12541/Do You Feel Lucky, Spot
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Do You Feel Lucky, Spot | |
Date of Scene: | 22 August 2022 |
Location: | Main Kitchen |
Synopsis: | Emma speaks to Domino about a possible job. |
Cast of Characters: | Emma Frost, Neena Thurman
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently entering in over to the main kitchen. She has a large newspaper in front of her, the latest edition of the Daily Planet over. She finishes skimming through the front page, an editorial or two, then goes to set it to the side as she starts to sweep about, looking for something to drink.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
And what should Emma find in the house of Xavier, but one Neena Thurman, going through the cabinets with a duffle bag hanging beneath her left arm. In a house full of telepaths one might reason that it behoves a clever thief to come under cover of night, when most would be in slumber, but Domino is an adventurous sort who opts for an early evening heist.
The target of her sticky fingers being a full box of cookie crisps cereal and several cans of raveolli. Which she's deposit in her duffle with only the most casual of glances over the island at Emma coming from deeper within the hallowed halls of the school.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Neena for a moment, shifting in her position, "Why, hello there dear. IT has been awhile. I do hope that you're doing well. I've not heard anything, but that hardly has any meaning in this day and world now, does it?" She would gesture over. "And you seem to have found something that I suppose some of the students here might enjoy."
She would continue onc asually, "So have you been away from the Institute? IF so what drew you back?"
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Another can of raveolli sits in her palm, ready to spirited away to her duffle, while Emma speaks. Neena's head is tilted to the side to see her beneath the overhang of the cooking island, "Yeah, been busy. You know how it is for us simple folk out there making a dishonest living." A teasing grin on her pale face, with her eyes cutting down to the can in her palm when it's pointed out. "Eh, there's plenty. Wade likes his cereal and we're between contracts." She wiggles the can and then drops it in the bag.
"How's tricks around the school, anyhow? I forgot to stop in for the opening day ceremony..." She snaps in playful disappointment, "Those are always so exciting too.. I trust the kids are all good?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just smirk over at Neena, "Yes, I suppose. Though I do sometimes wonder as to how one with your abilities does ever have.. Issues with finding ways to keep yourself ahead." Amusedly and jibing. Even a telepath apparently had jealousies with things. "And so you're still working for him? And things about the school have been.."
She would consider for a moment. "The usual. Classes are starting tomorrow. An eldritch abomination was driven from possessing Charles' last month that was trying to rend the entire astral plane asunder." Nothing new!
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"With great power comes great probability, or something." Dom says with equal parts glib indifference and playfulness, as if money really doesn't mean a whole lot to her. Not like she'd ever have a problem getting it if she needed it, "So long as people are provided for, I don't see any point in being 'ahead' of anything, other than a bullet." Which she almost always is.
"Mhm." She agrees, swiping a jar of honey as she walks around to join Emma on the other side of the counter, "Until I can't deal with his crazy anymore. Which hasn't happened yet, but I feel it.. deep in my soul, I feel it." Said with a hand on her chest for increased dramatics.
Until the mention of Charles, "So just another Tuesday in these weird parts."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to lean back over, "Well, far be it for me to pass judgement, but you are the one that seemingly works for him out of a sense of willingness." Oh yes, Emma is passing judgement there. Just as one might expect her. "And there are some things you might be useful in, if you cared to look into them. There has been a heavy uptick lately in activities of Reavers and other organizations that perform things in parallel. They seem to have gathered significant funding in their operations."
When Emma said 'significant funding' that meant by her standards.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"You sure you want to get into a what we do out of a sense of willingness with me?" Neena asks with a hint of a grin that suggests, rather clearly, she's not afraid to go word for word with Emma on this matter. The duffle is unslung from her shoulder and set down on the dining table where she leans her hip. Arms across her chest loosely, "Reavers don't usually have much in the way of bounties, but I do like significant funding... Or rather, the guys and gals on the team like eating." Dom could just go run a train on the slot machines in Vegas if she was really interested in money.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over, "Yes. They've had access tow hat I can only call military level funding and assets. Moreso than simple mercenary groups should have. One can't put several hundred million dollars into something out of nowhere. Much less the access to such military and intelligence assets. Someone's given them a very considerable foot up."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"that's the thing about these guys, isn't it? Someone is always willing to throw millions at a bunch of psychos with machine guns who hate mutants." Neena scoffs and shrugs, "They could have trillions in defense budgets, if someone puts the right price tag on them.. All that expensive military gear would look real nice in my warehouse." If she's cocky, it's because she's very good at what she does. She's earned that cocky.
Besides, she's got a whole team full of cocky behind her.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes, yes, I'm sure. Make sure you have enough room to store it all. And try not to get it lbown up. You've seen what happens to the warehouse districts all the time in Gotham. THey do go catch fire ever so readily now." She would go to grab herself a goblet of wine.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena snap points at Emma, "That's why I don't have one in Gotham. Property tax is too high and they don't offer home owners for liability purposes." Her palms turn over in a little teasing shrug, "A girl has to protect her ill gotten gains, even if it's with affordable payout on property." She winks her eye set in a black dot and smirks. "So you're filthy rich, why don't you put a price tag on these clowns?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smirk, "Wait, Gotham had property taxes? I just assumed that one only had to bribe a few officials an dthat resolved everything. I never knew that the city had a functional bureaucracy from thsoe sorts of things. Or do you prefer that no one else breka your toys but you? And dear.. I need information first. I have put a price tag on them. But I want to know where things go up the line. Taking out one group of freaks is well and good, but there are always more. One needs to go see who's providing the funding -then- have them drawn and quartered."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Even Hitler had bureaucracy and he was the worst human to ever live." Neena points out with a smirk, "Kind of a stretch to compare Gotham to the Third Reitch though." Which doesn't seem to bother her, since she doesn't live in Gotham. "mmm... well, you pay enough and I'll get you all the food chain information you could want for, blue eyes." Her arms slip back across her chest, one foot turning so the toe is pointed down resting on a boot tip.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Very well. If I get enough information to act on and it's something that I feel is worth your services, I'll get in touch. And if I have anything else in the interim that has need of your services, I'll get in touch. I'll just ask that you do the job on your own." In other words, without Wade.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena squints at Emma, "Why alone?" It's a fair question, given that excludes her whole team. "It's sort of a package deal, if you want the best... I guess I could maybe turn on a Golden Girls marathon, but I still have a whole group of people that work with me."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "I want it done by a professional. And that can mean sometimes discretion is needed. Which while I'll consider it is not always the hallmark that your entire group operates within."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Hm." Neena runs her tongue across the front of her teeth, against the back of her bottom lip, "Well, I'm not a solo dancer, blue eyes." She shrugs a shoulder and glances at her bag. "People give Wade a lot less credit than he deserves, considering how some of us come from pretty shitty situations.. It's not like he's a goofball for the sake of being a goofball... and it's not like he's not perfectly capable of doing things most people, including a lot of people here at the mansion, only wish they could." It's not often she gets defensive, "If I'm a professional and I work with him, that must mean something... and if it doesn't? Then I wish you the best and for a speedy conclussion to your woes, but I'll have to pass."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at NEena, "Well, in that case if I have a job that meets your talents and that of your group, I'll be in touch and make a proposal for a contract o you. Then you can decide whether you feel it's appropriate to take or not." Emma letting the snark go back over at her. Hard to tell if she was amused or lightly irritated by it.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena nods to that and snatches the bag strap to sling it back over her shoulder in one fluid motion, "I'll look forward to hearing from you then.. you got my number?" Her cellphone comes out of the back pocket of her very skinny jeans, managing to manipulate the screen with her thumb in one hand. "I'll airdrop it too you."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Good. I'll make sure to give you something for being on retainer.. Do you have a bank account for a shell company you prefer to have a deposit made to that I should be aware of?"
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"I'm not on retainer.." Neena snorts a quiet laugh and sends her number, then slips the phone back into her back pocket, "Just getting my number to a potential client in the event something comes of it... or if she'd ever like to go out to dinner." She sucks off her back teeth and winks. "Your tab, of course... or someone elses if you're not skittish about those things."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Very well then." She would go to take out her purse, then go to write a check to pass it over. "Very well then, pre forma it is." The check with a number that had five zeros included would be passed over.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Neena glances down at that check with all the little zero friends accompanying it, "That's.. a lot of numbers..." That's the first take away, the second is her disappearing the check into the pocket of her jeans, and the third? The third is, "You still use checks? I didn't even know they made these anymore."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes dear, I do on occasion. I find there can be something just a little theatrical on it. And life is about presentation. Something to be said for showing off when one makes a bid and simply writes down a number openly that everyone else cannot fathom."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"I can fathom a lot." Neena points out with a smirk, slipping her arms back over her chest with a raised brow directed at Emma. "So you lean full on into the gimmick, huh? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for theatrics, but you go full bore... I can respect that."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Life is about presentation. And color me fondly for some things. And fair enough. In that case, when I need you I'll be in touch and make you an offer for what I need done."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Very professionnal nod, with a very unprofessional smirk, "I'll be waiting with baited breath." Her hip juts a bit to push her off the table, "Baring that, remember... dinner sometime." She points at Emma and winks, "For now, I've got perrishables to return to the secret warehouse."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes, of course. Let me know wehre you might be interested in going an what sort of cuisine you prefer and I'll see what I can arrange on notice for you. Do enjoy your warehouse, dear."