1393/Winds of Change: The Bats and the Beast
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Winds of Change: The Bats and the Beast | |
Date of Scene: | 26 April 2020 |
Location: | New York |
Synopsis: | Sparrow and Red X seek Beast's aid in curing their transformed gorilla teammates. Secrets abound. |
Cast of Characters: | Carrie Kelley, Henry McCoy, Damian Wayne
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
Late at night Dr. Henry McCoy receives a call on his personal cellphone. It's an unknown number, but instead of such common things as 'anonymous' or 'unknown caller' his phone somehow displays the message 'Urgent Incoming Call.' Either scammers were getting more creative or something else was going on.
When he'd answer a woman would be there who identifies herself as 'Sparrow' and explains that she works in Gotham with a group called the Birds of Prey, and with Batman himself. That they knew he had been working with individuals who had been changed into dinosaurs, and that they had aquired several samples of those who had been changed into gorillas in Gotham which they would like to give to help further his research as well as request aid as a few of their own associates had been altered. A time and place is arranged and that time had come.
Carrie, AKA Sparrow, had used a voice modulator on the call from the '76 Corvette turned Batmobile that she had opted to borrow from the garage to make the trip out to New York along with Red X. The car is already there and waiting just off a stretch of rural highway at a closed gas station parking lot. Sparrow looks over at Damian in the passenger seat because she most certainly had NOT let him drive in spite of his pouting insistance.
"You can lead with the meeting if you'd like. He knows my public persona so it may be best I don't speak too much," she points out.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
It was odd at times, to be suiting up. Seeing as he's known, and this is another potential hero contacting him, Hank decides to don the X-Men costume. Getting to where he was going was no problem - he'd snagged a ride out to be close to the rendevouxs point, then free-ran from there. No need to draw attention with the Blackbird.
Upon arrival, he peered at the mostly abandoned area, spotting the car almost immediately. He ambled over, cautiously - it could be a trap by Sauron, you know. Still, he was not too hard to spot - big, blue and fuzzy. As he got close enough, the man offered a wave. "I don't suppose you're waiting for some one to pump your gas?" He quips, grinning. "You're a bit far from Gotham, yes?"
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Red X had kept quiet most of the time. He truly didn't give a shit if he hadn't been allowed to drive.
Though he would remember this insult to his abilities. Would he ever remember.
He left the confines of the Corvette, and took out a small Halliburton. "New Jersey, New York, Metropolis, this is effecting all states, Doctor." Opening it, were eight vials of blood, kept at temperature. Four labeled Patient A, four labeled Patient B. Relevant data, blood type and such had been listed in dossiers on either side of the vials. The way the small person moves, very professional and with purpose. His voice had been masked as well, sounding deeper and modulated than normal.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
Insult? Hardly! She'd just never gotten to drive one of the batmobiles herself. Hell yeah she was taking the chance to do so. While Red X comes out with the samples and explains the significance of the event, she gets out from the drivers seat to lean against the side of the car. One arm draped overtop the low roof as she watches the exchange with a faint grin of amusement.
For her own benefit she brings up a USB drive which she holds up held between her pointer and middle finger. Even as she speaks, her voice is pitched differently thanks to the modulator as well. "Also all the information we have on locations and times of outbreaks which was gathered in an attempt to pinpoint a source of origin or pattern to the dispersal." It's offered simply and with a polite nod to the Doctor. Unlike the straight-to-the-point younger hero she adds, "Thank you for meeting with us, Doctor."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a pause as Sparrow emerges, though it doesn't look like he's on edge. More like a 'huh' moment. Yellow eyes regard her, offering his hand out palm up to receive the USB drive. "Yes, it does seem to be impacting a great deal of people. The X-Men are looking into the source of the Dinosaur transformations. I've been able to, with the proper samples of DNA, restore two people thus far. The samples have to be from prior to their change, of course." There's a pause, Beast looking over both of them.
"There are two avenues to the issue - one is the simian changes, the other the dinos. I've barely looked into the gorilla ones, and I am very greatful for the data. The Dinosaur one seems to stem from an old 'acquaintance' of the X-Men who has been a thorn in our side previously."
He offers a nod to Red X, then Sparrow - his eyes lingering longer there. "The dinosaur change was caused by a complete genetic transformation, altering it so the base was that of various thunder lizards. It was tricky formulating a reversion serum, but if I have any luck on it I will let you both know. Your city needs you helping it, and I am glad to help you both in this."
A wry grin. "Always glad to help other heroes, no matter the location."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"Patient A and B are both of the simian variety." He interjects, nicely enough. "We have a DNA profile for A prior, but not for B."
Red X continues to look over Beast, not having much experience with mutantkind, it was fascinating for his curious mind. "Supposing we can procure a sample prior to transformation from B, we will be in touch." Red X was very...professional, was the best way to put it.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
Sparrow hands over the USB easily enough with a nod toward the mutant when he takes it. She resists the urge to say thank you again, at least at the moment. Sometimes manners were grilled in a bit too hard. Instead she glances at Red X's explanation earns another nod. "We know that this may take awhile, but so far you're leagues ahead of anyone else in regards to this research."
Red X gets a stare as if to silently say 'Don't stare' though she doesn't say so out loud. At least the masks SORT of hide their eyes. As it was she feels an unnerving little sensation of being watched herself. Glancing back toward Hank she notices his look toward her again causing her to pause and rack her brain. Had she said anything to tip him off? Done anything? She'd resisted punning. Didn't say how she knew what she knew. Had her voice diguised. What did she forget? Did he know?
Her gaze turns away to look down the road as if she were merely keeping an eye out for any unintentional passerbys that might see what's going on. Yep don't mind her.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
No real way to notice a stare from a helmeted individual. Hank tucks the USB away in an inner pocket of his uniform. "That would be exceptionally helpful... er..." A grin. "Beast is the nom de plume I tend to use while making with the heroics." The man chuckles, shrugging. "What shall I call you, sir?" He'd already gotten a name from Sparrow, in the phone call.
A slight smirk as she turns to watch the road, nodding in approval. "I hope to have more alacrity in my assessment of the addling ape affair anon." Lord, he loved his alliteration. "Is there anything else you can provide in terms of information? Did either of you witness the transformation?" Eyes shift back and forth between the two.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"Red X."
Damian looked from Sparrow to Beast. "I did. What do you want to know?" He asks, looking at the X-Man. He remembered clearly what happened. The pained look on Tim's and Jason's faces, doubled over, then their emergence as gorillas.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Several times," Sparrow agrees with a chance look back toward the pair considering adding more to the conversation again. She'd not seen Jason's transformation but had seen Tim's as well as numerous others who had also changed at the time. "The gorilla transformation and the dinosaur. Though the gorilla was closer," she affirms with a tip of her head toward Red X to give more information as needed.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Again, his eyes flit between the two, listening to each in turn. "I am assuming, if it is similar, it came without warning and was incredibly painful?" The Beast asks of the pair. "If it is not, please do correct me. I don't want to work off of assumptions - hence my asking." A grin.
"You have samples from a few - how many have been affected in Gotham?" He wonders, tapping his chin idly. "Did they occur at the same time, or near abouts?"
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"Correct. The transformation took less than thirty seconds. The affected appeared to be in tremendous pain, akin to a slow disemboweling." Yeah, he knew what that looked like.
"Patient A was transformed in Gotham, Patient B, was transformed in Metropolis, approximately 30 hours separate from each incident."
Red X leans against the Batmobile as he explained, seemingly relaxed for the most part. "Onset was sudden. Do you know why certain people are affected and others not? Possibly a DNA target marker?"
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Numerous individuals. Patient A was affected during a mass outbreak of both dinosaur and gorilla changes in midtown two days ago," Sparrow adds in confirmation. Nevermind the uncertain look she gives to Red X at the description of disembowling. She knew he had a colorful background but that was a bit unsettling in it's own way and that's clear to see on her expression even as she attempts to remain ultimately neutral.
"We don't have an exact head count as not everyone affected has reported to hospitals. Easily over fifty at the time of the incident. Likely more now."
- Henry McCoy has posed:
The blue Beast hrms, listening intently. "Interesting. As far as I can tell, two of the subjects I know of share a genetic commonality. Another, with the same commonality was not affected. All the individuals I have studied, have been mutants." There's another pause. "Oddly enough, their mutant gifts continued after the transformation - the affect seems to ignore the mutation in it's affects, allowing it to carry over as a rider."
He looks to Red X, canting his head as he considered. "Hopefully disembowelment isn't in the cards for people. That seems a bit apt for the pain scale, though." A shake of his head. "We'll get to the bottom of this, and hopefully we can find the source and see about reversing the upset on a more wide-spread scale."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Red X gives a nod. At least he didn't go into the details of a disembowelment. "I look forward to hearing about your progress, Doctor." Yep, Henry earned being called Doctor, so that is what he was going with.
The young man makes his way to the passenger side of the car, he was pretty much done, unless there was something else.
- Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Thank you again for your help, Doctor," Sparrow adds with a further nod toward the mutant scientist with an offer of a faint smile. "If you need to contact us about any progress or request any further updates on the state of the individuals we are in direct contact with, you can reach me at the number I called from. It may not be answered immediately but it is constantly monitored. We will get the message and respond as soon as possible."
With that she ducks down to slide back into the driverside of the Batmobile offering simply a, "Good evening," as farewell.
- Henry McCoy has posed:
Beast nods to both, stepping back from the vehicle - making certain to not impede their departure. "Understood. We'll sniff out the source of this gorilla issue." The doctor offers over to both. "Keep safe... well, as safe as you can in our line of work. I will be in touch soon." That said, he waves and turns - bounding away into the night.