11644/X-F Side Dishes(
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X-F Side Dishes( | |
Date of Scene: | 16 June 2022 |
Location: | Upstate New York Boardwalk |
Synopsis: | Wade meets Iara in an improbable way and offers her a position with his crew. She's on the fence about it but the seed has been planted, all that's left is to see if it grows. |
Cast of Characters: | Wade Wilson, Iara Dos Santos
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, wasn't much for beach going. At least when the beach is not a mutant flavored beach. Most normies have a problem with the majority of your body looking like week old ground chuck (even if the smell was no where near the same--skincare regimens are a marvelous thing.) So when he's at the beach he suffers the heat, even in his leather and spandex red and black suit.
The crotch rocket that serves as the Bikepool--or is it Deadbike, no that's the Ghost Rider's, bikepool it is--is secure and the meter paid for at least a couple hours. Even the Merc with a Mouth needs some quiet time for self reflection and contemplation, even if the ever present audience was always watching. The boardwalk and beach in upstate New York isn't the best in the area but it is one of the least jam packed and while Wade would love to bump shoudlers with the ever present Pride crowd, it doesn't lend itself to contemplative times when surrounded by drag and glitter and rainbows. Ah, his people.
Today, is a quiet day... probably. Hopefully. You never know when it comes to life for Deadpool and that is why, while he doesn't have the twin katanas or twin heavy pistols, he is far from unarmed. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara dos Santos, also known as Shark-Girl, is always beach going... or at least ocean going. Today she HAD tried to get closer to shore, after some good experiences in Mutant Town and, well, it IS pride month, why not go out there as your best self?
Screams and mayhem is why.
"Hey! Calm down!" a giant shark mutant tries to calm down an overweight woman in a one piece swimsuit with a beehive haircut and horned rimmed glasses, "Lady it's okay! You can't-" but soon the overweight woman starts sinking in the water and the shark mutant dives after her.
"Hey you!" an equally overweight man in a thick new jersey accent says as he hits Deadpool in the shoulder from behind with an open palm, but this seems to be a desperate way to get his attention more than anything. "Mah ma's out dere! Ya gotta save 'er, yer dat mercenary right? 'Ere! Look!" Deadpool is soon presented with a sweaty, wrinkled pair of 20 dollar bills as the balding thirty-something man in sunglasses waves a hairy arm towards the ocean, "Go kill that shark! I don't how, just save my ma!"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade had been thinking. Usually interupting him while he's in deep thought results in removal of apendages but the man saves himself with the presentation of money. He looks out tot he water and sees the woman thrashing and an oddly conspicuous dorsal fin peek from the water's surface. He rolls his eyes. "Fine fine." Taking the pair of Jackson's from the man he vaults over the rail and starts running for the water.
"This is what I get for signing a contract with Chuck isn't it?" he mutters just as he reaches the waterline and splashes in. A knife appears--though Bowie knives are big enough to be considered daggers in most respects--in his left hand suddenly and he dives under the crashing waves as the water reaches his chest.
Sharks in New York... what's next? Whales in the Thames, no wait... that's already a thing isn't it? The world was going to the fishes that's for damn sure, he thinks as he swims, letting his eyes adjust to the murky water of the brackish mix as he searches for thrashing and the more likely sight of blood under the waves.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Ocean water isn't the clearest there is on the best of days, and with the commotion there's even more sand kicked up near the shore, though as the merc with the mouth can get closer, he can see... no blood, just a black one-piece swimsuit between chubby peach-colored limbs... and then underneath it, a massive woman pushing the other one upwards, dressed in black and yellow with grey limbs... and a familiar red-square-with-a-black-X belt buckle. Deadpool and the shark woman spot each other around the same time, but the shark's eyes immediately go to that knife, to which she holds out a webbed hand in a "Stop" gesture, pausing a moment to think, and then thumbs up to motion towards the surface.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Deadpool comes up short upon seeing the shark X-person and nods to the upward gesture. Propelling himself to the surface he breaks near the woman, grabs her and shoves her towards the shore. "Go on... get out of here..." he says sharply to the thrashing woman--has to earn his 40 right? And then searches for the shark-like mutant.
Chuck recruiting animalisic kids wasn't completely out of the question, look at McCoy after all. Or even Logan if you wanted--love the chops. But aquatic based creatures come with their own slew of issues. Could she breathe above water? How much food did she need to pack away to support he metabolism like hers? Was it a complete mix of shark and human features? The questions running through his mind were pretty endless. He spins in place, lightly treading water as he waits.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara breaks above the water next after the woman is successfully pushed to walking depth, gills flaring one last time before she switches to breathing. "Ugh, thank God you didn't try to stab me..." she says as she catches her breath, putting her hands on her hips as she walks up the shore to the beach, "I did NOT want to kill a fifth guy in my first month here... or would you be sixth..?" She looks down at the... well, average height canadian test subject that stands a full head shorter than the amazonian shark woman, giving a tossing motion with an exasperated, webbed and clawed hand at him as she asks "So who're you with? I dunno who dresses their mooks in red and black."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Deadpool blinks at the tall woman... for she is definitely a woman, that much he can tell. "Okay for one," he holds up a finger. "Not a mook. Not by any measure. And for two," a second finger joins the first. "I'm Deadpool. Fuck's sake even Larry over there..." he points to the man reuniting with his frantic mother, "knew that much."
He points to the trademark X of Charles' affiliates and asks, "Don't they have like an entire course dedicated to steering clear of me at Chucky's school or something?" he asks with an amused grin in his tone. "Thye might've pulled the course now that I'm all wetworks X team lined now." A shrug. "And third: I could ask you the same. Never seen a Shark-girl on the roster of X-Folks before. New transfer?"
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
The Shark-Girl blinks at that, and then she says "Oh, porra, Deadpool!" as her brazillian-portugese accent shines through, both hands coming up now as if half expecting him to attack her as she says "Uh, yes! New transfer! I haven't actually had any classes yet, they said they weren't having any until the fall, where uh... Yeah, I've been like this less than a month. They mentioned you're trouble. But apparently Boom-Boom is also trouble, and so is Logan, and so is Jimmy, and so is... Well, I'm probably trouble too, with all the trouble I've been getting into, heh."
The rest of the beach has just about cleared now, though some folks some distance away seem a bit calmer now that it's... visibly metahuman shenanigans at play and nobody seems to be injured.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Deadpool waves a hand and shoves the bowie back in its sheath at his calf. "It's fine. I'm not in the habit of doing serious damage for forty bucks. The knife was to give me a few more inches to bap you on the nose. Glad I didn't have to." He shakes some of the water from a glove and opens it at the cuff to let the excess drip out.
"You gotta name or is it just Shark Girl?" he asks. "I mean, on the nose for sure, but most of you kids have names beyond the monicker. Even Scotty isn't Cyclops all he time." He looks her over again. His eyes linger probaby a bit longer than normal on the expansive chest on her before looking back up to her face. "I mean, what do I call you is what I'm asking."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara seems... taken aback by these comments, that accented voice a little higher pitched as she says "Ahhhhh... yes, a... bap to the nose would uh... be something." She seems to swallow as those big, triangular teeth give a nervous smile... and is she blushing? The grey-scaled mutant looking to the side as she says "Shark-Girl is what they call me yeah, but a lot of people also just seem to call me Iara. It's uh... my human name?"
She looks towards the sky as if trying to avoid looking Wade in the eyes as she says "I thought about requesting to be called Frenzy or... actually I thought about like... The Maneater for a while, but that uh... didn't feel appropriate. Shouldn't be... highlighting our negative traits I guess? Plus Shark-Girl is really... y'know, identifyable, so if we're in a bad situation I'd rather people remember my name than have them forget in the heat of things, heh." She then finally looks back to the man in red and black, saying "Jimmy said that they might train me to be on the X-Men someday. Tabby got me situated with this unstable molecules suit as a trainee of sorts."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade is very personal but he isn't callous or blind. He can pick up on small things like embarassment. "Alright, Iara it is then. You can call me Wade, Deadppol, Merc, Shitface, or any number of names depending on your mood." A pause. "You hungry?" he asks suddenly; turning his attention towards making it to the shore. "You ever had a traditional New York Glizzy?" he adds, looking over the shoulder to see if she follows.
"I don't know about you but swimming always makes me famished and I got a handy forty I need to spend." He's got more than that on him at the moment, but she and the others don't need to know that. He turns again. "So you always a shark or is it a transitional thing for you? I've met mutants who can change and some who can't. Just curious on where you stand."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara laughs at the "Shitface" comment, it seems to put her more at ease as she smiles more genuinely with those rows of serrated teeth, walking out of the water with Wade as she says "I'm rarely not hungry. What the hell is a glizzy? It sounds uh... Vulgar." A particular word, but english is her second language, so it might just be the best word that comes to mind. She puts her hands on her hips again as she walks with Wade, and then says "I wouldn't call it transitional but... Well, no, that is a good word for it I guess. I can change back into a human but it uh... I don't like it. I feel bad about it sometimes, because I know some people like Dr. McCoy would love to have a human form, but it just... this shark body has problems but I just... I look in the mirror and I love it, you know? I love being strong, being able to breathe underwater, being able to bite people's arms-uh, I mean uh... being able to bite really hard, and apparently I can heal pretty good too. Not like Wolverine or Angel, but like... I stop bleeding quickly. Haven't tried that out too much yet but should mean I can take a few stabs or shots, got stabbed twice by ninjas my first week up here and only bled all over the back of Question's car a little bit." She chuckles a bit before suddenly realizing, "Man, and it's all been less than a month... But yeah. X-Gene was pretty kind to me." She thumbs towards her chest with a clawed thumb as she smirks, though it's unclear if she actually means her chest or is just referring to herself in general.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"That's fair. A lot of us probably wish we could look remotely human" Deadpool replies. "It's nice that you're comfortable in what you are." He eyes her again and nods appreciatively before shaking a bit of sand from a boot and making his way toward a hot dog stand on the pier. "As for what a Glizzy is?" he says. "Depends on who you ask. Ask any gangbanger... the thug kind not that adult film kind... and they'll tell you its a gun. Usually a Glock 9. Ask a normal New Yorker and you'll get the answer that I mean..." he starts walking backwards and thumbs over his shoulder. "A Glizzy is an authentic New York hot dog. They're called Glizzy's because the length of the dog is the same as a full clip for most 9 mil guns and if you get it right... they pack the same punch." He winks before ordering two gourmet works hot dogs from the vendor. He pauses and looks at Iara. "Make it four."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara has to blink more than a few times at that explanation, before she furrows her brow and gives a mischeivous, carnivorous grin, saying "Get out. So they're spicy?" as she accepts her hot dog and... seems mystified by the ingredients. That massive, triangular shark snout comes down for an experimental sniff... and then seems to find this more than agreeable, biting off half the hot dog in one bite and... it's like a religious experience. The marine mutant looks in amazement at the first hot dog, but way too fast for a normal person the second half is scarfed down in a second bite, barely even chewing it before it's down her gullet and she declares "It's good! What is this... What is the vegetable on top? It's not uh... cebola, onion, it's not onion..." The second one is given a less polite treatment as the entire hotdog is shoved in her mouth at once, and she balls her hands into fists with a small shiver at the taste, saying "It really is different!" in amazement, swallowing again before saying "Back in Recife we had hot dogs, we call them cachorro-quentes, but they were... cheese and onion and green pepper, super different." She then points to the third one, saying "Were you going to have two yourself or..?" as a polite way of asking if she can have the third.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade takes a bit of his own. His mask is rolled up enough for her to get a look at his skin underneath. The scartissue is extensive and pervasive, looking like a mass of burn scars and new pink flesh. It's not a pleasant sight in the least. "Sauerkraut" he answers. "Fermented cabbage strips. It's better than it sounds I know." He takes another bite, chews, swallows. Then offers her the third of the four.
"Got a question for you though, while you eat" he says. "Do you want to be a member of the X-Men?" he asks, taking another bite of his. "I mean... given what you've said you seem to be a bit more... violence oriented than the mainline group. Just sayin'..."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara gives a thoughtful "Huh." as Wade explains the sauerkraut, eyes furrowing more as she sees the skin underneath, her massive shark jaws hanging agape as if to ask something, but thinks better of it as she scarfs down the third hot dog, and then exhales contently, leaning back a bit as she says "I dunno if I'm cut out for the X-Men, really. But it's all... so soon. I guess it depends on if I can get my tendency to frenzy under control but like..." She looks up, saying "When that ninja stabbed me in the water I basically blacked out, and came to... some time later with the body parts of two guys floating in the water and an arm hanging out of my mouth. Imagine if I did that in front of cameras and civillians. Wouldn't... you know, be a good picture for mutant-kind. Jimmy seems to think I'd still make a good X-man someday but... well. I dunno. I haven't even been to the danger room yet. Then I pulled a cyborg's arm out of his socket because he kept trying to stab me and... yeah." She looks at Wade, saying "I mean, if you think I've got a spot on X-Force, I'd appreciate your recommendation, but I don't think I'm ready for... I dunno. I don't know enough yet. I need a crash course and training and... probably a gun or something. A harpoon gun would be cute." She smirks a bit at that, and then looks back at Wade, saying "You think I'd be good on X-Force?"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"I think it's a fair share more up your alley than the white hats, that's for sure" Wade replies. "We don't have issues with frenzy or dismemberment or abject destruction. In the past two months we've burned down two industrial facilities and killed around... oh... 40 or 50 people all told." He grins at her as he finishes off his own dog and tugs the mask back down.
"And we did it wil the full publicity of what we are. I spray painted 'X-Force Wuz Here' at both places. To let them know that while Xavier has a code, he is not above putting it aside if it means helping people not be used for genetic experiments or cyberization against their will." He eyes her again. "A harpoon gun would be hella sexy in your hands... if you don't mind me saying so. I think Weasel could get one pretty easy, they're used in the open market for marlin fishing. A few modifications and we could have something more op focused for sure." He adds. "Besides, our colors would look better on you than the yellow of the X-men. White, black, and red is much more appealing than the mustard they got going on."
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara leans towards Wade and says "Ehhhh. Gold and black isn't baaaaad... but you're right, red *is* more my color..." She thinks a bit, seeming hesitant, once again the shark jaw hanging open as she thinks about her next words before she says "It's... a weird dichotomy. I love myself like this, so you'd think I'd want to play it safe, right? Live as long as possible. But on the other hand..." She works up the courage to say it, and then does, saying "I think I'm sort of... destined for violence. I've got that... this shark instinct now that loves the fight, loves to bite, loves to hunt and eat and kill and it's... Well, it's not completely me, it's not all I am... but it's definitely a part of me, too, and I don't... know if I should ignore that, in a sense." She leans back and looks at the clouds again, saying "Then again, I've also got these abilities, and they'd be the most use taking out those who'd want to... stop people like me from existing, and I gotta say, the idea of biting the throat out of someone who doesn't like the way I look is... well..." She chuckles, "I shouldn't joke about it, but there's a sick satisfaction in the idea."
She then eyes Wade as she holds an imaginary harpoon gun in her hand, sticking out her tongue to lick the imaginary barrel, saying "Sexy like this, hmm? I'm glad somebody else appreciates the thematics. But for real, I'd probably have a heavy, regular gun as a main gun, then a harpoon for when I'm in the water... if the main gun doesn't work in the water anyway, I don't know what all the super science you have does." She then thinks, saying "And preferably some sort of armor, just because I stop bleeding quickly and can eventually heal from some major wounds doesn't mean I want to risk a critical injury running around in scales and a sports bra."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"No I get it. Not all of us can make Wolverine go 'wow, fast healing, bub." He replies with amusement in his tone. "Armor we can do. Weapons we can do. Some pneumatic guns work in the water but their power is lessened cosiderably." He watches her and shudders a bit at the innuendo. "A big rifle and a harpoon gun. You can be our big guns specialist while Cable's on walkabout or timeabout or whatever the hell he calls going to visit his family."
He can't help but give her another once over. "I dunno about the practical applications, but scales and a bra would be -quite- distracting on the battle field. Or just scales for that matter." Deadpool is known to be a shameless flirt and that he's close to 20 years the girl's senior doesn't seem to bother him too much. He hasn't aged much past 26 anyway.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara seems to sigh, and says "I wish. Apparently a lot of folks can't appreciate what the X-gene gave me here, and just see a giant monster. Like apparently a giant shark head is a major turnoff." She shrugs in an exaggerated fashion, her accented voice continuing "You'd think they'd just not look above my collarbone if they found it so ugly, but no, because I look more like a Street Shark than a Barbie it's just not in the cards... so I figure streaking like that would just get me shot with more fervor from those religious nutjobs that find us as an offense to God's plan or whatever." She sighs with apparent frustration, saying "Imagine being so fucking tasteless that you can't appreciate a giant shark lady..." She then looks at Wade, saying "What about you? Are you Freddy Kruger all the way down or just on the mouth there?"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade considers her for a moment and then shrugs. "If we're going to be working together might as well show you." He peels off his mask. It's not a pleasant sight. Between the scarring and the pocked flesh and the hairlessness, it's less than pleasant to see. But he's still mostly human if heavily scarred. "Turns out super healing factor cured me of everything except cancer... and it just made the cancer super as well. So..." He gestures to himself. "This is what super cancer does to you after a while."
"I live with it and always will. Can't be killed. I've been atomized before and come back so... whatcha gonna do, snakes on a motherfuckin' plane." He smiles. "Still it comes with it's benefits beyond the not dying part. Peak human conditioning, and near exhaustable reserves of stamina." His hairless brows waggle at that last.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara does... cringe a little at his face and the explanation, alarmingly saying "Cancer!? Does it... What kind of cancer? Does it hurt? Are you like, made of tumors then or is it more... just skin cancer or blood cancer or something?" She winces, and leans forward a bit to extend a hand out as if trying to touch it, but then hesitates, pulling it back a little to wordlessly look at Wade's face to make sure it's okay before she does. "I uh... Wow, sorry for just... merde, I must seem like a total bitch complaining about my looks when you've got cancer like this..." She then shakes her head, muttering "That's probably the wrong thing to say too... Ugh..." She then looks again at him, and then thinks, saying "Honestly, if we just made you as brazillian as me, we could make it work." as she smirks, "Without the whispy hair you've just got a neat skin texture. And really... if it doesn't hurt then it's not even cancer how we really think about it, right? It's just like... the way your skin looks, in a way."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Yes, yes, and yes" Wade replies. "It's all cancers. It was fused to the cells of my body so when they activated my X-gene--they being the psuedo government agency called The Workshop--they set all my cells at a baseline of that moment. They also made the cancer a fundamental part of my genetic makeup. I'll revert to that moment, no matter what happens to be. Cut off a limb? I grow it back. Turn to me ash? Eventually I'll climb out of the pile like a phoenix. Nothing sticks. Trust me, I tried."
He shrugs. "I can still feel pain, but it's a fleeting thing. And as for the rest... yeah, it's just how it looks. I keep myself clean and smelling real nice, when not covered with other people's blood and goe. It's a neat texture and the ladies seem to like it. It's not gooey like some people out there and I've come to terms with it. So... it's just me. The mask" he holds up the red and black mask. "It's for other people more than my sake." He eyes her. "Full Brazillian eh?" he grins. "I'd ask you to prove it but... well... that'd be rather forward of me, wouldn't it?" He chuckles.
- Iara Dos Santos has posed:
Iara touches Wade's cheekbone experimentally, and smirks, saying "I don't have any hair whatsoever in this form, but if it makes you feel any better..." She takes Wade's hand and draws it along her forearm, saying "Shark scales. Down, the way water would go across me while swimming, smooth as butter..." but then she drags Wade's hand back upwards, the scales feeling coarse and rough this way as she says "But this way? Sandpaper. I don't think I have to spell out the number of... opportunities that cuts down on, if things are smooth going one way and feeling like needles the other way." Needles is actually a bit harsh for the sensation, but either way the shark-woman smirks at Wade, saying "I think I could use a few beers if we're gonna keep asking each other questions like this, either way."