1379/On the First Day of Jenny's Birthday...

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On the First Day of Jenny's Birthday...
Date of Scene: 26 April 2020
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: On the first day of Jennymas, Jenny gave to everybody: cake. And got an awful lot of awesome gifts.
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Stavros, Illyana Rasputina, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Warren Worthington, James Proudstar, Betsy Braddock, Tabitha Smith, Danielle Moonstar, Piotr Rasputin, Marie-Ange Colbert

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Somebody has gone around the various wings +of the school posting a simple flier here, there, everywhere. Every dorm room has a copy, every classroom, and somebody went through the library and stuffed copies of the flier into about a third of the books there. It's a terrible waste of paper.

Likewise, somebody has sent a copy of the flier to every. Single. Email address with an xavierschool.org domain. This is not precisely a waste of anything, but it might be considered a nuisance.

The text reads: Kitchen. Seven. Then there will be cake.

And when seven approaches, there is music coming from the kitchen -- at the moment it's the Beatles' 'Happy Birthday'. The lights are turned down, enhanced by flickering candles. And beside the door is a hand-lettered sign: Happy Birthday to the Worst of Us!

And within, Jennifer Stavros, who quite happily calls herself the Worst, is settled at the table with a cake. It's at least four layers with chocolate icing and strawberries. There are paper plates with pictures of Ben Ten. Plastic forks. A tub of ice cream. And Jenny sits there, grinning, a paper party hat atop her head.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Seven! Seven pieces of cake? Seven layers of heaven? Sorry, can't help you there. Seven deadly sins? Illyana comes along and clearly brings the greater majority of the balance, and Wrath and Explosions in the persons of Jimmy and Tabitha. The Russian blonde carries a glittery metallic bag on one wrist, tissue paper alternating between gold and red, perhaps a bit at odds with the cheeriness, but the thought hopefully counts as something.

"Cake or death?" she calls out upon entering the kitchen, holding up her hand to shield her brow. The inquiry is clearly one of the greatest import, one of those life-changing decisions someone has to face. "'Worst of us,' how charming." That brings out the amused smirk from her after she reads Jennifer's sign aloud. But then she has a bigger matter at hand, the party queen!

"Happy birthday, Your Worst Highness," she insists while setting the bag down on the table. It makes a /suspicious/ sound. One that could be constituted as rather jingly, rather heavy, and probably not wise to bring in the school. Trust her to have zero idea of acceptable birthday presents. "First in, I have the right to be the first faerie godmother granting you a blessing. As long as it will not lead to Charles turning red or Scott shooting holes in the ceiling, da?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost has arrived, and unlike usual, she's unaccompanied at the moment. She's in casual clothing, white jeans and a sleeveless white top, ever-present white choker; carrying a small package wrapped in silvery wrapping paper and a sparkly white and silver bow. She makes her way into the kitchen, and offers Jenny a one-armed hug, shaking her head at the party decorations.

"You're not getting one of these for every party you throw this week," Emma notes to Jenny dryly. "But its up to you if you open it now or wait until Friday." She nods to Illyana with a half-smile.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean Grey arrives, and hey, she's not a dinosaur! Really, she's not, she's looking perfectly human and normal. Though she does wear a nice green silk blouse with a matching skirt, looking quite respectable as she steps into the kitchen.

"So, I hear there's cake... I do hope it's not a lie." She grins and waves towards Jennifer and the rest, "And frankly, it'll be nice to use some utensils without having to telekinesis them around." Not that she bothered as a T-Rex, but... well... it's the principle of the thing!

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren shows up wearing some more casual wear, even if it's Italian-designed casual wear. Showing up in the kitchens, he tosses everyone a little wave and smiles at Jennifer. "Happy Birthday! Hope you're enjoying your special day, or week, or however long you are deciding on celebrating." In one hand he has a light pink envelope. "Here, I got you a little something, I hope you make good use of it." He places it nearby her. Whenever she decides to open it's several gift cards to designer clothing stores in NYC.

"This cake looks really good though!" He takes a close look at the cake. "Who made this? I want one for my birthday."

James Proudstar has posed:
"Happy birthday, Trouble." Jimmy waits until Emma's completed her greeting before leaning in to give Jenny a brief half-hug of his own, setting an envelope on the table with a wry expression, "You can get the card now. I'm making you wait until Friday for the gift."

He straightens and steps away to allow others to greet the Early-Birthday Girl, smiling towards Jean, "Hey Miss Grey. Glad to see you back to your normal self." The others arriving get at least a nod of greeting.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
There's the sound of heels clicking before Betsy saunters into the kitchen. Purple hair is swept back from her face before hanging loose down her back. Her jumpsuit is a medium gray, paired with darker gray textured boots. She's carrying a large wrapped box with a golden ribbon wrapped around it, that she'll set down. "Happy early birthday." She'll offer to Jenny with a bright smile.

There's a flash of that smile for Warren, before she's stepping over to hug Jean with a surprising warmth and an exhale. "Thank god they got it figured out."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Happy birthday." Tabby sing-songs after the rest, pulling her hands out of her pockets with fistfuls of metallic confetti in them that she then throws into the air.

At least it isn't glitter.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles over at Betsy and returns the hug tightly, "Hey Bets... yeah, thankfully Hank had a DNA sample before I went all scaley, and was able to reverse-engineer it. We should really have that done to any of the other students that have not been changed yet. Or faculty, for that matter."

She then smiles over at James, "Thanks for the help, I'm glad you came out to track me down. It was... pretty disconcerting. But hey, at this point you can call me Jean." She nods, and telekinetically sends over a card for Jennifer. Inside is a gift card to one of the better manicure/pedicure establishments in New York City. Very high class. Jean might have called in a few favors...

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"Thank you, Hell Queen," Jenny says to Illyana cheerfully. Perhaps, despite being proudly the worst, her birthday brings out the best in her? "Emma, thank you, you didn't have to. Jean! You are looking far less scaly, I'm very glad to see. Please, everybody take a party hat. And a slice of cake."

She lifts a knife and starts cutting into the cake -- the candles, it seems, are not on the cake, but rather set in candlesticks around it. So chic. Or something. "The theme of today's party is 'child's birthday party'. So I reserve the right to whine and burst into tears if I don't like your gifts." This is said with a clear note of humor. Far more than she usually displays.

"Thank you, Warren," she continues. "The cake is from 'Baked by Susan' in Croton-On-Hudson. Chocolate cake with mocha buttercream frosting and a little whipped cream filling." She accepts all the gifts as they're given, even catching up a few bits of Tabby's confetti and blowing them back at her. "Thank you for coming. There will be parties all week!"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The gift from Illyana contains a sealed card, one very clearly not scratched by t-rex claws. It is, however, disturbingly sealed with a red wax pentagram with an inverted rim of weird sigils that could have everything to do with its origins. It bears a very happy smile in the corner, where a stamp ought to be. Still, her merriment rings with that edged nature about her, which she doesn't turn directly on anyone. "I admire someone who spends a week pursuing what matters best." She ducks away from Tabby throwing the metallic bombardment of craft-herpes, or celebration-STDs, but therein the amused expression remains. "Ms. Frost, good evening. Ms. Grey, it is good to have you back. A party would not be the same without either of you or..."

Yep, feathers. "Warren." The curl of a smirk never quite leaves her lips, though the discreet sincerity of her intentions are plain enough. "We simply wear the hat?" She holds it up, putting the tip to her lips like she might be willing to blow the trump at Judgment Day. "We are supposed to sing, da? Happy birthday to you, you didn't die from TB at two, happy birthday, dear Jenny, make a wish or you're screwed?" Who the hell taught her how to celebrate? Piotr needs some blame.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Jean," Emma gives her a warm smile. "I heard... you were indisposed. I'm glad to see that's not the case anymore." She takes a paper hat and pops it on her head, then slips out of the way to find a nice spot of wall to lean on.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Oh awesome, I'll have to check them out." He flashes Jenny a quick grin and takes another look at the cake before he turns, spots Betsy smiling at him, and returns it with a smile and a wave. "Hey Betsy." He then slinks off to the side to allow others to come and greet the birthday girl while he nods and waves at other familiar faces nearby, including one Demon Queen. "Hey Illy! How are you? I'm glad to have run into you actually, I found something when I was out and about buying a ton of donuts for the school the other day." He reaches into a pocket and holds up a bloodwood spider.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I've really got to get on board this party all week thing." Tabby whispers in James and Illyana's direction before she finds herself a place to sit, her hands tucking back into her pockets. Maybe she's preparing for further confetti throwing, maybe her hands are just cold.

"Don't forget the line about smelling like a zoo, Illy."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy will release Jean, and use just a touch of TK to keep the metallic confetti falling outside of a little circle around her and Jean. "Well, we can still do that, right? The DNA gathering, just to be sure?" Violet eyes will watch Jean's face - this sort of science is not the Brit's wheelhouse.

"Warren, handsome as ever. Where's your dancing partner?" She teases, before she will use her powers to pull over a paper hat to perch on purple hair just so, without ruining the casual styling. "The cake does look fantastic, I must say. And if you don't like my gift, there is no need to cry, you'll just have to come with me to pick out something else." Betsy says to the birthday girl, before she's taking a lean against a counter.

James Proudstar has posed:
Jimmy plucks a bit of metallic confetti out of his hair, looking just a bit wry about it all. At Jean's comment about matters of address, he gives a nod and a bit of a smile, apparently having just been reminded that technically he's a graduate now. Though this is hardly a typical school, is it?

And without further ado, he moves to reach for the big knife near the cake, "Well if nobody else is gonna do the honors..." He gives the blade a little spinning flourish in his hand because hey, why not try to be entertaining about it? And with that, he starts to carve out generous-but-not-outrageously sized pieces of cake...starting from the top, of course.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The spider -wiggles-. It absolutely waves a leg, uttering a sound almost beyond the spectrum that comes off like a crystallized trill. One leg wiggled, then all of them wrap around Warren's finger if he dares to wear a ring. The daemon knows the Demon Queen, certainly. Illyana upnods Warren with a certain degree of wisdom. "Da, you have your ticket. It will bear fruit." She slips her hands into her pockets, safely withdrawing away from the middle of the kitchen. Safer to be near the troubling duo there -- James and Tabby being the opposite poles. "Do you want cake?" she asks the blonde, having her party hat trumpet in hand, not yet worn.

To Emma, she gives that measured grin. "Likewise, mm?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean grins, looking back to Betsy, "Yes, well, I would think so." She pauses, then sighs, "Not sure if that would work for those who didn't have samples gathered and are now turned, but Hank is still working on other options."

She then lets Betsy talk with Warren, giving Angel a wave as she then moves over towards Emma, "Yeah, I was a bit of a T-Rex... Hank was able to reverse it, but it was a little... awkward, to say the least. But, on the bright side, I just received news that my thesis was approved, so soon it will be Doctor Grey." Something she's been working on for a little while there, as she chuckles slightly, "Though part of me wishes I could do the Walk as a T-Rex... that would be a unique sight."

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
After portrait-time-by-the-lake, Dani has changed back into something more befitting her: jeans and a pale blue t-shirt that's been knotted off at her midsection, just above her navel. Her turquoise-studded belt balances just-so at her hips. Hair braided and leather-wrapped as per usual and she pads in near silently on moccasin'd feet. Not that silent feet are needed in such a crowd. Having heard that Illyana is around, she clutches a lantern carefully near her side, skirting the edges of the room to approach the blonde.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Oh, I could't. All that would just go right to my ass." Tabby replies with a shake of her head, but then she lifts her hands to applaud the show that Jimmy puts on, "Woo!"

Okay, she shrugs her shoulders at Illyana, "Maybe a small piece? Is there any ice cream?"

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr had also taken the chance to change into non-paint-stained clothing, in this case a t-shirt and cargo shorts, and came downstairs to raid the kitchen and found cake. This is the best day. He takes the chance to wave to everybody, "So what is the occasion?" He had not checked the calendar this day.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Jenny nods at Tabitha. "Also, I look like a monkey and smell like one, too," she agrees. She's started to open gifts, of course, and expresses appropriate gratitude (and, in the case of Illyana's, some worry) as she goes through them. She piles up the gift cards with clear delight -- because shopping is probably the closest thing she's got to a hobby. The choker with the opal and onyx reversible clasp from Emma is received with wide eyes and delight. Stylish and on point -- it mirrors her little balls of luck. From Betsy, a Chanel jumpsuit, strapless, with handbag. "I know where I'll be wearing this!" she announces. With all the celebrating she has planned for this week, this is going to be perfect for at least one outing.

She does, admittedly, watch the spider somewhat warily. Demonic or not, spiders are ick. "Don't let it get on the cake, please."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren glances over at Betsy and shrugs slightly. "She has songs to write and light shows to plan for her, uh, concerts or other shows she has planned." Spotting Jean's little wave, he returns it, smiling.

And then he's looking dopwn as the dice demon does it's thing, his eyes widening as it wraps around his finger and he blinks, holds his hand up, studies it and then grins. "That's pretty awesome, Illyana, and thaat sounds good. I look forward to seeing what fruit it will bear." He gives her a little salute and stares at the ring once more.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's face brightens. "Dr. Grey, hmm? Well, congratulations! I'm just glad that means the semester is almost over for everyone. I'm thinking of going somewhere tropical for a week or two after the semester is done..." she muses. "I think a vacation may be very much needed." She gives Jean a bit of a grin. "Warm beach, drinks with little umbrellas, blue water..."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
The model turns from looking at Warren. "Doctor... we'll go out and celebrate later. Clear a whole day for fun and shenanigans with me, dear. Deal?" The smile is pure mischief and delight, brightening violet eyes.

Jenny's statement of knowing where she will wear her present. "Chanel can be worn anywhere. Remember that." There's a smile of pure pleasure there, though, to see it well received. Not everyone appreciates Chanel's classic lines.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"It's quite alive. Though the doughnut has not returned to me yet," Illyana observes with a rare glimpse of amusement. "It seems to be happiest hiding where everyone sees it." She sets the party hat on her head at a jaunty angle, figuring the elastic strap so it doesn't cut off her circulation or garrote her in the process. "Piotr!" Wait, that's her brother. So while Jimmy is cutting cake, she darts surreptitiously back and forth to reach him. Nothing going on there, right until she sidles her way into pouncing the large Russian with a sudden glimmer of greeting.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean smiles warmly at Emma, "Well, it's not /official/ yet, but well, when it finally is I'm going to be relieved. And possibly looking at starting a practice, since the next step is working with an established psychiatrist before going out on my own. There's a few leads I have in New York, but things are... well, getting a bit complicated." She pauses, then hrms as her phone buzzes at her, "Oh shoot, I need to take this... save me a slice of cake!" With that, she waves to people, ducking out into the hall since whatever the call is, it's probably important!

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"Of course," Jenny says to Betsy. "But I'm only planning one party this week at a seriously stylish night club. Too many of my close friends would feel uncomfortable there." Not every bit of Jenny's nasty edge has suppressed itself, it'd seem. "You know," she tells Illyana, lifting the Cards Against Humanity cards from within the card she's been given, "this is my favorite game. I mean, I feel like that should be obvious. The biggest bitch wins so much of the time."

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"Any further cat-induced destruction while you were out?" Dani turns to spot Piotr entering behind her. She does not have any gifts on hand, but then... she does not fall into the category of 'has money to throw around at things.' Mirage is in the category of 'provides favors as gifts' and it's very possible she'll offer something at a later time. If she can think of something. Right now, in all the noise and chaos, she's just trying to find somewhere to stand, or get cake, or maybe to-

Well, there goes an Illy.

Clearing her throat, she instead goes: "When you got a-" Nope, she's leaping at her brother. Dani looks at Piotr, shrugs, and instead sidles over towards where Jimmy is cutting slices of cake. There's cake. She's getting some of that before it's all gone.

James Proudstar has posed:
"I can split any of these up if somebody wants something smaller." Jimmy notes, having neatly sliced the first layer into equal pieces, which he starts serving up to those that are interested, starting with Jenny, of course, being the birthday girl. But the second piece goes to Dani, who's wise to the ways of disappearing food around this Mansion. He splits one of the regular size pieces in half, plating up one side of it for Tabitha. She might be on her own for ice cream, though.

"Who's next?" Jimmy calls out, waiting for the first layer to be served up before he starts carving into the second.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"I would love a slice please, James." Betsy speaks up, as she watches him doling out cake. "It's just too delicious looking to resist, after all." She will take a step forward to reach for a plate when he has one ready.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma declines the cake, giving the... wow, he's tall, is his mutant power being tall?... Jimmy a brief shake of her head. "Thanks but I've hit my sugar limit for the day at breakfast." She gives a half grin. "Shouldn't have done french toast."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr shakes his head at Dani, "Negative, he was in a food coma on the bed." Once he takes stock of the room, the Russian blinks and realizes very quickly he has forgotten that it was a birthday. The sudden horror and shame is evident on his face. "I am so sorry, one moment." With that, he hurries upstairs and returns shortly carrying a landscape of Pugsley Creek, his signature in the lower right corner, and approaches Jennifer, "Happy birthday!" Fully aware of his awkwardness in this situation.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Thanks!" Tabby seems very happy that she gets a slice of cake, even if it might not have any ice cream with it. But beggers can't be choosers, can they? She finds herself a plastic fork, turning her attention to wolfing down her cake.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
    Jenny regards the painting with a certain bemusement. It's just a step down from amusement. "Spa-see-boh," she tells Piotr. She may know the word, but she's clueless when it comes to the pronunciation. She's still trying to figure out why the first C is pronounced like an S. "It's very nice, Piotr. And I'm sure it will look great in my apartment in New York this fall.

Jennifer has not quite figured out the nature of apartments in New York, and how likely she is to be living in the dorm at ESU. Poor kid.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Dani," Illyana will reply, eventually. But Piotr is Piotr, and when not yeeting the enemies of mutantkind or snowflakes from high places, he deserves greetings. When Piotr --doesn't-- hug her back, though. Oh dear.

Her expression turns to something like a blank canvas, and she drops back entirely a step or two. He's gone before she can stop him, and that is that. A moment later the walls are slammed shut around the Demon Queen, and any humanity in her is gone. Dead, slain in the grave. Five feet and she's slipping out of the room.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Jennifer is about to comment on Illyana's -other- present -- the wrapped gift, which is also lovely, when the walls slam down. Her eyes flicker from Piotr to his sister, sliding out the door, and she hesitates a moment before noting, "I think maybe you need to go after her." She may be horrible, but she's also decently perceptive. She does, however, whip out her phone to text something to Illyana.

To which she does not expect a response. Poor broken awesome blonde queen of hell.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr nods to Jennifer, "You're getting it, and good luck," but then he realizes his grave mistake in his haste to remedy his lack of gift and one of the strongest X-men is brought low by his crushing guilt. He looks to the birthday girl and says, "I do, my apologies, and have a wonderful party, and the usually positive giant sadly, yet quickly, makes his way from the room at full speed.

Danielle Moonstar has posed:
"Thank you," Dani tells Jimmy as he delivers a slice of cake unto her. She turns then, towards Illyana as the female Rasputin greets her and starts to head into her direction. But then she's shut down and is starting to depart. The Cheyanne woman bites her lip and looks to the others. There's a glance around, a look to Piotr and she tilts her head thataway. It seems she's intending to follow her teammate as well, just to make sure things are okay. Though she does lean to grab another slice of cake.

"I'm going to take this to her," she tells the others, juggling cake and that lantern before she takes sort of a shuffle-step out to follow after Illyana.

James Proudstar has posed:
Jimmy may be able to hear the footfalls of Illyana leaving the room, but Illyana making sudden departures is, sadly, quite a common occurrence, particularly in social gatherings such as this. So at first he doesn't really think much of it. At least until he overhears Jenny's comment. /Then/ he glances in the direction she left, frowning a bit, but he's committed to a job, so...he glances briefly to Piotr and cocks his head in that direction, reinforcing Jenny's notion, before setting to plating up a slice of cake for Betsy, handing it over with a smile that doesn't completely cover up his concern for his Demonic Queenly friend.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren, who is kinda just chillin' to the side still admirin' the cool magic ring thing that Illy did, shakes himself out of his reverie, and was about to say something more to Illyana, but then watches a scene between her and her brother. Wincing slightly, he pulls out his phone and sends his big metal bro a quick text. Fingers tapping on the screen before he hits send.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Jenny is more than a little surprised when there's a beep from her phone. She glances at it. Nods. "She responded," she says. "So I guess she'll probably be okay. Eat more cake!" She sprung for a big one -- money that would probably have served her better if she'd saved it for the fall, but really: Jenny. She pokes her fork into her slice, taking a bit off the face of Ben 10, and munches briefly. "Good stuff," she adds, setting plate and fork down.

If it's too much sugar for Emma, she needs to watch it herself. Role models. One has such responsibility toward them.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The cake gets finished, then Tabitha starts to get to her feet, moving to dispose of plate and fork before she moves towards James, giving his arm a tug to get him to lean down within reach. Then she gives him a smooch before announcing, "Alright, I just came for the cake. I've had cake. I've got a few things to do...got to do laundry."

Probably put a bomb under someone's bed as a surprise gift. Who knows.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Where Jennifer goes, Marie is bound to follow. It was an unwritten rule of sorts, known by... most of those who've seen Marie out and about in the first place. There's been some bending of the rule lately, with the redhead being seen a bit more than she has previously, but more often than not? The two go together like birds of a feather.

Well. Of very, very different feathers.

Deftly dodging her way past outgoing patrons, the French girl makes her way into the kitchen. She's dressed... well, in a dress, today. Blue, ruffled, and with plenty of glitter. In her hands? ...nothing. Marie very well knows when Jenny's birthday is, and has planned for /her/ gift to arrive accordingly. However, her arms are wide as she makes a beeline for the birthday girl, having long accepted that her arrival meant that she would be closer to the spotlight than she's typically comfortable with. "Jennifer!" she chirps cheerily, "Happy week before your birth!"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Thank you, James." Betsy will respond as he hands over her cake. She will not be shy about enjoying her slice of cake. "This really is delicious. Excellent choice." She says to Jenny, amused at the missing part of Ben 10s face.

She leans casually against the counter, making it look like she's lounging comfortably. Brows will lift at the mention of the week before Jennifer's birth, a chuckle before another bite of cake.

James Proudstar has posed:
Jimmy lets himself get pulled down into that brief kiss with Tabby, nodding to her explanation, "Sure, I'll catch up later." And then he straightens again, setting to finishing off the portioning out of the second layer, wiping the knife off with a napkin and setting it down before plucking up one of the pieces for himself, moving to hold off a patch of wall while he eats. He'll worry about cutting more when the larger second layer runs out.

"Hey Marie-Ange." He offers to the new arrival with a pleasant smile.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Given Jennifer's current attire -- a tee-shirt, jeans, sneakers, paper party hat, her feathers could hardly be more different from Marie's, but she hugs the redhead. Even plants a kiss on the young woman's cheek. "Thank you, Marie. You're late!" Which, you know, is a very Jennifer thing to say. But Marie probably knows not to take it badly by now. It means that Jenny actually missed her.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy will look over Marie's dress, just a curious, cursory, once over. She will keep eating cake, slow bite by slow bite. She's just letting the sound and chaos swirl around, and finding a strange sort of peace in it.

She will move to dispose of plate and fork, before she glances at the birthday girl. "If you need some accessories to go with that outfit, let me know. I have some excellent pieces you can borrow for your evening out."

She'll pause, a hand on Warren's arm. "Let me know when you want to try that workout. And tell Alison I'm sorry she wasn't here. It was lovely seeing her again."

Warren Worthington has posed:
Feeling Betsy's hand on his arm, he glances over at her and smiles. "Oh, yeah I can let you know. And it's fine, she's really trying to get everything worked out for one of her new records. I never realized how much work and effort went into song-writing, but then again I've never been the most creative of people." Warren flashes a quick grin and nods, "But I'll pass your message along Betsy. Are you heading out then?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma moves over towards Jenny, leaning over and murmuring in the younger girls ear, "Happy birthday, dear. Come by the club later and we'll talk about a couple things. Including the extra part of your gift, but that's not for everyone to hear about." She stands up. "But I do need to be getting back to the city. Text me if you need me." She give Marie-Ange a smile and then waves to the rest of them. "Have a great night, everyone."

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"Thank you, Betsy," Jenny tells the woman brightly. "I might take you up on that!" Then, in a lower voice, "Thanks, Emma. I was planning on coming by later this week -- drag Marie and a few others out for dancing and mocktails." A touch of a wrinkle to her nose when she says this, because it's Not Cool to drink mocktails, even at the coolest place in the world. "Maybe we'll see you then!"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
After greeting her BFF and the star of this particular party, Marie greets some of the others around her as well; raising a hand and waving demurely to the gathered (remaining) guests. Starting with Jimmy, who verbally greeted her! Then, it's off to attend to a piece of cake.

"Je connais, Jennifer." she admits, bowing her head slightly. "I've had to make preparations for the days ahead," both her pending transformation /and/ Jenny's week o' parties. "...but you know I would never miss your special days, oui?"

Emma's pending departure also gets special attention; the woman's made nothing but good impressions with Marie, and is met with a bright smile. "Have a most safe journey on your return to the city, Mademoiselle Frost!"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"I just stopped in to drop off the gift - a girl needs new clothes for birthday festivities, after all. I stayed for cake, but now I need to go do other things. I like keeping busy. I'm working on some new contracts, and I have some photography of my own to finish." The model will lean up to air kiss at Warren's cheek. "Creativity is more work than some people realize. Tell her I'll take her for an upscale spa retreat when she's ready for it." She smiles up at the blond Angel. "Hope to see you soon."

"You know where to find me, Jennifer. I'll see you again before your actual birthday, I'm sure. Enjoy your birthday week." She will wave. "I hope everyone has a good time."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma chuckles. "I've actually been talking with the board about converting that extra space on the 3rd to a club just for under-21," she says quietly to Jenny. "Maybe I'll have you come in and pitch some ideas on how cool it should be." But with that... "But... I have to get back. I have a date. 'Netflix and Chill', allegedly-- but we'll come by later in the week for more cake." She grins. "Check your email. I've already talked The Sugar Shoppe for cupcakes later this week. You tell them when and what flavors, everything else has been handled." With that, Emma departs, offering a brief wave.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Hearing Emma, Warren raises a hand and waves. "Night Emma, have a safe trip back! I'll try to catch up with you at the Club soon."

He glances back to Betsy then, nodding and smiling. "Of course, we can catch up soon, Betsy, though I too should probably get going myself." He straightens up and offers the others a wave. "Take care all, and Happy Birthday Jenny!" Then he is slipping out as well.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Thanks for coming, everybody," Jenny calls after those departing. To Marie she notes, "Sugar Shoppe cupcakes. Life is good, Marie." She'll probably eat about an eighth of a cupcake. "The cake is decimated. Almost everybody's gone. But you know, for the first day of Jennymas, this seems to have worked out pretty well."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
A fond smile is offered back to Jenny, "See? Proof of how much people like you! I'm sure it will be quite delicious." For the blonde's sake, she'll ignore any and all proof to the contrary regarding her status among her peers. "...and if today is any indication of how the rest of the week will go, this may be the best Jennymas yet!" A look is given towards the man that remains with them in the kitchen, bright smile, hands crossed in front of her. "You will be continuing to celebrate with us, oui? I understand good fortune comes to those who do."

James Proudstar has posed:
"Jennymas?" Jimmy laughs, shaking his head in amusement, "Leave it to you to create your own holiday." There's no rancor in the chiding though, just funnin'. "I can stick around a little bit longer, sure. Though I might have to pace myself, what with a whole week of this coming up."

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"I established Jennymas years ago, Jimmy," the blonde says, leaning back and regarding the room. She is pleased. "I'm not completely sacrilege, though. It's only seven days -- not twelve. And on the first day of Jennymas, Jenny gave to alll of you: cake."