12084/Resonants: Asgard Side Scene!
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Resonants: Asgard Side Scene! | |
Date of Scene: | 20 July 2022 |
Location: | Northfort, Asgard |
Synopsis: | Vintridr and Thea sneak out of their rooms at Northfort for the night and gain some insight from Tarl the cook. |
Cast of Characters: | Thor, Thea Queen, Vintridr |
Tinyplot: | Resonants |
- Thor has posed:
The quarters given to the delegation from Asgard are not poor quarters, all told. They are not the opulent things one might find in the castle within the center of the Golden City, but for people enduring on the border of the realm they are fine things.
Within there are six double bunks, enough so the travelers can have their own though capable of holding more should needs be and the keep's lord demand. A hearth is prominent at one end of the room while at the other end of the room there's the large door that offers the only point of heading in and out of the room. It's utilitarian, and likely one of many such rooms throughout Northfort.
As the night drifted on the guard outside the room had settled upon a stool to hold his vigil and 'protect' the visitors. Though likely his mandate was more to keep an eye on them. Yet his was not the sharpest of watches held, for was it not the heroes of Asgard within? So he took his ease.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Heroes of Asgard indeed!
And one sneaky archer human that has no such problems with morality and honor. As hours go by Thea has reached over closer to Vintridr to conjure a plan. "We need to figure out what's going on here.." she starts, "Before the duel of next morning. Need some context.." a wicked little smile on her lips. "And I think I got just who can give us that..." a beat, "The kid.." because who else, really?
"I have been listening to that guard outside, he's barely awake. We can most likely sneak past him.."
And with that it was time to get a move on. The door is opened a little. Just enough. Hopefully the hinges don't creak but Thea is being careful. And once the guard seems to be looking elsewhere? She begins slithering out and away, the black and red outfit of the Red Arrow helping her 'camouflage'. She gestures for Vinnie to come along as she moves quietly under a table. Advantages of being a small human. You can hide literally everywhere considering all these palaces are made for Asgardians and their average height being 6 feet tall!
- Vintridr has posed:
One thing that Vintridr has learned from Midgard's superheroes is the camouflage of visibility. Everyone on Midgard will almost immediately recognize Captain America in his red, white and blue uniform; but Steve Rogers can walk down a New York street in casual clothing, and very few people indeed pay attention.
By the same token, Northfort's guards saw the Odinson, the Lady Sif, and one of the Valkyrior enter the castle; it is unlikely that one in a hundred of them paid attention to the face beneath her helmet, and once dressed in sturdy but simple garb, she's unlikely to be recognized.
She frowns at the guard as she ghosts past; it may be to their immediate advantage, but part of her is professionally offended at the poor state of discipline.
"To the kitchens, first," she suggests. "With any luck we'll be able to procure some of the drudges' robes; that will make moving around much easier -- nobles and guards alike take little notice of the serving staff..."
- Thor has posed:
The guard indeed is not an exemplary model of his profession. For he is settled with spear against the wall and his arms folded. His helmet is pulled down marginally and seems to be in that middle ground between wakefulness and the bliss of slumber. Likely Thea and Vintridr will be able to detect when the man's breathing evens out, becomes more steady and at ease. That's the moment to go.
No squeak from the hinges, no scuff of boot nor scrape of scabbard. Silence is their companion as they slip out into the stone hallway and down the way they had come. For in passing they had likely seen or even smelled the kitchens in passing. A turn down one corridor, past a martial tapestry on display, then another turn...
The scent of food cooking reached their senses. The hour was early enough perhaps some stew or a soup being given a long slow cook for the next day. Yet it would serve to guide them toward the kitchens which had no door, just an archway leading inward to the controlled chaos of such a cookery. Several large ovens, chimneys and hearths at either end, but no souls within. At least for now.
- Thea Queen has posed:
When in doubt .., follow your nose. That helps in finding those kitchens! "Good idea..." She whispers back at Vinnie as they spelunk through the castle. On her way she glances over her shoulder...
"Soooo...., what would be the penalty if we were caught out here?" she questions her friend as they make way. "Also, let's keep it between us-ish ..., don't think honorable Thor needs to know about our spelunking.." she stops just at the entrance of that archway, peeking over the corner. Mmmm, nice smell. And also no people. Perfect!
"Now .., where do they keep their servant robes?" this she asks Vin. She's the one that will know. And if they find some she will be getting a servant's tunic over the rest of her. It's larger, the ends nearly touching the ground but hey ..., maybe she's just a stunted Asgardian.
After that? Time to find Frikke's quarters. But not without snatching a couple of bread loafs that have just come out of the oven. Maybe the kid is hungry. And some ..., at least she thinks that's bacon.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin smiles thinly. "There are rules and customs that should have guaranteed Gunnar's safe conduct; spies, on the other hand, enjoy no such protection. At best, we'd be taken prisoner to put the Thor in the position to either bargain for our lives or save face by disavowing us and wathing us die."
"I'd prefer not to put the Odinson in an awkward conundrum today," she adds after a moment. "Try not to get caught."
"... The kitchens are a good place to start for another reason - it is highly unlikely that he will have ordered the drudges to deny us hospitality, and if I explain that you woke up hungry they'll not object to providing some bread - and perhaps an opportunity to hear from them what life in the fort has been like lately."
A slightly less ironic smile. "It's amazing how much the kitchen staff picks up; nobles so very rarely pay attention to them..."
- Thor has posed:
As if on cue there's the sound from within one of the pantries. A scuff of boot, a shuffle of something within. Then a scrape of fabric on fabric before the partially open wooden door widens further letting the spill of lantern light out from within.
First there's a silhouette. A large one, then the figure is limned from the lamplight behind until he resolves into a rather broad and round fellow who moves with a slow methodical purpose. Volstagg is a man of girth and power, renowned for his frame. While this man might not be quite so impressive of a figure, he is a large being amongst a large people and so...
Which is when he emerges from that pantry holding a length of six sausages over his shoulder and a sack of flour under one arm. He walks out and unless they rush to cover...
He likely will see them.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Caught in the act. With a loaf of bread and some .., bacon in hand. Oh well! But Thea is a smooth one so just as the servant takes that corner to spot them she offers him one of her best smiles (good thing she had put the hood down too so she doesn't look like a hooded rapscallion either).
"Hello there.."
Casual. Also in english. But hey, great that Asgardians all have AllSpeak! She conjures a little blush as if she realizes she's been caught in the act and then says apologetically. "We couldn't resist the smell..." a look to Vin, "It's been DAYS since we have had any good food..." see? She 's saying the man's food is great. Or at least she hopes this is the one doing the cooking.
Maybe they could had hid. But those last words from Vin gave her the idea of trying to talk it out with some of the staff. They *do* know all of what goes around after all. And it's time to try some of that human charm, coupled with Vin's own charm!
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin nods at Thea, laying one hand on her shoulder. "The Young Queen hails from Midgard, and unfortunately the trek was harder on her than we'd anticipated," she explains to the man. "Would it be possible to provide sustenance for a hungry guest?" she asks, laying on the diplomacy.
- Thor has posed:
If there had been word spread around that the people of the keep were supposed to be wary of the visitors, it is clear the cook has not received the memo. For his eyes fall upon the pair as he lifts a hand to secure the sausage on his shoulder, his gaze a little befuddled before it eases into one of polite warmth.
"Oh good e'en to you. Young miss. Lady." He smiles pleasantly at the compliments paid then he adds, "Oh that's the failing of our guards then to house you downwind of Tarl Uvdensen's kitchen, I am telling you."
Then he looks to the side, distracted by his own thoughts, "Though I suppose now it's almost the morn, tisn't it?" Which has him looking about as he takes in a deep breath, sniffs a little harder as if to clear his nose of some stoppage. Then looks back at the two.
"Sustenance? No sustenance around here. Only finely prepared foodstuffs. Come. Partake." He gestures as he turns back toward a counter, slapping the sausages down on a cutting board and reaching for a large knife partially embedded in the wall. "I'll see about getting you both two bowls. But help yourselves to aught else."
And, to be fair, there are some meat pies settled on one of the counters. That and along with some fresh bread and the already raided bacon that might serve well.
- Thea Queen has posed:
"It's like my nose had a life of it's own!" Thea adds with a wider grin to the man, putting the loaf and bacon on the side of the table. "Getting close to morning, yes." she looks at the sausages the man was carrying with big wide eyes. "Now those look tasty.." and without waiting for a second request she steps in to get a bit of that sausage to eat. It's not even a lie either, travel rations weren't the best she ever ate... and this food was good!
"I s'ppose you never thought on going to midgard and open shop there, mmm?" this said with her mouth full. "I tell you, you'd have success, Master Tarl.." she smiling up at Vin and then catching sight of those pies. But all in good time.
"Weird times here in the castle though, everyone seems a bit on edge. I was just telling Vin here that when we met with the Lord and his great-grandson, Frikke, something seemed to be troubling them..."
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin chuckles as she helps herself to a chunk of bread. "When on the road, one does what one can, especially if there's neither game to hunt or time to gather herbs from the land," she replies. "But even at my best I doubt I'd be a match for your skills, Master Tarl. I see your Lord does not stint on stocking his kitchens..."
- Thor has posed:
"What?" Tarl says over his shoulder as he chops up that sausage into smaller slices, the blade thok-thok-thokking as it dances in his hand. "No," He says, then repeats with a smile, "Nooooo."
The knife rings out longer until all of those sausages are so sliced, then he takes them and cutting board both to add them to the bubbling stewpot. "My home is here, and what we do here is important. Who would feed the brave warriors were it not I?"
That said he continues to putter about the kitchen as he listens and in answer to Thea's last few words his answer is said in the tone as if it was something said and heard often, "Hard times breed knotted brows."
Then he looks between Vintridr and Thea, eyebrow quirking slightly as he takes the measure of both. Straightening he gestures toward the stewpot then says in a voice that has a curious edge to it, "Shall I make ye each a bowl to take back to your rooms?"
- Thea Queen has posed:
That practiced answer doesn't go unnoticed by Thea. She looks at the man's back for a few moments and quietly picks at some of the bacon, popping it into her mouth while waiting for the bowls.
"You have noticed it too. And it worries you as well.." Is the young Queen's reply.
"It's an hard thing when our home is in trouble. I know it, my own city, Starling, has been under trouble for a good time now. But I have also realized we all need to do what we can to make sure things get better..." she trails off some, as if leaving Tarl some space to continue developping on that topic.
A look is offered up at Vin and she quirks a brow.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin gives Thea a minute shake of her head as she adresses the cook. "Please forgive my companion's outspokenness; Midgard's customs differ from those of Asgard, and part of the purpose for her journey here was to learn more of our ways."
She offers a half-smile half-shrug familiar to anyone who's ever had to cater to a well meaning but sometimes ignorant superior. "It is ever in her nature to offer aid where she feels it's needed, regardless of circumstance. She meant no insult or impropriety..."
- Thor has posed:
Again the great tall and wide Asgardian turns away and takes a spoon to the stew, sipping it for a time and frowning as if something were amiss. He straightens and then reaches for two wooden bowls that rest on the mantle near the hearth. Those bowls thump down on the table nearest to Vintridr and Thea, even as he reaches for another bowl though this one contains salt that he adds liberally to the pot. Until finally he takes up a great ladle and hefts it to pour a good amount of the stew into each bowl.
Then, that done, he pushes those bowls toward them and says with a smalls mile. "I think perhaps ye are just not used to the ways of us in the North, being from Midgard such as you are." Though he does look at Vintridr as he says that, accepting her words given. He straightens up and says, "Now, might be best for you both to take your stew and return for what sleep you can find. For shortly I shall go to my herb garden and it is a walk I often enjoy."
- Thea Queen has posed:
Taking the bowl Thea offers the man a mute nod. She understands the meaning. But now it also means they need to go and find Frikke's room without much of a reference. So she looks at Vin to see if she has any ideas on where they would find the boy.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr sighs. "That could have gone worse," she murmurs once Tarl is well out of earshot. "He won't be calling the guards on us unless he catches us sneaking around again, and unless something untoward happens tonight he won't speak of this discussion. Let us be off for now."
As they make their way out of the kitchens she offers Thea a smile. "You've courage and conviction to match any hero of Asgard's legends, but you tend to be as direct as any arrow you've shot..."
"... Think about it from his perspective: Two visitors to the kitchen at night, inquiring after his Lord's grandson and presumptive heir, and suggesting something amiss?"
A quiet shrug. "No matter. What we did learn will be useful enough -- he is worried about something, even if pride and custom keep him from confiding in strangers' ears..."
"Let's head back to rest. We'll have our work cut out for us in the morn..."
- Thea Queen has posed:
Stepping out of the room Thea brings the hood back up to cover her features. She nods at what Vinnie says, "Yea, you are right." but not much else after that, her mood somber. She slides back towards the corridors they took to get there and towards their rooms as Vin suggests they should retreat for the eve.
"Let's get some rest." She says, "Perhaps during the duel we can get some more insight on what is going on." she suggests.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin nods. "Quite possible," she agrees. "As one of Thor's sworn armswomen I will of course have to keep all my attention to the duel, so it would be only natural for you to ask someone else to answer what questions you might have regarding Asgard's customs, and the young lord would be the only other one of a rank to converse with you..."
Was that a wink? The (former?) Valkyrior is very, very good at keeping a poker face, but...