10951/Hanging at the Mansion

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Hanging at the Mansion
Date of Scene: 29 April 2022
Location: Xavier's School Front Yard
Synopsis: Emma tries to convince Storm to uncloud the day supposedly for Tabby. Sam brings in news of nuptials and possible bachelor party plans are seeded with James and the New Nutant abd Guthrie boys.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Ororo Munroe, Tabitha Smith, Samuel Guthrie, James Proudstar

Emma Frost has posed:
The weather is currently sort of miserable outside. It's rainy, overcast, and generally unplesaant. Howver, that is not stopping Emma Frost. She's going to send ou ta telepathic signal over <<ORoro, a moment of your time if you're available?>>

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo looks up from a melancholic novel in her hand and she carefully closes the book before setting it down on the end table and uncurls her legs from beneath her and with a subtle push of her abilities, she feels the air, and feels through the air. Whispering to herself as she falls into a trance, "Emma, emma, emmmmmma, ema, eeeeeeemma, emmaaaaaah. There." The woman lowers her chin from its elevated state and her eyes return to their bright blue color and she ponders pulling on a rain coat, thinks better of it, and then pauses next to her door and re-reconsiders.

    Moments pass before the white haired goddess steps out into the rain, a long white jacket covers her shoulders, and she's pulling her arm through the second sleeve and then reaching over her shoulders to lift up the hood over her carefully maintained mane. "A moment of my time is offered, Emma." Ororo says in greeting, carefully noting herself and her position to make sure she's in the rain.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The fact that it is miserable weather usually means if Ororo didn't have a hand in it that some one washed their car or had laundry that needed hanging because a dryer isn't big enough.

Tabby has done neither. She's actually pulling up at the driveway near the front door in that beat up old Mistubishi Delica. Mud caked on the wheels and sides while the side door opens and a bunch of teenagers spill out and run back inside. All with way too much cheer on their faces to make anyone feel safe.

The last teenager out is Tabby. Old if clingy bluejeans and a yellow jean style corduroy jacket and chucks. A pinch of her nose under her glasses as she giggles. "Sometimes, you can torture the DMV back!" she states as she spies Emma and Storm. The van closed up at the blonde circles around. "Aaand that's the last batch of kids passingg their driving tests for now. What I miss while fighting drudgery?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes walking out of the garage where he has just parked his truck. He does not have a raincoat on, but does not seem upset. He is actually smiling with a bit of a spring in his step. He sees Tabby's van and heads over that way. "Hey Tabby, did you let them take the test in your van?" He asks and pats the van on the side.

Emma Frost has posed:
Going to gesture up and over at the weather, Emma Frsot would casually motion overw ith her fingers, "Why, I was thinking that given Ms. Smith has been a good girl lately, that she was due some sort of reward. And given the weather has been decidedly miserable as of late and given your accessibility, I thought that you could do something about it. Do give her something to celebrate over on by making it rather more pleasant for us all, won't you?"
    Apparently by 'Tabitha', Emma meant herself, but there was at least the attempt there over in making it official. And it -was- rather dreary and Ororo could sometimes be bribed into using her powers for personal gain..

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    Ororo pops her hip out as she puts all her weight on the other foot and from there she smirks towards Emma, no need to look up, she knows what the weather looks like and takes a deep breath, "I take it you find Mother Nature's current mood less than desireable." Ororo says, reading and verbalizing some of the undertones of what she wasn't saying.

    Looking to the side, looking at the person Emma has decided to use as her avatar for placing her requests through and Ororo lifts a hand to wave towards the teenager and towards the Southern Man showing up out of no where too. "Good afternoon Sam and Tabitha, I'm pleased to see you both again, I hope things are well with you both."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Some did Sam. One of the other kids had a car but when you get a dozen or so all booked in on the same day and you own an eight seater... Luckily it's sound enough it can be used for testing. We might all sometimes where bright colors but we do gotta avoid clown carpooling." Tabby states and shrugs to Sam with a goofy grin.

"That's mighty magnanimous Emma!" Tabby says playfully to the older blonde woman. "Been relatively behaved. The school hasn't blown up yet. Or the DMV. And I haven't been on a bed in the med lab in a few weeks now. I'm watching for the other shoe and wearing a hard hat!" she states and giggles.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and holds out a hand for Tabby to fist bump, and looks over to the others as they talk about changing the weather, he looks up and shrugs a bit and says "How long has it been raining?" He just got in a bit ago so he has no clue if it has been all day or just a sprinkling

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would casually shrug over at Ororo, "I do find the weather rather unpleasant. And I'm rather sure that Mother Nature has a great many things. I do also happen to recall that whenever one of your favorite soaps has a moment in it that you find upsetting that the weather always takes a sudden turn over for the worse." Emma would put over on a flair then.

"So of course to help balance the scales out for such things I do presume that MOther Nature could be convinced over to lend a hand in things. And you've been far from the most disruptive student here Tabitha."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Ororo's eyebrow shoots up at Tabby's compliment towards Emma, "Magnanimous... Tabitha, I'm impressed." But then she shoots Emma a counter look, expecting to have to make sure the older blonde doesn't allow it to go to her head too much. Else the planet's orbit may shift.

    "I suppose you're right, but I have slowed down on my soaps lately. Since Rick died it's been kind of ... run of the mill." Ororo shrugs her shoulders and then takes a step back away from the three others. With a shrug towards Sam, Ororo responds, "It's been raining lightly for a few days, I think the grass should be nice and soaked as it is." And then without warning, her eyes turn milky white and begin to glow slightly and her hands slowly swing outwards, palm up, wider and wider. Her feet find the ground no longer acceptable and she lifts into the air, hood still on her head, and the rain pattering against her face as she looks up to it, and slowly the clouds begin to lighten, the grey shifting to a white and then finally gone, clear blue skies.

    Slowly she falls back to the ground and her feet tap tap on the sidewalk and she smiles towards Emma, "Any other rewards you believe Tabitha has earned beyond a bright blue sky?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Fists are bumped and Tabby even makes a little BOOM sound vocally when she opens her hand back up. "I 'unno. I been stuck in a place that warps time and space in an effort to drive people insane. Luckily I came prepared and already neurodivergent. Plus a long cable and a seat near an outlet goes a long way over a few hours." she states and cguckles.

"And to think, in July I'll even be too old to be a juevenile delinquent. Respectable X-Woman Tabitha. Scary thought!" she points out.

"Just cause I'm too poor to pay attention, I did pick up a bunch of things in classes off hand! I bust out the big words when it's needed! Had good teachers, if they can handle teaching me and Kitty at the same time." There's a wink to Storm. If you took the spectrum of student types. Kitty Pryde and Tabitha Smith would be the extreme ends.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and looks at Tabby "Your going to have to let folks know your smarter than you let on eventually at least with the folks here." He tells her. He wipes his hand through his hair squeezing water out of it "So, whats the plan for today now?" He still has the goofy smile.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over at Ororo, "Yes, yes. The sacrifices htat you make for the reset of us. Come, Ms. Munroe, if you continue to be ag ood girl then I might just decide to buy a stake in one of the production companies.. And in that case I might even give you some of the gossip over from behind the scenes." Now tha tsort of offer might perhaps get the choco skinned mutie's eyes to widen just a little.
    "And don't undersell yourself, Tabitha. YOu've focused and graduated and done all it has taken to make yourself grow. You've accomplished a great deal and pushed yourself."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I'm nothing if not the product of my environment. And we live with an expert horticulturalist!" Tabby says and really tries shifting the piling of kudos to Ororo before Boomie's sense of pride and embrassamenet calesce into an amusing explosion of awkwardness. Sam does get a nods as well since exes and New Mutants got her back as much as she theirs.

The gardens and other plants around the place do look amazing thanks to Storm's care after all.

"You know if you did by a studio it'd just get all the wanna be actors in drama class coming out of the woodwork with auditions and sizzle reels and stuff Emma. You'd be able to build a fort out of them all!"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
    "Miss Frost, I believe I am to be too upstanding to bribe, even with promises of smut and behind the scenes drama." Ororo says, tapping her nose and giving everyone present a show of shrugging her shoulders. A look to Sam and shrugs once again with a greater effort, "I suppose I'll head into town and go appologize to the meteorologists and offer them my condolences." Ororo explains and then gives Tabitha a hand on her shoulder, "You weren't the worst, nor the best, but not the worst." And with that Ororo simply turns and starts to walk over to the garage with a smirk as she seems like she meant the note about the weather men.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just shake her head "Well, hse's in a mood. But she served her purpose. So do you have any plans over for further studies or progress, Tabitha? Beyond driving highly questionable vehicles which may or may not be of an illicit nature? OR do you not have any particular preference in direction?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit at the talk of an apology. "Ah have a sneaking suspicion that by now, the local weather man just throws in a And moments of unexpected weather may happen, and we can't explain it either."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"The only thing that may be illicit may be the future hover conversion. I got my flying car licence when I was on my last 'Jaunt'." Slang for disappearing into the ether of New York when X-Life and relationships got too much for Tabitha.

"Other than finally qualify for full time X-Man. I honestly don't know. I mean. I'm in a good place mentally. Physically don't ask." So many times injured.

"Do I even need ambitions?"s she ponders before she grins at Sam. "Between Westchester and New York and the Asgardian Embasy and wherever the Avengers are holed up? I'm amazed the weather reports aren't a huge figure eight!" she says and chuckles softly.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just mm over at Tabitha, "Of course. I supose that hovering can also be described as flying over the side ofa cliff, but you're far from the worst driver in the coeterie amjongst here, and by some of the standards your vehicle is rather safe compared to some of the ones here, so I can't find much to fault over in that."

She would glance at Sam, "I'm rahter sure that he is. IT's among the more amusing things to watch when one can catch Ms. Munroe in the right mood."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shrugs and says "Ah am just glad last night was a clear night, and stars were out shinning, could even see like two or three of them while out and about in the city."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The Van, already buillt and modified for off road travel, does lack the capability to fly. But the tech exists and she lives somewhere with an auto shop class and kids that are way cleverer than her and need a project. "I might plan a few scrounging trips. We're not that far from the SHIELD so they gotta have a junk yard for all the parts and tech that they deem too expensive to fix but totally could be but won't destroy either." Boom-Boom ponders then looks to Sam. "That sounds like the makings of a good night with the ladylove Sam!" she guesses and grins encouragingly to the Kentuckian Cannonballa.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar pulls up in the old beat up pick he pulled quite literally out of someone's back field. 1959 Studebaker Scotsman beat to heck but serviceable. The back is filled with plants to be added to the beds in the Mansion's gardens. James parks and turns off the car. James pulls himself out of the cab. making it look entirely too small for him. He heads over to the group casually.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Tabby, and says "Well, Ah think it went pretty well, she said yes." He tells his ex, about the night previous. This may explain why he has seemed so happy, and seems to almost be floating without actually using his powers.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Talk of the van gets put on hold and Tabby's eyes go big and bright. No glasses so likely she has her contacts in so Sam gets the full blast of a Tabby squee.

"Oh Em Gee! Finally! That is frigging awesome!" she says and gives the newly engaged man a huge hug!

"Jimmy!" it's hard to not see the giant of an other ex boyfriend and his classic awesome truck. "You heard this shizzle right! Sam got a yes from Alexa!" she practically yells. That cannot be good for superhuman hearing. Let alone normal ears.

"Soo you guys got plans in motion? Dates, places. Gonna just haul ass to Vegas and come back with more rings than a blue hedgehog?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar places a hand on Sam's shoulder, reassuringly wincing just a little at the squee. "Congratulations, Man. I wish you every happiness."Jim smiles and gives Sam's shoulder a squeeze, "Great news."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles and hugs Tabby back, and reaches up to pat Jame's hand on his shoulder "Thanks guys, no we aint set a date or anything, Ah spent most of the day yesterday cleaning up a bill board walkway to have the place to ask her. "One of our first flights, landed there to sit and talk while looking over the city, so figured it had a nice meaning when asking her.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Awwwwmahgawwwd!" Tabby is probably brain addled on romance now and turning her thoughts to mush. Understandable really. Still Tabby keeps her smile.

"You do what's gonna happen soon right. 'Beto's gonna flip. Drag you two, Doug and Ric and some of the other boys to Vegas. New Mutant Bachelor Party: Brodown in the Desert!" she suggests in as much an epic voice.

There's be suit fittings. Picking the band, doing all the setting up of the reception and cleaning up after. It'll be sweet watching you boys plan and conspire!"

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar smiles and nods, "Yeah, you and Berto gonna have a killer time. Will have to see who we can find. Yeah, we might need to talk to Alison about getting Lila to take it intergalactic. Take the whole gang. "

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and nods a bit to this and says "I am sure, he will want to make a bit of a show of it, might have to try to reel him in a bit. Not sure how big a thing we will end up doing, but know we will either have to fly folks in or have multiple weddings. Also have to see how many groomsmen I need to mix friends and family in.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Just suggest space strippers to 'Beto and he'd squee louder than me. You can always borrow the 'Bird being built at the new Starport. Or one of god knows how many Shi'ar craft floating around. How we rocked space in the past! You boys will rock out there." she thoroughly encourages of intergalactic shennanigans.

"Well if the minimum is four groomsmen plus Bestie. You got our Apache of Awesome!" she punctuates with a nudge of her shoulder.

"Then you know "Beto, Doug, Ric, 'lock. You can probably rope Prodigy and Hellion into ushering." Tabby ponders aand pinches her chin in brow scrunching thought and planning.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar smiles and raises his eyebrows, "Family comes first Sam. Do what you have to for them. I'm good whatever happens."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, a bit and says "Jay, will probably get a place, Jeb Ah aint sure, if he would want one or not, and Lewis is too young for sure, but Ah will figure it out, actually may ask you to be one of the usher security types James. Ah aint expecting a lot of trouble but with her dad being the jack ass he is, there might be some."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Miss Smith might have forgotton that Sam does have biological family. "Crap, yeah. Jay gets first refusal. Don't mind me. Ain't like I get an actual vote or say!" she says and dials herself back about twenty percent.

"Always gonna be Team Guthrie though! We'll need to bulk order tissues and waterproof makeup. Your mama gonna be crying her eyes out bless her." Tabby points out. "You did tell your mama before us right?" That woman is a saint!

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar nods sagely, "Yeah, keep me and Logan in the back, maybe Gabby. You want him detained or... "

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "If he shows it won't be a lone, so will want it handled to give us the best publicity spin it can. He is already claiming Alexis aint really herself, and is a shapeshifter or some type of monster impersonating her." He sighs a bit "He has had a problem with mutants most of his life.""

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"He'll probably not show. But you never know what Racists will do when they get a bug in their ass. If he thinks Alexis isn't the real deal he night stay away." Tabby reassures.

"Hopefully a wedding full of mutants who want to see their family members happy is enough of a deterrent for that bullshit. No one needs that shit on any day let alone the Special Day!" she emphasizes.

"I'd also suggest disappeared but that might cause too much blow back." she says to James with a nod of her head.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar nods, "Racists are nothing new to me. ... So, like lizard people? Or Durlans?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Na, he is the head of a anti mutant group pro human, they mask the anti mutant thing with being proud of being human. Showing how well humans can do things and such. He thought Ah had just lured her away with my evil ways till he tried to come bring her home this last time and she showed him she was a mutant."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Lizard people feells a little like two years ago when Sauron infected a bunch of us." Tabby says with a chuckle though she does wince a little at some memories of that time. Scales, feathers and old eggs still show up in the woods from when students had to be rounded up and treated.

"Like Friends of Humanity, those jackasses. Think we're all subhuman and can do whatever they want because an X-Gene allegedly excludes us from from having rights or sentience. Gah I've been researcging those assholes too much.

"Before that ruins my endorphin high from good news and compliments about academic mediocrity. I'm gonna go park the van under cover before more kids decide they need a lift somewhere!" she states and hands both men huge hugs before climbing into the '92 Delica to leave in in the main garage.