11286/Black Pawn and White But Mean

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Black Pawn and White But Mean
Date of Scene: 22 May 2022
Location: The Strait Lace Steakhouse - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Emma has some chat with Tessa and is reminded that she's no longer a member of the club.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Tessa, Sebastian Shaw

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost had in those times she came to the club since her stepping 'down' to mostly spending her time over in some of the public areas. Somewhat of a regular in the Steakhouse on the occasions she would drop in. Those times when she did no matter how crowded it was Emma would have a table to herself. No matter how crowded it was, every single table in a perimeter around her would be empty. A show of power even in a subtle way and a reminder of her station. Curretnly gazing down the menu while sipping over on some freshly cooled white wine.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa has only just recently returned from a trip abroad -- wherever she was, she was no doubt working to advance Sebastian Shaw's agenda somewhere. On paper, Tessa is a corporate consultant of some stripe... which is actually fairly accurate to the work she does for Shaw. Her mind, the equal of any supercomputer, is quite suited to business, finances, logistics, and so on.

Those who have ever been within spitting distance of the Inner Circle know that Tessa is Shaw's right hand within the Club, as well. She's the eyes and ears of the Black King, and is tasked with ensuring that affairs within the Club are acceptable to him. So when the dark-haired woman appears in the Steakhouse, it's easy to imagine that the 'why' is something do with that. Wearing a tight, dark purple dress, heels, matching jacket, matching clutch purse, her hair done up in the Victorian-style bun, Tessa approaches Emma's table without fear. "Miss Frost."

Emma Frost has posed:
It's always those little games and schemes for Shaw. Whether for his own purposes or something against or with some of the other groups of the Club. Emma had her guesses, but she was past the point of watching every little affair that the Black King was up to that didn't directly involve herself or some of her peers. She would catch sight of Tessa and give a low nod. "Tessa. I hope that the affairs of the London branch are doing well." The London branch was still likely the oldest active branch of the club and probably in some ways the most influential.

"She would continue on, "And I hope that your recent trip was fruitful. Would you care to join me over for a meal and we can catch up? It has been some time."

Tessa has posed:
Tessa moves to sit down. The woman is unerringly precise in the way she moves. When she sits, her back is perfectly straight. You could balance a book on her head, bun and all. "The London Club is doing quite well," Tessa says. Her accent is totally neutral. She gives away no hints of where she comes from, what identity she claims. She's only... Tessa.

"I was hoping that you would suggest exactly that," Tessa says, even though it's fairly obvious that Tessa wouldn't have approached in the first place if she hadn't expected such an invitation. "Thank you." She doesn't look at the menu; she doesn't need to. "Have you been well?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would gesture, "Of course. Always a pleasure." Tessa was always watching and staying in the background. And just as dangerous in her own way as Selene. Fully loyal to Shaw as far as anyone knew, and ever so apt to blend in and not be noticed. Always calculating every angle.

"Everything sounds to have gone smoothly. And Iw ouldn't say well.. But within the norm. I do hope that Shaw's other litlte pet isn't giving you as many fits. You may want to consider shortening her choke chain some."

Tessa has posed:
Tessa raises an eyebrow at the mention of 'Shaw's other little pet.' The dark-haired, tan-skinned woman is careful to keep a neutral expression. She almost never smiles, unless she needs to be polite and give a good impression. She truly almost never frowns.

"I'm sorry to hear that you would not call your circumstances 'well,'" Tessa says. Her sympathy is the sort that /sounds/ genuine but almost certainly isn't. She's saying what she's expected to say, what it's polite to say. "However, you seem to be mistaken, Miss Frost. If Mister Shaw has anyone on a 'choke chain,' as you call it, it would hardly be my place to determine its length."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Oh.. That is quite the norm with things. And we can't always expect things to be ultimately beneficial. It has been quite an interesting last few years, has it not?" That statement vague enough to cover almost anything.

And one could never tell with Tessa what was sincere and what was after all fine acting. Perhaps always both. "Oh yes, Selene is prone to quite the historionics. It undermines your semblance of professionalism. It's my concern when she comes after me." Emma would speak ever so smoothly liek their antagonism was such a simple thing.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa nods her head, once. "It has indeed been quite an interesting last few years, Miss Frost."

Tessa seems to anticipate the exact timing of the waiter appearing. She orders the petite filet steak, with roasted asparagus, and a glass of red wine. She knows the Club's wine stock better than its sommeliers -- she picks an expensive vintage, but one renowned for its flavor profile. Tessa doesn't say a word about Selene until Emma has ordered and the waiter has left. "Why do you feel that Miss Gallio will 'come after you?'"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Oh dear, that's the way we go about things. She's done it a few times in the last year or so. We get along quite well." Given how Emma spoke 'a few times' that could mean anything from the two antagonizing one another or Selene trying to kill her. "But, such things are rather normal." And no doubt dated back over to the two in the club and their no doubt well known mutual loathing.

"But, that's hardly your concern after all. I'm sure if Shaw finds it an issue he'll deal with it appropriately." And if not, then talking to his adjunct wouldn't get anything done.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa shakes her head from side to side, in an understated and controlled way. "I would disagree that it's not my concern." Her hands come together, and her fingers lace. "You've departed the Inner Circle, Miss Frost, but you remain a member of the Club. Disputes between members of the Club are matters toward which I do not turn a blind eye." This should shock no one. Tessa is involved in just about everything to do with Club politics. After all, she /is/ the Black King's right hand! "I hope that you and Miss Gallio will be able to remain cordial and respectful despite any past disagreements or disputes. For the sake of the Club."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just smile, "Oh, I'm more than willing to." S he would add casually, "I jus twon't stand if she continues to think she can take her pound of flesh from me. If things remain in this state, then I will escalate in kind." As far as Emma was concerned, that was quite reasonable. Of course, knowing Selene that she might be fully -bored- with things and go back to her normal state of seeking other entertainment.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa's wine arrives. She's gracious in thanking the waiter, and when she has a drink, she does the whole wine-lover bit -- smelling the wine, swirling it a bit, savoring it rather than something so vulgar as a sip. "Unfortunately, Miss Frost, your choice to depart the Inner Circle removes a significant degree of political protection that you once enjoyed."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "OH yes, I'm well aware o fthe fact, Tessa. I'm merely noting that it has the possibility to look badly upon the Club. I shall however constrain my actions to outside of it's borders so as to not reflect illy upon it."

Tessa has posed:
"Your restraint is appreciated," Tessa says. "That said, Miss Frost, I would not worry about the Club's reputation." There's no judgment or coldness in Tessa's voice. The woman says everything in a plain, neutral tone. She's just reciting facts the way other people talk about the weather. "While you remain a VIP and welcome member, the Club's reputation is no longer your responsibility to shoulder."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Oh, I consider it polite, Tessa. While I'm not a member in the same standing, I do wish to ensure that for hte most part relations remain warm. I don't want to do something that might jeoporadize it after all. I do appreciate access to the faculties on the occasion I need them." Her taking a sip of her wine and then a bite of her steak.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa and Emma Frost are seated at opposite sides of a table, surrounded by a ring of empty tables for privacy. They're eating expensive steak and drinking expensive wine -- Tessa red, Emma white.

Tessa eats with the same precision that she provides everything else. There's something almost eerie about it. Eating is one of those things where she most comes across as somehow inhuman, or machine-like. It's such an... automated process. "The Club would also strongly prefer if you did nothing to jeopardize these warm relations we enjoy, Miss Frost." Tessa's tone is blank. "We will be doing our part to ensure that you do nothing of the sort." In other words, Emma is probably being watched.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod and smile, "Of course. I will endeavor to ensure that anything happens outside of the Club's facilities. In turn however I will appreciate that in turn if she does something within here that it is dealt wtih." Emma considers that reasonably fair over as she would take another bite and a sip of her wine in turn.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"As always, Tessa has the right of it," comes the self-assured voice of Sebastian Shaw, manifesting itself as the man himself makes his over towards the table. How much of the conversation has he overheard? Or has he been privvy to all of it? The Hellfire Club has many secrets within its walls, but few from its Black King. "While certainly I would expect no ill fate to befall you within these walls, Ms. Frost, you are the one who decided to take the unprecedented move to sever your relationship with certain aspects of us, and so you would no longer enjoy the same privileges that come with such membership."

He draws up to the table with a smooth gait, a glass of wine in his left hand. He is dressed as usual, a purple jacket over a lacey shirt, black breeches and boots. As he arrives at the table rather than stand he elects to loom over the table, but he places his right hand gently on Tessa's left shoulder, his gaze entirely on Emma. "I believe this had been a topic of some discussion between you and I, and you made your intentions quite clear."

Tessa has posed:
"Mister Shaw." Tessa's greeting is formal and cordial. The dark-haired woman, wearing a tight dark purple dress, lifts her wine glass toward Sebastian as he approaches. She seems completely comfortable with the hand resting on her shoulder.

"I believe Miss Frost understands her position," Tessa says, upward, toward her boss. "I have assured her that any personal squabbles between Club members will inevitably attract the Club's attention. Any actions taken from there will be solely at the Club's discretion."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would turn her attention voer to Shaw and give a nod, "Shaw, a pleasure. I'm happy for your increased activities wihtin the club and the inner circle. I do hope that things continue to go well and the club prospers." Politeness after all was the word of the day

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Of course. I am sure Ms. Frost remains well aware of that." Shaw's gaze is on Emma, even if his hand remains on Tessa, a familiar touch.

"I have ever been attentive to the needs of the Hellfire Club. Some of us remain dedicated to seeing its mission achieved." A slight shrug. Insult implied if not spoken. "It has and will continue to prosper under my leadership, with or without your participation."

Tessa has posed:
Tessa's hazel eyes turn back toward Emma as well. She and Shaw look like two peas in a pod. Tessa then refocuses her attention, moving back toward mechanically eating her steak, even with the hand rested on her shoulder. She feels no need to speak for Sebastian.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Bestian, "Of course. I do wish the club the best and I'll ensure I don't get in teh way of things." Emma was after all remaining polite. Aware of her current status in the club and how far she could push things.

And decidedly not willing to risk anything unless she had to.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A smile from Sebastian. "Well, I would not wish to interrupt you ladies from having a cordial dinner. I just always like to make it a point to say hello when Ms. Frost graces us with her presence." Another smile. A message, of course, inherent in it. I'm watching you when you're here. And probably when not.