11126/=Father Daughter time
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=Father Daughter time | |
Date of Scene: | 11 May 2022 |
Location: | Balcony - Second Floor |
Synopsis: | Rien and Logan catch up and go to gabby's ritual |
Cast of Characters: | Rien D'Arqueness, Logan Howlett
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Neither Rien nor Logan are the best at phone calls, let alone texting or 'Face Timing' or any of these newfangled technological marvels that people use to keep in contact. Instead, they do it the old-fashioned way, face to face. Which might be why Rien is on the second floor balcony of Xavier's, smoking one of those herbal cigarettes she makes herself, a six-pack of Logan's favorite beer on the railing next to her, waiting.
It isn't so much that they've agreed to the meeting as Rien has shown up and trusts her father to 'sniff her out' when he's available. Her own nose says he's on the premises, so he'll find her, sooner or later. She tries not to infringe on his duties as a teacher at the school, or as an X-Man.
Perched on the railing, she might be mistaken for one of the older students herself, at least by anyone unfamiliar with her.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan arrives in short order and quietly. "I had your scent before you lit that thing. I know you by the smell of you blonde hair. Vanilla, lillies and ozone."
He gives his eldest daughter a tight squeezing hug and then immeadiately takes up a beer. "This is why we get along so well you know to bring the good stuff." Logan is partial to canadian beer from his home land but his real favorite is the japanese 'strong zero'. deceptively strong and known for making many a gaijin regret over drinking. But Logan could down them just fine especially when he is drinking his feelings.
"So how are things /mon petit/" Logan breaks out some french with a heavy canadain accent, for his friench daughter.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Smiling, Rien murmurs, "Should I not mention your own scent then, father? It's very distinctive."
Returning the hug, she lets out a small laugh and gives a nod, "How could I forget? It's not easy to find in the states, of course I had to bring some for you." Pulling on her cigarette, she motions to it, "Only way to keep all the odors and smells from getting overwhelming. I know the clan wanted me to have your abilities, but I wish they could have tamed down the sense of smell just a touch." A wry half-smile is offered before giving a nod.
"Going well. I've been asked to take on a leadership position within the JLD. I'm seeing a very... complicated.. man who you will surely disapprove of, but who I find thrilling and dear." Rien smiles at him for the bit of French offered up, "What about yourself? Are you seeing anyone just now, or between love interests? Also, I thought you should know.. I'm enchanting Gabby's claws as part of her 18th birthday. You're welcome to attend, I'm sure she would like to have you present."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"I know I aint smell as nice as you but I keep myself clean" Logan says in response to her light teasing.
"Bah I don't have anyone at the moment. There is someone I have interest in but it's too complicated. I think I'm gonna let that one get away. But tell me about your new beau. I mean wish you kids would choose better partners but you born from people that choose me at some point so, meh"
"What kind of enchantment I want to know what new fresh trouble she's gonna be causing." Logan says with the sigh of a tired parent.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Hey, smelling of woods, earth, and metal isn't -bad-. Its actually a pleasant change from most people and places." Rien chuckles softly and shakes her head at him.
She laughs and grins towards him, "His name's Robbie Reyes, he's a mechanic in the city. Has a younger brother named Gabe who's in college. He's... a lot younger. But then, at my age? Who isn't, right? I would have to start dating Asgardians if I wanted to find someone older." Rien pauses, then adds, "He's a good man. Who... happens to also be possessed by an evil spirit that's like a Ghost Rider. A Spirit of Vengeance."
Tsking at him, Rien lifts a brow towards Logan, "Would I do something that's dangerous to Gabby? It will strengthen her claws like mine, so that they aren't as likely to break regardless of what she's attacking. And as a side effect, it will make them able to hit things that are vulnerable to magic." She smiles, "It will help her, you can't keep her from the life she's chosen, the best we can do is support her and make sure she's equipped to handle it."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan just groans a bit at the reveal of her partner. He's not happy but he can't exactly take the moral high ground with his own history. But he trust her to not get herself into trouble. "You've survived this long I trust you to know what you're doing kid. As long as youre safe and he keeps you happy thats all I care about."
"I know gabby will be fine mostly. I keep an eye on her. but I just wanted to make sure there wasnt some new headache coming like making her claws shoot flames or something. I don't know how all this magic stuff shakes out. Dealing with a school full of mutant kids full of hormones and still learning their powers is rough enough as it is."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"He makes me extremely happy. And we're... oddly well-matched." Rien pauses, then grins, "Besides, he's got the hottest ride. Literally. '69 Charger, and it can -move-. It might also be able to break known laws of physics." She winks at him, "I'm my father's daughter, how could I say no to a hot mechanic with the coolest car around?"
She lets out a breath and gives a nod, then starts to laugh and shakes her head, "I'm not giving her flaming claws or flamethrower claws or anything like that. Just making sure that she's got the best chance at survivability as possible." Hopping off the railing, she nudges him lightly, "Want to come with to the ritual? Gabby's invited a friend but I bet having family there would be nice too."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan shakes his head with a chuckle as Rien gushes about the cool car. "I have always been partial to a good harley"
Logan is nudged and with half feinted reluctance agrees "Sure why not I gotta make sure I around for the big moments and such. Thats what a good father does right?"
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien grins, "I know. But he's a mechanic. He works on my Harley AND has the coolest car." She wraps him up into a tight hug, then hands him the rest of the six-pack with a wink and a smile, "Ready to travel in style?" Stubbing out her cigarette, she opens a portal for them and motions, "Age before beauty."