13176/Just Winging it in the Titans Tower
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Just Winging it in the Titans Tower | |
Date of Scene: | 25 October 2022 |
Location: | Main Room - Titan's Tower |
Synopsis: | Some of the Titans hang out and chatter about dance classes, costume changes, and... growth. |
Cast of Characters: | Dawn Granger, Terry O'Neil, Damian Wayne, Gar Logan
- Dawn Granger has posed:
It's another day in the Titan's Tower and the main room is currently quiet. Dawn sits at the table, a thick coffee-table sized book on choreography in front of her with a notepad at the side near her wrist. She occasionally makes some kind of notes as she slowly flips through things.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Working on a new show?"
Terry makes his appearance, arms laden with grocery bags, which are carried without much incident or difficulty. Even in his human form, as he is now, he is pretty strong. "Want some baguettes? I got a few of them because all of my life I've wanted to be the stereotypical grocery guy walking around with baguettes poking out of his bag, and today I had an extra coupon at the grocery store and decided to make it my day."
The paper bags crinkle as he sets them down, proceeding to take items out one by one to lay on the counter before they can be stored- to make sure he didn't forget anything. "Freshly baked, too, just smell all that harmful gluten with a french twist," he grins.
- Dawn Granger has posed:
"Working on trying to get a nice setup for classes. Something I can sort of... layer on top of for the more advanced students. Basic choreography for the beginners, stuff that compliments it for the more advanced," Dawn replies before looking up at Terry and the baguette. "You know, I would think a baguette would look better sticking out of a basket for a picnic."
She takes a look at the bread. "Sure, I'll take a piece. A /small/ one."
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Spoken like a dancer. Although, really, you needn't worry so much, consdering how much energy we burn as Titans alone."
Terry breaks off a small piece and offers it to down, his eyes resting on the choreography book as he thinks.
"So, I've always heard that taking ballet and dance is great for balance and flexibility. I know some football players take lessons to help them on the field.... well, I have /heard/ that, at least. Is that true?"
- Dawn Granger has posed:
"I'm good at dodging things not just because of the mystical order bit of things," Dawn says, glancing briefly at her notes. "Being Dove certainly enhances my ability to do that, but I was a dancer before I was Dove anyway. I love doing it. It's about fluidity and movement and it very much helps with figuring out how to move. I'm fairly certain there are a few people wearing capes who've taken dance classes."
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry taps the counter with his finger for a second, and then he reaches over to grab some tomatoes to put in the crisper. "Hmm, I am always looking for ways to improve on my skills. I'm already naturally agile as a cat... but I could stand to benefit by training. Both sides of me, really." He smirks, grabbing three tomatoes and juggling them briefly before stashing them into the fridge, "What do you think? And, were they wearing the cape /while/ taking the class? Because that seems like a safety hazard to me."
- Dawn Granger has posed:
"No, but you could do it. Depends on the cape and how long it is, honestly. I've seen some ballet costumes that could rival some superhero costumes, honestly." Dawn closes the book, not bothering to mark what page she's on, and sets her notebook and pencil atop it. "It's useful for both sides, honestly. Dove may be a little tricky to train with, given the whole 'danger' thing. I can easily teach someone how to move more fluidly and flexibly. Maybe I'll do a small one for any Titans who want to practice it a bit."
She seems thoughtful. "It's not like I'm teaching capoeira even if I do have martial arts experience, but dance is also very much about knowing what part of your body to know how to move when. It could be useful for everyone."
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Well, I could definitely consider a class, if you think you could have me as a student without wanting to choke me like Homer and Bart Simpson." He pauses, "That's one dated reference. Is that show still going on?" he wonders, "It was like, on season twenty or something when I was a kid. Crazy."
Focus. Terry. He grabs the blueberries next.
"I mean, my outfit already resembles a dancer's, except for, you know, the logo across the chest, so at least I have the gear," he grins. "Having the classes in the tower would make mre sense than having to explain why a publicly known Titan is taking a class in your studio, eh?"
- Dawn Granger has posed:
"What, publicly known Titans can't learn to dance? I think everyone needs to start taking classes and encouraging education in public. I bet Gar would make some neat pottery," Dawn replies, glancing at Terry again and watching him while he works. "I think you'd be a little hard to keep on track, but you're adaptive. You'd probably be a decent student. You might give me a bit of a headache, though."
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry chuckles, stopping to examine the peaches he got. He frowns, finding them still a little too hard. It would take some days before they were ready. That peach cobbler would have to wait. "I don't know, Dawn. Giing Gar an excuse to sling clay around might be a baaaad idea. Although it could give him the outlet I think he needs when he's in one of his moody phases."
He pauses, tapping his chin with a peach, "It could work... maybe I should talk to him about that! But about the public thing--- it's just a scrutiny thing. You know, the kind of thing people with secret identities try to avoid."
He grins, "I once had a secret identity. Couldn't keep it long... and for a while I made it work with the Planet. But I guess the insurance liability got too much. You might think this silly of me..." he gives her a sheepish smile, "But I was sort of hoping that maybe, just maybe, I could have nabbed a Pulitzer for the coverage I did during the angel invasion. But I guess that's another dream to scratch off the list of impossible dreams..."
As he reaches for the pears, he sings, somewhat under the pitch, "To dream... the impossible dream..."
- Dawn Granger has posed:
"... make sure you wash that peach off if you aren't planning on eating it," Dawn says, eyeing Terry for a moment. "Honestly, I enjoy not having to run around in a costume unless it's /needed/. Secret identities are kind of iffy. Usually Hank and I are mid-jump off something..." She hasn't worried about it too much. Given that there are way more things to worry about during the times she has to be Dove?
"I'm just glad I don't have to worry about people wanting to date Dove."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
From the male dorms, comes a Robin, not in his uniform currently, but currently wearing his mask. It was a whole thing with a lot of Titans and Damian, but it was business as usual for him.
He held a tablet in his right hand, with a copy of Tintin and the Pharaohs's Cigars opened up above it, one of Alfred's gifts to Damian for his birthday and soon became soemthing of a passtime he looked forward to. He could easily read the comics, but he deliberately went slow here, by suggestion of Alfred to get him to see a little of himself in the main character. The young man kept his face pointed in the book while walking, but seemed to not walk into anything in his way.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I actually enjoy running around in costumes. I spent my entire life being overlooked and fading into the background at Catholic school, you know. I like being colorful now when I have the chance." He grins, "And I don't have to worry about people wanting to date me..."
He spots Damian coming in and his hand instantly goes into the grocery bag.
"Nectarine at two o' clock!" he shouts, and the orange projectile sails through the air towards Robin, Terry fully expecting Robin to catch it without looking. That's what Robins do. He turns around to put the rest of the nectarines on the kitchen bowl, "So you and Hank. Order and Chaos. How do you make it work?"
He may be just a little oblivous, asking that question, considering his circumstances.
- Dawn Granger has posed:
"I liked costumes but they were dance costumes in my case," Dawn says, shrugging a shoulder. "But that's practically the same thing, really." She flashes Terry a smile. "I think you'd have to worry if more people wanted to date you." She glances briefly over to Damian, but doesn't disturb his reading and looks at Terry again.
"We work really well, actually. He keeps me from getting too caught up in my head and overthinking things, I keep him from punching someone who only slightly deserves it. We work /really really/ well."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Terry knows the Bat-types well, as Damian raises his left hand and catches the nectarine in his hand, only moving his eyes to the next page in the comic. "Thank you." He offers, before biting into the fruit, a healthy 'mmm' emitting from his head as he chewed the bite of fresh fruit. He sat himself down at a chair, and closed the book, yet knowing he was the only one of them in the mask at the moment he simply said. "No comment." With a slight snerk at the end for what Dick calls 'comedic effect'.
- Gar Logan has posed:
"I'm not sure what I keep him from doing," Gar says, entering from another room, gesturing in Terry's direction as he catches the tail-end of what Dawn's talking about. He's in his Beast Boy costume, which is no surprise. Colorful as he is with all that green, with all the appearances he often does there's a lot of time spent in 'hero mode.' It's the red and white one, which he's stuck with for a while now.
Watching the fruit caught by the bird-bat-boy, he tosses out a "Yo, dude!" to him and a "How's it going?" to Dawn as he heads straight to the fridge to fish out one of those special shakes Caitlin is known for. "Man, I feel like I've been going a hundred miles an hour all day, and I haven't even been anything."
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Greenie!" Terry calls out by wa of greeting. No hugs for the moment, as he is busy putting groceries away. "We weren't talking about me, we were talking about Hank. No idea why you would think we are talking about me? I don't punch people!"
He pauses, holding two banas in each hand.
He glances at Robin and his tablet, "What's on the library menu for today?" he asks casually before utting the bananas on the bowl, and then adds, "Dawn and I were talking about her potentially teaching a dance class for us. You know, helps with balance and agility and all that. I think it could be a lot of fun. What do you guys say?"
- Dawn Granger has posed:
In Dawn's case, casual is just how it is until action time, but she's not surprised to see people around in costume, or at least with a mask. She gets it, secret identities even for allies. Secret identities are complicated. She glances at Damian across the table and shrugs a shoulder with a smile.
Dawn gives a small wave of fingers towards Gar. "Maybe being you is just exhausting?" She offers the question up as she neatly straightens her notebook where it rests atop her book. "Terry is right, though. We were talking about Hank, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't punched anyone since I got back." She nods towards Terry as he mentions the dance.
"Lots of flexibility and techniques that can be adapted for swift dodging and the like. Balance is a huge thing. Plus it can be a very entertaining art to both practice and watch. I wonder if I could get Hank to try. I know he'd /watch/ me, but..."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian turned his head to Gar and smiled. "Hey, I am fine, you?" He asks, before a lightbulb goes off in his head. "Actually, I would like your opinions." He asks the group, pulling up a file, the bat-symbol appears on the screen before he scrolls down to Project Fledge. The display starts off with the Red X costume Damian first showed up in the tower with, then removing some pieces, and reworking the helmet, taking off the stylized skull and in its place, a pair of ears with stark anything else other than brows and white eyes. Gone with the red X on the armor and with some new tweaks and sculpting, more streamlined armor is left in its place, with a red bat symbol on the chest. "I feel it is time for a change."
Though the concept of a dance class is not foreign to Damian, part of being a League assassin came with being light and nimble on your feet. "Gymnastics and dance are good works for those of us who aren't able to take bullets to the chest unassisted. It would be fun to stretch those muscles again."
- Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan answers, "Oh, I know. I was talking about him," as he notes Terry again, giving him a playful glance. "Middle name: Troublemaker. I'm kind of feeling like you're stealing that title away from me." If there's something to that, let the whole of Titans Tower be warned.
"Being me is never exhausting! I've said it before. It's really easy being green, and I don't wear a mask because there ain't a lot it's gonna do for me. And the dancing's a maybe. Terry's seen me trying to dance before." The special night they had at a rehearsal for Cats was one such time.
Ambling over toward Damian, he takes a peek at the concept. "Good as ever. Nothing's wrong in the world of Beast Boy." Terry's had reason to suspect otherwise, however. "That looks kinda cool, like some Robo-Bat thing. Do you have anything made for it yet?"
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
Nothing's wrong in the world of Beast Boy? The red-headed human shoots Robin a look at that quip from Gar. There's plenty wrong going on in Garworld right now, which has only become more evident since his boyfriend's 21st birthday, a little problem that starts with 'Day' and ends with '-ton.' Perhaps some talking was in order. Soon. Not now, though.
As the design is pulled up, Terry frowns, looking at the design, concentrating on the aesthetics. "You know, I like it, but you can't go by me. I am still catching flak from certain people who shall remain nameless about the first few iterations of my logo looking like a croissant," he says, hip-checking Gar playfully, "But if you want an opinion, I think it looks good." He reaches for a red thing on the counter and absentmindedly gives it a swift bite, expecting to sink his teeth into one of the juicy apples he bought.
He stares at his hand in horror, dripping with tomato juice and seeds just as his chin is. He has a moment to choose to spit or swallow, and he decides to swallow, causing him to shudder. It's not that he dislikes tomatoes. It's that when you expect a sweet apple and end up with a mouth full of Nightshade-
It's not a pleasant surprise. Just ask anyone in Gotham who has run into Poison Ivy.
"Glaaag! Bluh. Glaaaa. Gnrhertle!" Terry turns around, grabs a napkin, and makes a beeline for the bathroom.
- Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn moves a bit to take a peek at the costume design, tapping her chin with a pencil. "It does have a very Robo-Bat feel. It looks good, so long as it's got a good flexibility to it it's a great design." She's about to add something else when her gaze snaps to Terry at his tomato fiasco. She rubs her temple slightly, shaking her head. She glances to Gar. "You've got a handful," she says with a smile, but doesn't bother elaborating.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian glanced back to Terry with that as well, but pressing Gar into talking in font of everyone was not Damian's style. Cause Damian knows for sure he himself would not take that well either.
But that was for another time, Terry already knew Damian wanted to confront this Day-ton. "It is a more advanced suit than normal, Batman prefers a different armor style, but more and more we are seeing threats that necessitate more protection and power. I was thinking more Titans focused."
Damian does manage to seethe in a bit of empathy when Terry bites directly into a tomato like he did. But continuing on: "The movelemt shouldn't be too hampered, but it is not as flexible as Nightwing's uniform. As far as processing goes nothing is made yet, but materials composite lines up, it would be just a slight upgrade from the Red X costume, and thanks to the additions Dr. Pym helped with, power shouldn't be as much an issue as that old X suit either."
- Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan doesn't pick up on the glance between Damian and Terry. The bumping of hips is returned with a sharper look, but anything that comes from there is briefly put on hold at the reaction to biting into a tomato rather than an apple or something else. The mess from the big bite oozes out a bit just before the retreat, and Gar is left to rub the bridge of his nose. "And I was going to leave a cucumber out the next time he's being catty," he deadpans.
The remark about being a handful results in an immediate reply. "You have /no/ idea. This is like normal for him."
Getting back to the matter at hand with the costume design, he adds, "I love thinking up new looks. So this would be more for the Titans, less for Gotham? Or both? It looks like more armor than I'd go around in, but I have the advantage of being able to make my own in a way."
- Dawn Granger has posed:
"I'm always a proponent of flexibility, but as I've seen plenty of times, being able to take more damage and protect yourself is vital to good tactics," Dawn muses, then gives a bit of a nod. "It should work quite nicely if you're wanting to change up. Trying something new can be a good thing, especially as it can make the enemy unsure if anything else changed." She's thinking too hard about tactics, so she settles back in her chair a bit and looks at her choreography notes. She is smiling about /something/ though before she looks up and at Gar again.
"I admit I'm incredibly glad Hank isn't that kind of a handful. Chaos clearly comes in many forms..."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"Both. This is for me, as a Titan, and a Gothamite. But just because it works more for what we do here, it will not make me less effective in Gotham." The part of 'for me' was the key there. "I feel like it's time for me to step into the post-Robin role, to grow out of it, besides...my suit is fitting small on me now." Damian mentions, looking a bit proud at that, growing in more than just one way.
- Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan can't help himself, sometimes. He asks Damian, raising a brow, "Yeah? Too small in which places? And I get it. It's kind of a rite of passage, not being a Robin or whatever any more. That's cool. I've thought about not being Beast Boy someday, but Beast Man doesn't really sound right."
Taking Dawn in with his attention, he rubs at an ear. "I know all about needing to be flexible, and I also know what it's like to be him. Well, the other side. The cat. There's a /lot/ of chaos built up in there. It was like being me but with no, uh, you know, nothing holding back my impulses."
A glance follows toward the bathroom Terry's retreated to, leaving him to point out, "I guess that was pretty impulsive, too. And funny. I haven't heard him make a couple of those sounds before."
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"No?" Terry's voice cuts above Garfield's as he emerges from the bathrooms, the scent of minty freshness on his breath now. "You seem to have a very short memory, because I remember making those last night."
Is that his revenge for being talked about, an attempt to embarrass Gar? Or is it him just being himself? Hard to tell!
He gives a green pointy ear an affectionate tweak, "I thought my ears burned, you mischievous green elf. Talking about me like that. Should be ashamed of y ourself." But he leans in and gives Gar a peck on the cheek, and then stays leaning close to him.
"So Robin is no longer going to be Robin? Are you going to choose a traditional ornithological name for your next incarnation, or are you going to go for a bat-themed variant, like..."
He pauses. No names come forth. Then, he sheepishly adds, "I forgot. I'm bad at names. Colette had to help me choose my codename." And, almost as if the mention of the Meddler had brought up a memory, the redhead adds, "Oh, Gar, Colette says Kian's royal family are taking advantage of me and that I should be charging more for the drugs, and that she wants to be the negotiator."
Realizing that not everybody might realize what the 'drugs' are, he clarifies: "The chocolate. I'm selling chocolate to Kian's people."
Which does make them higher than a flag on the Fourth of July, but that's just a little detail.
- Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn tries not to laugh, mostly because she's a little surprised /Gar went there/ with the questioning. "I don't know that you'll ever lose the boyish charm, so Beast Boy will always make sense, I think." She looks to Damian first. "Growing up and moving forward can be really good." She's at least not going to ask a question like that directly.
She looks sympathetically towards Gar, then briefly in the direction of the bathroom where Terry's at. "I think Hank could probably sympathize, but he's a lot more volatile than chaotic at times. I guess that's two sides of the same coin there, though. He's been just fine about it lately. Other than the one incident." She clears her throat slightly. "It's good when there are those funny moments. Makes up for the times when things are a little harder to manage, I think."
Ah, and there's the cat himself. "That's okay, we're talking about Hank behind his back too," Dawn says, cracking a smile. "You're in good company." She puts her hands in the air in a 'no judgement' sort of maneuver at the mention of the drugs, and there's not even a change in her attitude when it is explained to be chocolate. Nope, no judgment.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Everywhere, it's a one piece armor suit underneath all the red and gold." A beat. "Yes, even there, Logan." He adds in, finally realizing his teammate's joke.
As Terry comes back in, he gladly answers the question on his name. "Bat. Definitely Bat...something." After all he not only sees that portion of title to be his birthright, but also earned as well.
Damian put back the tablet, and picked up the book again, not reading it yet. "Drugs? Oh..." And then he kept thinking there. "Is it addictive to his people?"
- Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan reaches to clap Damian on the shoulder. "All right! I'm proud of ya. I was gonna suggest something like Bat-Mite, but you had to go and have a growth spurt..apparently everywhere. Can't be Bat Boy, either. That was done before any of us were born by one of those tabloids with all the fake stories." There will be more time needed to figure this out.
"Yeah, I got charm for days," he agrees with Dawn, and yet he can't help but shrug. "Still..." he trails off, that line of thought interrupted by, of course, Terry. "No, those were definitely not the same sounds. Now stop before you make Dawn here blush." There he is, blaming Terry for something he started. "And I agree with her, Not-Robbo. Sooner or later, you gotta go write your own story. That doesn't mean leaving everything else behind, but you aren't a sidekick any more. You ain't an understudy."
On the matter of chaos, he explains, after giving Terry a little nudge again at the efforts to show affection and get him to feel embarrassed, "You forget I have no shame. And this guy's chaos is more the comedy side, less the punch everything side. That's probably for the best. And why am I not surprised Colette's trying to get you to squeeze the birds for more? It's /chocolate/ and we're never gonna run out of that. There's no need to gouge them just because they go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs."
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Nah, not addictive. Kian's people don't seem to have issues with addiction, they freely engage in recreational drugs. Chocolate just gets them high. The lucky bastards," he chuckles. He is about to say more, perhaps even banter some more with Shameless Logan, but his phone rings with a very recognizable ringtone. "Oooone sec, that's mom."
And he takes his phone and walks over to the couch area to talk. Eventually, some parts of the conversation filter through to the others.
"No, mom, you've got to reset the P-RAM by pressing..."
And "What? No, it /shouldn't/ be backing up to... how did you even get it to- never mind I don't want to know, just go to account preferences and-"
And "No, nonono, you can't take it to the Genius Bar. Don't take it to the- DON'T take it to the Genius Bar. Are you forgetting? They told you never to come back after last time..."
And "Mom, put the hammer down. I'm- okay, I'm on my way. Just. Step away from the expensive computer and make some tea and I'll be there in just a few seconds, okay? Okay. Yes. I'll be there. Yes."
And then Terry comes back and gives Gar another peck, and then looks at the rest of the team. "Sorry guys. Gotta go. Sounds like mom got an computer upgrade at the office and she's got about the patience of a very cranky ferret right now. I gotta go before she decides to throw an eight thousand dollar computer out the window and the detective agency has to take out a loan to replce it." A squeeze around Gar's waist, "See you tonight for dinner." He glances over at the counter. Everything has been put away, except for-
He grabs a tomato, and puts it in Gar's hand. "Here you go, lunch!" He says, and then he runs off with a chuckle before Gar can reply. He has to transform into The Cat and make it to the office before Agatha O'Neil does something the household budget will regret.
- Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn's hands up for the no-drug-judgment go up again in the no-sex-judgment. "Hey, if you want to flirt in the common area, go ahead, just... I don't need to hear about /anyone's/ intimate situations." Noises, growth spurts, she's certainly not going to blush but that's not a topic she wants to be in the middle of.
"In any case, I'd better go drop these back off in my room," she says, scooping up the book and notebook, tucking the pencil behind her ear. "Don't have too much fun down here." She heads off towards the elevator, still seeming in a pleasant mood despite a little much TMI.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"Apologies." He comments to Dawn, looking to Gar with just a little bit of a 'I will get you back for that.' look to the green one.
"Thank you for your feedback, everyone." He adds, before opening that Tintin comic again, smiling as he starts to read the adventures of a young man and his tiny dog with a smart mind. He does take a moment to mention to Gar. "I think it is time for O'Neil to know who is under the mask." Since of course, he extended that invite to Gar, Terry, and Kian, not that Kian really cares who Damian Wayne is.
- Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan places his hands at his hips while Terry tries to talk his mother through Computer Things, shaking his head in sympathy. "You should get over there right away," he says, and the tame PDAs are returned before he starts a wave that ends up with a tomato in hand.
"See, when you have one of these in your hand and squeeze it, it's supposed to feel soft but kind of firm at the same time, like someone's..yeah, I guess you wouldn't know." He checks himself with Dawn still around, giving her an apologetic smile and another wave with his free hand before he shrugs at the red fruit/vegetable.
Then, he goes the route of turning into a raccoon, an animal known for craving tomatoes, scuttling off with it in his little hands by having to walk in an upright fashion. The last sight of him is his green, ringed tail disappearing around a corner, just before he pokes his own masked head back around to call back to Damian, "Good idea!" Then, gone.