kind, Ulik! I need none now!"
Which seems to entirely be what Ulik wants as a certain gleam of madness lights his eyes, his fists opening as he reaches those great paws to the heavy metal fists at his sides. Though curiously he does not draw...
Even as the thunder roils.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin frowns. The Odinson has a point - honorable combat has rarely been the trolls' preferred way of fighting. Moreover, something about Ulik's stance seems... off. Someone calling for a blood feud would be quicker to actually reach for his weapons, rather than to simply move toward them.
Almost as if... He wants the Odinson to attack first. But why? And why bring an escort? Jotun mercenaries don't come cheap, not even for a warchief's resources. Something isn't adding up.
She shares a glance with Sif, then turns her attention outward; as distractions for an ambush go, Ulik is doing a good job of getting everyone in the vicinity to focus on him.
- Jane Foster has posed:
"Thor, something's wrong. Wait?" Might as well put it in terms they all understand.
The brunette's nature analyzes. Examination of the smallest particles to the vast distance of space comes naturally, research her sword and insight her shield. A woman who hung on the branches of Yggdrasil, contemplating the universe in flashfire agonies, speaks true to what she is. Who. "He said as much to Lady Sif. This isn't a fight ordained by the Norns. Another hand's in play, maybe? The ice giants?"
The briefest pause lingers, her own doubts drawn out in a second of introspection despite being at risk of a good pelting. Fists or storm, whatever comes. "He's waiting for Thor to strike the first blow." Turning to address the troll and the Asgardians, she holds her open hands out to her sides.
"What prompted the blood feud?" she asks. The question is likely aimed at Ulik, though with the wind starting to rise and the air rushing around, she needs to raise her voice. Surprisingly, not as loud as one might think. Small benefits.
She goes a step further, if there's time. "What obligations and oaths did you fulfill, and to /whom/?" Such inelegant inquiries may be suited for the threshold of Asgard's anchorage on Midgard, rather than the middle of Central Park where anyone may hear. They may very well hear if they deign not to rush away, scattering like pigeons before a dog rushing in. Smart to take flight if you can when the storm gods quiver in wrath. Vintridr isn't alone; Jane just /says/ it.
- Sif has posed:
Sif was prepared when the conflict started. Not to step in as it was Thor's right to accept the challenge. But to step in and stop any of the guards who would interfere with a rightful challenge.
Yet, she saw in that moment that something was wrong. Ulik challenged but did not go for his weapons. He postures. He bristles. He does all the things he should.
Except one.
Jane Foster called attention to the situation even as Sif was about to speak. She held her tongue, weighing options. To attack Ulik now would be paramount to murder, not honorable conflict.
She raised her own voice, offering something that might put Ulik more at ease about the situation. But also might give the rest of them time to determine precisely the reasoning in this challenge.
"Prince Thor, will you agree to offer Ulik guest rite if Ulik agrees to abide by the rules governing such a role should he accept?"
- Thor has posed:
The words from Jane Foster are enough to get Thor to stay his hand, for he knows that at times she and some others are aware of matters that he might not be privy to. So it is with that trust that he holds. The ire is still there, the anger on the edge, so the clouds still roil. But the hand at Mjolnir's haft leaves it at his belt.
Ulik, however, has features that stiffen most severe. Again there is that grinding as tusks and teeth tighten so. A long exhale of a growl is heard, but then his own attention is seized by Jane's words. At first his brow knits like some haze was harrying him, though he makes it through the words given him. "What?"
"What prompted the blood feud?" his voice is a sizzling growl, "He is /Thor!/" As if that would serve as pure justification. He gestures with the slash of one hand, "The ill of my people, bane of my existence. I have had my greatest clashes with this Asgardian oaf and one of the few to..."
He bites those words off, then straightens up arrogantly, "One of the few to be able to stand against me. I need no obligations or oaths to seek his death beyond the one that there shall be between he and I!"
Yet when Sif finally raises her voice to Thor it's curiously similar to the way Jane just spoke sense to Ulik. The Thunderer comes out of his own haze of impending violence and looks at her. Then looks at Ulik, then back at her as if she had grown another arm out of the middle of her face.
"Guest rite... I don't see how..." He says, shaking his head slightly then looking to Ulik. Though one of the guards shoots a glance at Sif as he asks a silent question of her. And if she gives him the nod needed then he'll be off back into the mansion.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin allows herself to relax a hair as the Odinson regains his equilibrium, and she nods minutely -- yes, good; observe the traditions and the niceties, and Ulik will be bound to behave himself in turn until he either explains his true purpose or loses his temper and breaks the truce. A sound decision, although one more thoughtful than most might expect from the Odinson.
A tacit hand gesture relays instructions to the Einherjar - two remain alert on Ulik; two others shift their attention to the environs.
- Jane Foster has posed:
Sacred guest rite changes the tone of the encounter, enough that the breath the woman should be holding is released. Or rather, she makes a sound in the first place. "My apologies for the interruption, your highness," adds the mortal among them. Her solemn dip of her head equates to something respectful, though speaking up about matters of concern isn't generally a punishable offence. On that front, she can go right back to silence again, resting on her heels until the situation unrolls like a carpet.
Face saved, bodies saved. Not a bad proposition, all and all. She's probably upgraded from coffee to 'coffee doctored with Kahlua' or 'bottle of wine' by this point.
- Sif has posed:
At least the tension was broken slightly. The prince and chieftan both standing down at the behest of the others. Though Ulik's arguement just added more questions. No answers. If he just wanted to fight Thor, he wouldn't go through this whole formal blood feud. He had never gone that far before. Something else was at work and they needed to get to the bottom of it before this battle happened.
As Sif caught the look from the guard, she gave a terse nod of her head that he would go ready the needed items for the formal guest rite. "The questions of Jane Foster are interesting and I hope that perhaps there might be further answers once safeties are ensured by use of the rite." Ulik would be safe if he wasn't a jerk. If he was a jerk, then all bets were off.
- Thor has posed:
It is almost as if the two have their own advocates, as Sif so casually guides Thor down one path. And Jane... has been able to bring Ulik down the other. To this moment where the troll actually looks to Lady Foster for some clarification or sense. Which leaves the two great warriors looking at each other and perhaps sharing some kinship at the least in that hint of befuddlement they feel.
Then. Perhaps to his credit. Thor speaks first.
"Ulik." He says, "I would offer you the guest rite. The safety of these walls and Asgard's word. If only to get to the bottom of this madness. Then, once we are secure in this, we shall arrange for your death or mine with a trial on the field of combat."
There's a beat, then he adds "What say you?"
Which has Ulik, again, looking to Jane as if taking his lead from her in some way before he looks across the way at Thor. This Foster did lead him here, and she held by her word. Again he gnashes his teeth, "I do not fear you."
This first said as if to clarify matters to all that are around them in case they doubted Chief Ulik. "But food and drink. I would not be adverse to this."
Then Thor grunts and adds, "And we shall not raise hand nor weapon against the other until the appointed time."
Which has Ulik nodding once. "Yes. For now."