13625/It's Beginning to Look a lot like X-Mas...

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It's Beginning to Look a lot like X-Mas...
Date of Scene: 23 December 2022
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: McCoy is baking Christmas cookies in the Xavier kitchen. James Proudstar and Gabby are lured in by the smells and purloin said cookies. Catching up and chat ensues.
Cast of Characters: Henry McCoy, James Proudstar, Gabby Kinney

Henry McCoy has posed:
While Henry had plans to travel over the holiday, he still was about the school getting things in gear for the students and faculty still here. Tonight he was in the kitchen, baking! Baking was science, after all! There was a light dusting of flour in the air, and in his fur - well, the fur that was not covered by his attire. He had a festive apron on as well, the man humming Christmas tunes as he worked.

There were racks of cookies cooling - mostly snickerdoodles and gingerbread at the moment, the latter awaiting icing.

James Proudstar has posed:
James has just ascended from a certain secret lift after spending some time in a certain secret room fighting things that were dangerous. He's changed out of his 'professional attire', bound his hair in a braid, and quickly doffed a pair of black sweat pants, gray tank-top, and fresh socks.

Now seeking comfort, his super human senses have detected the distinct aroma of gingerbread and snickerdoodles.

The hunt began.

In truth, it was a very short hunt ending in the not unexpected final destination of the kitchen. He looks amused as he seeks Doctor McCoy in full holiday swing. Moving very quietly for a man who's head threatens to scrape the ceiling, he approaches one of the cooling racks.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The smell of cookies, of baking, was always nice. It was a lure to many with or without enhanced senses. Gabby's own sense of smell had kicked in just this last year so she was able to catch a whiff of the holiday treats being made from the room she shared with Negasonic.

Tucking her laptop under her arm she heads for the kitchen in search of the source of those smells, as well as an excuse to take a break from whatever work she was doing. Her own hair was kept out of her face by a scrunchie in a high ponytail, and her attire was of the 'athleisure' variety. Leggings as she usually wore, but a comfy slightly oversized sweatshirt in holiday colors. With a Christmas tree on it along with little pompoms where the decorations would be. That, and some slip on slippers to keep her feet warm.

She pauses in the door a moment to take in the sight of the be-dusted Hank as well as James while allowing herself a smile. "Hey Doc, hey Jimmy," she greets simply. "Been awhile. Whatcha making, Doc?"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry had scented James, even if he didn't hear him. "Wait until they are cooled a bit, James." He calls over, without looking. He's all smiles, though - he knows the temptation of fresh cookies, after all. Of course, Gabby kind of outted him too! "Good evening, Gabby." He says, clapping hands together to clear the flour.

He turns to look at both of them, chuckling. "How go your holiday preparations? Ready for the fun with friends and family?" He asks, trying to clear some of the flour from his fur, fastidiously.

James Proudstar has posed:
James wasn't accounting for Gabby's arrival, so the greeting catches in mid cookie pilfer. His gazes shifts toward Gabby, and he offers a stoic nod in greeting before snatching the gingerbread cookie that had captured his interest... or at least he's mid snatch before Hank announces the need for them to cool.

He grunts and retracts his hand. James shrugs at the question about holiday preparations, "Only what we do to observe at the mansion. I don't have a very strong attachment to this season... beyond the enjoyment of my friends."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney flashes a small look of apology at the cookie pilferer. All she can do is offer a little shrug as she hadn't been intending to out his attempted theft. It was just good timing. Stepping toward the counter, she finds a spot where there's no cookies currently cooling to slide her laptop there and flip it open. A single tap is given to a key with a sigh.

"Much as I can, yeah. I've got the team in Gotham to keep an eye out for, the other one is a bit quiet but we've been hearing some rumblings about an oversized cat that we need to keep an eye out for. No more Big Foot incidents though."

"Oh, and shopping is done, yeah," she adds with a chuckle and helpless shrug. "I've been busy lately."

Henry McCoy has posed:
"Indeed, James. I can understand that - I think you have the right of it, at least. It's about the joy and cheer you have with friends, as opposed to any specific faith or ritual." Henry winks. He reaches over, sliding a plate towards the pair. There are iced cookies and snickerdoodles all prepared. "Those should be ready for taste testing." A wry grin.

A brow goes up at some of Gabby's comments. "Bigfoot? Large cat? Are you stalking me?" He teases. "I still don't know what to get Priscilla. My family has been shopped for, though."

James Proudstar has posed:
James reaches for the plate of 'taste testing' cookies and fetches a snickerdoodle. He takes a quick nibble and further reinforcements his agreement with Hank.

He eyes Gabby for a moment and mentions, "Sounds like you are seeing a lot of actions. How are the Gotham types? I haven't prowled around there much, but seems like quite a few individuals worthy of some respect."

He raises an eyebrow, "Big foot, huh?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney opens her mouth to protest only to actually look at Hank a moment. A little 'fft' of amusement comes as she claps a hand over her mouth stiffling a grin. "That would explain a lot, but in this case no." She might say more but the cookies are offered. She was not about to pass up a cookie. One of the snickerdoodles is snagged.

"Gotham is tricky. There's a lot of good people there. Most not even mutant or powered in any way which is-" she pauses to take a nibble of the cookie giving a sidelong nod. "Impressive. Really. They're very loyal but also very cautious about keeping their identities secret. As for big foot," she allows herself a grin. "Yeah, the other group I help lead deals with the supernatural, paranormal, that sorta things. There was an injured big foot we helped out awhile back that had gotten a rusty bear trap stuck on her. Nothing since we got her freed though so seems there's no further incident in that area."

"As for the large cat? Apparently a potential Yule Cat situation though it could just be rumors." Another bite of the cookie is chewed thoughtfully. "Well what kind of things does she like? Priscilla I mean."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Leaning back against the counter, Henry grins at Gabby as she realizes what she's said. "Thank goodness. Some of my comings and goings might seem dubious." He chuckles. "Let me know how the cookies are, yes?" He asks of both of them.

There's a wry grin as he listens about Gotham. "Indeed. I knew at least one of the more clandestine crusaders out there. She was very protective of her normal everyday identity. Understandably so." A smile. "A Yule cat and bigfoot? Interesting. They aren't talking about Sasquatch from Alpha Flight, are they?" He smirks.

He taps his chin and thinks. "She's a biochemist... she's rather well off, so. I'd like to get her something that has feeling, that means something."

James Proudstar has posed:
James listens carefully while he nibbles on a snickerdoodle, occasionally raking his tongue over a bit of frosting. He hums pensively, "I didn't know you were involved in the paranormal. I might have some things to speak to you about. I'm exploring my shamanic heritage. I wouldn't mind finding someone like minded to compare notes with."

He frowns regarding the rusty bear trap, "Irresponsible jerks."

It's clear he wanted to use more 'aggressive' language, but the mild mannered Hank is difficult to be crude around.

"Cookies are great, Hank." He responds in regards to the query and offers him a light smile.

As the subject turns to gift giving, he shifts his gaze between the two. Not feeling any particular expertise in that area, he grows silent and focuses on devouring his cookie.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Naw, this one was definitely a 'she.' I mean." Gabby pauses a moment considering her recollection of the meeting. "I'm not entirely sure how I know that but the translation spell Nettie used kind of conveyed that while we were talking." Her head shakes firmly getting rid of that thought.

"A bit," she admits to James with a grin. "I met one of my other siblings who is a homo-magi and got involved in the group along with her. I know a *little* but I'm not a magic user myself. Which is why I gathered those who are to fill in the gaps when she and the other leaders broke away after an incident. I can help out some and put you in contact with others who can do more." The rest of the cookie is tucked into her mouth and she assures Hank, "They're great! It's like... kind of tangy but sweet? What's in this anyway?"

As far as gifts go she considers long and hard. "Find out what science kits she had as a kid and try to get her some? One of my Gotham friends is getting a biology science kit I know he's gonna love. Even if he's beyond it at this point."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast counts out on his fingers. "Flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, salt... then eggs, sugar and butter. Then coated in sugar and cinnamon." He beams. "I love them, they are a comfort cookie for me." He admits. A bow of his head in thanks to Jimmy. "Thank you, good sir. And agreed on the jerks with the traps."

"Magic is a bit outside my normal realm of expertise." A tap to his chin again. "Interesting lot you've gotten involved with, Gabby. Just don't forget we're around to help too, if things get dire." A wink.

"I might just do that, a nice little home kit for sentimental value. Good idea, Gabby."

James Proudstar has posed:
James offers a nod to Gabby then steps over to the refrigerator to get a pitcher of orange juice. He fetches a glass from a nearby cabinet and pours himself a tall glass. He listens to the pair spar on gift ideas and just nods approval at the suggestion, mumbling, "Power of nostalgia."

He returns to the plate of cookies while chugging his glass. He gasps in satisfaction then fetches a napkin to dab his forehead. He assesses 'Little Gabby' for a moment and tilts his head, "You really seem to lean in, you know that? I hope people acknowledge that."

Raising his OJ glass to her in a salute, he looms overhead, but despite the difference in size, his expression is one of genuine admiration.

He thumbs toward Hank, "But what he said.. You ever need help. Don't be slow to ask."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles warmly at the approval her idea got. "I don't know if it's something that she'd like or not, but I think everyone likes to be reminded of things they enjoy. Nostalgia, yeah. That's the word."

Her grin brightens at the praise given. "I like working with teams. I like being *able* to help. They give me the opportunities... And thankfully most of them seem to appreciate that while I'm young, I can admit when I don't know something and need help. That's what it's about though. Being a team, you're not supposed to have everything riding on your shoulders alone. So, yeah." Awkwardly she reaches up to rub at her neck a bit feeling the attention on her leaving her just a bit sheepish. "Thanks. Both of you."

"Also what the heck is cream of tartar?"

With all her curious questions out of the way she slips over to the fridge herself to rummage around for a Coke, or something.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast nods in agreement with Jimmy. "You have passion and drive, and you will go far." He comments to Gabby. "You are every bit your own person, even while being a definite link to your family." A wry grin. "So many similarities, in a good way."

"Cream of tartar is a powder which helps stabilize whipped eggs... it also is what gives snickerdoodles their special taste." A proud grin. "Science, after all."

James Proudstar has posed:
"I'm not sure how much age really matters when it comes to leadership in the first place." He nods in agreement, "Yea, teams. They are important. Some days, I need a strong reminder of that. I'm been feeling the urge to go out into the world solo, but I need to remind myself that greater things are accomplished with teammates."

He gazes downward and just looks a touch down, his lips curling into a faint frown as his brow furrows. Grunting, he shakes his head, casts off the emotions, and assets a sterner more stoic mask.

"You are welcome. Its deserved." He sips from his OJ glass. He rolls his eyes at Hank, "Guess its an art and science."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney fishes out a can of the definitely-not-good-for-her soda to crack open. Milk may have gone over better with the cookies but this was Christmas Coke. It hit different. "Okay, still not sure, but... Fair. It explains the tangy part of the cookie at least."

The talk of her good points, as well as family, earn a little dip of her head as she smiles wistfully. "Yeah... I was reminded not everyone looks at clones as individuals recently, but... I shouldn't let it bother me. I've done a ton on my own. AND with friends," she adds with a wry grin.

When James starts to try and look all tough and emotionless again she reaches out to pat his arm a time or two reassuringly. "It happens to everyone at times. I'll introduce you to some of my folks and see if they can help with the shaman thing. Oh! Mercy would probably be great for that, actually, she's ..." Her line of thought trails off thoughtfully. "Some kind of native but I haven't asked and feel stupid for not doing that yet in retrospect. She likes baking, too," she adds with a grin and nod toward Hank.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank's brow arches up. "Teams are fantastic - but you are an idividual in every respect as well. Do not discount your own needs for the team, but make sure they understand them. They can either help you with them, or give you the time to settle them." He offers to James. "Not every battle can be fought as a team - good friends will be there to support you however they can, even if it means giving you space to do things you need."

"Baking is a science. Cooking is the art. If you fiddle with the measurements in baking, things go awry. Cooking, you are supposed to improvise, add flair and your own touch." A smile.

To Gabby, he shakes his head. "A clone is a reference point - where you started. It is not who you are, or that you are a duplicate. You have grown in ways your sisters and progenitors have not. You are an individual, no matter your origins."

James Proudstar has posed:
James gazes toward Gabby with genius interest. "Into the paranormal and a native? That sounds really promising. I'll take what I can get in absence of access to my family."

He nods in agreement, "Your actions and choices define who you are, but... I suspect you already know what. There will always be assholes in this world. Don't let them get you down. If someone judges you for a clone, they are no different then all the others who have prejudices toward mutants or people with different skin colors. It's evil and ignorant."

Short of punctuating his statement with a growl, he polishes off his OJ.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney shifts to hop up onto the counter to sit. Because it's just a bit higher than the stools and when speaking with James all height boosts matter. Plus it was just casual in general. A sip is taken of her soda while she considers everything. "Well I can't guarantee she can help out a whole lot. Mercy is into the paranormal in some ways, but she's actually a bit of a magic disruptor. Still, she knows some, and yes, she's native. I suspect some of her extended adopted family may be too but I'll let her tell you about them." Again she offers a wry grin.

"I'll be happy to introduce you guys though. Nettie may be able to offer some advice. She's an old witch from overseas, but seems to have a lot of experience in various branches of things." Looking over James a time or two she rubs at her chin considering. "What is it that has you wanting to explore this side of things? Something happen?"

James Proudstar has posed:
James grins a bit as Gabby gets a boost. He similarly takes a seat on a stool to adjust some the height differential. He nods as she speaks of others. "Of course, I'm not expecting the moon here, just a lead."

He tilts his head at the question and considers, "There's a lot that goes into this. One is being cut off from my heritage."

There's a momentary surge of rage as he considers the fact of his village's destruction. He swallows the anger and continues, "There's probably other things adding to it beyond curiosity into my heritage. I see everyone celebrating their traditions this season. I'm also heading into the winter months as a single guy, so I've got plenty of time on my hands."

He offers a very faint smile, "Feels good to be connected to something... Besides the people here."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Aah. Yeah, Winter is a good season for reflection and learning more about yourself," Gabby remarks with a solemn nod of apparent understanding. "Long cold days, staying inside more... That's part of why I came back here for the holidays. Just." A small shrug is given as she tries to formulate her own thoughts on the matter. "Needed to reconnect a bit. My Gotham friends are great, but they do have their own families and significant others, too."

"Well we can work on the rest then, much as we can. Part of what we do in our group is try to help with paranormal situations realizing that it isn't always going to be fighting or destroying something. Like the big foot," she points out. "They're part of the world and deserve to be here as much as any of us. She'd caused some issues but it was because she was injured and unable to properly hunt for herself so resorted to scavenging. Once we helped her get back on track she was happy to do so."

"Of course," her hands spread in a helpless shrug. "There are times fighting is required. It's just not the only solution all the time."

James Proudstar has posed:
James rises and goes to the refrigerator for refill on his orange juice. "Yup. The season for reflection as you say it."

Returning with his full glass, he tilts it back and then nods toward Gabby, his braid drifting over his shoulder. "This country isn't great to any of its natives... animals or people, it's great of you to see how you can help, restore and protect."

"Glad fighting isn't the only answer. You may have just touched on something." He drains the glass and sets it down. He leans forward over the counter and sighs, "I would like to be good at something beyond fighting. I know I'm capable of it, but battle draws me. It's the one thing I consistently practice. I need to round myself out."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts her Coke and gestures toward James with it. "THAT I understand. Fighting is what I know, it's what I was taught, it's what I am confident in. But it's not a a great way to live without a reason to fight or... or other things, too." Looking down to her soda she considers.

"I guess that's why I focused so much on my sisters. Also on trying foods." Here she grins a bit indulgently. "I like trying new foods and getting to decide what I do and don't like. The freedom to have choices is a big thing for me. There's always choices, somehow, some way. If you're open to them."

James Proudstar has posed:
James laughs, "Well, there's probably some good wisdom in finding fulfillment in something readily available to you."

He rubs his chin and gazes off in no particular direction. "Maybe I should teach a bit more... since that's something I have plenty of opportunity to do here."

Sitting back on his stool and leans toward Gabby, "What's the most interesting thing you've eaten recently? And what was the worst?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tips her head back considering the question carefully. "Well I had some really good noodle soup in China recently. Kind of needed it to warm up after the flight out though. Even with layering up it gets kind of cold when someone flies you around," she admits with a grin of amsuement.

"As for the worst, that would probably have to be a Crumble cookie." Her face scrunches some. "I mean I know they're supposed to be super popular but it's like ten bucks a cookie and they're not cooked all the way through. The cashier actually called it 'medium rare.' ... It's a *cookie* not a steak."

James Proudstar has posed:
James makes a face as she describes a medium rare cookie. "Yuck."

"Noodle soup in China sounds like a pretty fantastic experience. I've snagged some decent Japanese myself recently, but not in Japan." He gazes toward the ceiling in consideration. "Haven't quite mastered the whole flying thing. Maybe I should set some kind of food destination goal and go for a long haul... Sink or swim mentality."

Shrugging again to himself, he grabs another cookie. A being of his size needs a lot of calories. He tosses the whole thing into his mouth and chews. "Mmmm... steak sounds good."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"You can fly?" Gabby's eyebrow raises a bit at that. "Thought it was just a really big jump. Then again I guess depending on the jump..." She trails off considering the options only for a few moments. Another cookie is snagged, too, this time one of the gingerbread to try out. A little peice is broken off to pop into her mouth.

"Yeah I haven't had steak in awhile either. A few of my teammates over in Gotham are vegetarian so prepared meals are hit or miss there. And I don't mind eating veggies," she adds with a little shrug. "But I don't stick just to that. Couple of my other friends in New York just got a place and it's more like... casseroles and stuff there."

"I should probably learn to cook more, but I do know how to cook meat and grill. It's something. What about you? Any other skills or hobbies?"

James Proudstar has posed:
"Yea, I can fly. Pretty fast too... I just cannot control it very well. I'm a lot more comfortable with the whole 'big' jump thing." He snatches yet another cookie from the plate and gestures with it, "I'm a good hunter. I've great survival skills, lot of them passed down through my family. If you can call something 'rustic' I'm probably pretty damn good at it. That includes cleaning and cooking game."

"The closest thing I have to a hobby is communing with nature. I'll just go on a very long walk, sometimes multiple days. Just live off the land how I can. Give myself a challenge like sneak up on a squirrel or a rabbit. Something that requires me to be very attuned. It's helps me clear my head." He adds and then takes a bite out of the cookie.

"In a lot of ways, I don't think I'm all that different then Logan... minus his crap ton of experience, and I was raised as part of a village.. where he seems pretty solo." He adds.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney listens intently in s pite of her usual lack of attention seeming to focus on anything. The cookie is slowly eaten between sips of soda. A mixture she finds she doesn't enjoy the flavor of after the first sip earns a scrunch of her face. Gingerbread and Coke wasn't a winning mix.

"Yeah, sounds like it a bit. Mercy's helped me since my sense of smell came in." A finger taps against the side of her nose needlessly. "It was kind of overwhelming at first. Still is at times. She knew some tricks to help me focus though, and really it's helped me a lot. Rien ran off with her new boyfriend around the time my senses were coming in so I didn't have anyone else to turn to. I mean. I tried talking to Laura but she's not great at teaching anything," she has to admit a bit hesitantly. Talking bad about her sister wasn't something she was fond of doing, but it was true in this case. It hadn't helped her. "Logan was going through some stuff of his own at the time, too."

"I get why nature is such a good thing though. It's less... Everything. Less city smells, less crowded chemicals. I get why he hangs out there so much."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar says, "Not sure how much can really be taught when it comes to super strong senses. My only piece of advice which you've probably already figured out is... if you are being overwhelmed, try to focus on one specific sensation. I'll sometimes dig a nail into the pad of my thumb so I have something different to focus on... or I'll pick a smell I don't hate." He suggests.

Giving it some additional consideration, "And I guess my other piece of advice is trying to sever the connection between smelling something and immediately leaping to what it might be like to eat it. It's that second stage that makes certain things unbearable." He grimaces and then rises.

"I have an early morning planned... so I need to go bed down. It was great talking to you though. Wouldn't mind doing it again... and if you ever need a hunting buddy, hit me up." He walks over to put his glass in the sink and then starts heading toward the kitchen exit."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nods as he heads off to leave, lifting her drink in salute again. "Sure thing. Talk to you later, Jimmy." With that she turns her attention back to the laptop she'd brought with a sigh. "Back to work," she mumbles before hopping off the counter.