12086/Happy Harbor: Beach Day

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Happy Harbor: Beach Day
Date of Scene: 15 August 2022
Location: Happy Harbor Waterfront
Synopsis: Happ Harbor High School and friends go to the beach...and don't get attacked!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Kamala Khan, Vivian Vision, Richard Stadler, Molly Hayes, Thomas Blake, Jason Blood, Tommy Shepherd, Colette O'Connail

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
A simple beach day might do the teens some good and Morrigan had arranged for a day out, but this time it was closer to home and not over at Brighton Beach where they'd been attacked by sea creatures. The local concession stands have an open tab for Happy Harbor High School students so that food and beverages are paid for and the kids don't have to wait about that. Neither did the faculty that were coming with them.

Morrigan's home was on the beach front so she didn't have far to go really. The woman is in a pair of jean shorts, sandals and a black t-shirt. There was no level of SPF that had been created to completely protect the redhead from the sun. Not even her serum would do that anymore. It's not miserably hot and the breeze is nice, so there is that luck for them.

An invitation to Jason had been extended for the man to join them and Morrigan was standing with her hand on the lead that she was using with Riordan, "And this is when not being able to see sucks most." she mutters as she tries to figure out which blurry shape is which!

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala technically hadn't lied to her mom.

That's the most important thing... She'd said she was going to a school function, which is technically true, so it didn't really matter that it was a beach party right?


Pedal biking her way to the beach with a backpack slung over her shoulder carrying her swimsuit, her pony tail bobbed in the breeze as she cruised down the boardwalk with a quiet 'tat-tat-tat-tat' of tires in wooden planks. She has a big smile and an even bigger pair of sunglasses on her face. Only paying enough attention not to hit the most obvious of pedestrians in a headon collision!

Safety first.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision has had mixed luck with trips to the beach. Several giant sea monsters and one tidal wave. It's always a bit of an experience. If not always a relaxing one. Still if she /doesn't/ go and something happens then people could get hurt!

Besides at some point one of the trips will be quiet. It's the law of averages.

She's wearing a simple yellow one piece swimsuit with some little frills on. Ideal for sitting on the beach or punching a super villain. Modest and yet functional. It also helps she has no need to worry about sunburn or the weather turning cold.

The synthezoid teen has a large beach towel rolled up and tucked under one arm. Ideal for claiming a nice little spot for sunbathing and, if the mood takes her, reading a novel or five thousand.

Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler was halfway thinking about getting a crackerbox on the island one of these days; certainly it'd help with the commute from the loop all the way over to the school... and esspecially here, where he had to lug a beach bag all the way over from Central Park West and change at was admittedly not the /worst/ public bathroom he'd seen in his time. At least they were finally there, and Stadler quickly set up shop with a chair, a beach towel, and an umbrella, before quickly spraying a good dose of high SPF sun screen over exposed arms and legs. He was wearing a t-shirt with his swimming trunks, and that was as far as he was probably going to go.

There was a bit of concern given toward Morrigan as she stood nearby, a quick bit of jogging over to her and giving a short whistle to annouce his presence. "Doctor MacIntyre, you all right out here? I didn't think the beach was your... err, speed, as it were." How /did/ vampiric lineage deal with the sun? Twilight couldn't have gotten it right.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes is tagging along with her roommate, Vivian, with a big jumbo sized towel, an already inflated beach ball and a folding chair that she's draped over her head awkwawrdly. She's wearing a blue and white striped bikini with little bows on the hips, casually barefoot as she makes her way to join with the general school fun.

"The Atlantic is, like, totally colder than the Pacific. I swam in the Pacific all the time as a kid and it was so warm, but over here it's like BRRRRR. But I don't care, cold is a lot better than hot this time of year. Are there dolphins here? OH ARE THERE SHARKS? I WANNA FIGHT A SHARK!"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake had no idea what was transpiring on the beach. After all manner of supernatural hijinks and complications arising from finding your soulmate had a hole in said soul, he wanted a little time to sit and watch, like the lions he often emulated. First he had a long swim. Not too long. He was good for a couple miles actually more but he didn't advertise it.

Thomas emerged from the surf, that paradoxical creature, a ginger with a tan. He spent a moment dripping water then saw his towel and small shoulder bag and made for it, plopping down on the towel, he sat cross legged watching the beach. The stoking woman with the flaming tresses caught his eye almost immediately. He watched her movements for a moment until he guessed their cause... yes, he heard about her. Yes a pity. But definitely not seeking or needing his pity. But he could use some spin doctoring and she was a leading citizen. He considers going to say hello.

Where the HELL did these kids come from?

Jason Blood has posed:
Of course, Jason Blood was not going to turn down any invitation from Morrigan. He and his +1 arrived a good bit before the start of the party. Jason had secreted himself out back of Morrigan's house, not quite within view of the rest of the gathered group, but nearby. He was sitting cross legged in the grass, a small circle of what looks like cotton arranged around him. His eyes are closed and is intoning softly in Latin. Once Morrigan walks out and he can spot her just in his line of vision, he claps his hands together. The circle of cotton around him dissolves into thin air.

He slowly pushes himself up off the ground and dusts off his legs before striding over towards the front to join Morrigan. As he slips up next to her, he murmurs quietly. "Hopefully it will not be too bright for you."

As if somehow he _knew_, Morrigan can feel the slight coolness of shade start to creep over her, and the light falls slightly into shadow. Those watching from afar will see a small white cottony cloud, normal looking in all aspects other than being _impossibly_ low. And somehow managing to cast an effective bit of shade within a few feet of either direction of Morrigan.

        I have heard people say throw shade,
        To mean using words as a blade.
        Clever use of Agrest's tool,
        To keep your lovely friend cool.
        Maybe you have it right.
        If you can keep her free from burns til night.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    It'd be stereotypical speedster to say that Tommy is here for the free food. Which, okay... yeah, he is, but he showed up in swim shorts. He has every intention of at least not making it obvious he's just here to eat a bunch of hot dogs on the school's dime, even though he's already inhaled two in about thirty seconds. First things first, and all.

    Okay, it's probably swim shorts he's wearing, at least. They're definitely shorts. And this time around Tommy remembered his own sunscreen, which he is liberally applying to his exposed shoulders, since he's also wearing a sleeveless shirt. He'll have emptied the entire tube by the time he's done, at this rate. "Stupid giant ball of hot plasma in the sky trying to kill us," he mutters to himself. At least he's been paying attention in science class, by the sounds of it.

    He squints upwards when someone starts shouting about sharks. Ow, sunlight. A quick glance to-and-fro to check that the coast is clear (metaphorically and literally, on account of the current location) before the space that once contained one Thomas Shepherd is suddenly empty, a strong breeze rolling by. And then it's filled again just as quick, though now Tommy's got a pair of sunglasses on. And his hat, which he'd forgotten back on campus.

    Today it's the Portland Sea Dogs that he's repping. The Portland up in Maine, that is, with a... maybe that's a seal? Either way the eponymous sea dog is biting a baseball bat, which is probably not part of its usual diet.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette lives a lot further from the beach than Mo -- in a different city, indeed. However unlike Richard she does already have a secondary place close by on Arden Heights, so the journey today had been a short one. The start of the school year is rapidly approaching and it makes a lot of sense to see some of the student together early, to get a sense of how the summer has changed them and which are the ones most likely to need a close eye kept on them this year.

    She is not particularly beach-ready in her choice of what to wear, though her stylish desert boots are good for sand, and she is wearing a tee-shirt. There are of course sunglasses, but this is pretty common for Colette. She stands observing the students assemble, arms folded and watchful, perhaps assuming that this will be just another of those Happy Harbor events where something catastrophic or near catastrophic will happen that may have to be dealt with.

    Barely taking her eyes off Molly and Vivian who she has marked down as suspects number 1 & 2 for the moment, for no particular reason beyond why not, she gives Richard a nod of greeting, and reinforces his question to Mo. "Yeah, got to admit I didn't have you down as a sun lover, Doctor M," she says wryly. Not that she's getting a whole lot of sun right now, with that suspiciously localized cloud cover. Colette glances curiously in Jason's direction. Mo certainly does seem to attract a... certain type.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks up when she hears Richard and there's a smile, "Aye, I'm fine, Mister Stadler." she tells him with a nod. "I don't have the problem with sunlight like I used to thanks to the whole mess, but, I still burn given I'm a ginger." she chuckles. She doesn't have one of the ravens to help her see either today, so she'd just have to tough it out. "How have you been doing, Mister Stadler?" she asks him.

When Jason's voice is heard there is a smile, but it sobers for a moment when the cloud is felt creeping over her. But it didn't feel like she was about to be struck by lightning. "Is that a cloud, Jason?" she asks him as she can't really see it. She reaches out to touch his arm, "I'm glad you decided to come out. Some fresh air might do us all good." she smiles.

Then she hears Colette and she grins, "I love the sunlight, it's just not loved me back until recently." she admits. She'd lost all of her vampiric traits when she died. It was taking some time to get used to. "Just everyone remember to wear sunscreen, drink lots of water and no drugs or alcohol." she nods to that.

"You want to find a place to set up? I brought an umbrella." she grins to Jason.

Jason Blood has posed:
Extending his arm over towards Morrigan, Jason looks up and remarks off-handedly, "Why, yes, it is the damnedest thing. There is a lovely white cloud that seems to be following you, keeping you in the shade. Imagine that." He reaches over to place his other hand over her hand as he walks with her, happy to serve as a guide.

"I am glad that you decided to invite me. I cannot remember the last time that I had an outing to the beach." This should come as no surprise to anyone who spies the man, as he is wearing black leather loafers, dress pants, and a nice dress shirt. At least he is not wearing a jacket.

        In this heat you are going to roast,
        Withstanding heat is a silly thing to boast.
        Everyone else is going to swim,
        Why don't you wear clothes more trim.
        She would rather see that as well I'd bet,
        Because these clothes are not meant to get wet.

Jason sighs softly to himself, a serene smile in his head as he ignores the Demonic voice rambling at him in his head.

Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler gives a quick nod, filling that information away. Well, at least he didn't have to worry about that factor and Doctor MacIntyre exploding into ash one day if she wasn't careful, right? "Oh, well. Just make sure to keep yourself out of the sun, Doctor. Just because the stuff doesn't kill you quickly doesn't mean it won't kill you slowly. Macarbre, but true." He notes, looking up at the shadow crossing the beach and squinting. "Huh. Didn't see the cloud cover come in." He notes. Unlike everyone else, 'Magic' wasn't his go to in terms of why odd things happening." There's a nod to Mr. Blood, and Ms. O'Connail, esspecially. "I think with the amount of teachers we have about, we can make sure everyone's hydrating, though I don't think the weather will lead to /too/ many complications. And these are mainly good kids... by which I mean maybe we have to confescate some liquor." he notes, before addressing Colette. "Do you have a base of operations scouted out for yourself? I've got a decent place in range of all the kids over here-" He says, before turning about some loud excalimation on punching a shark, alighting on Molly and raising his voice. "No punching the sealife! They're just as scared of you and don't deserve the stress! I /will/ start a lecture on cancerization if someone starts anything!"

Kamala Khan has posed:
"Hey guys! I made it!" Waving one hand over her head in greeting to Suspect 1 & 2 out on the beach, a couple of the teachers, and even Colette! Hey Colette!

Only a little bit further to go! She's riding with her chin out so the sun can wash over her face, Kamala is only partially paying attention to anything ahead of her. She'd say she's paying enough attention, but the stairs that are rapidly approaching would argue differently. This is where things would get kind of contrary, since Kamala would definitely argue that the stairs snuck up on her.. as she suddenly YELPS when the front tire drops down and starts bouncing down each step.

The handlebars rattle back and forth in her tightening grip and her backpack slaps against her back with each drop. Until it all suddenly stops when the front of the bike hits the wooden railing and tips end over end. "No no no no no..."

Like an adorable puppy shaped dart, arms waving in the air, Kamala goes diving right into a suspiciously soft sand dune on the other side of the railing. "Oh, good.. that's exactly how I want to start the day." Said with sand on one cheek, all in her shirt, and her glasses sitting cattywampus on her face.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Did you know that more people are bitten by New Yorkers each year than sharks?" Vivian notes helpfully. "And that dolphins are only really interested in swimming with sick people. They're largely disinterested in healthy Humans."

She frowns for a moment. Looking up some information online. "The water temperature should be fine." The water pollution however? Probably less great.

Morrigan, Richard and Colette all get waves of greeting. Then the synthezoid teenager picks out a good spot for her towel. (So she'll always know where it is)

She might not be planning on swimming, but she can do some sketches of the beach and people enjoying themselves and that's practically the same thing right?

"Good day Kam.." She calls out. Just in time to see the young woman faceplant into the sand. "ala." There's a beats pause. "Are you okay? Do you need first aid?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake was going over to Morrigen when Kamala does the header. Tying hard not to laugh he does extend a hand to her. "That was quite a landing. Let me help you up-. I'm Thomas Blake." He has a very big hand that looks very hard and has some fine scars on it. They pale next to the three on his chest. But he is smiling gently. "I don't think anyone saw..." he ventures with a straight face."

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes cocks her head at Viv, "I mean, I didn't know that, but it doesn't sound that surprising. I've been to New York plenty of times and, while I've never been bitten, I have been stabbed, shot, bludgeoned and had a building fall on me once," she says. "Rough town!"

She waves to everyone else but bounds forward first to hit the water. In her case, that means leaping a rather provocative amount into the air and landing in fairly deeper water before she starts to swim back. "WHOOOOOOO HOOOOO1"

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette gives Richard a nod. "Got myself a place close to the school when I started here as a TA," she replies idly, her eyes still scanning the mass of assembled troublema... students. Her attention perks slightly at the suggestion of the need to confiscate alcohol though. "We can hope," she adds.

    Kamala's greeting gets a nod in her direction in response, and Kamala's subsequent tumble does not get laughed at, even when it becomes clear that she's okay. "You ever watch Family Guy?" Colette says quietly out the side of her mouth to Richard. "The running gag where the neighbor's house gets destroyed when he's in the bath? Her 'no no no' thing was just like that."

    Molly's leaping over-vigorously in the water, and Viv is citing obscure facts. This reinforces in Colette's mind the rightness of placing them so high on her mental list of potential troublemakers, though honestly there are so many possibilities here. Behind her sunglasses, she narrows her eyes and keeps watching.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a soft laugh to that, "If it was grey and stormy I might feel that it was a bad omen. But since this one seems less hostile." she muses to him. "Thanks for leading the blind lady. Rio is going to need a break, thankfully he can retreat to the house since it's right down there." she nods towards Jason. Then there is a curious quirk of an eyebrow, "You're in dress clothes...aren't you?" she smiles to that. "Well, there's a blanket and chairs so we won't have to worry about ruining your clothes." she admits to that.

"Thank you for worrying, Mister Stadler, I should be fine this trip out." she grins to that. Then she hears the yelp and she looks worried, "Is everyone okay?" the Irish woman asks. She seemed to think someone might have had a run in with something worse than rattling down the stairs.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    From above, on the pier, where Tommy definitely wasn't a moment ago: "Oh, yeah, no one saw anything," is said, totally straight-faced. He leans over the railing to look down at Kamala, waving one hand at her. "You good? Want an ice cream to soothe your bruised pride?"

    Because somehow he has, like, at least five in his hands? Up until a few seconds ago he had every intention of eating them all himself, but apparently he's feeling generous. To Kamala, at least, who as a fellow student is a Known Quantity. Thomas (not that Tommy was around to hear the introduction just moments ago) is Unknown, and thus he only gets a narrow-eyed look from the other Thomas. Tommy, to be clear. Not that this isn't confusing at all.

    He puts his elbows on the railing and is somehow now down to only three ice creams, and one of them is starting to melt, so he says, "Short-term offer."

Richard Stadler has posed:
Richard Stadler watched in slight amount of fascinated horror as a minor disaster approched Kamala that she simply could not stop. And the first concern he had was if those glasses of hers had cracked, because that was a /very/ bad start to the day. He'll settle with a quick, concerned. "Anything broken, Ms. Khan?" Nothing /seemed/ broken, but this would take a turn if he had to reset a bone. Just his luck that the actual MD couldn't see the ocean for the boardwalk right at this moment. He does turn over to Morrigan. "Ms Kahn went down some stairs with her bicycle. She doesn't seem... well, nothing seems broken just yet. There's a first aid kit in my bag if we need it, just don't go deeper than that." He indicates. Don't embarass the girl, wait to see if she'll stand up before rushing in.

To Colette, he whispers back. "A bit. I catch it every so often... I didn't know it was a running gag, though? I haven't had much time to catch up with TV since..." He thinks a moment, his face looking a bit shocked. "What... 9/11? Lord. But, while I would certainly want you tips on house hunting the island around hear, I met more a base of operations on the beach." He says, moving to geasture at the set up he had just a few yards behind him.

Kamala Khan has posed:
The aftermath of the tumble is one ripe with Kamala flavored embarrassment. soothed only by everyone saying nobody saw anything, which is itself proof to the oposite. "Cool. Cool cool cool." Murmur murmur, as she reaches out for Thomas' hand and waves off any notion she needs first aid, assuring both Vivian and Richard, "No sir, I'm good. The ground broke my fall. But my poor bike is going to need to see a bike-doctor, I think."

"Ayuuung!" Pulling herself up with Thomas' help, "Thanks. I could use a cave... and maybe a new identity. And a time machine." Both hands pat sand off her legs, hips, and butt, side glancing Tommy with a sheepish grin, "But baring all that, I'll take some ice cream, definitely."

As not to be rude, "Hey Thomas Blake, I'm Kamala Khan. I bet you've got a really awesome backstory." Wiggle pointing at his scars, "People with scars have great backstories." Once her glasses are righted on her face, she peers over at Vivian, "Can you fact check me on that? Amount of scars to interesting backstory ratio?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision tilts her head in response to Kamala's question. "It depends on the culture," she admits. "In Germany duelling clubs of fencers are still popular to this day. Although I do not think they use live steel against each other anymore. But it would leave distinctive facial scars. Some cultures also used to ritually scar people to mark important life events."

She gives the damaged bike a look. "Do not worry, I can probably fix the damage using the facilities at the school."

Her attention turns back to her room-mate, who is now significantly further away, but that's nothing she can't adjust for with her holographic systems audio projection. "I had a shipping container dropped on me. And then someone shot me with a bazooka. It tickled."

Maybe Colette is right...

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks down at his chest and peers about finally stopping as if he notices the scars for the first time. "Interesting story... pissing off an adult male lion is way dumber than what you just did. Don't do it. Unfortunately for him, I'm from Gotham where I attended public high school. So how long have you been stress testing bikes for a living... and before you answer grab an ice cream they look good. Excuse me, someone I got to see."

When he passes Tommy he says, "A tip, give the cute girl the ice cream first. She'll put up with more teasing." He winks and proceeds to Morrigen.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes has gotten used to Viv's ghost voice popping up in her ear, "I had an aunt who used to tickle me. She was lucky I didn't have super strength then. I'd have thrown her all the way to Sheboygan. And trust me, that's pretty bad, I've been there!"

Molly makes it back to shore and shakes off her hair like a dog, laughing as she walks back, briefly overhearing Thomas, "I wanna fight a lion, too! A lion and a shark! At the same time!"

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Kamala had a small disagreement with a sand dune," Colette tells Mo. "But it looks like the dune came off worse. She's fine. She seems to be getting ice cream out of the deal, so probably better than fine. And yes, he's in dress clothes. He may have misunderstood the venue." Not that she's a whole lot more beach-oriented, just rather less formal with it. At least her footwear is suitable.

    "I'm keeping things nomadic," she says to Richard. Apparently no intention for sunbathing, and she seems quite content to remain in the shadow of the cloud Jason has provided for Mo. "As for housing, depends on your budget. The waterfront places her on the harbor itself are nice, but probably a bit above teacher's pay budgets. Tottenville or up near the zoo are good if you want something a little livelier. The rest of the island is pretty much alike really. Just go for whatever you can afford."

Jason Blood has posed:
"For some reason, it did not occur to me that a "beach party" was not simply a party on the beach, but that it actually implied getting into the ocean." Jason frowns for a moment as he walks along with Morrigan towards those chairs she mentioned. "Why not call it an "ocean party" then?"

Not that he seems too unhappy. There is a smile on his face as he guides Morrigan to her seat, and he exchanges smiles and nods with the teachers and students as they pass by. Maybe eventually he will get to be known as more than "that grumpy British guy who stands around Morrigan". But for now, he is content to be exactly that.

Richard Stadler has posed:
Well, see? There we go. No worse for wear and she even got ice cream out of the deal. Very smooth social recovery, as well. That kid was certainly going places. "I admittedly would disagree. Scars sometimes have stories, but usually it's just someone who made a dumb decision to get the scar anyway, The serious ones... harder to talk about." He notes, briefly, before moving back over to his set up, looking to COlette to see if she'll follow for a few steps. "Well, then, fair enough. Roving patrols keep the kids out of trouble, and all that. Though I've always found the beach a very hard place to get around without setting up a base first and foremost. Maybe it's the cooler." He muses. "Though it might be I just want to sit down and read a book these days instead of play around in the ocean."

There's a grimace. "The place in the city is lucky enough to be paid off, at least, but I have a bit of a money sink of a redoubt upstate that just seems to suck down any funds I throw at it. Barely enough with the pension as it is, and with the way housing prices are going..." He sighs. "You know I'm probably just better buying a hundred or so square feet and setting up a tent."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's trying to keep up with people by sound, rather than sight given she's not able to see at the moment. She's grateful that Jason is able to help while Rio takes a break from things. "Molly's trying to fight everything again." she chuckles to that. Then she's giving a pat to Jason's arm, "Hopefully my eye problem will clear up soon and you won't have to lead me around." she smiles to him.

She listens to things carefully, but with the noise from the tourists and the ocean there is a focus on Jason, "I mean, some folks don't go into the water due to JAWS." she admits. "Next time I'll tell you to bring swimtrunks." she muses to her fellow redhead.

"Thanks for the cloud." she tells him.

Kamala Khan has posed:
"Rock on." Said with a big grin at Vivian, for both the fact check AND for offering to fix her bike. Which does look pretty banged up. It came out the worse of all the combatents in the great Khan Flight.
Kamala puffs out her cheeks and wiggles a finger Eurika-like in the air between herself and Thomas, "Right. Don't fight a lion. I'm glad that you were here to share that bit of life lesson because, us- hold on a seeeeecond..." Now that the stars are fading, she squinting behind her comically oversized glasses at the retreating Catman! "Was..." She points at Tommy, then at Thomas, then back. "Was that Catman? Did I just faceplant in front of Catman?"

    Dear Diary,
    Today marks a career low.
    You just ate sand in front
    of a super villain who then felt super
    sorry for you and helped you up and gave you life lessons.

Sheepishly to Tommy, "Can I have two scoops?"

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    It's Tommy's first time marching out onto the beach properly, because yes, he's been hovering around the food cart this whole time. But he keeps his flip flops on to save his feet from the burning sand (temporarily, at least). Yeah, he's not particularly about the whole beach thing, if his lack of tan has ever been any kind of indication.

    Ice cream deposited in Kamala's hand, Tommy withdraws back to give her some space to lick her metaphorical wounds. "I'm not teasing," he says. "I didn't see anything. Don't know what any of you are talking about." He scans around for an unoccupied patch of sand in the shade, which leaves his options to basically crouch like a weirdo half-underneath the pier. Not exactly out of character for him, admittedly. Nor is the, "Who's Catman?" that he asks Kamala. There's only one guy that looks like Tommy and is also super knowledgable about public crime-fighting (and/or crime-starting?) figures, and unfortunately Kamala's got the wrong twin for that one.

    But he does take pity on her, and gives her another ice cream.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Yes, he's started living on the island," Vivian notes helpfully for Kamala's beenfit. "It's been all over the local news. I'll send some links to your phone." Which she does. Along with a 'Who is Catman' link for her to share with Tommy.

Of course facts imparted the synthezoid teen settles herself on the towel she's brought. So she can emulate sunbathing and/or people watching from a position of relative comfort.

Jason Blood has posed:
"You realize that I do not mind that at all, right Morrigan?" ask Jason Blood, as he smiles over at her.

        We should keep her blind.
            A tie to bind.
            You will be close.
            It won't be gross.

Jason frowns at something only he can hear, shaking his head. "No problem, it was my mistake, not yours." He gives her hand a squeeze. "The children are all enjoying themselves." He does not mention the sand eating. She does not need to know about that. "And I am happy that my cloud was able to bring a bit of sun into your day." A pause. "Or the opposite, really./"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Oh is that the man who just got arrested and has the tiger at home?" Morrigan states as she hears talk of this...Catman? "Is he like Batman, just with cat ears?" she asks Jason in a more quiet tone. Maybe he knew him. "I'd offer to bury you in the sand or something but...my luck I'd end up burying you for real." she tells the Immortal.

"I know you don't." she nods to that. "Could get you some ice cream or something if you are wanting something sweet." she points out. "It's keeping from getting sunburnt, I've not been out in the sun really since things happened." she frowns. Then she perks up, "But enough dreary talk." she smiles to him.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "Never trust a cat man," Colette mutters, apparently apropos of nothing. However it's all Vorpal's fault. If you know one cat man, you're bound to be a touch suspicious of all of them. If that cat man is Vorpal, anyway.

    "I'm sure you'll have your vision back in no time Doctor Mo," Colette says encouragingly. "You seem to be reacting to light and shadow much more already. I'm sure that if Rio gets too distracted by a lamp post you'd see enough by now not to walk into it." The little exchange about the suspicious cloud is filed away in her mind and she gives Jason another curious glance, but says nothing.

    "You could always just pitch a tent on the beach, " Colette suggest to Richard. "Or in the staff room, though then everyone would expect you to make the first pot of coffee in the morning."

    Her eyes rove from Viv and Molly, who have become suspects #3 and #4, to Tommy and Kamala as the brand new suspects #1 and #2. There's too much suspicious crouching below piers and too much ice cream going on there. Clearly the pair are up to something.

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala has two cones, one in each hand, as she spins in a slow circle to find her missplaced belongings. "Who's catman?" She blinks, picking up her backpack with her pinky while trying to each some of the ice cream in the same hand. "Well, he's one of Gotham's homegrown villains what frequently adopt animal themed monikers.. That, or ironically enough, condiments. There's a Kite-Man too, who actually uses KITES to FLY... which on the scale of gimmicks is kind of amusing considering he primarily fights the likes of Batman."


"Anyways, Catman, or Thomas Blake, is a dude who got bored and became a criminal. That's what his official heropedia entry says, but.. I'm pretty sure it's a lot more indepth than that. Anyone can update those things.. I do. Regularly."

"Mostly on heroes though." She licks her ice cream.

"But yeah, he's not a Two-Face or Riddler, but he can find a needle in a haystack, so long as the needle is cat themed, and wears a bitchin' yellow hip cloak.... in my head, that is. He probably doesn't in real life."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Despite a persistent lack of interest in crime-fighting... some might say Tommy is verging on 'the lady doth protest too much' levels of not caring, here, he nods along with Kamala's explanation of who Catman is. Whether or not he's liable to remember any of it is another story, but if he's feigning out of politeness he's doing an excellent job of it.

    He's pretty old-hat at being a good listener when someone talks about their niche interest. Old-hat in the sense that it's only been a couple of weeks since he's had to learn to do so, but something something super-speed, whatever.

    "What's a hip-cloak?" is apparently the important nugget of information Tommy's gleaned from the whole thing. Then he shoves two cones into his mouth, one right after the other, to crunch through their delicious ice cream-filled shell.

    Immediately, though, he pushes his palm against one eye socket and holds up a hand. "Fuuuuuuu----uuuudge," (caught himself that time!) he says. "Brainfreeze." Tommy gives a shake of his head right after, though, and then nods. "Okay, sorry. Hip-cloaks?"

Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler shakes his head. "Oh, I'm 48. That sounds like something 20 something kids do because it seems like an adventure, or some people do because it's not. Sand everywhere, and it isn't like it's an extraordinary hassle to get on the subway. As for the break room, oh, no, no, no. Not that I mind making a pot, but I have a nigh-crippling caffinee depedence at this point. No one like's my coffee. I barely like my coffee. so that is straight out. What're your thought on squatter's rights?" He says, a tone clearly in jest, before turning over to Kamala with a bit of concern. "Wait a minute, wait a minute. You're saying there was an actual criminal. Walking down the street here? And on one stopped him?" How the hell did he miss that?

And, of course, Kamala's bit of description of all the bad guys that she happened to know gets a bit of a concerned look. "You seem to make a study out of a lot of bad people, Ms. Kahn. We are a rather long way from Gotham, after all. Well. Reletively. I'd be more worried about what ooze is bubbling up from Jersey City or Hoboken."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look towards Colette and she nods to her, "I'm hoping it will, Colette." she smiles to that. "And Rio might run me into a pole just for shits and giggles really." she adds with a laugh. Rio's not there to disagree with her either as he already went home. "Hopefully everyone will have fun today and when school starts next week we won't have too many feeling dread." she explains. Mostly to herself.

"Richard, remind me to send something before school starts or we can set up a meeting." she tells the fellow.

She reaches out touch Jason's arm, "Did you have plans for this evening? Besides recovering from the sun and the sand?" she asks him.

Jason Blood has posed:
A soft laugh from Jason as he smiles at Morrigan. "I do not. But yes, rehydrating is probably on the menu." He chuckles quietly. "What about you?"

Kamala Khan has posed:
Kamala has literally not stopped talking the entire time, most of what she's been saying is pretty deep cut facts about an otherwise unknown villain from Gotham, so it's fair to say that it can go largely un voiced in this particular instance for the sake of assuming she knows a lot more than she has any reasonable need to know.

"-and then he was out on parole for a relatively mundane violation of parole... huh?" Hipcloak? She glances up at Tommy with a few blinks as if she's not even sure what he's talking about, "OH! His hip-cloak. Ya know, like Lando Calrissian? Off the shoulder, only comes down to the hip? A Hip-cloak... They're stylish....... to a certain kind of people.. I'm just saying in my head canon he wears one."

Another blink, this one for Stadler, "Well I don't specialize in villains, but they're all part of the methos of heroes. Nobody would have a clue who Leonidas was if not for Xerxes.. I just know who he is, for reference... or something.." Kind of an understatement. Silence for all of a few seconds, then suddenly she adds, "I really don't think this is an unhealthy amount of knowledge on a, relatively, unknown super villain, that's all."

She slowly licks one of her two ice cream cones.

The right one, after much deliberation on the matter.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    "Okay, sure. But who's Lando Calrissian?"

    After what is a certifiable infinite amount of time (to Tommy's perspective... AKA about five seconds) he cracks a smile. "Nah, I'm just messing with you. People who like things are cool in my book. What else would we talk about, like... the weather or something?"

Richard Stadler has posed:
Richard Stadler gives a brief nod over to Morrigan. "Glad to have a meeting for it, though... really, it's my fault. Resources are a little slim, these days, so it's hard to... keep track of some persons of interest. Not that it should be everyone's job." He says, looking disapprovingly down his own glasses over at Kamala. "But... what you do on your free time, not my place to speak on it. Just... watch how you use that information, all right?"

And then he claps his hands. "Now, if no one's injured, I'm going to read Studs Terkel for 2 hours and then hail everything to another island." He notes, before moving back to his staked out position, sitting down at the folding chair, and withdrawing the self-same book. He's going to get through The Good War before Working.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    "We're a school, not the police," Colette points out to Richard. "We're not meant to be stopping villains. At least so long as they don't mess with the students. If they mess with the students, all bets are off." It's a perfectly casual comment from the English teacher, delivered without any relish or enthusiasm. It does not hint at horrible things that might happen to such villains in any way.

    Kamala herself gets a brief stare for the sake of her far too in-depth revelations of villain knowledge, but Colette gives a faint shrug and makes no comment. This is Happy Harbor, there's plenty of students who take an interest in such things, it's all perfectly normal. Nevertheless, Kamala is added to one of Colette's many mental lists. Call her suspect #5.

    Things seem peaceful. Richard is off to get some reading done, and Mo and Jason could probably use a bit of privacy. "Pretty warm today," Colette comments. "I'm going to get a drink I think. Then I'm going to keep an eye of things from over by the pier," she says. Behind her sunglasses, her eyes flicker from Mo to Jason and back again. "You two have fun, and watch for suspicious cloud activity," she says before making her way to a refreshments booth.