12403/Empires and Queendoms
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Empires and Queendoms | |
Date of Scene: | 11 August 2022 |
Location: | The Empire Club - Lounge |
Synopsis: | Two damsels of different kinds of darkness talk about schemes and the way the world works. |
Cast of Characters: | Emma Frost, Satana Hellstrom
- Emma Frost has posed:
The Empire Club isn't her normal locale, and she's technically not a member. But fortunately such a thing is rather simple to purchase without too much trouble. So a short time on the phone, a large amount of money exchanging hands, an dhte issue of not being amongst the normal clientelle is resolved. Emma Frost would sway her way on in, going to slide down over to a seat while glancing over at the things put out by the old explorers.
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana isn't exactly on any lists either, but that's never been a problem for her. If anything, she'd almost rather be someplace that tries to keep her out. She's a nosy type and she likes to see what people try to hide from her. Disappointingly, this time it's just some overcooked pasta and a piece of salmon straight from the tank. Blech.
She perks up at the sight of Emma Frost's arrival. She's wearing black leather fingergloves, tight pants and a fishnet tank top over a t-shirt with a picture of pastry that says TART. "Hello there, queenie," Satana purrs from red painted lips..
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Satana and raise her drink over in a casual salute, "Greetings." She would note to the succubus, "I do hope that you've been well.. I don't think we've ever had the chance to do more than engage in banter in passing. Please do feel free to join me." She would gesture over at the woman in welcome and an indication to take a seat over by her as she would recline.
"I take it that things have been well and you've remained.." She would grin, "Healthy." Yes, Emma knew to a degree what she was.
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana smiles and takes a seat, a hint of fang in her smile. "Sometimes it's like that. We're swimming against the same currents, it isn't always easy to say hello in passing," she smiles. She knew enough of Emma Frost - that she was powerful and wealthy and dangerous in her own way. She didn't know precisely what power Emma might hold, but she was something, there was no doubt of that, but Satana mostly just found her interesting - she was neither prey nor enemy.
- Emma Frost has posed:
When's one interests didn't necessarily align but there was no reason to be adversarial, a detente often existed between the rich and powerful. Particularly amongst the dangerous. "Yes, I'm sure we both have more than enough things to.. Engage our interest in. Care for a drink?" Gesturing over at the bartender.
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana smiles, "Oh, he knows my tastes, don't you, darling?" she says, winking at a young man with a slight mustache, making the man's face color as he rapidly gets a red wine for Satana, of her preferred vintage, "I do appreciate some of the work mutants have done in this world. I enjoy no longer having to hide my horns when I walk amongst the sheep," she says. "They aren't even afraid anymore, the young ones. Just curious. They want to touch the horns," she laughs.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just laugh over at Satana, "I see. Should they not be also trying to pull your tail or is that something beyond you will tolerate happening?" A light tease given over to Satana. "One might think you almos tenjoyed it then if you partook of such offers."
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana shifts in her seat a bit, "The tail is optional, both for me and for others, although I find it enjoyable. Humans need to be reminded that these are animal shapes they walk around in," she says. "I suppose I do, too, but breeding can mean so very much. And yes, I prefer to be regarded with curious wonder than fear. I mean, don't get me wrong, feaer has it's place. But I can always create fear whenever I need it. It's no great trick, making people afraid."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes, after all, what is a lady without her claws? Always ready whether or not they are unsheathed." She would give a nod over at Satana as the redheaded demoness would elaborate, the two chatting back and forth. "So shall I then?" She would muse over.
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana hadn't expected Emma to actually take her up on the offer, but isn't about to back down now. She reaches up to scoop her red hair with a hand, sliding it back over to one side and turning her head a bit to bare one side of her neck and offering up the small points of her horns, just above her eyebrows.
"I'm afraid they aren't very sensitive. Just nobs of bone, really. Of course, they're still part of me and I tend to be more...reactive than most to touch."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost goes to very, very slowly smile, "I see then." She would casually take ehr hand up and over to give a light stroke of the horns. And Emma gently goes into the demoness' consciousness and plays up their sensitivity. Firing off Satana's mind so they would feel like a cat being scritched behind the ears. Perhaps even for the demoness this could come as a surprise, or an instinctive attempt to bat lightly like a feline at it.
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana does have a slightly feline response, her mouth falling open and her fangs growing more prominent, unsheathing a bit top and bottom. Her eyelids close, long-lashed and elegant and the fork in her tongue is on display as it lolls out. She feels the fingers brush along her horns and opens her eyes again, catching Emma's gaze as she feels that light telepathic touch on her mind, "How doy ou like them?" she asks simply.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "I do believe they are quite.. Darling." She would smile, and keep on over with the stroking. Still attempting the light mental tingle ofs ensation even as Satana would shift her form to showcase herself so long as there was no resistance to it.
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana is very much like a serpent coiled in her basket, allowing herself to be caressed but no less dangerous for all that. Her mind feels strange to Emma - she can do as she pleases, radiate a tingle at her, but the succubus is already aflame, always aflame. It is part of her nature and she basks in a bit of attention to her, preening momentarily as her green eyes shine. "They're my Princess Thorns," she teases. "A mark of my station."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would coo, "I see. Something precious and unique." Emma adjusts herself to the succubus' mind. Unique and exotic. Foreign. Emma goes to shift to match the perspective of it. Guiding herself while also guarding herself telepathically. Stroking ever so more dotingly. "And do you enjoy being a rose that is to be plucked?"
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana cocks her head, "I find I'm usually the one doing the plucking. It's easier to prey on men, though - they're vastly stupider and entirely controlled by their libidoes. Manipulating a man feels like I'm cheating at the game," she chuckles. "Not that I have anythig against cheating. Just the opposite. Do whwatever you can get away with, I say."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "I see. And is not the point that one does what works and gives them the results they wish for in the most effective way?" Emma would casually reply, continuing on over as Satana's head would cock to the side. "One does everything they can to tilt the board to their favor."
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana grins, "Such games are usually won by strategy. Strategy almost always requires sacrifice. Sometimes people aren't willing to pay the price to get what they want," she says. "It's all a matter of making sure that their want is commensurate to your need."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes, but far better to make the sacrifice on the part of someone else, after all." She would go on. "So long as one can tilt the way things are challenged to their best advantage."
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana flicks her tongue against her teeth, reaching over and snatching up her wine goblet to take a long drink, "Everyone thinks they control the board, until it tilts in a direction they didn't expect. What happens when everyone thinks they've rigged the game already?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "Well, then it goes to the one that has rigged the game the best of them all.. Or the one that has calculated the best oppotunity to take advantage when all chaos sets in from so many schemes overlapping and skirmishing."
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana sits back in her seat, crossing her legs. "I like chaos. I thrive in it. Devils swam in the depths of it long before the veil of creation fell over the skin of the world. Or some shit like that my dad likes to go on about," she snickers.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smirk softly, "Yes. And I presume that he somewhat fails to grasp that if such a time returns to any degree then hew ill have nothing whatsoever more to do?"
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana shrugs, softly, "the heart wants what it wants. Daddy can't help being who he is, hating who he hates. He likes to watch them suffer too much to ever stop. Winning and losing aren't really part of the equation. As long as he gets to slake his thirst for pain, he's happy."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes. But it's also good to know sometimes where one's blind spots are. But I suppose one can't spot an old being fondness for knowing what he likes and seeing no reason to change htemself now, can't we?"
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana nods, "Whether or not he's truly immortal, he's lived long enough to feel eternal. He doesn't think about ends anymore, only infinite tomorrows. And some of those tomorrows, he hopes, will have him ruling quite a bit more territory," she says. "I don't get involved in Daddy's business. Mostly."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Yes. Parents can be problematic." She would speak from experience. "And it can often be best to let them go and cull their own form of chaos if one does not wish to be caught up in it.. And profit in their wake."
- Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana toys with the chain she wears around her throat, a pendant in the shape of a broken heart there, "Parents, siblings, family in general," she shrugs, "I haven't gone full business girlboss yet, queenie. Still got a little punk left in me, not suitable for children, too hot for TV - the kind of thing that doesn't thrive in a corporate boardroom. Well, except for after hours..."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "Yes. So are you out then in the end for your own amusement and success? While I can appreciate one that goes purely by their own whims, it does lead to quite the amount of isolation.. Which is a vulnerability."