12352/Happy Harbor Fall Festival
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Happy Harbor Fall Festival | |
Date of Scene: | 07 October 2022 |
Location: | Harbor Road and Main Street |
Synopsis: | The 2022 Happy Harbor Fall Festival goes off without a hitch! |
Cast of Characters: | Morrigan MacIntyre, Michael Hannigan, Vivian Vision, Tawky Tawny, Bunny Macleod, Peter Parker, Matthew Murdock, Billy Batson, Sunny Harlow, Tommy Shepherd
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
It is the big day of the Happy Harbor Fall Festival! It's nice and cool today. Perfect weather to break out sweaters, boots and all the basics of the Autumn wardrobe for those that want to go all out. There are boothes that line the streets for different businesses and there are plenty of food trucks and food boothes to sample the local fare from places that are around town and some that aren't.
The place is decorated for Halloween in certain spots. Pumpkins have been deposited on the sidewalks along with scarecrows and other fall type decorations. There are activities that people can do to win prizes, which consist of gift cards, electronics and other various prizey things! There is also rides, which is a pull for teens and others.
And then there is PUNKIN CHUNKIN! Have you ever wanted to load a pumpkin into a slingshot like contraption and see how far you can fling it?! Today is for you then!
Costumes are welcome at the festivities. As is having FUN.
Happy Harbor High School has a booth set up and Morrigan is manning it along with the help of Duncan this evening. They are handing out information about the school and giving away little flags with Hank the Harbor Seal on them away. They are really adorable, really.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Along with the excuse to break out the sweaters and boots is the excuse to drink some of the more seasonal drinks. While it may not be pumpkin spice, apple cider does check that box. Holding a cup containing such a drink, Mike comes to a sudden stop, hand shifting to keep the contents from sloshing out.
As for the reason of the sudden stop, Mike looks to one of the young festival goers darting around with their mother in hot pursuit. A soft smile forms upon the musician's lips for a few moments before he brings the cup up to his lips for a sip.
- Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision isn't much of a Halloween lover in general. Why celebrate ghosts and supernatural things when they're usually trying to get up to mischief? Or worse still just a creepy old guy wearing a mask trying to scare the townsfolk as part of a land deal...
But part of learning about Humans means embracing cultural events and doing her bit to show school spirit. Which is how she's ended up at the Fall Festival in a costume.
What costume you might ask? Maria from the 1927 sci-fi cult classic Metropolis. Of course she's cheating with a holographic costume for maximum realism and minimum actual effort.
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
Tawny has been lurking in the trees on the outskirts, watching the setup of the event with eager anticipation. Especially the food trucks that have been making his nose twitch as the delicious smells waft out. Now that he's got Shazam's blessing to mingle, he's just been waiting for the appropriate moment to make his entrance. As the streets begin to fill with people, some of them even in costume, he decides there's no better time than the present.
And so a huge tiger arrives on the scene from one of the side streets. He's not in costume, not really, but he does cause several double-takes and exclamations of, "Whoa, sweet costume dude!" and the like from the ubiquitous teens milling around. He waves a little shyly to anyone who makes eye contact, and seems to be just settling in (you can tell because his tail was a little poofed up but the hairs begin to lie flat again) - when a small child rams into his knees. Perhaps the same one that nearly tripped up Mike, perhaps another; there are certainly enough of them around.
"Whoa there!" he exclaims in a deep, friendly baritone as he stoops to catch the tyke.
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
Bunny loved Halloween. Any excuse to throw candy at small children and laugh maniacally as you skate away into the night to trip up bullies is a good excuse, and Halloween happens to be the ONE time where she can dress her 'normal' and she fits right in.
So tonight, the short skater is wearing a rainbow tutu, blue tights, bright 80's pink sweater sleeves, neon orange and green eyeshadow, purple lip color and with her hair dyed her usually Brilliant Pink, the only thing she's really added has been a pair of fairy wings. She wears her normal pink helmet with the bunny ears on it, playing a 1930's Jazz rendition of THRILLER from a clip-on bluetooth speaker.
She is trailing glitter as she goes.
- Peter Parker has posed:
Dressed for the weather in a turtle neck and a vest, Peter Parker has a camera hanging around his neck as he walks up and down the booths. He occasionally lifts it up to snap a photo, either for himself or the Bugle perhaps. As he spots Tawny he breaks out into a grin. "Whoa, that's greeeeeeeeeaaaaat!" He throws one hand forward to give a big giant thumbs up as the other hand holds up the camera to take a snapshot of the tiger "costume"(?).
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
There is a very large crow that is sitting on top of the Happy Harbor High School booth and Morrigan's keeping track of it since it is one of hers, "You guys don't need anymore snacks." the Irish woman mutters to them. It caws at her and she sticks her tongue out at it. She wasn't in the best of moods, but she's painting on a smile when she sees people approaching or is needed to talk.
"You sure you don't want to take a break or let us handle this?" Duncan asks her.
"I'm really okay." she tells him.
There's a loud 'THUNK' from the other side of the festival going on and there are happy shouts as the Punkin Chunkin' starts. Apparently this one one of the main events.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
While the one that runs into Tawny may not have been the same one, the general proximity does allow for Mike to hear the collision. The sound of kid running smack into something solid is a bit of a distinct sound. Laughter, Squeals. A sudden stunned silence, and then usually-
The smile fades as the musician looks warily over to the scene of the accident. The visual of the tiger-man speaking to the child in a friendly tone was not expected. But it's an odd enough sight the musician feels compelled to stroll over.
"I know a few people who'd probably say they love your look."
Hearing the cereal commercial reference, Mike turns his head to see Peter taking a picture of Tawny. While he's aware that he's not the focus of the picture, he ends up smiling too. Habit.
- Matthew Murdock has posed:
A black Uber pulls up and a student steps out of the car on one side, while a man with dark glasses gets out of the other. Matt Murdock unfolds his white cane and walks around the back of the car, fingers brushing it until he finds the curb on the other side and steps up onto it.
"Thanks for taking me to the Festival," the girl says to Matt Murdock. He gets a soft smile and nods his head to her. "I'm happy to help. I know your mom wanted you to be able to come tonight."
The girl lets out a puff of air. "Yeah. Until the divorce is final and she gets child care she's going to have to keep doing late shifts."
Matt says, "Well, my partner and I will try to see a swift resolution to her case, I promise. But for now? Go enjoy yourself like she wanted."
The girl looks to his cane. "Ok, you'll be alright?" Matt's nod back to her is enough and she heads off. The blind man stands still as if listening and getting his bearings.
- Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson finds the fall festival easy enough. His costume, may have benefited a little from the Speed of Mercury. It was a quickly embellished blue and red hoodie that completely enclosed the face. He addd blue tights, red boots and gloves and hey presto -your friendly neighborhood Spider-Fan! It even says Spider-Fan on a lanyard around his neck. The Spider-Fan unzips the hood/mask revealing Billy Batson, who looks around for anyone he knows. So Sunny said she'd be here. Ah, he sees the tiger and grins. He somehow took a liking to the big pooka immediately, like they knew each other for years.
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
Tawny is just booping the little girl on the nose, eliciting a giggle (there's your money photo, Pete) when he realizes that actual adult humans are talking to him. How wonderful! He beams brightly, displaying a mouthful of large, realistic looking teeth, and returns Peter's thumbs-up with a wave.
"Thanks!" he replies to Mike, as he gently turns the girl around and sends her back off to her mother with a little pat on the back. "I'm new around here. This seems like such a nice, friendly place!" He stands up, nearly six and a half feet tall in his bare feet, and offers Mike a hand to shake. "My name's Tawky Tawny. You can call me either! What's your name?"
- Peter Parker has posed:
Oh, Peter was right on the money with that one. The kind of photo that might even melt J. Jonah Jameson's heart. If he had one, of course.
He almost is ready to let the camera fall away when he spies Billy Batson. A grin on his face, he lines up a shot with him and the tiger in the background just so. That way when he sends the photos to JJJ, there's at least a little bit of Spider-love there. He will take what he can get. *clickclickclick*
He continues to glance around, looking to see if there is anyone that he knows, even though he is vastly out of his element. But this has been the week of fall festivals, and he ran into an old friend at another one, so who knows?
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
A festival in her hometown, Sunny had arrived! It wasn't exactly a super long flight from New York after all! Her own form was wrapped in costume, the bright orange skirt, tiara and wrist-length white gloves completing the look for the blonde of a classic magical girl. The craftsmanship even seemed pretty decent, but then again she'd had a bit of practice repairing her suits of late! Lazily making her way into the space, a beaming smile on her face as she moves to join the festivities...and immediately spots the blind man standing off to oneside!
Ever the helpful soul she made her way over, the teen tilting her head. "Did you need a hand finding something to eat? Somewhere to sit?"
Almost painfully wholesome, but at least it was genuine!
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
Bunny skates around, eyes taking in the sights, swinging her bright pink pumpkin about and tossing bite-sized snickers or dumdums at people as she skates around with the music playing -- the Tiger catches her attention, making her smile as she flits about on her skates with music playing, rubbing the back of her neck a moment with a light-up star wand. "Man, there are a lotta people here.." she trails off a moment, circling back around throught he crowd, finding the holes for her to dart through.
- Matthew Murdock has posed:
The noise of the festival carries so much information with it as Matt focuses on one sound after another. The sense of all the bodies in the area, moving to meet up with friends, waiting in lines, or watching the entertainment, takes him awhile to sort through.
As Sunny comes over, Matt turns slowly to face her as she address him. "I was thinking something to eat would really hit the spot," he tells her. Between the ride to Staten Island and then picking up his client's daughter, he hasn't had dinner yet. "Maybe you could assist me by telling me what all they have for sale?" he asks.
- Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson swerves from the path he was taking towards Mike and Tawny as he spots Sunny and . "Hey! Thwip! Thwip! " he says to her, miming shooting webs at her and then reeling her in. He walks over and says, "Hello, sir," to Matt. "Do you mind if I join you and my friend?" Wow, friend indeed!
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
There is another 'THUNK!', followed by a chorus of 'THUNKS!' as pumpkins of all shapes and sizes are launched on those large slingshot machines. People are racking up records for distance it looks like. Ries are going and there is more food being fried and sold. It's a busy and eventful night. Perfect for everyone looking for fun. As the sun starts to slink lower there are bright neon lights that start to flicker on.
The atmosphere of the festival is warm and welcoming, which is a pretty normal thing for Happy Harbor.
There is a small bear of a black Tibetan Mastiff that finds his way to the Happy Harbor High School booth and wags himself behind the tables to sit down in between the chairs, he's wearing one of the schools shirts, but it makes his fur stick out everywhere, "Rio, you're looking...adorable." Morrigan tells her Herald. He chuffs at her and she laughs.
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
Bunny skates up to the Happy Harbor High School booth, and she sllloooooows down, the manic-rainbow-pixie with the bright blue eyes and bunny ears on her helmet looks at the highschool banner, and the dog in the shirt, and she gives a grin. The LED's on her fairy wings pick up and flash in a gentle rainbow pattern.
"Awww! What a small bear!" she jokes, slowing to a stop on her skates before she turns properly to the booth.
"Didn't know there were bears in down! Howyah keep 'em in line?" she asks, looking to Morrigan.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the Tiger man stands up straight, Mike tilts his head up. The presence of actual looking teeth does help connect the dots. That. Is definitely not a costume. As the furry hand is offered over, Mike takes the offered limb to shake it. "Michael Hannigan." He offers back to Tawny, "You can call me Mike. And welcome to Happy Harbor. It is a pretty welcoming place with a pretty diverse community."
Getting a glimpse of someone in a Spider-suit but showing a more familiar face from, Mike lifts up his newly freed hand to wave to the younger man. "Oh hey Billy! It's been awhi-."
Seeing Billy change directions, the musician shrugs and looks back to Tawny. "Are you enjoying the festival?"
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Sure! Let's go check things out!" Sunny offers brightly before looking over, spotting the Tiger man and Mike before blinking. "Oh that's neat!" she begins only to look up as Billy arrives, giving a bright grin at the littles 'whip' display and then nodding her head. "We were just about to go and have a look at what food they had around here!" she begins only to look sideways towards Matt and offering a little movement next to Matt. "Oh! I'm Sunny by the way! What are you feeling like Mr...?"
- Peter Parker has posed:
Trotting over after Billy, Peter tries to catch up. "Hey, do you mind if I get your name and permission to use your photo in The Daily Bugle?" he asks as he draws closer, following along with him as he heads towards Bunny and Matt. He glances towards Tawny as he goes by, but as far as he knows there is no legal requirement if the face is not visible under the mask, and _surely_ there is a tiger _mask_ and not a tiger _face_, right?
- Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt Murdock hears Billy's question and says, "No, I don't mind at all." He doesn't quite look directly at Billy, just over in the direction his words came from. After, Matt turns back towards where Sunny is at. "Thank you Miss. My name is Matt. I brought one of the students whose mother couldn't make it," he explains.
He doesn't have a costume. Unless someone assumes the glasses and cane are one. Matt's wearing a suit. It's neither expensive nor tailored, but looks nice enough on him.
As they move over towards the food, Matt inhales, his powerful sense of smell letting him identify individual ingredients, how old things were before being cooked. He has quite a fussy pallet as one might guess.
Picking out chicken strips as something that smells freshest, he replies to Sunny, "Do they have any chicken? Something easy to eat like chicken strips maybe?"
- Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson turns to Peter and grins. "Sure! Just don't use it to make Spidey look bad. He actually gave me an interview for my podcast... also showed me where to get the best schwarma. Oh, uhm, would you take a picture with my friend here? You can use my phone." He holds up what Sunny might recognize as a new though used phone and tries to slip and arm around her waist. "Excuse us a second Mr. Matt. Be glad to let you have her to yourself in a second." He does a web shooter sign with his free hand.
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
Lucky guess from Matt! Or...well, Sunny figures he can probably smell fine so... "Yeah! I think I spot some over there!" she begins before spotting Peter walking over, a grin from the costumed 'Senshi' before she starts to urge Matt towards the tables. "There's some right up here-oh!" she begins only to give a little eek as she's pulled at by Billy. "Hey! Let me at least make sure he gets there first!" she pouts. Ever concerned, but then this was the girl who literally stopped to help get cats out of trees and balls off rooftops all the time.
- Peter Parker has posed:
"Oh, trust me, I would never. I make sure I only send the best shots to the Bugle, and nothing compromising." Peter nods as Billy makes his request, and reaches out to accept the phone. "Sure thing." He starts to line up the shot. "I think, like a lot of other people, that Spider-man gets a raw deal from the Bugle. He is just out there doing what he can to help people, you know?" He snaps a photo and then hands it back to Billy.
He then looks to Matt. "I can go grab you some," he offers, allowing the party of three to remain intact. Having taken his photos, Peter does not really have anything better to do, so why not help out the blind man and his friends?
- Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt Murdock gives the younger pair a smile. "I can probably manage if you just point me in the right direction," he says. He has that cane to tap his way forward with. But then Peter Parker is offering, and Matt says, "Sure, thank you." He pulls out his wallet and gets some cash from it, holding it out for Peter to take. "Just, a plate or basket or whatever they have. If they have honey mustard, and bbq sauce those would be nice," he says.
The scent of an animal Matt's not quite sure what it is makes him pause, drawing in a slow, deeper breath as Tawky's scent comes his way on the wind.
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
"Oh yeah," Tawny enthuses, "there's so many people to meet, and so many delicious smells, and I definitely want to try throwing one of those pumpkins!" He also notices Billy's sudden change of direction, but he just grins when he sees who he's meeting up with. He's made himself a promise not to do any teasing of young love tonight.
His ears are flicking this way and that, trying to keep up with all of the different sounds, from the rides to the barkers to the general swell of human voices. Something about a bear stands out in his auditory processing, and he looks around curiously to see if someone actually has a pet bear in attendance. Billy /had/ told him he'd have no trouble fitting in, but thus far he hasn't seen any large predators other than himself.
"Diverse is great for me," he says earnestly. "I'm sure hoping I can find someone who'll give me a job. My last one, uh... well, ended. And I'm sure you can imagine it's not easy for a talking tiger to fit into the work force!"
- Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson lets Sunny go. Reluctantly. "Okay, I actually know Nick Drago and the Tiger guy he's talking to. Imma say hello. Why don't you come over after getting food?" Billy turns back and makes his way to Tawny and Mike. He gives Tawny a clap on the shoulder. "Hey Mr. Tawny, Mr. Hannigan. I see you met. I couldn't help overhearing, Mr. Tawny... I'm actually good at scoring jobs, just not as good at keeping them." Little smile at Mike. "I think you should ask D. MacIntyre is she could use someone with your qualifications. I mean she has students and teachers of every stripe." Oh yeah he said it. He zips his mask back up.
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
Okay, Matt seems to be sorted by Peter, good deed relay passed along, she does at least smile. "I hope you enjoy them!" she offers Matt before she does turn on her spot and make to catch up with Billy for whereever he was trying to pull her to, the blonde girl tilting her head and folding her arms. "So what's up?"
- Peter Parker has posed:
In the time that it took Peter to obtain the chicken tenders and appropriate sauces for Matt, it appears that the blind man has been left bereft of his former company. "Where'd the Spider-fan go?" he asks the blind man, before realizing that, of course, he is unlikely to be able to point him in the proper direction. Instead, Peter extends the basket of tenders to the man. "Here you go," he says, his other hand waiting to provide the change as well. He is not entirely sure the best way to offer things to him without offending, so just kind of holds them out in the hopes that Matt can find them.
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
A shock of white is visible amongst the crowd over at ye olde punkin' chunkin'. It's not just Tommy's hair, it's his entire getup. Puffy coat, jeans, even his sneakers. How he's managing to avoid pumpkin guts getting splattered all over himself is a mystery.
(It may have something to do with superspeed).
But he's apparently had his fill of wanton vegetable discussion, because he's making his way over to the booths. Namely, the food ones. He side-steps around Tawky with a casual "Sup Tony," before he zips his way towards the line for the chicken tenders, only to be waylaid by someone handing out candy.
"Only for people in costumes," she says as Tommy reaches for one. Not that she notices he's already snagged one via a don't-blink-and-you'll-still-miss-it grab.
Annnd he's already chewing through a mini Snickers bar. "What are you talking about?" he asks. "I'm a marshmallow, clearly."
- Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt Murdock reaches out his hands for Peter to be able to set the things into them, rather than feeling around. "Thank you, very much appreciated. Was in court and left straight from there to come here and meals were few and far between," he comments.
"Spiderfan? I'm not sure who that was. The boy? He and the girl stepped away," he confirms. "So people are in costumes then? Does my overworked lawyer costume fit in well enough?" he asks.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike smiles to the general confirmation. "I could only imagine." He acknowledges, "But if you got some marketable skills there are a few friendly businesses in the area that might be interested."
When Billy comes in to lead directly to mentioning the school, Mike gives a nod in confirmation. "That would be one of the friendly potential employers." Mike confirms, "Billy worked at another one for a little bit. But classwork does come first." He pauses, looking to Billy, "Oh did you ever check out the Happy Harbor studio location before dropping?"
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
"Hi, Billy!" Tawny returns the greeting cheerfully. Students, teachers? "You mean a job at the school? Gosh, that'd be great, but what qualifications do I have that she'd want? Usually people see tiger and they just think about the claws and the teeth. I think I'd be a great librarian though. The W-- that, uh, friend I was telling you about? He had so many books. I could read for hours!"
"Oh, actually it's pronounced 'Tawny'," he calls politely after Tommy's back.
He turns back and gives Sunny a friendly nod and smile (those big white fangs, again) as she joins the group. "Hi! Billy here was just telling me he could help me find a job."
- Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson beans at Sunny when she catches up. "Sunny I used to work for Mr. Hannigan here. He's in the music and entertainment business. This is my new friend, Mr. Tawny. We were discussing where he could find a job... did you get taller or something... oh. Heels. You look great. Oh. Mr. Hannigan, Mr. Tawny, this is my... friend Sunny." How many dates before he CAN call her a girlfriend? They traveled a half million miles together already.
"I'm sorry, Sunny. I was kind of caught up in the moment and dragged you away. I don't want to keep you. Go help that man." Lie. An utter lie. But for the right reason.
- Peter Parker has posed:
"Ah, yeah, that costume _totally_ works," replies Peter, with a bit of a grin. "Perfectly conveys it." He takes a step back and smiles, and then realizes that smiling at a blind man is not really effective. But of course, you can hear a smile, so. "Enjoy your chicken!" he says, before slipping away to leave the lawyer in peace.
Peter looks around for a few moments. Not spotting anyone else that he knows, he takes a few more establishing shots, making sure to get varying backgrounds, and then he drops the camera back down. He checks his pad for the information on the people he photographed, and then starts heading out. With a brief stop at the pumpkin slingshot on the way. Cannot leave without giving that a whirl!
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a slight smile. "Well, technically he was working for Shaw Studios. I act as a liaison between the studio and the school for some work study opportunities."
Mike looks over to Tawny, "Speaking of the school and Mo. I do believe she's at the festival. We might be able to find her around one of the main events if you'd like to look?"
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
Pumpkins get squashed, and Bunny turns just in time to catch a white blur pass her by -- she raises a hand and -- oh, he's gone. She lets her shoulders drop a little, and rubs the back of her neck again with the sparkle wand, and gives a shrug, and skates off to sling more candy at strangers, complete with Bunny-fide helmet ears sparking up.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look up and there's a bit of a smile, but she seems to have missed Bunny, "I really should have stayed home and continued to eat my weight in ice cream." she whispers to herself.
"We could still do that your Highness." Rio states as he jumps up into one of the chairs and sits down on it.
She turns to the large dog and reaches out to ruffle the fur on his face, "No, we don't have time to mope. I'm sure he'll turn up again sometime." she tells him. "For now, we've got teens to teach and guide." the woman states.
- Tawky Tawny has posed:
"Oh, I wouldn't want to bother her with work stuff at a festival," Tawny says, because he feels like that's what he should say, but it's kind of obvious from his expression that he's pretty excited about the idea. "But... maybe if we just said hi," he suggests. Surely that wouldn't be inappropriate.
A growl suddenly emits, not from his throat but from his midsection, and he smiles sheepishly. "Maybe we could... bring her some of those chicken strips I've been smelling?"
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
Apparently Tommy's costume doesn't qualify as a costume. Not that it matters, really, because he's snagged more than his fair share of candy admist the debate, and now the pockets of his coat are even puffier. Which just makes him even more marshmallow-like, right?
He's in the line for the chicken strips now, though. The price of which has him making faintly aggrieved noises at the end of the queue, because the crux of his argument was that flashy costumes are expensive and he has bills to pay.
Which, does he? Who knows.
Still, Tommy's in line, hands shoved in his pocket, looking despondently at the menu.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Do me a favor." Morrigan looks to Riordan. Then she pulls a twenty out of her pocket. She tucks it into his collar and sends him off to deliver it. It's target? Tommy!
The mastiff trundles over to Tommy, "Psst, kid, the Doctor sends her regards." the Irish sounding dog tells him and dips his head to show the money. When Tommy has taken the money Riordan returns to the redhead.
- Tommy Shepherd has posed:
Random animals approaching him is not something Tommy's experienced with. He's no Disney princess, not by a long shot. But then this giant dog starts talking at him, which is -- believe it or not -- weird enough that it comes full circle back to normal.
"What?" he asks, though, because he's still in that stage of his life where he's refusing to accept that this is just going to be how it is forever. But then he does the double-take between the dog and Morrigan and then the dog and then back to Morrigan and then...
Okay well he does this all at superspeed so there's not much to actually see. But he does take the twenty dollar bill. "Tell the Professor thanks for me, and uhh... good boy?"