12079/Nasty and Nefarious

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Nasty and Nefarious
Date of Scene: 20 July 2022
Location: New York City Bank
Synopsis: Count Nefaria comes out and tries to steal a bank!
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Cassandra Cain, Tabitha Smith, Sprite, Samuel Guthrie

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It is a bright and sunny day over in the city of New York. Birds are chirping. People are going about their business. In the National Bank of New York, everything seems normal. At least until the bank rumbles. People would look around. Confused and disoriented as it would shake again.
    Then the bank would start to.. Rise. Outside would be a large man in a black and white leotard with a Superman styled cape.. And a large mustache. That would be moving to lift the bank building.. Into the air!

Cassandra Cain has posed:
You know that time, when the bad guy stole the entire bank? He knocked it over. Get it? Knocked it over? Oh shut up, you just hate the classics.

You know that time, when the good guy was standing right behind the bad guy while he was casting his spell, pretending to mimic him and mocking him silently, waiting to see if he spots her behind him? No? Read Medaka Box, happens all the time in that manga.

It's also happening now, with an asian girl standing behind the spellcaster, being just as much of a dork as he is. She even pauses to twirl a fake moustache for a moment.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
To get to Manhattan from Westchester, Tabby often has to cut through the Bronx. The commutes enough of a pain that when the bank rumbles it can be felt even in the subways.

Which naturaally forces everyone on the train that just arrived near the bank to have to get the hell off and out in case the whle thing collapses.

This results in a blonde woman in cate eye glasses and a pink tank top and black knee length cutoffs to emerge with a dismayed look on her features while binding up her mane of blonde hair into a ponytail. Pink sneakers on her feet while a bright yellow belt and choker in spiky matching yellow leather finish the rather loud look while she looks about to se the culprit in action.

The sight of an Asian girl mimicking his movements getting a laugh that gives away Boom-Boom's presence. "Lift with your knees not your back! Or the whole thing will crumble and you'll get like a hernia!" she teases.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The man lifting up the bank over has the giant of a man with the twirling mustache grins, "Allo city 'v New York. Thees eez a sitck up." Even as he would lift up the bank on one hand, cape dramatically blowing in hte breeze. He would go to start to shake it, people start to tumble out of it!
    "I am taking it. I do believe that if any of you have any issues with it.."
    Several of the disoriented guards would open fore on him.
    "Then shoot now or forever make your peace."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Even Cass knows that that was a bag of really mixed metaphors. Nobody's getting married to her knowledge, to start off. She glances at the blonde, then leans against a nearby wall. Or not, she's must mime'ing leaning on one. Then she thumbs at the wizard, a raised eyebrow saying 'you believe this guy?'

She grins idly, then upnods and flips a batarang at the guy's left foot. She's not really trying yet o'course.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The accent, that just gets an eyeroll from the blonde. "Oh my god. That accent. It's so hilariously fake! The moustache is too right. I mean you couldn't jut wear a decent mask and drop your voice an OCTAVE OR THREE!" she taunts and even adds some gravvely Batman-esque gravelly growl.

"Her I like!" Tabby adds with a grin as Cass lets a batarang fly.

With people running as their shaken out of the bank. Some helped by others that might have taken a few rougher bumps.

"Think the cops wanna wait till folks are out of the way. You could have let them walk out but shaking them like a ketchup bottle might have slowed things down. Last thing you want is more time for the possibiulity a hero might show up." she points out with a grin and flicks something of her own up at the Count.

A flashbang plasma bomb.

BOOM! All light and concussive noise. It'd ring in most folks ears for a while. But Tabby is not expecting much when critiquing the antics of someone this strong.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The batarang goes to hit over at his ankle and bounces off, with about the same effect of gravity on poor Stephanie, or the Road Runner after the Coyote. It's not even noticed over as it would ricochet off him.

Nefaria would look over at Tabitha, "And who are you supposed to be? Zee nineties would like it's unmentionables back!" The plasmoid would detonate over him to.. Also no seeming effect. "That is supposed to tickle me?" He would go to throw his head back and laugh.
    "Do you not know who you are dealingw tih, little child? Then let me introduce myself to amend that pitiable lack of education that you Americans have."
    "I am Count Luchino Nefaria, and I am heir to the great Maggia Family! I claim THIS and it's ASSETS!" Bank lifted, shaken, and everyone inside is starting to roll out like dominos!

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Glancing up to make sure nobody's being badly hurt (I hope) Cassandra raises the other eyebrow. She bends over to pick up her batarang, then frowns. She proceeds to poke at it, checking to see if it's still working.


Okay, reassured that the tools are still sharp, she looks at what the Count is doing. He hasn't started counting yet, so she assumes it's not the guy from the show Steph made her watch. So her eyes flick to Blonde Dynamite (not her real name) and she shrugs, not sure what to do next.

She tries walking up to Nefaria and putting a boot to his face. You know, a kick. It usually works.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Hey. I graduated highschool last year!" Tabby calls out indignantly. "Don't need to put up with someone with a seventies porn 'stache!" she points out.

The kicks given by Cass get another eyeroll. "One of these days I'm gonna have to see how big a flashbang I can make." she mutters to herself. "Well that was a warning shot! Name's Boom-Boom!" she calls out as an introductiion.

"Isn't there like a million Maggia's families. Everyone wants a slice of that pie when they're made." she states and grins. "You know most everything in there gets done like electronically right. No one wants to take cash. It's like unheygenic! Bet the building was worth more than the money inside. Damn how old are you? Gotta at least be like seventy if the lip fuzz is a guess!" she taunts.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The other hand of Nefaria goes over, moving to catch at Cassandra's ankle! He's fast to be able to do that as her foot would bounce of fhim. Ow. His hand snaps around with surprising speed, going to catch her by her ankle and lift her up by it. "And what do we have here, little woman? Trying to play footsie eh? I am count NEFARIA. I am the NEFARIOUS KING OF THE MAGGIA." He would lift up Cassandra in one hand, bank in the other, having shaken everyone out of it.

Then he looks at the little girl hanging in his hand, and moves to casually toss her over at Tabitha, "It is the EXPERIENCE of it. One does not STEAEL the contents of a vault. One steals the vault!"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra Cain ends up faceplanted right in Tabitha's cleavage, the two of them having been chucked together. She looks up, realizes where she is, and suddenly she's teleported a few feet away, blushing furiously. She looks at Tabby, then looks at Nefaria. Then she stomps one foot, clearly not impressed with that treatment!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a girl faceplanting in her chest and knocking the blonde over with an oof. At least it was a soft landing for Cassandra. "Where you gonna put it then dumbass?" she yells out and smiles over at the asian girl.

Dusting herself down, Tabby gestures to the other girl to see if she's okay before resuming her verbal attempts at sparring.

"Doing something just cause you can. I get it. I've knocked off enough stuff and gotten away with it as a kid. But you gotta think about what happens after. Like a whole vault is just too hot to move and stash. And dumping it is clearly a waste. You steal a Lambo cause you're gonna chop it or stash it in a garage." At this stage it's less critique and more nitpicking and teasing.

"This is like lowballing even for a wannabe like you dude. No one ever really teach you how to steal shit? Seriously, guys gets flying brick powers and he does stupid crime with it! Boring ass dickwaving!" she matybe kinda starts getting ranty!

"Totally overcompensating!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
At the mocking over of Tabitha, Count Nefaria would grin, "Since you seem so insistent that I am overcopmensating for something, little nineties girl.." Looking at the huffing Cassandra fleeing to the side. "Then let us see." He moves to catch her at superspeed as he drops the bank! Then he would go to YOINK! Faster than the Tabby can likely keep up with, she's FWOOSHED up into midair with an afterimage! Then she's YEETED back down towards the ground! Then FWOOSHED up again as she would be held by her jacket, spun around over like a yoyo before she would be casually once enough momentum would have bled off to be dropped to the ground. Without horrible pain and, perhaps in a sign of how -different- things were..
    WIthout a concussion.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra looks at what she's seeing. She had her hands up in a defensive position, but the absolute enormity of the enemy that they're supposed to take down has entirely hit her. She slowly lowers her fists, her punching being pretty effectively useless.

She's never fought someone like this before. It's some level of humbling. But when the guy puts Tabitha down, he finds Cassandra leaping onto his back anyway. There's a philosophy involved. You never give up, and you never fail. Even if it's impossible. Do it anyway.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha might have some experience at being moved at super speeds but there is an upper limmit to how much rapid justling and spinning and flinging she can take.

"Stillll oooovercompensaaaaaaaating!" she yells before eventually she's set down and actually tries to steady herself with a hand against the nigh Kryptonian level criminal being climed on by Cassandra.

The blonde lost her glasses and her hair and other things bouncing all around. There's a a look up. then around at everyone else. And unlike the Count. Tabitha is not so put off and slighted by the nioneties fashion insults. She lives at a school.

The reaction is one more natural and expected from a woman that was just subjected to high speeds and gravitational forces as she meets the Count's gaze with a glaze in her blue eyes and her cheeks ballooning.

She projectile vomits.

All over Nefaria.


Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a Cassandra on him even as Count Nefaria goes to grin, "Always nice to be appreciated by a.. What are you supposed to be? SOme sort of pocket ninja? Could you even fit inot one?" Seemingly unconcerned right as Tabitha goes towards him,s taggering.
    "What are you.." Then she goes to vomit all over him. "I just had this dry cleaned!" He would go to wave his hand over at his body at super speed, going to FWMOOSH the gunk off of it to the side with a scramble-zort of ionic energies. Using super-strength and super-speed to.. Whoosh gunk off his outfit. Laziness embodied.
    Or genius. Mad. Mad genius.

Sprite has posed:
You know what you don't see all the time? Banks starting to lift-off into the air. Sprite has seen the thing, and wandered by. Not that she cares what happens to a bank, but it's something you don't get to see all the time. "Wow. Just...wow. Snidely Whiplash with a pornstash and steroids." She quips, as she walks closer. She watches the slapstick going on bertween Nefaria, Cassandra, and Tabitha. "Sorry, Snidely Whiplash and the Yuri Twins."

The short girl looks around. "Okay, Captain Stereotype. I think the idea of a bank heist, where you're actually lifting a bank, is pretty funny. But trying to volleyball spike the blonde, that's not acceptable behavior. So put the bank down and say you're sorry."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra Cain is currently on Nefario's shoulders, or at least one of her legs is. She's got her fist in his eye, and her other hand is hanging onto his shirt as she tries to choke him out rather with less effect than a pocket ninja of lore. She somehow manages to get vomit on her shoes, which has got to suck, but she's being -utterly- ignored by the villain.

Given the commentary from the peanut gallery, she turns and looks at Sprite, then headtilts toward the guy with the bank fetish. "Do better?" she offers, managing to get out words. Before she sighs, and falls off onto her back in the dirt.

Tabitha will be fine. Walk it off.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby could really do with a breath mint and some water and a toothbrush. Sprite gets a wave while otherwise hunched over. "You might wanna still get that suit dry cleaned again. Ionised bile and spicy hotwing marinade tends to cling." she states and wipes her mouth, trying to use her saliva to swirl out the taste.

There's a stinky pinch of her nose.

"Unless you're into that stuff. Then like cause I bet you can't even pay for that and it's clear you totally pay for it!" she keeps on with the insults.

A punch won't do anything but Tabby might have a feeling the second Nefaria throws a punch things will get very interesting. And being seen having a blonde hurl on him is bad image enough for that kind of ego.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Tabitha is left on her own as Cassandra Cain does her whirlwind/whiplash over Count Nefaria as he wrinkles his nose. "You are adorable in your way, little fanny pocket. No, that is not the term.. I could always put you in a little hat and keep you I suppose.." Considering over as Sprite would come in.
    "And what are you supposed to be? Some sort of little magical girl? How are you going to stop me then, little magical girl? Use the power of friendship?" Going to flex a muscle, then going to look at the bank dropped on it's side.
    "And what are you still doing here, you Nineties leftover? Go back to your little pastel CD's and modems."

Sprite has posed:
Sprite grins, and does a twirl, as her attire melts away into rainbow sparkles and leaves her in a Sailor Moon outfit. "Why not? It's as good as anything else. "In the name of big fricking demons, I shall punish you!"

The ground in front of Nefaria seems to explode in hellfire, as a huge, burly, horned and spined demon claws its way out of the ground. It snarls at the supervillain, before lashing out with a huge clawed hand.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra Cain remains laying on the ground. She looks at the demon, then at Sprite, then at the demon. Then she waves toward Tabitha and thumbs toward a nearby cafe, with beer.

Seems she's had enough for one day. This is over her pay grade.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The blonde finally straighens herself up. Somehow she managed to avoid getting hurl all over herself. This is a practiced skill learned by many a bender.

Her breath is still horible as she steps up again. "So like you know. By now this whole thing has been caught on like god nows how many cell phones right. Like so much socials all sharing that Count Nefargonna Live it Down!" she actually and very very loudly Rickrolls while she sings that last part.

"Got soaked in a chick's puke. A very, formerly drunk chick's puke!" she points out to some of the puddles on the ground.

Sprite's demonstration gets a chuckle. "Well I'm clearly just a distraction and an annoyance cause you know. The thing about this kinda stuff." she yells as the demon takes a swipe.

"Sometimes just gotta be patient for the real fun to start!" she points out and starts charging another bomb. This one larger, about the size of one of those big fitballs that no one ever uses at the gym cause people just fall off. It's another flashbang but this time Tabby's putting more juice into it with the size. And shaped so any collateral damage gets minimisd with the blast aiming upwards.


Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a WAUGH over that sounds like it came'a-from'a Luigi over as Count Nefaria goes tos tagger backwards, "Awah!? What sorcery is this!?" this is why all villains should know the fear of facing A YOUNG CHILD in a superhero outfit. He goes flying backwards, going to blast out with a streak of ionic energy over at where the demon was!

"Get away from me!" The blast is rather potent - it is a powerful demon after all!

Then it goes over to have the boom tube go off right over on his head. DETONATE.
    "GUH!" This has his arm hsooting upwards RIGHT before he goes to blast the nearest building out of panic, and the streak of ionic energy misses, twirling up into space, vaporizing several birds, a spy satellite, and a POP TV Network broadcast transmission tower.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie just happened to be in town, and hearing the commotion and then getting an alert on his phone. Sam starts to jog over, and once he gets near and can see what is going on, he will head to one of the police officers and pulls out his badge. Showing the man it, he nods and crosses the line where they are keeping people back making his way towards the others.

Sprite has posed:
The demon roars as it gets caught by the blast...but despite being scorched and smoking, it doesn't seem to mind. Instead, it roars, and lunges towards Nefaria, as huge, ape-like arms lash out to grapple at the supervillain, to attempt to pull him into a grapple.

Sprite grins as she sees Cassandra's reaction. "Now THAT'S a woman with her priorities in order." She smiles. "Order me one!"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
One goes in as the other goes out. Cassandra clearly knows her limitations. She's next seen dropping her exhausted tail end into a chair at the aforementioned cafe, then reaching over to get a jug of the complimentary water.

She drains it, entirely, then watches the god vs demon matchup, with sides of New Mutants. Lightly tapping her earbud she makes sure that Babs is listening in, and relaxes a moment.

Reaching over, she pokes at a waitress who is currently hiding beneath a table like a smart girl, then whispers something in her ear. The young lady scurries on hands and knees into the back.

A moment later, a mug of beer is slid out the door by someone poking it with a stick. Nope, not coming back out. Here's your order, Sprite. Cassandra is, somehow, gone in the interim. She's vanished. Damn those bats.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby's own blast has probably just shattered every thin window pane in a couple blocks. The local glaziers are probablyt dancing a merry old jig at the payday from the insurance companies.

"That's a hell of a thing. And look, the Count missed his shot! The man just can't handle a lady's denials. Back right to the over compensation!" she yells and continues the insults to Nefaria's ego.

Sam's arrival gets a waggle of fingers. She still looks a little green around the gills. "And with all that hellfire. I bet that smell ain't coming out either. Gonna stink like puke and like you peed your pants with all that sulphur!" she points out with a tone that would make the cast of Mean Girls wince.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
How much of the damage is from the bad guy adn how much is from the teenager with attitude? Stay tuned viewers and find out! A s Cassandra goes to lounge and relax and enjoy the fight, Count Nefaria goes to respond over at Tabitha by going to stomp HARD into the ground, making it whoosh over towards her like a wave as it would pop up and over like a concrete ocean cresting towards the shore!

Mamma Mia!

Going to grapple with the demon, Count Nefariag runts, "So, I suppose we shall.." A blast of ionic energy is sent towarsd Magical Demon Girl Sprite! "To squish and then puree!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over the thing and will nod to Tabby, he has his badge now out wore on a chain around his neck. He looks to the girl, who seems to be in charge of the demon. She is not the first person he known who does that. As the man blasts towards the girl, Sam will move to jump in front of her, kicking his blast field on for just the barest moment in front of Sprite so he can take the blast and not the girl. He will have to explain that as Kevlar or something.

Sprite has posed:
The demon grapples with the Count, and holy CRAP is it strong. It's wrestling with him like a pro.

No, literally. It's going to basically grab and try to suplex the Count. Why a suplex? Because you can't drop the People's Elbow yet, duh. Meanwhile, Sprite sees the blast coming towards her, prepares to strike a Superman-esque hands-on-hips pose...and then Sam blasts in front of her.

Blink. Blink. "Well, THAT'S not something you see every day." She strikes a dramatic anime pose, a shining dagger appearing in her hand, as she looks over at the whole mess.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The shockwave tears up the street and Tabby is again launched. Thankfully she already hurled so theonly mess she makes is landing against a squad car that was flipped and thrown about.

"Bet you're gonna feel real embarrassed now!" she says with a groggy tone as she rolls off the car and onto the ground.

"Fighting people that can keep up. Smelling like hurl and cat pee Count Nefar gonna wash that out!" she keeps taunting.

It's about all she can really do at this stage.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a bwoom-FWOOSH as in a bright flash and flare of light, the evil Count (that per Cassandra's expert awareness, has not counted the entire time) vanishes! Leaving but the girl that had summoned the demon in his wake as whatever the man, the monster, hte miscreant was.. He was now gone.

Now Sam was right in time to deal with a bank building that had been flipped upand over on it's side.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie lands on the ground rolling with the fall. He moves to stand groaning a bit as he did cut the field before he hit the ground. He stands up brushing himself off and looks around "What the...." He says as he looks to find the bad guy now.

Sprite has posed:
Sprite is standing there, dagger pointed at the space where the Count was. "Moon Douchebag Devastation, Captain Pornstache." The magical-girl comments, and looks over to Sam. "Thanks for the timely save there!!" And then her eyes fall on the mug. "Oh my gods, she actually did it." That gets some fierce giggles from the girl.