11823/Bovine Scatology
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Bovine Scatology | |
Date of Scene: | 29 June 2022 |
Location: | Hell's Kitchen |
Synopsis: | Valerie is visited by a ghost from the past. The ghost of...Gilgamesh the stuffed giraffe? |
Cast of Characters: | Valerie Killmore, Straw Man
- Valerie Killmore has posed:
It's Hell's Kitchen. Only those who are too foolish or desperate stay, and the Heroes who are trying to make things better. Heroes like Daredevil and the Defenders, but also the Janitor who cleans up at the local school, the police who attempt to give a damn against the rising tide of crime, and ... people like Hex. The one working to stand up against a revolt that brewed inside of the mind of a crazy person, and like some kind of contagious disease has infiltrated her every waking moment. Cows. They are out to take over the world, the front lines of this movement clearly sacrificing themselves to fatten up others and make them too slow to get out of the tidal wave of moovement from these bovine marauders.
"And, how exactly is she going to stop them, you may ask?" No one being around, Hex is clearly talking to herself, or someone around her that she can't see. As she sifts through a dumpster in an alley deep inside of Hell's Kitchen where only those with a death wish remain, "By genius invention. Lasers. Of course. Yes, yes yes, I know, you are worried about the power source, but I have that..." She lifts up a microwave, busted up and tosses it out of the dumpster, "Nnnfff. Under control. Just need a few more parts."
- Straw Man has posed:
"Of course," a voice answers Hex, wait, people don't usually answer, or do they?" It's a charred pink giraffe. "But you know, cows could never do all this on their own, there has to be something more to it than this. What are you going to do when all of the cows are dead?"
It's resting on the side of the workstation. Wasn't that thing destroyed in a fire? Nevertheless, there it is, sitting as it always was, just with a few scorch marks.
- Valerie Killmore has posed:
Charred, pink, giraffe? There's a pause, from Hex, as she looks over to the giraffe talking. Then she's pulling out a broken plate, and a utensil, before hopping up and over the dumpster edge straight over to the workstation. Was this here before she went in? Who knows, but the giraffe... is here. "Gilgamesh? What sewer hole did you crawl out of?" And there's a smile on Hex's face.
She even goes up to the giraffe, holding out a fist to fist bump, holding up the giraffe's hooved stuffed charred foot, to try and bop it, then slap to the left, right, initiating some kind of secret handshake from years ago.
Kind of kneeling at the workstation though, she'll rest her arms on the top of it, to lay her head down right in front of the giraffe, "After the cows are dead? I dunno, and you are probably right. They're thugs, not leaders. Who do you think it is?"
- Straw Man has posed:
The giraffe doesn't move, easily manipulated to the handshake, it seems to be fairly ordinary, just as remembered. "I knew you needed me," it says, the mouth suddenly moving. "But that is the question. We certainly need the cow laser. It's the first step, but you have to question the cows. They are not smart creatures, they certainly can't hold up to interrogation. They'll certainly give you their leader." The giraffe hops up onto two feet. "So you better get the mind reading helmet ready as well. You made that, right?"
- Valerie Killmore has posed:
Listening, Hex is happy, her eyes wide as she stares at her pink giraffe, she takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. It's like there's been no time away at all, and he's just as animated, talking and walking and being alive. Just... charred, but who isn't a little burned around the edges these days? That's what getting older does to a person.
"I do, I need you. No one gets me like you do..." And she lets out a deep sigh, then her eyes widen and she looks up, "Wait what? Interrogate, the cows, for answers? I... no, I don't have the helmet ready. Should I already have the helmet ready?" A pause, and she grimaces, scrunching up her face as she is trying to think up plans on the fly, "Mind reading helmet. I don't.. I don't even know where to start with that. But it probably requires forks. Right? At least, a half dozen, no, better make it a baker's dozen just to be safe."
- Straw Man has posed:
"If you don't have the helmet, you could always torture them," the Gilgamesh suggests. "Besides, who doesn't like steak? You can hardly blaming them for wanting to raise up, given how tasty they are. You know, a lot of heroes out there, they stand up for things like animal rights, and free range chickens. It's bound to be one of them. Maybe the X-men. Or Avengers, they always have this attitude that they are holier than everyone else, right?"
- Valerie Killmore has posed:
There's a clucking of her tongue against the roof of her mouth as Hex listens. "Gilgy, you have the best suggestions. I COULD torture them. I mean, they're cows. They'd give up info real fast." And she chuckles at the steak question, "I always figured giraffes were carnivores..." She says to the side and then hears the list of people. People she's never even heard of really, or at least are only passingly familiar. For a person who is into technology merged with magic she sure doesn't spend time watching the TV or reading news. She barely reads books on magic, generally skimming them at best.
"X men? That's pretty misogynistic, Avengers seems too on the nose to be cow ring leaders. Hmmm, free range chickens aren't it. I already shot a few of them out of a high calibre t-shirt gun... I had to make up the next step in shirt sizes for it, Y large." She nods her head a few times, "X-men though? Hmmmm. First, torture a few cows, next, make my BFF some steaks." She grins to Gilgamesh and then offers, squinting and talking a little deeper, "Then, invade the X-men and find out what they know."
- Straw Man has posed:
"It's ugly business," Gilgamesh admits. "But you are the person who has to do it, right? Everyone else? They are sheep. Sheep are way smaller and weaker than cows. Cows could step all over them. They need protection. Everyone will understand when this is over."
- Valerie Killmore has posed:
Hands, move, they run up over her cheeks, as if they have a life of their own. Then up into her hair, and she's pulling on it, eyes wide, and she shifts them back and forth quickly, "Why though? Why has it always got to be ME?!" She gets a bit loud and then quiets down, and looks worried, "Sorry, sorry Gilgy." And she covers the ears of the giraffe a moment, then pets the stuffed animal come to life, sniffling. "Why? They never get it, they call me names. Do you know that? And no matter how many of their household pets or... friends, I kill, they still do it. Blue haired freak, skinny wacko. Did I mean to kill their gold fish? No, that's ridiculous, they'd do that themselves, but I needed the charcoal filter for a bigger, thing, more important. We're talking world domination by cows, here! Don't they get it?! So what if their home is exploded, .... it'll it'll save them... you get it, you get me. Crazy cows, people. Everyone needs a pastel colored giraffe in their life... everyone."
- Straw Man has posed:
The smell of old smoke is present when Valerie gets closer. "It's okay," he says. "It's hard. But you know, the people who are crazy enough to change the world are the ones who do it. Like the old computer commercial. You're like Anne Frank, really." The stuffed arm reaches out, petting her cheek affectionately with its soft little foot. "You'll show them. You'll show them all."
- Valerie Killmore has posed:
The smell, is nostalgic, there was a fire. But clearly the terrible thing she did, burning up Gilgamesh, didn't happen. He's right here. Nothing else about that apartment fire mattered, step father be damned, strangers she didn't know or care about too. Though she always regretted her pink giraffe's loss of life. "I don't know what you are referring to, but you always did watch more of the television than I did." She smiles and nods her head a few times, then stands up. Heroic pose, hands on her hips, looking tall and strong for a short skinny punk girl, "That's right. I'm Anne Frank motherfuckers, and I'll show them. Show them ALL. Every last one of them, cows and X-men..." She pauses and shakes her head, "Cows and Ex-People, am I right?" She waggles her brows a moment, "All of them." Then she slumps her shoulders and looks to Gilgamesh, "How do I find them? Oh!" She snaps, "I'll just start asking every cow I see. Eventually I'll find them, from Michigan to New York, or further, really, anywhere, but that's already a pretty far distance..."