13596/Super Study Friends

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Super Study Friends
Date of Scene: 17 December 2022
Location: Behind the Library - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Billy and Sunny discuss exes. They don't seem to have any.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Sunny Harlow

Billy Batson has posed:
This near the holidays, the Happy Harbor High dorms are nearly abandoned. Which is fine by Billy. He finished his exams. He is cautiously optimistic and the rules against MOS visiting kind of fall by the wayside when your girlfriend can fly. Not that there's anything going on that'll endanger their G-rating. For this occasion Billy is pulling out all the stops -Ramen noodles on the hot plate, some donuts for dessert. He lit a scented candle, threw a red scarf over the lamp and put on soft music. Finally he cracks his knuckles to gear up for a foot massage. Apparently even invulnerable servers need those.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Almost holidays, almost christmas, it was actually the end of the semester for Sunny...which is why the fact that she had her laptop balanced on her lap and was currently tapping away at some 'prep' for next semester might seem a little crazy. Still, study time was sometimes at a premium and it payed to be prepared!

Feeling his hands move to her feet she gives a little light laugh and grins. "Sorry, I promise I'll be finished soon."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods, then realizes he started operation Massage without realizing it. She has him well trained. He pulls her sneakers off. "Here's a tip, you're invulnerable but your mind can get tired 'r stressed. You need to take breaks. You do need a couple of hours sleep a night. You need to relax at times." He shuts up realizing he is overstating the case. Starts rubbing. 'Don't forget your sneakers when you leave this time. I had to pretend they were mine when someone dropped in." He gives her big toe a completely harmless punitive pinch.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Well trained or simply his impulse? Either way a little save and she drops the laptop aside gently before flopping back with a laugh. "Yeah, they're probably a little too on the small-side. Fairly sure you wouldn't be fooling anyone. Guess you're lucky I didn't wear heels or pumps for work, huh?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson looks troubled for a second. "Heels? You'd look like my babysitter. I need some boots if you're getting into heels. Ever wish you dated a big strapping athlete... one of your football jocks?" He gets out from under the indestructible feet and moves over to give her a snuggle. "Oh, one of my fans gifted me a card for that Folksvangr restaurant. It's a pretty nice place. Shazam went there with fire, though the evening turned out really weird, as things often do for me. You're the most normal person I've been with so far."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Billy...I've dealt with plenty of jocks in highschool. Y'know how I got my scholarship, right?" she mues, returning the little snuggle before chuckling a little at the mention of the restaurant and then giving a little laugh. "So you're saying you took an ex there and it was strange basically?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson tenses a little. "No. I took Fire there. She was my mentor. I wasn't dating her. But the god Pan decided to... prank us. It was like an episode of that old Bewitched show. She kept turning into a 16 year old every time I said Shazam. That's what I mean. Weird stuff happens to me. No we didn't date... well she got a crush on Shazam when she was a teen. It was just... no. I really didn't date anyone until you. I had a fire for a friend, and Firestar for a while. Anyway fire was not my type. I like the charismatic, studious tomboy type."