10908/The time is right.

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The time is right.
Date of Scene: 26 April 2022
Location: A few places in NYC including a Billboard Advertisement.
Synopsis: She said yes
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Alexis Carr

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie talked to Alexis about having a date night to night. He told her he had something special planned but would not tell her what. When asked about attire, he told her, he plans on dressing up, to help her decide what to do. He has been gone since noon or so today, told her, he would meet her at 8pm. And about 7:45 Sam can be heard landing on the roof, to find his way down into the apartment. When he said dressed up, he was not fibbing, he is in his best suit, something that was bought for him to go to some fancy party, beyond what he could normally afford.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Sam was not fibbing, and Alexis would happily dres sup nicely if he asked her to. As he walks in, she is stepping across the floor of their apartment, clad in a red dress, set with little sparkling stones. Her hair is up in a firmly pinned-down do (just in case they do something windy), and she's wearing dangling earrings beset with diamonds. She's all made up, wing-tip liner and everything as she smiles at him.

    "Good evening, love. You look wonderful this evening."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and steps over to her, and takes her hand and gently spins her, and says "You my love are gorgeous, but then you are always gorgeous." He leans in to give her a gentle kiss, and says "Are you ready for a night out?" He does pull out two pair of goggles from his pocket, a hint he plans on flying them it seems.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis gives a smile, accepting the goggles and looking up at Sam with a grin.

    "I'm ready for a night out with you, O Mysterious Planner." she lilts gently, drawing up to her toes a sshe's pun around, and kissed.

    "Are we going to a fancy restaurant? Fighting evil-dooers in a formal setting? Should I bring a fencing foil?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit at this and says "Well, Ah am thinking a bit of a tour of the city first, Ah don't plan on having to kick butt tonight, but you never know with life." He will lead her up to the roof, and once his own goggles and hers are on, he will scoop her up cradled in his arms. With a roar of his blast field, they take off into the air, and he gets high enough they can over look the lights of the city but not high enough for it to start getting cold.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "No, we never know with this life." Alexis confirms, and she follows him up to the rooftop, pulling a shawl over her shoulders (since nights can still get a bit chilly!), and she puts her goggles on. She's scooped up and carried like a princess, some whisps of hair trailing behind them as they take off, looking over the lights of the city they live in.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will fly around for a bit, showing her some of the sights of the city that only those who fly or swing through the concrete jungle see. But after about five to ten minutes of site seeing, he seems to be heading somewhere. A billboard that is shaped like an Absolute Vodka bottle on it's side, with furniture for a full apartment sticking out at a ninety degree angle. The bottom says Absolute New York. As they get closer, she can see what Sam has been doing earlier today. He spent the time cleaning up and setting up things. On the walkway is a table with a cloth covering it and two chairs with it.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    They fly about, buzzing the Empire State Building, the Crystler building, over the harbor and the Statue of Liberty, and finally out to a different area of the city, and Alexis looks at the apartment with a laugh -- and then spies the table and chairs.

    "... Sam, isn't this the billboard where we... lost a pair of my shoes?" she questions in curiosity, trying to talk loud enough to be heard over the blast.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles as he lands, and gently puts her down on to her feet as they land, almost reluctantly. He smiles and says "Well, I thought you might like to revisit it for a date night, and it does have a lovely view." He kisses her cheek and then carefully removes the cover, and the table is set for two. The table ware is nice, but it is not one from their home, something new or new to them at least. He smiles and pulls a cooler out from under the table, and pulls two candles and holders out from it to sit on the table.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis sits down and with a little touch of her fingers, she lights the candles. She can at least be a little useful when Sam's done all the planning, giving a little bit of a smile over to Sam as he sets the table. Traffic drones by someplace beyond them.

    "And this is... an amazing date night." she gives a little grin. "Truly, I'm spoiled."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and pulls out a MP3 player, hitting a button and it starts playing an arrangement of Puccini's Vissi d'Arte. Next comes out a pizza box from the place they first shared a meal together at. He opens it and places a couple pieces of cheese pizza on her plate, and two of pepperoni and sausage on his own. Sam seems to have pulls out all the stops having the same meal that was their first together.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Cheese Pizza! She gives a bright smile to Sam as he serves up their first meal together, before he crashed her Birthday party and convinced her to jump out a window.

    Ah, young romance.

    "So, what prompted all of this?" Alexis asks, giving a bright smile. "Not that I'm complaining, but in general aren't I supposed to be the one spoiling you?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "You spoil me every day just by being my love." He smiles and will pull next one of the mid level bottles of her grandparents wine. He has another one in the cooler, but it is for later. With a bit of work he uncorks it, and looks to her "Would you like a bit to test or a glass since we know it is a good vineyard." He smiles at her. "I wanted to do something special with you, and thought you might enjoy this."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Abruzzi wine from a fine Caradenza vineyard?" Alexis inquires, and she looks at the bottle "This is a pretty expensive bottle, too... matches well with all Italian food. Including Pizza." she gives a wry grin, and she leans forward, her fingers knitting to support her chin. "I'll take a glass. I trust your judgement."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Ah was told this was a very good year, by a very wise man." He tells her, and pours her and himself a glass, before finally taking a seat opposite her and smiling at her. "Ah hope you find this dinner to your liking my love, Ah even have a special dessert for after we finish the main course." He tells her mischievous grin.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis narrows her eyes as she smiles, taking her glass and raising it up.

    "To the vintage and vine, then." she replies to Sam, and she takes a sip, illuminated by the billboard as she looks over at Sam with curiosity.

    "And what are you planning, Mr. Guthrie?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to her raising his glass for the those, and takes a sip savoring it for a moment. He then smiles and says "Now that would be telling now wouldn't it?" He picks up a piece of pizza and starts on one piece letting her wonder about the plan.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "That would be telling." Alexis comments, her narrowed eyes set on Sam, but she gives a smile as she folds her pizza and noms it, making sure to keep the slice over the plate.

    "So, how are things at the school?" she questions, her eyebrows rising up.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "It is doing ok, been out there a bit, ran into Logan at work the other night, he did not know I was working at Harry's." He munches a bit more, and says "And your classes, the students doing well? Any new ones?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Mm. I have one private student, you met her around Christmas. Cassandra. She's now showing up for almost regular lessons and paying four times the private class rate." Alexis explains, and she gives a smile. "We finally established 'moving to the beat' with some boom tubes and Enya. I'm so extremely proud of her; she's picked up the movements and positions amazingly quickly. She'll make a fine dancer." she gives a grin "The four year olds are the most adorable thing, though, and there's competition in my eight-and-nine year old class between two little prima donnas. It's hilarious."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Cassandra, thats the one we danced to the ABC song with right?" He chuckles softly as she talks about the kids smiling at the look on her face seeing how happy teaching is making her.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "The very one." Alexis gives a small smile. "The kids are all doing very well. They're happy to have some normalcy back in their lives." she gives a small smile, and stretches her fingers a moment.

    "It's nice... It's nice to be able to share the love of the art without... the other things attached."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, his head a bit to this and says "Well if you want to do the other side, without the negative parts you know I am there to help anyway I can." He reaches out to take her hand and gives it a soft squeeze "I love you and will support what ever you want hon."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "No, I think teaching actually makes him angrier." Alexis gives a slight smirk. Just a slight one though. "He can't point fingers and start spouting off that I'm the fake if I'm not in public." Alexis takes a breath, and then exhales.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and has finished his pizza, and to stir the talk away from her father, he will ask her would you care for your dessert now? He stands moving to the cooler to get it out.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis's eyebrows rise up, and she gives a smile. "Oh, certainly! What's for dessert? Custard?" she questions, eyebrows narrowing a moment, "Or is it more a post-dinner snack, since you're looking so dapper."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles and pulls up two plates and carefully moves them to the table, a nice fancy cheese cake slice on each, but on the one he sets in front of her there is also a small paper wrapper and resting on the wrapper is a simple ring, it has a small diamond, and a smaller pieces of jasper on each side. He sits in front of her, and goes down on one knee beside her, and smiles at her.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis pauses as Sam pulls up two plates from the cooler, and her dark eyes go wide. She takes a deep breath as she spies the wrapper, and the simple ring, diamond and jasper on a golden band.

    Her eyes light up as she realizes what's happening, and her chair is nearly launched from the narrow walkway of the billboard as she throws her arms around Sam with a squealed out enthusiastic YES.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie takes her in his arms and kisses her deeply as he holds her. He barely resists the urge to blast off flying with her, but doing that might send the table and the ring flying. He kisses her a long moment, and says "So, that is a yes you will be my wife?" He asks with a smile and love in his eyes as he looks at her.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Either that --" Alexis starts, and she gives a grin "Or I am *really* into cheesecake!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles at her and will reach over for the ring to put it on her finger as he says "I wish it could be more, but this is was my Grandmother Guthrie's Grandpa mined the jaspers himself." He tells her a bit of history on the ring as he lets her see what it looks like on her.