12171/Happy Harbor: A Haunting
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Happy Harbor: A Haunting | |
Date of Scene: | 08 August 2022 |
Location: | Central Plaza - Happy Harbor High School |
Synopsis: | The Twins are back at HHHS. A few guests stop in and Delia has brought a ghost friend. It's Another day at Happy Harbor. |
Cast of Characters: | Morrigan MacIntyre, Jason Blood, Alfred Pennyworth, Freddy Freeman, Tommy Shepherd, Richard Stadler, Keli Quintela, Colette O'Connail
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The Twins have returned to Happy Harbor High School. Honestly, if they got into more trouble and made explosives you could liken them to a certain magical set of Twins from a book series, but they were not! Morrigan had invited people to help with getting them settled back in and there was the promise of pizza and things for the brave group that did.
Everything had been carefully placed in each of their rooms fairly quickly. Many hands make light work.
Where the twins are usually attached at the hip there is a change this year.
Declan has grown and he's hanging out with some of the boys that have came back for the school year. Tyler's not here yet, so, it's not him. Delia however has undergone the biggest transformation, the usually shy redhead has taken to the goth life. Black hat, black eyeline and black dress. If she started quoting Poe they'd need an intervention.
"I just wanted to thank everyone for helping out this afternoon with things. I'm sorry that Delia's trunk weighed five hundred pounds. I'm hoping it's all books." she muses to that. "Now, pizza and if anyone wants we can pull out the board games or set up some movies." she offers to those that are mingling in the central plaza.
- Jason Blood has posed:
A man likely a stranger to all assembled, and would be seen as stranger still if they knew him, Jason Blood has lingered around the periphery of the gathering other than when making use of his manpower to actually conduct some of the moving. Without looking like he is hovering, he definitely appeared to be in some fashion in orbit of Morrigan, although it waxed and waned in size over the course of the tasks. He has remained quiet, although polite if anyone engaged him in conversation.
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
The distinctive Rolls of the Wayne family pulled into a parking spot along the perimiter of the school without much aplomb. Alfred exited the vehicle and twisted his neck about to crack some obviously stiff joints as he pushed the car door closed and tapped his watch to lock the vehicle. Wayne technology had it's perks. It was almost something routine to drag him to the campus as he cast a glance about the school - checking up on curriculum in what might be considered an obsture fashion indicative of his employer.
Nonetheless, Mr. Pennyworth slipped about as if he owned the establishment before taking notice of a certain influx of youth. It didn't take a Cold War era spy to realize what was going on and so, indulging his curiosity, Alfred made his way up toward the gathering at the plaza.
Offering smiles to some of the students he passed, trying to seem inauspicious, Alfred wormed his way about while exchanging plesant jokes and laughs with those that questioned him - "Why of course, I was just here to check on my ward's laundry. You can't expect a young man to do it himself, can you?" he quipped, slipping quickly back into some of his older habits from before the end of the Cold War.
- Freddy Freeman has posed:
Walk-thunk-walk-thunk-walk-thunk-walk-thunk goes the slow, noisy gait of Freddy Freeman, moving with the assistance of a metal crutch that is clamped at his left elbow. He has been doing his best to help move the twins' stuff, but mostly he was a cheerleader and a cold beverage fetcher. Despite his disability, the good-natured kid never loses his smile. He greets returning students by name warmly, stopping to talk with this kid or that.
When he hear Alfred's comment, his grin widens and quirks up higher on one side of his mouth. "Dang, how do I scored a deal like that? I gotta do my own laundry!"
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
The siren call of free food is all it really takes to make Tommy show up. And you'd think that having someone with superspeed (so the rumor goes) would make unpacking things quicker, but no. Sure, whatever is placed in Tommy's hands finds itself in its designated spot almost instantaneously, but he's not doing more than his share of the work.
So really, it just looks like he's been lounging around most of the time. Under one of the trees in the plaza, generally.
When the last book is properly shelved, Tommy strolls over from his resting spot to investigate what toppings are available. He's not a native New Yorker but he still has his Opinions. Though, really, he'll eat anything.
The Headmistress gets a quick word of thanks before Tommy withdraws back to the edge of the group. Despite being a student himself, he does a lot of that lingering-at-the-periphery thing that Jason's doing, even after a full year of enrollment. Maybe he's just feeling his age.
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler didn't exactly lament the fact that he was hear. Certainly the actual moving, esspecailly getting that heavy trunk up a flight of stairs, that was lamentable, and he couldn't exactly have bowed out (a retiree teacher in a place that hadn't started the semester didn't really have a lot of excuses that would have cut the social mustard, as it were). But it was at least a chance to meet a few more students and faculty that he might have missed so far. Some students, maybe. Some adults, which were... odd enough. Then again, he had to remind himself Morrigan was more than a little bit odd and had similar friends.
But it was done, with only a slight sheen of sweat, and Stadler eye'd the pizza (a hell of a lot better of a pedigree than what he got in Maryland). Movies, and board games? Maybe there would be a classic from the 1980s, or two; he doubt anyone wanted to do what he wanted and heckle /Outbreak/ when it was on.
He was close enough to Alfred and Freddy to at least make his own comment while he considered his options. "Ward? Guardian, in that case? Which one's yours, if you don't mind me asking?" A pause, before he moves to extend a hand. "Sorry. Richard Stadler." He notes, before he turns his eyes to Freddy. "Don't over exert yourself with that."
- Keli Quintela has posed:
Keli brought out the gauntlet, which surely could be of help moving that ridiculously heavy trunk, with bright green constructs like a handcart. She really /ought/ to be trying to do better about secret identity, but really, it's hard to do that where you live. And Green Lantern tech isn't exactly /subtle/. And that trunk was really heavy!
Now she goes to peer at the pizza, pondering various toppings before shrugging and grabbing a couple of slices. Then she goes to eat off to one side, half-hoping nobody will come bug her about why her "science project" looks the way it does. Nothing to see here, teen superhero, move along.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Let it not be said that the words 'The Twins have returned to Happy Harbor' fill the staff of said school with a sense of overwhelming existential dread. Not because it is untrue, but because such things are traditionally unsaid outside of the sanctum of the staff room, wherein staff are wont to murmur dire words expressing their true feelings of the student body assured they will not be overheard.
Surely however the fact that Delia appears to be channeling Wednesday Addams is a positive portent? A break of the long-thought unbreakable bond between the troublemaking twins might be deemed to presage quieter times ahead, at least by those of a hopeful and optimistic nature. Colette, the English Teacher, eyes Delia gothing her way across campus with an expression that suggests she is neither hopeful nor optimistic. Something is bound to go wrong. Where the twins are concerned, something is /always/ bound to go wrong.
Her eyes still fixed on Delia, Colette addresses Freddy's rhetorical question. "Get adopted by a billionaire," she suggests. "That's the best way to get your own butler." She presumably has figured out who exactly the ward in question is; there aren't a lot of students here with butlers.
Colette's eyes sweep the crowd, looking for more troublemakers. Poor Keli gets definitively placed in that mental category thanks to Green Constructs. So unfair. Colette isn't keen on Lanterns. On the plus side, you can't give people detentions for having some association with the Oans, and besides Colette doesn't know what exactly the nature of that association is, especially given Keli's rather young age to be a member of the corps. Still, one to keep an eye on.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's still a bit blind, her vision has been returning slowly. She couldn't use the ravens inside because that would be odd to see through their eyes while others were around. "Do you eat pizza?" she asks Jason with a smile. Even if Morrigan couldn't see faces outside of a blur, she knew sounds quite well and can pick up on the who is who most times. "Good to have you around, Tommy. I got you an extra pepperoni since I know you're packing away calories." she tells him with a smile.
She then turns to find her next victim....student. "Freddy, how are you doing? And was it Mister Pennyworth?" she asks as the unfamiliar voice speaks. "You must mean Damian is your ward." she smiles to that. "Mister Stadler, I hope that you are doing well." she gives another smile. "I'm not able to see very well so I'm just going by sounds right now." she chuckles. "Though if you see Riordan going for pizza tell him he's on a diet." she muses.
Delia's making her way over to where Morrigan is, looking a little worried. "Doctor MacIntyre...something broke in my trunk and I...ummm..." she whispers.
Oh no, Colette was right!
- Jason Blood has posed:
Returning the smile towards Morrigan, Jason nods. "It may not exactly be my cuisine of choice, but certainly I do not mind it." He is lingering near Morrigan and happy to serve as a guide as needed, but otherwise is not doing much in the way of mingling. He is more of a lurker than a mingler, to be honest. He watches the students run to and fro, and laughs to himself. "You do seem to have your hands full," he murmurs to Morrigan.
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred lets out a laugh, waving a hand about as he continued his cursory examination of the party. "Oh, no - it's more a matter of pride. He never does it right, and I hate having to come and correct him," he offers to Freddy in an offhand fashion. "I just thought i'd come see what..." he began, trailing off as his brow furrowed in thought for a moment. "I just thought i'd come see what things looked like, if you'll humor an old man, i comparison to when I was at a school like this," he finished with a smile and a nod, flashing bright white teeth.
His times at the Harbor are always unqiue, and he makes only a slight show of hiding it as he paces about before meeting Stadler. He offers a quick hand and another smile. "Alfred Pennyworth, sir. One of the curators of our future, here, hm?" he quipped. Some of the shows of power might perplex a -normal- butler, but unfortunantely, none of this seems new to Alfred as he pointedly ignores any sense of witnessing anything, and beyond that the possiblility hearing Colette before he waves a hand at Freddy.
"Work hard - it worked for some friends of mine," he quipped, contiuing to move about the entire affair. Some may even say they saw Alfred steal a slice of pizza as he lingered about - there was a moment of concern before offering an inclination of his head. "Of course I mean Master Damian - rather insightful of you though, young lady," he observed as he turned to try and take a -dignified- bite of pizza.
- Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy stops his hand with a slice of pizza that is halfway to his mouth. He blinks and looks at Richard. "Don't over exert myself with what, Mr. Stadler?" He one-handed folds the slice in half the way long way like a boss, and shoves a good deal of it in his mouth. "Ohmamthithogood!"
When Damian's name is mentioned, Freddy perks considerably and pays attention. His earlobes redden slightly. Definitely something going on there. He tugs his phone out of his pocket and peers at it. An uncharacteristic sad note touches his features and he slides the phone away. Then he wordlessly finishes devouring the piece of pizza, though now his heart isn't really in it. He hobbles over to where the drinks are to select one, but sort of half-heartedly digs around in the beverages, seemingly unable to decide on one.%
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Richard gives a quick nod over to Morrigan at the acknowledgement. "As well as I can be expected with the physical labor. Though I might just steal a few pieces of pizza and head to the Loop after just a short while." He gvies a bit of a warning of his own departure, before turning to the other two he'd been speaking...
But not after a curious look at Keli. Some odd technology there for a science fair project. Probably just another eccentric student, however.
Alfeid does get a raise of the eyebrows. "A butler? Here? I did know Happy Harbor was special, but I didn't expect someone with those sorts of means to be here. Pleanty of private schools out in Westchester or Long Island. I suppose that means that we have our work cut out for us!" He waves a hand, dismissively. "Though I wouldn't call myself a curator. I'll be happy if I can just get a handful of good students their regents and that everyone leaves my classroom knowing how vaccines work and that e.coli evolves." He mentions.
His own going for pizza is a single slice of pepperoni, folded, and a small bite taken. He didn't agree with Freddy's ferocious declaration when it came to it... but it honestly it wasn't half bad. "Never mind, Mr. Freeman. I think you have things well in hand." He notes. Not that his actions after he checks his phone aren't noticed. Certainly seemed to take the pep out of his step. Why that might be... well, it was something he might bring up? Lord, boundaries were hard to establish in this job.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette is always right. At least so she believes. However she's not acting on those cynical instincts, and did not overhear Delia's whispered comment to Mo, and is thus at least for a short while blissfully unaware that her presentiments of doom may be about to come true. Nevertheless she finds herself approaching said pending doom as she makes her way over to grab pizza.
Arriving at the food table, she greets Mo with both a nod and a spoken "Everything good over there, Doctor MacIntyre?" to save her the struggle of identifying who's greeting her through her currently blurred vision. Jason gets a nod too, and brief but curious once-over. Mo has a tendency to have such /unusual/ people in her orbit.
"I hope Damian had a fruitful summer, Mister Pennyworth?" Colette inquires. "He continues to excel here, academically." There may be something a touch pointed in the addendum. "His final year with us, I believe?"
"Damian Wayne," Colette clarifies for Richard's benefit. "As in Bruce Wayne, Wayne Industries, Wayne Manor and so forth. Hence not merely a butler, but an English butler too, judging by Mister Pennyworth's accent."
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
It is indeed three slices of pepperoni pizza on Tommy's plate as he slinks back out of the crowd, expression warring between grateful and embarrassed from Morrigan's generosity. But the greasy siren call of pizza wins out, and the wrinkle of his brow smooths as he takes his first bite.
There are plenty of options at the school for someone to retreat and scarf down some 'zza, but even Tommy isn't so antisocial that he's going to run off. And Keli is someone, Tommy suspects, he could probably get away with sitting next to and not really talking.
It's either that or she has some special niche interest that she'll talk his ear off about, and having just recently met someone with an encyclopedic knowledge of superheroes--someone who is also more than happy to share said encyclopedic knowledge--well, Tommy's not actually against it, as it turns out.
Nerds are pretty reliable like that.
But he gets close enough to recognize her, because up to this point he'd somehow missed the whole glowing green construct thing, and skids to a stop. There's probably a muttered swear word there (sorry, Headmistress MacIntyre) as he backpedals and starts making his escape in another direction.
What are the odds of meeting one of America's recruits here, of all places?
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
"Master Damian excels at -everything- he puts his mind to, miss," Alfred offers with a polite smile, though his demeanor seems more than a little defensive - as if the question were more than it seemed as he allowed Colette to expand on the topic. "I'm sure he'll continue to do so. He -is- a Wayne," he finished, before offering a nod and finishing his slice of pizza.
Arching his brows, he offered a bemused glance as he looked about the room - clearly not a typical subsect of the country - before turning back to Colette. "Is it typical for teachers to interact with students like this? I had expected to see... well - " the butler paused, laughing suddenly. "I had expected to see a single teacher, keeping an eye on things, but all this? Do the kids have the liquor stashed somewhere, Miss O'Connail?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile, "I apologize for my lack of manners, this is Jason Blood. Jason these are my students and fellow faculty." she introduces those that don't know the man that is orbitting her. She gives a look towards Alfred's voice, "I'm Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre, it's nice to meet you, Mister Pennyworth." she dips her head to him.
Then there is talk of a broken item, "What was broken, Delia?" she asks her. The teen girl gives a look around and then starts to pull Morrigan off to the side as she moves her arms about a bit wildly and talks. "Oh...Oh dear. Why would you bring something like that to school without asking first?" Morrigan's face scrunches up.
That's right before the lights go out above them.
"Here I was praying for a quiet night getting you settled back in." she huffs out. "If everyone will stay calm. I'm sure the power just cut out for a second...due to something..." she tells them.
Meanwhile, is it getting colder in here?
- Keli Quintela has posed:
Keli glances up as Tommy starts to approach, and waves--and then he backpedals and she blinks, muttering under her breath in Spanish. Something about shy people. But then she shrugs, and waves again, smiling for all she's worth. It's not until she drops her eyes back down to the pizza that her brow furrows just a little and her shoulders hunch.
Ironically enough, she probably /would/ have just sat there quietly. Maybe said hi. Alas, for Tommy's aversion to America's people.
She looks up again as the lights go out, and blinks. "Uhh." A pause. "Someone oughta flip the circuit breaker," she offers the suggestion, as she conjures a green glow about her gauntlet to make some light.
- Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy's gaze shifts over to the green glowing gauntlet. He makes a mental note. Then he produces a far more mundane light source. He tugs out his beaten up, held-together-with-tape phone and pops on the light. Oddly for the bottomless-pit teenager, he seems to have lost his appetite and instead just sort of quietly shines his phone light around the area. Although probably lost in the darkness, his left hand grips his crutch handle with just a touch of nervousness.
- Jason Blood has posed:
"A pleasure, all of you," offers Jason Blood as Morrigan makes the introduction. He does not supply any additional information, but he does manage something that resembles a smile.
That silence is broken however as the lights go out and the air turns chilly. He _immediately_ makes his way the small distance over to Morrigan, practically ratcheting himself to her side. Those that are close might hear him mumbling something that sounds like Latin.
He murmurms softly to Morrigan. "Something is amiss." Not that she could not tell herself, but...
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler does simply.. stare. Blinking for a moment, first at Colette when there's the reveal, and then to Pennyworth. "I'm sorry. Bruce Wayne? A nephew? Cousin? ...Does he have a son? I don't think I knew... well. That just... makes me question things a bit more. Not that I've visited Gotham more than looking across at it a few times from Metropolis, but that's a well known name. What the devil then is he doing here? No offense to Doctor MacIntyre, but with that money, I could think of at least a few schools on the Seaboard he could be going to."
There's a bit of a pause. "I don't suppose he'll need his biology credit next semester? I'd be glad to have him if he's looking for it, and lord knows I'm trying to fill that class up. But... well. This school is a bit unique. With a special class of students. Exceptional, really, who get into... exceptional situations. And teenagers being what they are, I think having a few of us monitoring-"
And then the lights go out. And Stadler swears under his breath, hopefully low enough that the students aren't going to be able to hear it, before fishing a penlight from inside his sport coat and clicking it on. "Yeah, sure, power went out just because. God, this place is making me paranoid... is it getting colder to anyone else?"
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
There's a brief moment as soon as the lights go out that Alfred moves - slipping with a casual grace to stand near Freddy. Anyone might note his initial reaction to Damian's name and then the insticntive reflex to shelter someone that may be close to one of his family. It was entirely casual though - the lope of an aged predator - as Alfred's eyes glanced about.
Those more inclined to observation might witness as Alfred's hands darted to his watch, tapping idly on his wrist his his glassses brought up an array of visual aids - thermals and biometrics - drawing on the Bat Family's tech to allow the butler a modicum of safety as he glanced around.
"Ah, and here I thought we had escaped Gotham," he quipped casually, casting a glance about the room while trying to parse through data connected to the youth and anything that might be relevant. My, how the times had changed since the Cold War.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Only half Wayne, Mister Pennyworth," Colette replies. There's a brief pause, just long enough for that statement to seem a little /curious/, but the other half of Damian's heritage is certainly not public knowledge. However the pause is ended with "Does that mean that Mister Wayne was twice as good a student?" so it probably meant nothing. "Damian is getting better all the time, you should be proud," she adds. It's a statement that both reinforces Alfred's defense of Damian and yet at the same time subtly undermines it. Colette seems to be a little tricksy.
She's about to address Alfred's questions when the lights go out, so she settles for a muttered "Not if I find the stash first" before sighing softly. "Mo, I'll go check the..." she glances Keli's way, nodding. "Circuit breakers." Raising her voice, she calls out "Everyone please don't move around too much and try not bumping into each other, we'll get this sorted out as soon as possible."
With that she makes her way, as promised, in the direction of the basement and the circuit breakers, successfully not bumping into anyone on her way, perhaps thanks to the green glow from Keli's summoned light. Maybe she's got a flashlight or something to help her find her way once she's out of range.
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
"Shit," Tommy says again (that was the bad language word he used before... sorry, Doctor MacIntyre) as the lights go out. A free hand digs into his pocket for his phone, only for him to come up empty-handed. Well, metaphorically. Because he has his phone, it's just that the battery is dead.
His backpedaling reverses, which... just means he's walking forward again. Back towards Keli, and the circle of green light her gauntlet provides. It's not that he's afraid of the dark or anything, he just has a healthy respect for, you know, not getting stabbed in the back because he can't see anything.
All he musters is an awkward "Hi" towards her. This is the worst. The voice inside his head discusses the pros of being back in juvie instead of here, right now, in this moment. Until he realizes he's old enough he'd be in gen-pop. Noooope.
He settles for cramming the last few bites of pizza into his mouth all at once (wait, where did the other two slices go?) and looks around with narrowed eyes as other clusters of people appear from the dark as they produce their own light sources.
A shiver crawls up his spine, and Tommy's weight shifts from one foot to the other, prepared to run. "Something's not right," he says. And then, "Look, it's not paranoia if they're really out to get you."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Ghostly green light? That draws something out of the darkness. Colette and Jason...or whoever else can see into the darkness and maybe see ghosts is greeted by the cheerful face of a blonde haired girl with ringlets in her hair and dressed in some 1800's looking clothing. She is definitely not from this era and given that Delia is frantic trying to tell Morrigan not to banish her friend it means that the ghost is somehow attached to the teen. She is drawn to Keli's strange contraption though.
"She's not going to hurt anyone!" Delia shouts. That shout coincides with the light coming back on. There's nothing that the others can see, but Colette and Jason can still see the younger girl investigating Keli and the light. Delia can apparently see her as well because she makes a bee line towards Keli, "She's just curious. I promise." she states quietly. "Oh crap, you guys can't see her." she sighs. "I'm sorry." she follows that with a frown.
- Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy apparently can't see anything out of the ordinary, but the lights are on. So he goes back to idly attempting to select a beverage.
- Keli Quintela has posed:
"Umm." Keli blinks at Delia, still holding the gauntlet aloft. "She... who?" She looks around in the dark but sees... very little, given the darkness and there only being the two lights and all.
"Hi," she responds to Tommy. "Can you see whatever... can /anyone/ see...?" She waves the gauntlet back and forth, trailing green light along with it. Oooh, pretty. "Also yeah did the AC kick on or something? Ayyy, you Americans need to just get used to heat."
Then she puts two and two together and /peers/ at Delia. "Wait a--okay, that's just--no /way/." Whatever she figured out, she's too excited to say it aloud, evidently.
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred makes a quick movement to interpose himself between Freddy and this 'girl,' scowling to himself. The movement comes only as the lights come back on so he might look more than a little foolish as he toys with his glasses. "Ah - beg pardon, Mister Freeman. I thought there was a wasp..." he explained, glancing over his shoulder with a wry grin. As things seemed to resolve to normalcy he turned about - if a with some trepidation - as he continued.
"Something you might not learn here," he continued, flashing a smile to some of the youth that might be about, "The bald faced, or white headed, hornet, will antagonize it's perceived opponents until death, and damn does it hurt to be stung by one," he finished with a dry laugh.
It was obvious Alfred was a little perturbed, glancing about in a hawkish fashion as he tried to alterate between furrowed examination and playing things lightly with whomever he was about.
- Jason Blood has posed:
"Ah, it is just a basic spectral presence," Jason murmurs to Morrigan. "I can assist."
He does not step away from Morrigan's side but he elevates the volume of his voice and projects at range.
"Please do not be alarmed, we are merely being visited by a presence of a student from some time ago, by the looks of her." He waves a hand to indicate where Keli is standing. "She is fascinated by your device, but rest assured, she means it and you no harm." He looks towards Delia. "She apparently has made herself in contact with that one, which I must say is always a rather deep honor. You should be proud of yourself for finding it within yourself to be accepting to her discourse."
Jason smiles to the children, and faculty as well. "So, as you can see, nothing to see here. We can proceed with the festive consumption of the pizza, and allow the spectral presence peace."
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler sadly has to relay on a pen light, and the Mark 1 Eyeball; it makes scanning for threats difficult in the darkness, and he has to remind himself to work over the students methodically, not to dart the light in a way that would draw confusion. Morrigan was probably more at home in the darkness currently than he was! It plays over Colette, then Alfred, to check, the latter's posture... a bit curious for a sudden issue like this, the light on him just for a moment, before it travels over to the twin that indicated people... not to hurt it. Oh, Lord.
He looks over to Alfred. "I don't like the idea of Ms. O'Connell going down to the breakers by herself, but goddamn if I don't like leaving my back to a place like this. Who in the hell-". He starts.
Befroe pausing, and turning, and staring at Jason. "I'm sorry, a student from some time ago? Would that be a ghost? Do you think maybe I'd want to be informed-" He starts, before taking a deep breath, and clicking his pen light off. "Just... No threat, then? I don't need to pull out a knife? Great, wonderful." He says, exhaling slowly, and then turning back to Alfred. "So. This is why we have a lot of teachers in these things."
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
With the lights coming back on, Colette finds her trip to the circuit breakers unnecessary, and backtracks in time to see Keli's lightshow attracting some unusual attention. She moves over, briskly, to where Delia and her ghost are heading Keli-wards. Though she's giving no particular sign of being able to see the blonde-haired ghosts, she /is/ giving Delia a bit of a dirty look.
"Might be a good idea to keep that construct running for now even though the lights are back on Keli," Colette says as she closes in on them. She gives a glance in Mo's direction, and another somewhat more suspicious one at Jason.
"Delia, would you like to explain?" Colette asks, in a perfectly pleasant voice that doesn't at this point sound like someone about to start issuing detentions. That may change at any moment, of course.
Can you issue detentions for students bringing ghosts to school? That may not be in the rules at this point. Probably counts as disruptive behavior, though.
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
When the lights come back on, Tommy looks like a terrified cat with its fur all puffed up. Admittedly that's just how his hair looks normally, but it's a fitting comparison in the moment. His shoulders have hunched up nearly to his ears and his head is moving fast enough back and forth as he looks for this mysterious unseen presence that all those rumors about him being fast might just be true.
"No, I don't see anything," he says to Keli. "You can't see anything? Can anyone seen--oh."
Now he's staring at Colette, because she's the nearest authority figure. "Where is she? Can I like--I don't want to run into, uh, through the ghost?"
Only a few moments ago he was considering how long he needed to wait before it was socially acceptable for him to go in for a second helping of pizza, but now Tommy just feels kind of queasy.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Delia looks distraught for the best word to come up with. "Sorry, Keli and Tommy." she tells them. The blonde haired ghost moves to stand behind Delia when she realizes that others can see her. "She's behind me." the red haired goth states. Then she gives a look to Jason, Colette and the others that seem to see her. "I...she showed up over the Summer. I told her she couldn't come to school with me, but I don't think we can part ways." she admits.
"It would appear that Delia is some sort of anchor...or has an anchor of some sort to her." Morrigan states. "I apologize for the interruption. We'll get this squared away. Non hostile ghosts should be fine...for now." she states.
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Limited to just sight, Alfred seems particularly aggravated - for anyone that knows him at least - as his brow furrows and he began to pad away from the group of students surrounding Freddy. "Probably just some minor power problem," he offers - as if the school wasn't used to things of this nature - while padding about and glancing around, always careful to keep the vague elctromagnetic signal of the ghost in his field of view.
Padding about the circumfrence of the room, he applies the typical logic that those familiar with the Wayne's might be familiar with - if in a more circuitous fashion as particular attention is given to some of the symbology in the common area.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Don't worry too much about it Tommy," Colette replies. She's still looking at Delia, but carefully not directly at Delia's companion, as she speaks. "I mean think about it. Approximately fourteen people have died for everyone one person who's alive today, so the density of ghosts on Earth is fourteen times the density of living people. You're probably walking through ghosts all the time, but never came to any harm before, did you?"
So reassuring! Her eyes glance Tommy-wards. "However mostly they don't manifest in any way. Probably something to do with residual life-force or something. Just try not running around too fast for her to react and I'm sure she'll avoid you. Ghosts are not something you generally need to worry about. At least if Doctor MacIntyre tells you it's fine, as she's saying right now."
Colette finally gives Delia a nod of her head, indicating any thoughts of detention have gone from her mind. This is definitely in Mo Will Deal With It territory. She lets her attention roam around the room, looking to see if there's any other potential source of problems, but fortunately Richard doesn't seem to be pulling a knife, and the Wayne butler is... huh. Casing the place, apparently.
- Jason Blood has posed:
"Long ago, as in likely centuries based around the style of dress and hair," says Jason in the direction of Richard, to satisfy his curiousity. "Either which way, some time ago, with regards to the relevance. And if she has chosen Delia to be an anchor, that speaks to some inherent empathy on the part of the child which allows her to serve as a conduit for the spectral energies. Which is really quite extraordinary."
Jason turns his attention to Delia. "You have a gift, child. If you ever wish to explore it, I am sure that we could find some tutelage for you." He turns to regard Morrigan, realizing that she is addressing the issue. "It would appear to be safe, at least, for everyone now. I apologize if I overstepped."
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler just exhales once more at the anoucement that there's a ghost that one of the students met, that one of the students had told said ghost she couldn't come, and, like a rather eager puppy, the ghost seems to have ignored that directive. Floating about hither and yon in a way that Rick couldn't even begin to follow. Certainly, there had to be some tech, some scholorship on the issue... Could he hold an experiment with that? Or was that the analytical parts of his brain once again protecting him from gibbering madness? No, no, that was the fact that he just had to pinch the bridge of his nose just below his glasses and just... let it go.
Not without some snark. "Ms. O'Connall, please tell me, if, in the student handbook, there was anything I missed about the world beyond the mortal veil, because I didn't see a gosh darned thing." He grumbles, as more experienced hands deal with the ghost and her unwitting anchor. "Just... there are times like this I wish the next crisis was an envelope filled with white powder. I can deal with that. THat's the easy part of it."
Alfred, however, gets a bit of a look as he circles the place, furrowing his brow. Now what the devil was that butler looking at? And the way he carried himself... This wasn't his first time. With ghosts? Danger? Who the hell knows. None of this was simple.
Well. "I suppose if she's from a few centuries ago, she'd be... curious as to... all this."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Padding back toward Freddy, Alfred fixes the group dealing with the 'ghost' with a steady glare for a moment. "Mr. Freeman - I think... well... you go to a very unique school," he began, offering a grin. "But we -may- be in the clear. Have you ever seen the Ghostbusters?" he asked, quizzicly. While remaiing ont he alert, he seemed to have turned his attention back toward the youth, playing the role he was most comfortable with.
"I don't imagine you have, it's rather a silly question..."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan can see the ghost. It's odd. She's not blurry to her. She looks around to the others and nope, vision is still blurry. What was that doing. She looks to Colette and then to Jason...or in their directions, "Thank you both for the assist. And no, Jason, you didn't overstep. This is just something new for us." she admits. "Delia, maybe you can tell us where you first encountered her?" she asks. "Cocaine or Anthrax, Mister Stadler?" she poses the question to the man.
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
At his sides, Tommy's hands flex into fists and then relax. "I know you're saying 'don't worry too much' but then you go and tell me that and nowthat'sallIcanthinkaboutwhywouldyou--"
It goes on for a bit, his words too run-together for there to be any point in trying to decipher it, but at the end he throws his hands up into the air in clear dissatisfaction as he spins on his heels and stalks off.
If he's muttering "Excuse me, ghost; sorry, ghost, just gotta squeeze through here," to himself as he goes, that's Tommy's own business and not anyone else's.
To be fair it's mostly said facetiously. Like, at least seventy five percent... okay, maybe sixty-something.
- Keli Quintela has posed:
With the lights back on, Keli turns off her gauntlet, cheeks flushing darker. "Ahh... well. Glad to entertain the... ghost?" She peers at Colette. "That can't be right. They can't all be walking around still. Isn't there, like, places they're supposed to go? I mean, that seems like..." She chews on the inside of her cheek, pondering.
"...I'm gonna ask if GIRL knows anything about studying ghosts," she mutters to herself. Idly, really. It's not a /huge/ area of interest.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
The answer to Tommy's 'why would you' is 'because Colette', but that's something he'll have to learn for himself. She has a talent for being worrying unreassuring in her reassurances.
"I think there's something on page forty," Colette says to Richard. "Along the lines 'expect the unexpected'. That goes tenfold for Happy Harbor. But don't worry too much about it, you'll get used to it before long."
Is that really something you want to get used to? Does that seem like a remotely healthy thing? Probably not. Unreassuring reassurances. "Ghosts are a thing. So are aliens and monsters and all kinds of other things you /really/ don't want to think about."
She follows Richard's gaze to Alfred, and tilts her head in Richards direction to whisper "Ex-military, bet you."
Keli, poor Keli, just gets a smirk. If you think about it, this is good teaching practice. Keli's going to be /studying/ now.
Colette wanders back to the food table to get herself the slice of pizza she'd missed out on getting herself earlier. "No problem Mo," she says in reply to the principal. "Just another day at Happy Harbor, right?"
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler waggles a finger over in Morrigan's direction at her clarification request. "That'd be telling, wouldn't it, Doctor MacIntyre. I'm sure you'd be able to handle the latter, though. Was hearing about those cases left and right after 9/11, so it seems easy enough." He notes, before grabbing another slice of pizza, and collapsing in a chair, eyes still in the open air above him, as if he expects some spectre to appear from out of nowhere and snatch the slice from him.
"Hey, I plan for the unexpected, but there's something to be said for outside context problems. I should /hope/ at least I get used to it enough to plan for things like this. And don't lump aliens in with all of that. I know aliens exist. God knows I've seen enough of them a decade ago to understand that. But you'd expect I'd've seen more ghosts by now, really. Sure though. Just another day at Happy Harbor."
And to Colette's whispered guess, Stadler movees to whisper back. "Strong possiblity. Sometimes it can be tough to tell, though. Veterans are everywhere, you know."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Eat and hang out a bit. We'll get stuff sorted. I promise." Morrigan states. "At least nothing blew up." she whispers to Colette. Then she gives a careful turn towards Jason, "Well, I'm guessing that this was a more eventful evening than was intended, but thank you for helping with things. Both mundanely and supernaturally." she tells him with a smile.
"Delia, go get some food and chill out. I know that it would seem that you did something wrong, but you haven't. Ghosts are things that a lot of people don't know how to deal with. We'll need help as Jason has pointed out." she states.
Amusingly help was right under the roof, they just didn't know it yet.
- Jason Blood has posed:
Finally, there is an earnest smile out of Jason Blood, as he nods to Morrigan. "Any time," he says, inclining his head to her. Old habits are hard to break.
He tilts his head a bit, and for a moment it appears as if he listening to something, something only he can hear. His face twists briefly into an expression of perhaps minor annoyance. He glance at Morrigan again, and manages that smile again - only this time it is clearly weaker, and forced.