11864/Piece of Mind - Hellfire Hello
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Piece of Mind - Hellfire Hello | |
Date of Scene: | 03 July 2022 |
Location: | Conference Rooms - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | Emma passes along a warning to Tessa about the Shadow King |
Cast of Characters: | Emma Frost, Tessa
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost has requested a meeting somewhere private with Tessa. Somewhere shielded from telepathy and against magical scrying. That level of paranoia might intrigue Tessa to set it up. So at the meeting, Emma is sitting in the room with a file folder on her lap that has a variety of pictures spread out beneaht her and some general files on it that she's got closed up over in it.
- Tessa has posed:
The Hellfire Club conference rooms are as luxurious in their faux-Victorian glamour as the rest of the Club's facilities. When Emma is led to the room, Tessa is already there, seated at the table. She wears a backless purple couture gown, and her hair is done up in an elaborate bun that still leaves raven locks hanging at her temples. As always, she looks calm, cool, and composed.
"Good afternoon, Miss Frost. I understand that this is a matter of some urgency."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Yes, thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Tessa. It's appreciated. Xavier's is dealing with an entity called the Shadow King. It's essentially an eldritch abomintion in the form of a psychic being. It's responsible for at least a hundred, if not more, souls ripped from bodies in the state in the last few weeks. We know precious little about it, unfortunately beyond it's an extremely powerful psychic parasite."
- Tessa has posed:
Tessa laces her fingers, resting her hands on the tabletop. She listens, and her expression doesn't change at all. This is normal for Tessa. Emma could tell her that the world is ending tomorrow and Tessa's most extreme reaction would probably be to blink.
"I see," Tessa says, when Emma is finished speaking. "Would you be willing or able to share more information as to how the Xavier Institute came into contact with this 'Shadow King,' and what is being done to 'deal' with it?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Tessa, "What little I can. We ran into it during an event where it was dispossessing souls. At this point well over a hundred. The bodies are over with SHIELD. In many cases physically still alive, ripped out of their bodies. Some driven insane, but most mentally intact to some degree. WE've been working with SHIELD to try and keep them in some sort of.. A stral storage. but it's unstable and won't last much longer, particularly if more are coming in. It's been attacking a number of mages as well throughout the city, though I'm not sure how many. We're trying to figure out a way to engage it and plan for it. Nothing so far that's elaborate in planning>"
- Tessa has posed:
"Mm." Tessa remains in that same pose, with her fingers laced. Emma knows Tessa well enough that Tessa doesn't feel the need to put on an act, the way she would do with pretty much anyone else from Xavier's. She spares Emma the ceremony of fake smiles and friendly speaking tones.
"You described the Shadow King as an 'eldritch abomination in the form of a psychic being,'" Tessa says. She's still processing all of this data, attempting to extrapolate what she can from what little she now knows. "Is this the entity's vector of attack? Telepathic intrusion into its victims?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
This is how Tessa is. Emma can appreciate Tessa's thoughtfulness and minding of all matters. She's dangerous but also respected for a reason. So if action is neede,d or at least analysis, she's the one to go to.
She would shake her head, "So far, at least. It likely has others. It's forced mages to attempt some rituals by sundering the astral plane. It's possessed at least one mutant and showed great skill using thier powers to rend souls fro mbodies. Well more than the mutant was able to. It's shown some extremely capable illusions in the astral plane and used them to physically attack others. I'm not sure if it's making fragments of souls or illusions of them, but at least one as used as a direct.. Mental kamikaze, which hit several psionics and damaged a magical construct. Much fo what we're going off is supposition."
- Tessa has posed:
Tessa's computer brain is Fort Knox to psychics. She's got her mind on lockdown, to an extent that one might be mistaken for thinking that she has some kind of telepathic ability of her own. (She does not.) Tessa is quiet for a long moment. "You say that this entity is able to possess and control bodies." Tessa looks into Emma's eyes. "I hope you do not take offense in my asking of this, but it's only prudent. Are there any means by which you can conclusively verify that /you/ have not been possessed by this Shadow King?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would dip her head, "I've had at least two separate psychics and one mage scan myself. Ones not involved in this at all to ensure that they're free of the entity as well just in case. I would attempt to find others to ensure so as well, but such ones are rather difficult to get ahold of." By the look on her face she's attempted to do so. Paranoia breeds paranoia and Emma's quite appreciative of Tessa's forethought to ensure the same.
- Tessa has posed:
Tessa remains blank-faced. She's looking at Emma, keeping eye contact, but it's clear that Tessa's brain is zooming through options, forecasting possible outcomes for various paths. "I understand," Tessa says. "Is there anything that you would request of the Hellfire Club at this time, with regard to this matter?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Merely if you discover any information about it or you believe it's targeting members of the Club to pass it along. The bodies of the victims are currently with SHIELD so you can likely get some information through them from your contacts. Let any mages you are on good terms with know that it's targeting them."
- Tessa has posed:
"I'll do so," Tessa says. Her icy attitude isn't because she dislikes Emma or is trying to brush her off. Rather, it's just... how Tessa is, left to her own 'default' personality. "Thank you, Miss Frost. The Hellfire Club appreciates your warning."
- Emma Frost has posed:
That's how Tessa is. And probably the most dangerous of the club whens he sets her mind to it, "A pleasure. The Club would make for most appealing targets for it." She would move to stand up. "That's all. Please feel free to contact me if you have further issues, and I'll make sure to pass along anything I have."
- Tessa has posed:
"Likewise, Miss Frost," Tessa says as she, too, stands up. "I'll walk you to the door, unless you have other plans to enjoy the Club today."