13471/A Cup of Solitude

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A Cup of Solitude
Date of Scene: 30 November 2022
Location: Joe's Restaurant and Cafe
Synopsis: A second chance meeting, with less pumpkin smash
Cast of Characters: Pamela Isley, Sunny Harlow, Karolina Dean

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Late in the night, or early in the morning, that all depends on how you look at it. The door opens to the dinner as a woman in her boots leggings, and a loose sweater. She is a little slouched in posture, and in order to try and avoid people sitting with her she goes right for the bar to find a seat. She shifts her hair to be over one shoulder and reaches for a menu to pull it out and look over.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sometimes there's such a thing as a late night 'day job', especially when it comes to trying to balance study and heroics. Sunny was here, her long blonde locks tied back behind her and her work uniform complete with skirt and apron tied around her hips.

It was...boring, boring right up until the moment that someone enters, startling Sunny enough she blushed for a moment before moving in.

"Hi!" she offers brightly, "can I get you a coffee or...oh hey!"

It was a face she knew, one that was hard to forget.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy hasn't even looked up at the woman yet. She just eyeing the menu and wondering just how likely the pies are baked verses being bought. She pauses and looks up to the woman. It takes her a moment before she remembers. The blonde from a month ago. "Hey," not sure if this is going to be a fight or what. "Umm... yeah I'll have a coffee." She looks a fair bit different then the fairy queen she went as at the party.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Oh. Right. She'd showed super powers last time. She hadn't been in (super) costume so...she'd forgotten. It had been a heck of a halloween in the end. Still, Sunny gives a nod and flashes a smile, turning away to retrieve the coffee pot with all the energy of her namesake....and to hide her embarassed blush.

No fight tonight, but this wasn't exactly glamourous super heroine living.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy looks back down to the menu and then says, "So do you make the pies here at all?" She will pick up the cup and sniff at it, a soft sigh slipping past her lips as she sets it down to cool some. Clearly the woman didn't get in too much trouble for that night. Which is a good thing.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Given the fake kisses and dust thing, Sunny had been a little destracted when Ivy made her escape, probably for the best since she couldn't answer where the 'villainess' went.

The question earns a nod, a little flushed laugh. "Yeah...sometimes. We make them through the day mostly, the owner's recipe. There's a few slices of apple, cherry and a little bit of pumpkin left. Did you want some or...?"

Or was she completely against fruit in pies? It was somewhat hard to guess!

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "Sure. I'll take some pie. Whichever is freshest. Also I'll do the 'rise and shine' plater." Tapping the choice on the menu as she hands it over. Leaning forward to put her chin her hand and idly hold the coffee mug.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Phew! No rampages under the roof of her work tonight! Sunny nods and takes the menu before filling out the docket for the meal and turning it over.

Of course, a shift like this meant the pie had to be gathered by her, but it was presented quick enough before she sets it down a little sheepishly.

"So...how uh...how are you?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
    THe pie is looked at for a long moment. Ivy just staring at it as she sips the coffee once and then setting it down. She says, "I'm fine." Her tone a little listless and flat. "Glad you didn't get in trouble by any over eager cops or bat wannabes from that night." Listlessly she picks up the fork to poke at the cheery pie.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A glance around, mostly to make sure the cook was busy as she refilled the coffee and sat herself down opposite the other woman, at least for the moment, lest she be shooed away.

"It was fine, really. Sorry I didn't uh...I mean I 'm...y'know, for squishing the pumpkins?"

Yep, she was nervous, her fingers absently fiddling with her nametag.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "They were just to scare the idiots. You don't have to apologize for pumpkin smashing." A small bite is taken of the pie as she sniffs at it a moment first. She tries to sit up a bit straighter and look to Sunny, "I don't think you ever told me your name."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Oh cool!" Sunny offers, a little relieved and not at all talented at hiding it. "I think people were to busy yelling yours for..."

Trailing off, Sunny gives a little laugh, one hand coming up to brush her blonde locks out of her eyes and tuck them behind her ear.

"Oh um...I'm Sunny, but uh...you can see that right...because nametag...but yeah, Sunny!"

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "Please," Ivy says to Sunny, "you can call me Lily." She doesn't need her 'villain' name being used in public as much as possible. She does her best to keep things like that quiet. Nor is she looking to offer her real name casually. "I don't assume the nametag belongs to the wearer." She takes another bite of her pie and will nod, "Not canned cherries. I approve." Even as she sips her coffee and keeps sitting there in her casual clothes. "I could do with more of your namesake."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Speaking of 'sunlight', though neither with dyed hair or a costume, a certain blonde slips into the diner at this hour. She's not exactly a night owl, but Karolina does get around, usually for coursework and other things! So when she sweeps into the diner wrapped in tights, knee-boots, and a fluffy-hooded vest-jacket over a colorful long-sleeved shirt, she stops in her tracks immediately! "Hey! Good morning!" she says, bright and cheerful, catching a couple of familiar-enough faces at this awful hour.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Lily," she repeats, Sunny grinning a little as if she'd been let in on the joke before she nods her head lightly. "There's a reason that we're still so popular. That little extra effort, y'know?"

She'd say more, but Karolina's arrival comes in, a tilt of her head and a little gasp of suprise at the arrival before she makes to stand, brandishing the coffee pot.

"Welcome! Grab a seat, would you like coffee?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
    The bright cheerful voice has Pamela closing her eyes for a long moment. She looks over to confirm who she thought it was and then holds up her cup in silent greeting. She takes another bite of the pie, keeping that slow lethargic rate she's had since arriving. "Well continue to support farmers. They need it."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "I didn't know you worked here!" Karolina says to Sunny with tht bright smile. "And you!" she looks to Ivy, wearing that same smile. "It's been a little bit. Um, thanks for coming all the way out to New York. Kind've been hoping to see you both again. Halloween was... a wild night, huh?" she asks, looking to Ivy's table. "May I join you...?" she asks, polite, perhaps a bit timid.

    At the question of coffee, though, she nods to Sunny. "Oh! Yes please! Do you have any non-dairy creamer? Like... vanilla in oat, or almond, or soy..?" she clasps her hands behind her back, at her waist, and sways a little back and forth. As if she's just loaded with unspent energy.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"It's a reunion of sorts, huh?" she questions, Sunny giving a little grin before easing out of the seat for Karolina to take the seat if she wants. As for the creamer? She nods her head. "Oh, I have almond! Gimme a minute, and let me know if you want something to eat."

Deeper in the Dinner the scent of cooking breakfast wafts, Ivy's order being worked upon. Sure enough, she makes to return with the mixed coffee Karolina requested.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy gives the barest of nods, "I have no claim to the seat." Letting Karolina get her answer about sitting with her. She takes a long drink of her coffee and sets the mug down. Waiting on her food as she will slide the little cups of cream and sugar to the seat next to her.
    "I promise, no pumpkin spiders." She isn't here to cause problems. She will look past Sunny to the other in the dinner. She will watch Sunny a bit, "you work this shift often?"

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Yeah! I mean. I'm calling it a happy one..." Karolina says with a cheerful nod towards Sunny. When it's confirmed that she can take that seat, she does, getting cozy next to 'Lily'. "You didn't cause any problems last time I saw you," the blonde points out, getting comfortable and smiling over at Sunny when her coffee is on the way over. "Oh. Um. How many vegan options do you actually serve here? I know from experience that a place like this is a fantastic place to get bacon and eggs--if you're into that.." she laughs.

    Then on a more serious note, she glance to Ivy. "I thought the spiders were kind of cute, actually... unless that was just Elvira talking... she ponders. "...any offense if I order a salad?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Yeah uh..." Sunny offers with a little laugh, finally returning with the 'Wakeup Platter' that Ivy requested and giving a smile as she sets it down. Given the quiet hour, she settles down on the chair beside the two woman, laughing lightly and then considering for a moment. "We have pie? If uh...if that counts? Cherry? Apple? Even a little pumpkin left over."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy looks over to Karolina and shakes her head, "None at all. Plants are vicious and always fighting for survival. Eat as much salad as you like." She almost manages a wan smile at what Sunny offers. "Vegan means no egg or dairy sadly. So unless the crust was made in a nontraditional way I don't think those will count." She will take her food when it comes and start to take a bite of her egg's whites before breaking the yolk with toast.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "So are humans, sadly," Karolina says quietly, "With collateral damage in addition to..." she shakes her head and cradles the cup of coffee in her hands, letting them warm up some. "And yeah unless it's, like, 'I can't believe it's not an egg!' or 'Fakin' Bacon' or something, I'll politely decline. Though... how about a side salad and some Italian dressing? And an order of oatmeal and fresh fruit? Ah, with honey for the oatmeal, please," she says, nodding quickly.

    Then she gives a lopsided smile, "Not the best place for someone like me to get a meal, probably, but the company here is quite lovely!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Oh uh..." she trails off with with the explaination from Ivy, biting her bottom lip in consideration. Thankfully it was Karolina to the rescue with and order. "I mean, I can make it work, sure!" Notepad in hand she was scribbling away, the fruit and oatmeal they could definately do. Moving off the chair to organize the order.

Eventually she'd return, a little grin given as she served up and then made to refill coffee as desired...before pouring herself one. "Guess we're all kinda night owls huh? But yeah, between studying and the other thing...it doesn't pay the bills."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "I always do enjoy a nice drop of honey now and then." Ivy sets her cup down and it's already empty. "Sunny. I think I need more to get going." She will rub at her temples and looks over at Karolina, "not for full vegan diet. Probably not."
    The refill is taken and sipped from without waiting for it to cool, "Thanks." Glancing over at the night owl comment she says, "I couldn't sleep. This is a rough season for me."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina shrugs, "I manage. I can always find something to eat, in the end. Like eating around the crust in a slice of pie, you know? But everywhere has some basic things, too. I like a good Caprese salad, for instance, just minus the cheese..." the blonde nods a few times, cradling that cup close to her chest as she smiles. "But salad, fruit, and oatmeal are kind of a staple, not hard to work with at all... Thanks, Sunny!" she says joyously. "I'll be sure to give you a big tip tonight, see if that helps you even just a little," she states.

    Back to Ivy, she gives a lopsided smile, "...the offer to be your sun lamp on occasion still stands. Don't think I've forgotten about that."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"To be...?" the blonde girl blinks before blushing bright red and making sip her own coffee deeply. It made for a great screen of her features for a moment. After all, there was a lot of things to think about, and visualizing voluntary sun-lamping isn't going to help.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy manages to look over at Karolina, "If the salad is as fresh as the pie then it should be decent." She considers the offer to be sunlamp. "I may ask you about that. I am feeling the winter doldrums especially." She is hitting her coffee hard and it doesn't seem to be doing like it would normally be. She groans a bit and rubs at her face. "Sorry if this seems odd Sunny. Let's talk about someone other then me."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Upon hearing and seeing Sunny's reaction, Karolina just laughs. "I've got natural solar output... I figured I'd just hang out with her when she's feeling down and.. light up her day, so to speak.." she shakes her head at the blushing girl. Not that she'd really expected she'd be doing much more herself, either, but Ivy might have had other plans.

    "We're not even into December yet... just give me a call, alright?" she smiles at Ivy. Not that she ever really stopped smiling. "Lots of time when winter break hits, and it's not like I've got any family to go see over the holidays.." her smile turns more lopsided, and it's clear she's trying her best to keep it in place now. Eventually, though, she just sighs and stares down into her mug.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    She looks over at Sunny, "Plants like the sun. Need it for energy." She then will drain her second cup and see about finishing her food. "I have your number. I just got a bit into some projects and studying." She picks a few cherries out of the last bit of her pie to slide over to Karolina to give her some food. "Family is overrated if you ask me."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Oh. That made sense, right? Sunny nods her head lightly before folding her arms under her bust and tilting her head to the side. "Studying and projects?" she questions lightly, a little embarassment still lingering for the other alien blonde. Somehow she imagined Dr. Isley had different books to pour over than she did.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Oh, no worries," Karolina says with a nod, looking up from her cofee with that half-smile now. "I'm plugging away at finals myself... building a future career where I'm not coasting on residuals and a trust is kind of my goal for the long term," she blinks at the cherries and reaches over, plucking one up and nomming on it with a little more cheer.

    "Family is overrated, yes. At least, the one we start with. Found and chosen family? Well..." she brightens a little, thinking of the people in her life recently. "...those are the ones that do matter. Still, though, I can't help but get a little.. melancholy.. this time of year too."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "Oh I got the degrees that matter long ago. I just do my own study and research now." She's always trying to do something or the other. "I like to keep my mind busy and always am tending to my gardens."
    She will force herself to finish her food. "I can appreciate that sentiment, Karolina." She covers her mouth with a yawn and lays her chin in both hands elbows on the counter.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sure enough, Sunny turns to lean her back against the counter, looking between the pair and giving a soft laugh. "I uh...I'm only a sophmore so..." she trails off, biting her bottom lip. "There'll be a little more time before I'm holding my degree I think. I'm just trying to make rent these days..."

Bulletproof, flight, super strength...but it seems wealth didn't come with being Indestructibelle.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "I'm working hard to get into agricultural sciences and culinary," Karolina explains to the pair of them, smiling. "Specifically farming methods that are healthier for the plants overall. Healthy plants, healthy people?" she offers, popping another cherry into her mouth. Then she blinks as Ivy just sort of... wilts there on the counter. Her smile softens and she closes her eyes for a moment, releasing her power slowly, like a dimmer switch being turned up.

    There's warmth and light, not unlike the morning sun peeking over the horizon, or sneaking through clouds on an overcast day. Then she just reaches a glowing hand over to try and rest it on Ivy's shoulder. If she allows it. Her attention shifts over to Sunny, though, "What are you studying? I'm always curious to know what people are into!"

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "I find squatting can be a great way to save on rent," says Ivy a bit. She opens her eyes glances to Karolina, "I wish you all the luck. If I can help. I think you got a way to reach me." Her eyes are flagging and Ivy dreams of her favorite moss bed and fleece blanket when Karolina's light starts. She blinks a few times and opens as the light starts to shine a bit. A thin smile comes out. "You don't have to do that for me. It's nice but someone else may show up. Or you know," a subtle nod to the cook.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Ooooh, that's neat!" Sunny begins, unfolding her arms after a moment and grinning. As for the cook? Well, he was snoozing in the back for the time being. Only waking when the waitress harassed him to have another go. As for what she's studying, Sunny seems to have missed the question or forgotten in in the light display. Compared to that, being able to fly seemed almost...dull?

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "Huh?" Karolina asks, blinking at Ivy. "I don't have to but I want to. Besides, I'm not exactly a secret..." she laughs. Then she smiles sheepishly, "...seriously the three thousand people on that ocean liner Quasar and I saved plus everyone on that waterfront knows what I look like... I don't really.. do capes and cowls, not unless I have to... so... don't worry about it, okay?" she pulses a little more warmth, silent but warm and rainbowy.

    That sheepish smile is turned towards Sunny and she shrugs, "I mean, I guess? It's taken me quite a few years to sort out what I can do but it's a lot of fun! And clearly it's meant to be seen, I can't exactly hide this under my jacket..." she states, as her aura sort of engulfs her clothes. "Oh! So. Sunny! Um. Food? And... you didn't tell us what you've been hard at work studying!"

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy doesn't have a leg to keep protesting against. So she will just shift her position and let her body get some of the light as best she can. "Don't mind me ladies. I'll just be here." She will idly play with silverware.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Oh! I'm doing art and design," Sunny blinks, perhaps sharing more than she should with a superhero and a villain alike. Even so, she blushes lightly, gesturing to herself. "Mostly as an undergraduate thing..." She'd say more, but the less literally radient of the blondes absently brushes her hands down her apron. "I'm pretty good at it though, making outfits and stuff." Like her costume, which was good even the fabric wasn't nearly as indestructable as she was.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina tilts her head at Sunny. "Oh? Do you do cosplay? Go to any conventions?" she asks. "I've been trying to get into anime stuff as of late but I've never known quite where to start..." she muses aloud. She folows the other girl's hands as they brush against her apron. Her free hand lifts and she casually gestures, "Did you make what you're wearing now? Or is it only for costumes and such?" she inquires.

    As for Ivy, Karolina just keeps her hand resting there on her shoulder, warm and friendly, lightly stroking occasionally. She's keeping her light low, well low by her usual standards as in 'off' or 'dim', but it goes from '1' to '5' without any in betweeen and only brighter from there.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Talks of cosplay and design makes her smile some as she thinks of another blonde she knows with an artistic flair of sorts. She slowly sits up and yawns one last time. Pulling out some money she sets it down. "You two have a good night. I think I have a pea pod with my name on it. We should talk again sometimes." She slowly stands up. "I wish you all a good night."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Oh, a friend or two suggested that. My costume on Halloween was mine the Sailor Scout one....that you didn't see, because I had already changed out of it. Huh." she blushes once more before laughing. "I guess I-" Oh! Ivy was leaving!

With the money offered, Sunny makes to stand and give a little giggle. "That's cute! I mean....unless that's actually how you do it. Then...cool?"

A lift of a hand in a wave, Sunny does at least farewell the 'villainess'.