1100/Taking (Some) Responsibility
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Taking (Some) Responsibility | |
Date of Scene: | 11 April 2020 |
Location: | Hank's Lab |
Synopsis: | Hank and Warren talk about Warren taking more responsibility around Xaviers and being more responsible in general. |
Cast of Characters: | Warren Worthington, Henry McCoy
- Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren wanders into Hank's lab in the late afternoon, having decided to wait until classes were over to try and pester the good Doctor. Instead of business attire, he's wearing an old Xavier's t-shirt and a pair of comfortable sweatpants as well as a pair of flip-flops. Glancing around the lab after entering he calls out, "Hey Doc, are you around at all? Got a minute to chat about a thing or two?"
- Henry McCoy has posed:
He was there - hanging upside-down and jotting notes in a journal. As someone steps in, he cants his head - looking unusual while hanging from the rafters. "Hey Warren, of course. How can I help?" The Beast asks, dropping to the floor with a flip, landing on his bared feet.
- Warren Worthington has posed:
A quick grin crosses Warren's face as he spots Hank in his upside-down position. "You know, as a quick tangent... I've wondered what life might have been had I been given bat wings instead of the ones I do have. Maybe we'd hang around a bit more often, eh?" He winks and points at the good doctor before stepping forward. "Bad puns aside, I've been thinking more about taking some initiative and being more responsible around Xavier's. Lorna got me thinking on some things really. Uh..." He licks his bottom lip and runs a hand through his hair. "Do you think that the Professor would be willing to have me teach a few classes starting in the fall? I was thinking classes on business or finance. I can work on getting a teaching license and such, and started looking into what that might entail."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a grin from the furry man. "You never know, Warren. You could have the characteristc of a Nuthatch - they are birds who hang upside-down to forrage." There he goes, big brain Beast! "Finance, economics and such I think are a bit lacking in our curriculum. It might warrant talking to Charles about. Why the sudden turn in demeanor? I mean, the other night you were depositing a keg in a kitchen with minors?" He chuckles, good-naturedly.
- Warren Worthington has posed:
"I was... not aware of these characteristics of the nuthatch, but then again I always thought eagles, hawks and falcons were pretty cool. Ospreys too." Warren nods at the mention of what cirriculum might be lacking and of his recent antics. He sighs and leans against one of the counters, careful to pick a spot where his wings or presence won't interfere with anything that Hank has going on. He brings his hands up to his face and he rubs his eyes.
"A few people said that I might be a good representative for mutantkind to humankind. And yeah, I guess I can see their point. Except for these wings, I look pretty human and I'm in a spot to do a lot of good with giving to political groups that are pro-Mutant interests. These thoughts have been sticking with me, and going to that opening of the Latverian embassy as Lorna's escort, well, it made me think that I should probably get a bit more serious about things, about life in general." He looks back over at Hank and smiles. "I can't be a frat boy forever, I guess."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The doctor perks up, nodding. "Birds of prey are often very regal, and likely where your wings bear likeness." A friendly smile. "I can see why - the PR spin would be that your angelic countenance could be seen in a very positive light. It's natural for people to see you and envision their faith, or their understanding of goodness. It can rally people to listen to you, it can set some people to ease." A lower tone. "However, it can be drastically different were you to be idolized and your words were not chosen well." The Beast shakes his head. "I missed the Latverian embassy opening? A chance to immerse myself in the language? A shame." He chuckles.
The doctor sizes him up. "I think it is very mature and forward thinking of you to start looking to this path. I'm proud of you, Warren." A wry grin. "And you can still have fun - just don't get caught by the scuttling press in a scandal."
- Warren Worthington has posed:
"Oh man, see that's one thing I -don't- want. People take their religion seriously. Yeah I want to do good in the world and I want to help people and mutants, but I don't want people to take me seriously. Do you think that the Professor would help coach me on stuff like this? Or maybe someone else?" Warren swallows and shakes his head. "I don't have a problem speaking in front of people, but if I do this, I don't want to mess things up for people either."
The mention of the embassy opening makes him smile a little. "You did, it was interesting. I believe Dr. Susan Richards discovered that her daughter was dating during the middle of it. Dr. Von Doom also provided me with information of his personal artists who does his portraits, so I'll be having a few portraits of myself done for Worthington Industries, more out of my own personal amusement than anything else." He can't help but smile at that. "Though I think a scientist with your reputation will be welcomed at the embassy. I mean, you are one of the brightest people in the world, Doc."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
"Flattery is cheap, Warren. So you can afford to spread it on thick." He teases. "Yes, I think Charles would be good to have coach you in that. It's a difficult perception that will be difficult to overcome. I don't disagree that idolatry is something to be avoided, at all cost." He's serious about that, no doubt. "Even Jean... or Emma could help. They know peoples thoughts, and are excellent at reading body posture and emotion even without their gifts." A smile.
A chuckle. "Did she get gray hair at the revelation? I imagine Sue was non-plussed at such a public reveal, if she did not know prior." A wry grin from Beast. "And portraits? Not photos?"
- Warren Worthington has posed:
"It wasn't really flattery, I was actually being serious!" Warren protests lightly before falling into a quick laugh. "Yeah, I just want to help out my fellow mutants because I know what it's like to have people mistreat you because of being different. Even when one of those people is a parent." He rolls his shoulder in a light shrug.
"No, I don't think she went grey, I wasn't really listening in on what happened, and yes portraits! There are a number of portraits at the embassy of Doom in various poses. Some imperious, others... something. Stuff you'd expect from the leader of a small country." He flashes a quick smile. "I think the other boardmembers of Worthington Industries would find such things interesting."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast shakes his head. "Victor was always a man of enormous ego." A grin is cast to the other man. "I think the proper camera work would be quite stunning with your profile, Warren. Paintings tend to have a bit of the artist in them, and again..." A shrug. "Their perception may not be the same as what you're trying to impress." There's a chuckle. "We could wax on art theory and interpretation all day, however. I will speak to Charles, I'd suggest having a good dossier and a curriculum plan to be able to present to him, yes?"
- Warren Worthington has posed:
"I can have some photographs taken as well, but I figured that the people of Latveria might do with some fiscal help, and if I can get this guy some recognition outside of the Latverian embassy and pay him some cash, I think that's a positive thing." Warren pushes himself up away from the counter and rolls one shoulder and then another. "Yeah, if you could do that, I would greatly appreciate it. I am going to work on being better behaved around here." He holds up a hand with three fingers raised. "Scouts honor." He drops his hand and smiles, "And I'll work on the teaching certification stuff. Thanks for the pep talk, Hank, you're a great friend."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Beast ahas. "I see! A good mix would work then, I'd hate to see someone financially burdened for not having a portrait to paint. Artists need to eat, and all." A grin. A bow of his head, and then a nod. "Thank you Warren, I try to be. You're a good man, and I believe in you. I think you will do well to walk this path."