11349/Take a Bite Out of Thyme
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Take a Bite Out of Thyme | |
Date of Scene: | 26 May 2022 |
Location: | Medical Lab |
Synopsis: | Emma checks up on Iara's first time in the medbay! |
Cast of Characters: | Iara Dos Santos, Emma Frost
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
A pleasantly slow day was interrupted at the Xavier's school when Emma picked up the phone, caller ID showing an unknown number. A voice masked individual stated that a car bearing an injured student of their was enroute and to have medical care on standby, and also instructed to have said medical professionals restrict any questions to the student's physical condition rather than expecting any explanation why. When the blue pontiac did show up, there was a faceless man in a blue fedora sporting injuries of his own and a masked woman in black in the back with Iara dos Santos, Shark-Girl, a recent arrival at the school, fast asleep.
Iara would be delivered to the medical facilities beneath the school on short order where Emma was waiting, with a ninja-style Kunai sticking out of her right side and a rather nasty puncture wound in her left shoulder, but otherwise she looks fine. The puncture wound looks like something barbed impaled and then was torn out of her. Her wetsuit is soaked in blood, but a lot of it doesn't seem to be hers, and there's definitely still flesh caught in her teeth from a recent fight.
- Emma Frost has posed:
An injured student dropped off with little explanation and being quickly taken down to the medbay. Emma Frost was as she would quickly go down wiht the girl have a -talk- later with whomever let a stranger deliver an injured student back present without finding out what the hell happened.
Emma is not skilled at more than borderline first aid, but fortunately there's one of the students with powers on hand for healing tending her. The blade from her is being slowly removed by them even as they're raising a hand over her to start the flesh regenerating and the injuries closing.
Emma's watchingw hile murmuring, "And I will hve to ensure that someone speaks with Logan on this."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara slowly begins to stir, those glossy black doll-eyes opening with her pointed shark snout looking up at the ceiling, groaning as she asks "Where am I?" in her accented, rough but still feminine voice. She reaches up and wiggles a tooth... and then pulls it out with almost shocking ease, looking at it for a second, her tongue licking the spot where it was in her mouth, and seeming to wince from the taste of blood in her mouth again... and then nearly jolting when she sees the other mutant still pulling the kunai out of her. "Ah!" she exclaims, and does instinctly move, but tries to stay still, saying "Ah, shit, are you guys with that purple caped guy? No wait..." as she thinks, furrowing her brow, then asking "Is this part of the school? I thought we were going back to the school..." She doesn't seem to recognize Emma, or this room...
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would gesture a hand, "Hold still Iara. You apaprently had a great deal of fun while you were out for the day on a field trip. You're being treated now and I do get the impression that something unusual happened." She would casually point down over to the blade that was being removed from Iara as the would was sealed by the healer, the throwing blade being dropped over into a metal pan to be disinfected and if need be analysed later on.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara nods at that slightly, carefully trying to keep still as she asks "So who are you then?" as she looks over her healing shoulder and the still torn wetsuit, seeming to frown a bit at the state of it... before getting curious and using her thumb to press in on the neoprene. Blood-soaked water starts gushing out of an area of the suit far from her stab wounds on her opposite shoulder, the neoprene having absorbed it like a sponge, making her wince and mutter "Shit..." under her breath.
- Emma Frost has posed:
There's more healing done of her as wounds are slowly closed by the healer, and an IV is setup to help replace her body's lost fluids for now. "My name is Emma Frost, and I'm a teacher here at the Institute. You, young lady, were dropped off here with no elaboration by whomever brought you here under quite questionable circumstances and badly injured. So, yes, we are rather concerned about you." By 'we' likely meaning the teachers. Or not.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara nods again at that, saying "I was uh... Well you know I'm new here, I was testing out my freshwater tolerance with the hudson river... I've only been in saltwater so I figured the brackish water would be a good test, it goes from salt water in the ocean to uh... more fresh water inland..." as she gets the distinct feeling Emma doesn't need that explained to her. Again she swallows saying "I saw some people messing with a hammerhead shark on a fishing boat upriver, like they had it on a crane out of the water, and there was a super tall guy standing on the bow of the boat, like, taller than me. Gigantic, silver helmet, purple cape, covered in blades down his arms. One of his lackeys had a vial and was gonna inject the shark with something glowing and green when this dude with no face in a blue trenchcoat and blue fedora walks up and starts like... you know how detectives in movies just walk up to the bad guys when they've uncovered the plot? He was pulling that, but he was super outnumbered by a bunch of huge ninjas and there was no way he was gonna win against all of them... So when the fight started I ran up and tackled the biggest goon I could, we wrestled and fell in the water, he stabbed me and... uh... I blacked out, I think I ate him. Well you know, not... in one piece, more tore him apart..."
She seems unnerved by this part, inhaling deeply as she says "I definitely frenzied, it's like instinct took over completely, I couldn't even think to begin to stop myself, it just happened like my body was on autopilot... I snapped out of it when another ninja hit me with a giant hook on a chain in the water, by that point the boat was starting to leave and I was gonna get dragged with it or worse under it, so I pulled myself partway up the boat and has to pull the hook out of me... Tried to chase the blue guy but this girl appeared, black hat and black trenchcoat with super piercing blue eyes, she told me to sleep and I'd be where I wanted to be, and that was it, I woke up here."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would rub at her temples, "I see. That's a.. Rather serious thing to have happen, Iara." Her tone is gentle. No judgement over on the event or what happened. "You must have been terrified." Emma goes to take a seat over and watch. "And do you have any ideas as to why the.. Ninjas were there?" That's something that stands out to her. SHe's not reading the mind of Iara, but thsoe are very specific things.
Why would a group like that particularly care over about something simple like experimentation on sharks. She's reviweing it in her head and there's not enough to go on.
"I'm going to recommend, Iara, that you speak to one of the guidance counselors here when you feel up to it and are out of the medbay if you feel that would be beneficial. The events may give you some things you'll need aid if you feel it necessary to work your way through."
More o fher injuries are being treated as more fluids are put into her body as the healer helps regenerate her.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara nods again, just a little wobble of that long shark snout, saying "Yeah... Uh... I wasn't really terrified for most of it just y'know... We're supposed to use our powers for good and all, right? I don't think I was hurt that badly and definitely didn't feel it until the adrenaline went down..." She rubs her head, saying "I think... the blue guy... uh, blue-clothes guy, his skin was just uh..." as she apparently is trying to remember the right word, "Caucasian, yeah, he was saying something about them stealing things for what they were doing but the fight broke out real fast, the main guy, the purple guy with the cape and helmet, he was too focused on the hammerhead to even acknowledge the guy..." She blinks as she says "Aw shit, I think that shark is still out in the water upriver, I hope that little guy knows which way to swim..." She sighs, and then looks to Emma, saying "Purple guy acted like a real badass though. Just, y'know, poised like you don't wanna mess with him ever, and covered in that many blades? I'd be shashimi if I tried to tackle him." She then blinks and remembers something, saying "Oh! Yeah, they were speaking japanese, I dunno what they were saying but it was totally japanese."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod thoughtfully, "That sounds interesting. I can't get a direct visualization of them. At least not without entering into your mind and now isn't the right time or place for it, nor am I the right person to do so. I do believe that this might require some followup investigation. I would urge you to speak to Logan on it as he's our in house expert when it comes to ninjas."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara looks to the side, saying "Uh... Logan's the uh... How do you say..." as she thinks a moment, "The uh... really... strict professor? The short one? No... Rough? Um... Harsh? Yeah! Harsh, that was the word! Uh. That's what people have said, anyway..."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smirk, "Among other things that have been referred to as him. Strict is far from the most common adjective but it is a fair one to use. But, he is the resident expert on such things so I would urge you to consider talking to him over them."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara smiles weakly, saying "Uh... I will, yeah. And uh... thanks for patching me up here, hopefully I don't get stabbed again soon?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would laugh, "Yes, I hope that doesn't happen again. I hope you recover well and do consider talking with some others on what happened."