11848/A Spritely Afternoon
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A Spritely Afternoon | |
Date of Scene: | 01 July 2022 |
Location: | Lobby - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | Emma meets Sprite and tricks her. Sprite is amused and the two get along in return for chaos down the line. |
Cast of Characters: | Emma Frost, Sprite
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost doesn't come by the Club that often. Rarely these days for pleasure, at least. For the moment, she's trying to move past that phase of her life. But, with recent events hitting Xavier's, it's time to return to some old stomping grounds. In the event that there is something to be gained from information, at least. Emma is curretnly walking in, wearing a high end business outfit on her rather than something more befitting of the club. For now, she's making her way in.. Sweeping her eyes about to see who is present in the entryway, at least without scanning.
- Sprite has posed:
Sprite stands out from some of the others because she's a teenager, in this place that's such an adult place. She's also dressed according to the standards of the club, which is to say, miniskirt, heels, fishnets, corset. She's moving through, socializing, with a drink in her hand, enjoying the hell out of challenging everyone's standards and mores.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Sprite for a moment, evaluating the girl, "You loko a little young to be here." Shaw was recruiting them ealrier and earlier these days it seemed. "So what's your particular business?" A teenager, or even a child, stood out enough to pique her curiousity even while here for other things.
- Sprite has posed:
Sprite looks amused "I may. But looks can be deceiving. Right now, I'm just socializing. Getting to know people. Walking in the world." She checks out Emma's business suit, but more than that, the telepath can feel a presence outside her mental walls, trying to get a look at her surface thoughts.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Sprite, "I see. And you look like you're here on something official." Emma's surprised by the girl probing her telepathically. That would explain Shaw's interest. Emma's used to it, however. Quickly a blank facade is put up of 'she's too young and that's scandalous' with the casual judgement of someone well to do.
- Sprite has posed:
"Nothing so fancy; I'm a member." Sprite gets a bright, beamish smile, as she looks at Emma. "I'm assuming you are too, despite the outfit. I can't picture anyone wearing a regular business suit here except someone that the novelty had worn off for."
- Emma Frost has posed:
That would get an 'ahh' from Emma Frost, "You do look a little young. Are your parents?" Maybe they were one of those teenage CEO's. At least, that's what comes from her mind. "My family has been members of good standing in the club since it was founded in New York!" she would say proudly with the tones of an uppity businesswoman.
- Sprite has posed:
That gets a very amused look. "No, not my parents. I'm a member in good standing myself. I was a member in the London branch before coming here." She seems fooled by the false persona Emma's leaving in her mind for her to see. "And that's very impressive." Yet she doesn't seem terribly impressed.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Member of the London branch makes no sense to Emma Frost. But the persona she's wearing wouldn't grasp that. Emma Frost is a slave to appearances after all. She just looks over a Sprinte with a 'why I never' expression. "Fine then,w ho are you?"
- Sprite has posed:
"You can call me Robyn. And you?" She asks Emma. Emma's seen that look of smug superiority on Sprite's face before. It's often worn by mutants when dealing with humans. That "better than you" demeanor.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give a casual curtsy over towards Robyn, "Very well, Dame." She would offer over to the young girl. Now this is interesting. A telepath, arrogant.. Definitely someone Shaw's taken in as a Pawn.
- Sprite has posed:
Sprite smiles. "So what brings you by here today? Or are you someone's secretary?" she asks, considering the blonde woman. She looks like she might be someone's arm candy...
- Emma Frost has posed:
Arm candy.. Perfect. Emma goes to play up the dismissive role of someone's personal little bimbo paid and brought in wtih fancy clothes. To Sprite's mind, she tries to while the young girl is focused over on being completely dismissive of her to try and dive in deep. Past surface defences, trying to coast along the arrogance and use it as a shield, intent on diving past the surety that comes with being youth and a teenager.
Sprite might be a immortant, a meta, or some other empowered type.. but Emma's just a norm and nothing of worth, just one of a dozen pretty things kept around the arm of Bruce Wayne.
- Sprite has posed:
That's Sprite's opinion, and she starts to wander off. On the other hand, as Emma can dive into Sprite's mind, past her shields...there's a sense of vastness. Like the mind she's in is somehow bigger than...well, probably anything she's ever seen.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Now -this- is fascinating. Teh girl's clearly had some work done here. Inside, Emma goes to try and skirt along the vastness. The thing with those whom are extremely long lived, even if they remember it all, so many things are filed away for total lack of importance or of any meaning. So Emma tries to skim through, attempting to bypass all those minor things if possible she can pick up, trying to seek the core.. Important things, events that have strong meaning and focus. While going over to casually pick up a goblet of wine. "So is what they say about the London Club true?"
Vague and open ended, something Sprite's likely to insult her over in ways she can't understand.
- Sprite has posed:
Huge. Memories going back to the Stone Age. Emma can see memories of Sprite and the other Eternals, being...well, gods, throughotu human history. Sprite herself, being several trickster gods. Memories of Shakespeare, being Puck. Memories of being Peter Pan in front of J.M. Barrie. An entirety of lives. Her frustration over her eternal childhood.
Sprite herself, heedless of the Omega Class telepath in her head, looks over. "That it's older? More tradition? Yes. Like most things European compared to most things American."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Well now -this- is completely fascinating. All far too detailed for it to be an implanted memory. Emma just continues to try and discretely scry through things, going to sweep through Sprite's mind ever so cautiously ass he can. Emma's going on in reality about, "Oh? What's Europe like? I go there for summer all the time. The beaches are lovely." Probably hanging off someone's arm.
And Emma senses that frustration.. Fascinating. Then going to try and dive past it, going to try and sweep more into the consciuosness. gods is it?
- Sprite has posed:
"I'd imagine so. Your sugar daddies probably love seeing you jiggle around on the beach." She says, looking at Emma. Her expression is scornful, but in Sprite's head, Emma will pick up that bitterness, that jealousy. Envy. "Honestly, you should probably find your boss. Most of this is probably over your little blonde head."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over and pff, "They're not all bad. THey pay for my vacations and I get to go everywhere in the world. You.. Ooh, I remember you! You were in the Peter Pan movie! I totally loved you tehre!"
- Sprite has posed:
Sprite narrows her eyes a bit. "Mmm. I'm a little too young to be in any movie, don't you think? Or is that the kind of thing that you're able to come up with." She looks to the other woman. "With limited abilities."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just smile, "Why, you're a regular Judy Garland. She would go on, "You could pass for Mary Marlin. Well, with a few more inches." Mary Marlin who had starred in the.. 1954 stage version of Peter Pan.
- Sprite has posed:
Sprite knew all those women. Some of them personally. Her suspicion goes up a bit, and Emma feels the telepathic probe return, as if doublechecking that her earlier mindprobe had gotten her correct answers.
- Emma Frost has posed:
A litlte more pulled, then Emma goes to take a sip of her wine and muses, "You are getting extremely sloppy, Puck." Her body language then fully changing to that of someone extremely sure with themselves, arrogant, and casually amused.
- Sprite has posed:
Sprite looks over, and frowns. "Not what I thought at all, was it?" And then she gets an amused laugh. "You tricked me. That's FABULOUS! Who are you? Really?" She asks, looking to Emma with a more impressed look on her face.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her arms together and just smile, "A pleasure. And my name is Emma, darling. Emma Frost." Offering her hand over to the older woman tos hake.
- Sprite has posed:
"Emma Frost." Sprite extends her hand, and shakes Emma's. "You already know my name, I'm sure. You must have gotten inside my head, which is pretty impressive. Moreso for a human."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Not everything is what they seem." She would click her tongue again in light amusement. "I have a few tricks of my own. I might be willing to show you a few of them.. If only so you can pull them on other people."
- Sprite has posed:
"I have lots of tricks. It's sort of my thing, actually. But I'll never turn down knowing some new ones." She smiles wryly. "You're good with the telepathy if I didn't notice you."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Why thank you. It's something I've had to spend a long time working on. You're a bit too trusting of outward appearances." A tease given to Sprite. "I do have something I'm having to deal with if you're looking for larger game."
- Sprite has posed:
"I admit, I dismissed you too quickly based on what I saw in your mind. It was impressive that you could fool me. Again, you're clearly very talented at what you do."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Thank you. It's something I've had a great deal of practice with and that's simple enough fro others to assume." Emma doesn't bring up it's why she molded herself that way. That would be rude given what she picked up in Sprite's mind.
- Sprite has posed:
"Well, how do I get ahold of you again, Emma Frost?" Sprite asks, amused. "While I want to get training, I think that's something better for an atmosphere with less indulgent rich. And with me dressed a little more normally."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Of course. In return, I would ask for a boon. A dangerous one that would take some time and put yourself at risk, but in return of great aid to others in saving lives against something ancient and dangerous."
- Sprite has posed:
Sprite grins a bit. "Something /interesting/. That in and of itself already speaks well. What do you need from me?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "I'll explain when we're at a better time, of course. Just that your abilities will be extremely useful." Curiousity will hopefully ensure that Sprite comes along for the ride.
- Sprite has posed:
Sprite grins. "Well, you can reach me through the Club, if nothing else. When we have a better time. When you need me, call me." She offers. "Until then."