11231/Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner | |
Date of Scene: | 19 May 2022 |
Location: | Safehouse |
Synopsis: | And nobody was even injured! |
Cast of Characters: | Rien D'Arqueness, Robbie Reyes, Gabby Kinney, Logan Howlett
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Between the combined might of Gabe and Rien, they managed to convince Robbie to spend one more night at the safehouse. With one caveat. Logan's been invited to dinner. Rien is cooking tonight, making up some favorite dishes from everyone so there's a variety to pick from. SHe's brought up some of the -good- wine and has Logan's favorite Japanese beer. Some of Robbie's favorite as well. And Gabe will have to stick with rootbeer until Robbie relents and lets his brother try something alcoholic.
The table is set, there's a movie playing on the tv in the living room (Terminator 2), Rien's even put on a nice sundress for the occasion, light blue and patterend with vines and little white flowers. She mouths along with the movie 'I need you clothes, boots, weapon, and motocycle' as she stirs the pot of beef bourguignon.
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
Not that Gabe didn't *try* to convince his big brother to let him have a beer. "Just one beer. What's the worst that's gonna happen? Fine, how about a cider. It's totally the same thing!" And on and on.
The younger Reyes boy is lounging on the couch with his root beer and occasionally lobbing commentary back to Rien, wheelchair folded and stowed nearby. Robbie's stepped out for a five minute smoke break after helping her out with the beef boogiewoogie, as he calls it. Because he has no fucking idea how to say 'bourguignon' without sounding like he has a mouthful of thumbtacks.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
With the news that Robbie and Rien were expecting Logan, Gabby was on her way as well. After the early birthday dinner she had where Logan had tormented poor Red Robin who had accompanied her there was no way in hell she was missing Robbie getting introduced. Besides that, they might need to break up a fight. Hopefully not but who could tell for certain.
The motorcycle she'd ridden before, that little Honda Trail, zooms up the drive barely pausing to park as she launches herself off it. She does remember to put the kickstand down though before she heads for the door. A quick knock is given to announce her presence before she comes in.
"Hey, Rien! Is dad here yet? I brought some flowers! I mean." She pauses to regard the flowers she'd tucked into her bag which may be a little bit wrinkled. "I don't know what else to bring to a family dinner. Kind of a new thing..." She's already in the room, glancing around for somewhere to stash her stuff, when she pauses to blink at Gabe seated on the couch.
"Oh, hey! You're not Robbie." She pauses to blink at the younger guy with a quickly flashed grin. "I'm Gabby, Rien's little sister." The most surprising thing about her arrival though might be the completely BRIGHT PINK hair that she was currently rocking from root to tip.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan arrives he gives Rien a quick hug and a grunt of acknowledgment as he moves to the fridge to grabs a strong zero and pops it open. He moves to go sit at the couch to wait for the dinner to actually start.
He runs into Gabby and then discovers a young boy on the couch. "uuuhh Hey Runt, who's the kid"
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Well shit. Rien turns the heat down on the stove and steps out from the kitchen, wiping her hands, "Gabby! Dad! This is Gabe, Robbie's younger brother. Keep the chat clean, please." By 'clean' she means 'no talk of powers that may or may not be known about by the veyr human young man on the couch'. She looks to Gabe and smiles, "Gabe, this is Gabby, she's turning eighteen in... a couple of weeks is it?" Then she's setting a hand to Logan's shoulder, "And this our dad. Logan." Wolverine.
"Robbie's out back having a smoke, I'm sure he'll be in any moment. NOw I need to get back into the kitchen to finish up the food or we'll be ordering pizza and chicken wings." She flashes a smile before stepping away to let the three get acquainted while she finishes up with the food.
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
Gabe looks.. a lot like his older brother. The dark hair that's prone to curling; the nut brown skin and lanky frame, and almond shaped eyes. This one's are dark brown though, in contrast to Robbie, who's heterochromatic. And he lacks the distinctive sprinkling of freckles. But the smile is the same, when he spots the girl about his age with the pink hair. "Hi, Gabby," he greets. Much friendlier, too. "I'm Gabriel. Uhh, you can call me Gabe. I'm Robbie's brother." He sticks a hand out.
Then does a quick double-take as Rien introduces their other guest. And blushes beet red. "Oh, fuck," he squeaks. It's *him*. "Um, hi. Sir." He blushes even more at having called the man 'sir'. Who DOES that?
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over toward Logan when he comes in right after her asking that rather loaded question. Her hand raises, finger held up in a 'wait a moment' gesture. Thankfully Rien comes in to do proper introductions before it got rowdy. "See, Robbie's younger brother. Relax," she urges as she leans over to give Logan a one-armed hug around his shoulder.
That done she moves to the couch with Gabe to flop down on it beside him wearing a bright, cheery grin. "I thought you might be but I didn't want to assume. I'm Gabrielle, but everyone calls me Gabby. Great to meet you, Gabe!" His hand is taken, and shaken, and she nudges him lightly in the side with her elbow. "We're name twinsies."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"When am I ever not clean?" Logan says knowing thats complete bullshit as he says its. Then Logan is taken aback by the kid's shift in demenor. "It's me, but why is that a big deal bub?"
"why is everyone acting like i was gonna take the kid's head off or something" Logan is genuinely confused by his daughters walking on eggshells.
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
Gabe's still busy gaping, open-mouthed at *the* Wolverine. In the flesh. Surely it isn't the first time the man's garnered this sort of reaction from a young fan. "It's really good to meet you," he manages eventually. Then, still blushing up a storm, turns back to Gabby in time to catch her elbow in his side. "Yeah, we kinda are, aren't we?" he agrees, glancing back to Logan. Then Gabby again. "You're Rien's sister, huh? You don't look very much alike."
Robbie, meanwhile, has run out of cigarette to smoke. Not that it's done wonders for his nerves. He lets himself back in slowly and pauses, watching the proceedings from afar for the time being. The youth's looking like a street punk as usual in that leather jacket, hoodie and jeans with holes in the knees.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"You *are* kind of famous, dad," Gabby points out with a highly amused grin at the way that Gabe seems to react to him. She's still grinning with apparent relief that he wasn't scared so much as in awe. Rather than teasing him about it as she might if he were someone she knew better she just lets him ride it out. Then he mentions that they don't look alike.
A sheepish grin is given as she reaches up to scratch at one of the scars on her cheek. "Ah, well half-sisters is more like it I guess, but family is family, yeah? I mean I'm not French. That's her side of the family." Nevermind Gabby didn't have a mom much less a *different* mother.
"Anyway it's great to meet you, Gabe. Robbie talked about you a lot. Well. Kind of. In his own way?" She considers a moment while stealing a glance toward the doors where he was currently lingering. It suddenly occurs to her though. "Oh. My hair isn't permanent."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"It's... Good to meet you...too?" Logan says before sighing as Gabby informa him that this kid is a 'fan'. "God dammit Chuck, this is your fault." He says under his breath as if Charles could hear him. Which he might, you neve know with Charlse Xavier.
"Yeah" Wolverine says with a sigh, "Ok get it out of your system so we can eat like normal people"
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien steps over to Robbie and smiles, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "C'mon. He's not going to get nicer the longer you wait..." She loves her father, but she's also under no illusions about his temperament. Still, she urges Robbie forward with a smile for Logan, "Be nice, father, Gabe admires you. That isn't a bad thing."
Then she's 'nudging' Robbie forward, "This is Robbie Reyes. My boyfriend. Both of you behave or I'll get la chancla. And given what -I- can do, that's going to be one Hell of a la chancla." She spares a wink for Gabe, a smile for Gabby, then waits expectantly for one of them men to speak.
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
"I think it looks great," Gabe points out, nodding to Gabby's hair and grinning. "You remind me of Mei Hatsume." He takes a swig of his root beer, and watches as Rien herds his brother into the living room.
Robbie hardens his jaw and digs his hands further into the pockets of his leather jacket, grumbling something too quietly to be heard as he's nudged toward her father and sister. Probably because she threatened him with la chancla, which is just mean.
"Hey, man," he greets Logan in a low rumble. And, presumably because it's what guys do, he leans forward to offer his hand. And, if it's grasped, pull him in and clap the man's shoulder solidly.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney finds her attention shifting back and forth between Gabe and the impending potential disaster that was Robbie introducing himself to Logan. Really, she wasn't sure how this would go, but knew it wasn't going to be as bad as they feared either. If anything she was just highly amused over the situation in general. Gabe's compliment catches her off guard, and she instantly smiles. "Thanks. A friend did it spur of the moment. It really won't last long though, just a few hours."
Rien is shot a look. Likely SHE could tell the color was magical and not a dye job. Fibbing just a little, she explains further to Gabe, "I mean you know what dad is. Some people I know have different abilities." Such as magic. She is NOT saying 'magic' though. Let him assume it's a mutant thing.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"I ain't someone kids should be admiring." Logan says to Rien. "Admire Cap, Admire Superman, Don't admire me. I ain't done nothing worth admiration."
He gets a strong wiff of something, Fire smoke and brimstone. "Robbie huh? Hey yourself bub." Logan takes a visible sniff of the air. "Interesting brand of cigarettes you been smoking bub." Logan says sarcastically but pointedly.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien pokes her father lightly in the side and leans in to murmur something to him before straightening and giving him a pointed look Then she's shaking her head and looking to Robbie, "Don't take it personally, he's like this anytime any of us girls brings home a guy." Because it happens so often, right? She leans in and presses a kiss to his cheek, then to Logan's, then nudges at Gabby, "Help me get the table set and the food parked in the dining room while they work out the 'guy things'?" Gabe is left to stay so that he can squee over Logan.
As she heads back to the kitchen, she calls out over her shoulder, "Pity, because I've admired you for years, father. Your strong personal code and actions throughout the years have been inspirational." Then she's slipping back into the kitchen with a sly smile to get dinner served!
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
Gabe just zips his lips and huddles beside Gabby on the couch. He's not going to mention the Wolverine posters on his wall if Rien and Robbie don't.
Speaking of Robbie, the kid still hasn't smiled. Or withdrawn his gloved hand yet. Palm up, mismatched eyes steady on the older man's. He's either got a deathwish, or the sussing out's mutual. He sure does have that hungry junkyard dog vibe about him.
"Yeah. I like cloves. I only smoke 'em outside, Rien's rules." One corner of his mouth twitches like he might smile. Or bare his teeth. He does neither. "Ain't nothing to take personally, babe, we're good," he informs the blonde without taking his eyes off Logan.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney just takes a deep breath which she lets out with a little sigh. Not annoyance, but maybe just... disappointment? A reassuring grin is flashed at Gabe even as she stands up at Rien's urging to go help with the meal. "I'll grab you another rootbeer if you want. It's one of my favorite brands," she offers helpfully before disapearing into the kitchen per request.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan looks at Rien and then to Robbie then shoots a 'look' at Rien again.
No his eyes are locked back in on Robbie's. IF this had been Gabby's boyfriend this interaction would have gona very differently but Logan trusts Rien to handle herself. She's well past old enough to need any hand holding especially in her love life. "Cloves huh?" Logan says flippantly before talking his the offer for a handshake. "Yeah nothin' personal bub."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien calls out from the kitchen, "Dinner's ready! We've got a real mix of dishes tonight. I tried to prepare at least one dish from everyone's favorites. Try someone else's or eat yours, this is being served family style, so helps yourselves!" She urges Gabby to claim whatever seat is her favorite, making sure one of the end chairs is removed to make way for Gabe's chair.
Making sure the wine and beer is in easy reach on the sideboard, she pours herself a glass and looks into the living room with a smile, "I even made desserts. They're chilling in the refrigerator or cooling on the counter. So don't fill up too much."
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie does indeed have a solid handshake. Not bone breaking; but then, he might have trouble breaking *this* particular man's bones. "Nice to finally meet you. Um.. you like killer robots?" He hitches his chin toward the television, and jams his hands back into his jacket pockets, big shoulders all hiked up and tense. "Who doesn't like killer robots?" Gabe pipes up, grinning at the pair, and shooting Gabby a backwards glance as she retreats to the kitchen.
The call for food has Robbie excusing himself to help Gabe with his chair. Unfolding it, lifting him onto the seat with no apparent effort at all, so the younger boy can wheel himself off to see what there is to eat.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney dutifully marches herself off into the kitchen. There was a great many dishes on the stove and waiting nearby that she starts to begin hefting out to the dining room table. She's doing her best to appear normal. Except. She grabs the pot from the stove to carry out and place on a trivet only to pause staring at the steaming pot that was still bubbling even as it started to cool down.
"Oh. Oh shoot." It's mumbled under her breath as she shoots a quick worried glance back toward where Logan, Robbie and Gabe were. Turning around quickly to march back into the kitchen she calls out, "The stew pot is hot so be careful!" She's doing her best to hide her hands tucked against her sides though given SHE had forgotten about that. A quick trip to the sink has her ducking her hands under the stream of cold water to wash away any burns that were already healing.
"I'll be out in a second! Just cleaning up some."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan gives a grunt of disaproval "No I don't. Bad experiences with killer robots"
Logan makes his way to the dining room. Fixes himself a plate before sitting down. "Gabby you need to work on your pain tolerance. A hot pot shouldn't be nothing worth hollering about."
"Thanks for the food" Logan says a small acknowledgement of a appreciation for the effort put in and consequently the importance of the night to Rien.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien glances towards Gabby as she forgets to use pot holders on the beef burgundy, wincing slightly then shaking her head with a small smile. She makes sure there's freshly baked bread on the table, makes sure evrery dish has a trivet beneath it, then settle in at the table. She smiles at Logan and murmurs, "I think she was trying to warn Robbie or Gabe in case they try to touch the pot."
She fixes herself a plate, then looks to Gabe with a smile, "Anything you want that you can't reach, Gabe?" He can't exactly just wedge in between people and reach across the table after all. Once she has herself and Gabe settled for food, she seats herself and smiles, "Thank you all for being here tonight."
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Hey, be care--" Too late. Gabe's expression is horrified, and then confused as the younger girl stands there holding the pot. He's about to wheel over and push it away from her, when she finally puts it down and hustles off to the sink.
"Is she gonna be okay?" he asks Rien worriedly. Logan's comment only confuses the poor kid further. Robbie, having struck out on his faltering attempt to make conversation, watches all of this in silence as he serves himself some soup, a large hunk of bread, and grabs whatever chair is remaining. Jacket slung off, elbows on the table like the feral thing he is. "Food's good, thanks for cooking," he murmurs to Rien, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"My pain toler..." Gabby pauses as she looks over her shoulder at Logan with a bewildered expression. Her hands are still beneath the flowing water though. Since Gabe seems to have seen her do it all, all she can do is smile reassuringly at him. "Ah, I'm fine, don't worry." There's a moment as she shoots a look to Rien as if seeking permission to explain further. After all, she had asked them to 'behave' and she'd totally mucked up doing that by grabbing the pot without potholders.
A deep breath is taken as she shakes the water off her hands. The sink is flipped off, and she turns to walk toward Gabe with her hands held palm out toward him to show that, though a bit pink, her hands were fine.
"I can't feel pain, and I heal. I just forgot. Sorry. I was trying not to freak anyone out. I'm okay though, I promise."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"The Runt's gonna be fine she just hollers a lot over little things sometimes. She's gonna be ok in a minute." Logan interjects before Rien can answer. "see you heard her She's fine. don't worry bub" His tone is somehow both dismissive and reassuring. He doesn't want the kid to worry, also he feels gabby needs to toughen up a bit. If you have healing factor as long as you can tolerate the pain nothing stops you.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien smiles towards Gabe and gives a nod, "Remember hon, she's my sister and Logan's daughter. There's not much that can keep one of us down for very long. Little things like hot pots are... easy to forget about after a time." SHe lifts a shrug because it's difficult to really explain how you get used to pain without being able to experience it. Robbie gets a smile for his cheek kiss, "You're welcome, and thank you."
Across to Logan, she chuckles, "And you claim to not be someone worth admiring...."
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
Gabe looks over at the girl's hands, then back up to her face. He knows the 'talk' is coming, probably, before she even opens her mouth. Which makes him want to kick himself for not cluing in sooner. "..because you're like Rien," he supplies quietly. "And like Wolverine." His eyes flick to Logan, linger there a few moments. Then he reaches for his bread and takes a large bite as he processes all this.
"Hey, go easy on her," Robbie murmurs low, lifting his eyes from his food, and fixing them on Logan. Yep, deathwish sounds about right. If, you know, he was capable of being killed. "She can speak for herself."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney bites down on her lower lip feeling a little conflicted about the whole thing. Guilty, maybe a bit angry, and also sad at Gabe's reaction. Her handsd shut again though as she offers him a firm grin. "Yeah, but there's really no way to tell. Not all abilities are passed down in families. I could have had something entirely different or nothing at all. Heck, my other sister Bellona only ended up being albino. Nothing else." Her voice drops again as she adds, "Thanks for looking out for me though, Gabe."
Turning away she snags a bowl for herself hesitating before sitting. "I think I'm gonna hit up one of the guest rooms and do some homework. Let you guys do all the talking and stuff." Smiling still she gives a nod toward Robbie, and then Rien and Logan. "I'll be around just need to catch up and it's nice and quiet out here for that. Thanks for dinner, Rien. Nice meeting you Gabe."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan rolls his eyes at Rien not believing him being kind to a kid or attempting to be a good dad absolves him of his past.
Robbie interjects himself and he draws the look of death, the look for a man that has rivers of blood on his hand s and no issue killing again. "Runt's my pup. You hear me, bub"
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien smiles and hugs Gabby then gives a nod, "Gabe's on the lower floor guest room, but both the upstairs rooms are empty. Feel free to claim one and this doesn't get you out of dessert or hanging out time later." She winks at her sister, then sits back down in time to catch Logan. Lifting both brows at him, she smiles, "What? A girl can't admire her father and believe him worthy of high regard?"
She leans over and ruffles Gabe's hair lightly with a soft smile, "Hey. No need to beat yourself up. You got the best superpower of all of us. You got the charm." It's true. Gabe's open happiness and joy tends to be a big draw.
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
Gabe blushes furiously and leans away slightly from the hair ruffling. He wants Rien -- and Logan -- to think he's cool and hip, damn it. And this isn't helping his image. "You're only saying that because Robbie couldn't charm his way out of a wet paper bag," he tells her, elbowing his brother. Maybe to distract him from trying to start shit with Wolverine.
To be fair, Rien and Gabby first *met* the youngest Ghost Rider while he was starting shit with Juggernaut. So this is probably a theme for the kid. "Yeah. Fine. I hear you." Robbie runs his tonguetip along a canine, and drops his gaze again. The restlessness, the agitation in him remains. But he behaves himself, and eats his food. "See you later, Gabby," he tells the departing girl.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The Wolverine too wants to descalate the situation. He nods and then looks to Rien. "Thank you" thats all he can get out. He feels touched and conflicted by this daughter's praise.
Logan decides to do one parlor trick to ease tensions and earn some points here. "Hey Kid, Gabe, Check this out" SNNKT! Logan's claws on one hand pop out.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Flashing a grin towards Gabe, Rien winks, "So I was thinking... your classes end for the summer, right? Or do you take summer classes too? Anyways, I was thinking maybe when summer hits, we could head down to Florida for a few days. Hit up Universal, Disney. I hear they have one of those Medieval Times places there too. And one like it but pirate themed. Maybe we take a long weekend in Orlando?" She flicks a glance to Robbie and smiles, "Might be nice to get down to where there's sun and sand, beaches."
She lets up on Logan for a bit, letting him show off to Gabe with a grin and instead looking to Robbie. "And from what I understand, Florida hosts some of -the- best classic car shows. You could show off your baby and get to see what other people are driving."
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Shit, that's so *cool*." Gabe brightens immediately as he watches the blades slide out of Logan's hand, food momentarily forgotten. Then Rien and her plotting draw a little double-take from the teenager, and his eyes widen further. Speechless, he looks to his brother for permission.
"I'll see if I can get the time off work," Robbie explains to both of them, finishing off his soup, and climbing to his feet to go grab seconds. Where the hell he puts all that food is a mystery. "Car show could be fun," he admits, attempting a smile over his shoulder for Rien. "You, uh. You thinking we'd drive down there, then?"
Gabe is trying not to lose his shit over the idea of a road trip, and asking Logan quietly whether it's true that unsheathing his claws hurts.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"No not anymore. you get used to it." Logan says and retracting the claws, and the slits they leave behind close and heal.
As the couple and Gabe start discussing going to a car show. Logan tunes out a bit and reminisces "I remember when the car was invented."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien winks at Gabe. She'll make sure Robbie can get the time off. But then he's talking to Logan again and she smiles, rising from the table to get herself a little bit more as well. While she's in there, she gives Robbie a tight hug from behind and kisses his shoulder, "You're doing so well, babe. Thank you. I know this hasn't been easy." She smiles up at him, "I mean, depending on how much time you can get off, I can help the travel go a little faster but... if we can take the time, we shoulder. It would be fun."
Getting herself some more food, she steps back into the dining room and smiles at the pair, "Was that German or American? I thought the Germans got cars first but... I could be mistaken."
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
"The motorwagen was German," Gabe points out around a mouthful of bread. The kid's in college for a mechanical engineering degree, so presumably he knows what he's talking about. "Wow, were you *really* around for that?" he asks Logan, starry eyed.
Robbie closes his eyes a moment at the hug, stopping what he was doing with ladling more soup into his bowl. Rien has a way of centering him, calming him down that he'll never fully understand. He turns to watch her for a long, quiet moment before she goes. Swallows, and nods. "Okay."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"yeah I'm very old, Very very old." Logan says. "I seen a lot of stuff." Logan then excuses himself to go outside and smoke a cigar.