13933/There's a starman waiting in the sky
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There's a starman waiting in the sky | |
Date of Scene: | 24 January 2023 |
Location: | Jules Verne Museum - St. Martin's Island |
Synopsis: | The Titans can't take Colette ANYWHERE. They also run into a new face who makes a breezy entrance. |
Cast of Characters: | Terry O'Neil, Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Colette O'Connail, Kimi Starr
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Jules Verne museum is highly educational, endlessly diverting and, for some of the Titans, a bit of the familiar. There is, for example, an exhibit on Tamaranean history. There are some newly-incorporated salvages from the Warworld invasion, and Terry has heard that there may be some updated information regarding the Shi'ar- but he has avoided verifying that altogether. Getting a hole blasted in your stomach has a way of making you reluctant to be curious about certain things, after all.
The museum also has some /fantastic/ food, including a rather mustard-heavy version of rarebit in honor of Kori. It really is rather strong, which is why Terry opted for something light and portable instead- a small cup of coffee. "I have to admit," he says to Nadia, "it's a little weird looking at some of these exhibits now." They are standing in front of a digital recreation of the Warworld incident, which is bordered by information screens detailing the events that took place. "Three years ago you could've told me I was going to end up falling into a pocket dimension and lost for months after trying to stop an alien invasion, I would've tried to get you a prescription for Thorazine," he smirks, peering over at Nadia and at their other, grumpier companion. Yes, Terry invited The Meddler out on an outing, a stroll and dinner after, because it had been too long since they had hung out.
And, incidentally, Terry also needed advice. Particular advice. And the best way to get advice from Colette was food bribery. They were going to go to Les Freres Heureux after this, his treat. As much as his wallet frowned at him for it... mostly out of habit, snce his financial situation is much different now that he was a drug mule for a bird-people empire in outer space.
You know, when you put it like that-
- Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
On some level Nadia understands what Terry means, but only to a limited degree since her childhood was not what anyone would call normal from the outset. "Yeah, things are pretty crazy out here. Life was a lot slower and more theoretical in the bunker. More doomsday weapon plans, less actual alien invasions and extra-dimensional evil cyborg dads." She says as she walks alongside Terry looking from one exhibit to the next.
Today, Nadia 'The Waspette' Pym-van Dyne is dressed pretty casually, not a super suit in sight, unless one squints really hard at one of the necklaces around her neck. She's wearing a black T-shirt with a stylized pink wasp decal beneath a pink and purple bomber jacket with the G.I.R.L. logo on the back and a red and black plaid skirt with knee-high stompy boots.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Later visit to Les Freres Heuruex notwithstanding, Colette is already eating. What's more she's eating the strongly mustard-flavored rarebit and seems just as happy about it as the aforementioned brothers. While the Kori-inspired concoction may be too much for some paletes, Colette has demonstrated an ability to consume some of Kori's more extreme personal recipes in the past without actually dying, so it's probably no surprise she's enjoying this.
"Honestly Terry," Colette says between mouthfuls. "The day I met you, I thought to myself here's a guy who's going to end up either eaten by some previously undiscovered life form or trapped in a bizarre dimension.' It's just kind of this air you have about you."
She tilts her head to the side. "The only reason I didn't say anything is because they discourage drinking alcohol if you're on Thorazine. I was right though." She raises an eyebrow at Nadia. "Tell him I was right. The man was born to be eaten by some undiscovered life form or stuck inside a bizarre dimension. I mean he /comes/ from a bizarre dimension, it's pretty much just normal for him."
- Kimi Starr has posed:
Getting away from New York was supposed to be relaxing and good for her. Take in the sights of another city, immerse herself in art and try to work through not only the past year and a half of nightmares - but determine exactly what the path forward was going to look like. These, and many other things were racing through the mind of Kimi Starr; a surprisingly tall half-Japanese woman with striking blue eyes. She meanders, almost aimlessly from exhibit to exhibit, the heels of her boots clicking sharply against the floor. Invasions this, destruction that, remnants of memories showing just how many times Armageddon had tried to visit the little blue marble she called home.
"This...was stupid, I should have just kept my damned mouth shut and pushed through..." she mused to herself quietly.
Coming to stop next to one of the several Kree recreations on display, the woman slipped a hand into the pocket of her jacket and pulled her phone out, beginning to thumb with a bit more focus through the various icons on the screen.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
The human redhead gives Colette a saucy look, and then smirks, deciding that he just can't let that line pass him by. "Well, Colette, Kian /was/ a previously undiscovered life form, and depending on what context 'eaten' is being used in h-"
Fortunately for the world, or probably for Terry (because Colette never shies away from punching people), he never gets to finish that sentence. The reason being that there is a very audible electronic squeal that gets interrupted quickly- but it's easily dinstiguishable: the sound of a security system. An alarm.
"What-" Terry frowns and looks around. "... maybe a malfunction?" he says, hoping against hope. Nope. Once again, the squeal. This time it manages to go on for a second or two before it gets interrupted again.
"Help! Help security!" a woman's voice calls, echoing through the museum halls, "They're trying to take-" the voice is interrupted by a scream of fright.
"OH for crying out -" Terry turns around and tries to locate the source of the sound. "It sounds like- by the Kree exhibit?" He doesn't wait for confirmation, but takes to sprinting in the general direction.
It isn't, quite, by the Kree exhibit. But it is close. A group of panicking museum patrons rushes out of one of the halls across from Kimi, and the loud voices there give the location away. Impressively, a group of security guards is there and through the doors in a few seconds after the alarms.
And then, a few seconds later, they are expelled through the doors in a burst of green light. They lay on the floor, unmoving. Not dead, at least.
Inside the hall, one dedicated to unidentified artefacts, it is pandemonium. About ten men dressed in black and holding strange-looking guns are milling about several exhibits, clearly looking for something. Panicked patrons are on the ground, crawling low to avoid being noticed, or curled up in fear.
- Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia considers Colette's assessment of Terry and can't help but nod her head a few times. "In our line of work the statistical probability of both of those is really quite high." When Terry starts to talk about Kian, Nadia holds up a hand to cut him off. "Too much information! I never thought I would say that, but in this case I have come to realize there are some things that are perhaps not meant to be known!"
And then the security alarms are going off and Nadia just sighs, "There's that fast paced outside life again, never a dull moment!" She says as she turns towards the direction of the rancor and assesses the situation.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Terry," Colette starts when he brings up Kian. "Don't make me punch you. Nobody wants to hear that." The interruption of alarms is frankly a relief, because it means that nobody /has/ to hear that.
Alarms, flashes of green light, men in black with strange looking weapons, none of this phases Colette. She echoes Nadia's sigh, but her response is somewhat different. "You two are going to want to do something about this, aren't you?" she says. "I don't suppose you could be persuaded to allow the relevant authorities to deal with it in their own way? I mean you guys are off duty, right?"
There's nothing in her voice or body language that suggests she expects a positive answer to her question. She's probably just saying it for the look of the thing. Despite her complaints she is paying attention to what's going on, with particular attention paid to the odd-looking guns.
Colette gives another sigh and leans against a wall. "Try not to get yourselves killed, okay?" she adds before addressing the issue of her unfinished mustard rarebit, which clearly will need to be eaten before something else interrupts her.
- Kimi Starr has posed:
The sudden commotion, sirens, flashing lights and panicked people rushing from across the hall cause, what would be at any other time an almost comical reaction from the black haired woman. Raising her eyes from the phone in her hands, a positively annoyed expression begins taking up residence on her features. The phone is returned to its home in her jacket pocket as Kimi turns to directly face the source of the alarm and excitement. A cursory headcount is taken in the first few seconds of the black clad men, followed by a quick glance at the number of responding security.
"Oh, no, no you don't. I am on vacation. Bloody hell..." venom practically drips with her words as a single step is taken towards the fun.
Catching a glance of a red headed youth sprinting, she raises her left hand up in a clear 'stop' gesture, while the right hand slips inside her jacket to a pocket - pulling out a pair of crimson tinted, sunglasses. Those cold blue eyes, for a heartbeat, lock on Terry before being covered by the glasses. Teenagers think they are invincible, wouldn't bother to say anything. Besides, whatever was happening in there would be over soon.
She was annoyed after all.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Buh-wha-" Terry skids to a stop, as a woman gestures him to stop. This isn't Terry's first rodeo, and the way she puts on those glasses suggests this isn't just some well-intentioned bystander trying to prevent an Oh The Humanity. There may be another 'pro' on the field.
"No, it's ok, I'm with the Titans-"
A green blast flies through the threshold, and he shows that he means what he said by actually /dodging/ to the side before the blast hit him. Flat against the wall, he exhales. "Jesus! Okay, this calls for..."
He bring up his bracelet with the mirror sown into it, and stares at the reflection of his own eyes. Instead of breaking out into a song asking why can't his reflection show the girl who is inside, he says: "We're All Mad Here!"
And there is a bright burst of rainbow light that obscures the figure there. When the light has subsided, Vorpal the Cheshire Cat stands in the place where Terry O'Neil stood.
He really isn't upset that Kimi didn't recognize him. As someone who looks like the redhead boy-next-door, he is nowhere near as noticeable as, say, Gar. He is not Amazon-gorgeous like Troa, or dashingly devilishly handsome like Nightwing- while his feline version is noticeable and stands out in a crowd, his human form is... well, if he had one of those giant egos, he'd probably end up screaming 'Do you KNOW who I am?' all of the time.
"Alright, let's take a look--" he summons an illusion of himself to stand in the open door. It is immediately blasted by an avalanche of green-white energy. "Yyyep. They've got guns. Okay... quick plans. I'm magic, I do portals and illusions. The Waspette gets really tiny and kicks ass. What do you do? I'm open to suggestions on how to handle-" he says to Kimi, as another blast of light goes through the door, as the men inside are clearly taking turns blasting their weapons through to keep people from coming through, or in. "-That?"
- Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia gives Colette a weak smile, she just wants to help people including the people whose job it is to deal with such things. They deserve help too and not to be shot at by weird green blasts from science guns or magic jazz hands. "Vorp rabbit hole!" She calls over to him, though he's stopped and talking to someone else? "Okay, you make friends." She says and vanishes.
Or seems to vanish would be more accurate, in fact it only takes her a microsecond to reduce her size to the same scale as the spare suit she keeps in one of her necklaces. Moments later not Nadia, but the Waspette! reappears, not that her identity is particularly secret but she's wearing a suit now! "Catch up when you can!" She calls to Vorpal and flies off towards the action.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Try not to get shot," Colette calls out after Terry and Nadia. "They're set to repulsor mode by the looks of it, but it'll still hurt. And they'll probably switch to lethal once you start interfering." She takes another bite of her rarebit. Basically she's heckling.
Here in Metropolis where Superheroes aren't exactly rare and the Titans at least are very much a known quantity, security guards are quite accustomed to letting people who look like they're members of that ilk get on with things, but they do try to clear out civilian gawkers. One of the museum security guards trying their best to give Kimi and the Titans space to do their thing makes the mistake of attempting to save Colette from being caught in the crossfire. "Miss, please move to the exit, we need to evacuate."
"That doesn't apply to me," Colette explains, and continues to eat her rarebit.
The guard looks nonplussed. "It's dangerous here, please move to the exit," he insists.
"Hello? Eating here. Haven't finished. Kinda rude."
"Look, over there!" Colette interrupts, gesturing with the remains of her rarebit. "Civilians in danger! Be a good sheepdog and herd them to the exit."
The guard hovers somewhere between angry and nonplussed. "Miss..." he starts again, his voice getting lower and a little annoyed.
"I'm with them," Colette says, pointing in Terry's direction. She pops the remainder of the rarebit in her mouth and starts licking her fingers pointedly, ignoring the guard.
The guard stares at her a few moments, then shrugs his shoulders and wanders off to find less recalcitrant people to help.
- Kimi Starr has posed:
A rather, hard to describe smirk begins to curl up at the corner of Kimi's lips, almost as if she was borderline. There's something, very, clearly, off about the woman that has shifted in just the past few moments. A second step, shifting her legs into what resembles a sprinter's pose, Kimi - hearing that the former-red headed kid that was rushing to the rescue was 'with the Titans' let the mask slip ever so slightly. The slightly sadistic grin softening a bit.
"It's simple really," a deep breath was drawn in and blown out sharply, "the plan, is this." and with those ominous words, an explosion of wind erupts from the woman, hair and jacket flaring in the sudden tempest. Exploding forward and straight into the room, caution thrown quite literally to the wind, she lets out a absolutely fury filled scream - skidding to a halt surrounded by the first six black garbed assailants. Arms thrust out, to her sides, hands balling into tight fists one heartbeat, and in the next, opening sharply and 'pushing' down through the air - causing a second violent downburst within the room.
The men surrounding her turn, facing the psychopath that basically rushed in to the middle of them and find themselves at first taken aback by the brazen audacity of her actions, but then find themselves brought low with that simple gesture. The sick sound of skulls meeting tile floor with more force than was probably necessary echoing in the din. Not taking a moment to so much as breathe, Kimi drops sharply to one knee and pivots hard with one arm pushing out towards the door; sending a final staccato series of gusts in that direction; sending whatever weapons that had been held or dropped by the now prone vanguard clear of the fray and into the hallway.
"GO!" was all that needed be said.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
And as those skulls hit the ground, something weird happens. It is as if the men glitch in and out of existence for a moment, only to be replaced by something much more hideous-- very /tall/ lizard-like men. The electric sparks here and there betray some holographic tech that has just been severely damaged. Of those laid to the ground, only one seems to try to get back up while his team-mates remain unconscious. He isn't exactly making the comeback of the century, but rather trying very hard to fight his body's inclination to just stay down. The alien clearly has some pride issues going on.
"Okay, that works," the Cheshire cat smirks. As the weapons- high-tech and decidedly /alien/- fly through the door, the Cat is there to catch them with a Rabbit Hole, directly to the Titan's lab for analysis later.
The storm that rages inside has not pinned the other five, who are far to the back of the room. In fact, they seemed to have found what they came for, for they have dropped theri alien guises and they are working as a team to pull something out from an intriguing alien artefact that seems to be comprised of a seemingly endless mass of cubes. And it is one cube in particular that the last four out of five are trying to pry from the structure. It is about the size of an adult human's head.
The fifth? Why, the lizard-like creature lifts his gun and points it at Kimi.
"Nadia, they're yours!" Vorpal shouts, coming through the door. Vorpal has no idea how fast Kimi can be, although he just saw she could be terrifingly fast. The energy blasts are decidedly on the slower side, not the blazing speed of some blasters, but still... it's close quarters.
Which is why the alien becomes very, very surprised all of a sudden as his blast goes through a Rabbit Hole that opens right in front of his gun-
And comes out of the Rabbit Hole that opens behind him, effectively shooting himself in the back.
"Stop hitting yourself!" the Cheshire cat calls out in a mocking tone as the alien goes down, injured but alive. The guards have been avenged.
Now all that's left are the four would-be thieves. One of them breaks off and lunges towards Kimi in a fury, because apparently being fast learners is not a thing back in their planet. The other three scramble desperately to pry the cube loose, and it does begin to move-
- Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Okay, that was kind of cool!" Th Waspette calls to Vorpal from where she is hovering above the fray thanks to her bio-synthetic wings. "I think your new friend might need anger management therapy though." And then the bodies hit the floor and they're high tech disguises flicker off. "Wait Lizard people?! Are you serious? Aren't those supposed to be politicians, I think I remember someone saying politicians are secretly lizard people." Good luck convincing her conspiracy theories are false now.
"Rude! Do not point your science guns at people!" She chides the lizard person aiming it's weapon at Kimi and raises her arm gauntlets, first to fire a blast at his weapon to knock it from his hands with the left gauntlet before aiming another shot center mass with the right.
That just leaves the four trying to steal one of the cubes. "Excuse me, Lizard People, that doesn't belong to you and this would all be a whole lot easier if you'd just surrender. No? Alright FINE, have it your way!" The Waspette shouts at them before vanishing from sight as she adjusts her size on the fly, zipping across the room, the remaining four lizard people find the backs of their knees peppered with tiny sticky bomb explosives. At this size they probably shouldn't cause any /permanent/ damage... right? The destructive thresholds of living tissue at different scales is a bit harder to guage than inorganic structure even with her expertise in demolitions.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
The aliens are pretty hardy, and Nadia's bomblets don't actually cause any limbs to fall off, but they're enough to disable the remaining four lizard people. This is the point where Colette, having consumed her rarebit, arrives on the scene to save the day! The fact that all the aliens are out for the count, unconscious, clutching injured knees in pain or lying in a daze, is pure coincidence. She wanders nonchalantly into the room, and claims one of the guns from the unresisting hands of an unconscious alien with equal nonchalance before using it to cover the defeated horde.
Then she starts speaking in a strange language. A few of the less unconscious aliens stare at her for a few moments, then turn to look at one of their number, presumably the leader. Said presumed leader is unconscious from having his head slammed into the floor by Kimi's initial assault and thus does not answer. After a few more moments one of the aliens nervously replies in what sounds like it may be the same language, and Colette again responds.
Colette looks to the others. "What. I'm a xenolinguist," she explains. "Everyone knows that. Taught Kian how to speak English." Nobody asked, Colette.
There's a small flurry of voices from the still conscious aliens while Colette is answering a wholly imaginary question, but Colette cuts it off with a loud pronouncement in the same strange language. There's another few moments silence, then a few exchanged words in what sounds like it may be some /different/ strange language before the aliens who still have weapons drop them.
Colette flicks a switch on the gun and levels it at the box the aliens had been trying to recover, which elicits another round of raised alien voices. They obviously do not like the idea of this box being shot at. Colette ignores them, and shoots the box, which erupts in a shower of sparks and then sits there smoking. The aliens respond with a mixture of loud alien complaints and disappointed groans. "
"Far too dangerous," Colette tells Terry. "Couldn't risk it falling into their hands. Big badaboom." This is not the first time that Colette has suggested something at the Jules Verne museum was too dangerous to leave around, but at least on this occasion she has the fact that a bunch of aliens seem to have turned up to try to steal it to back up her claims.
Colette dumps the gun into Terry's hands and says "Book 'em, Danno."
- Kimi Starr has posed:
The excitement had drawn to a close, albeit now with the added peppering of unknown lizard-people scattered on the floor in various states of being. The alarms ringing incessantly in the background did little to alleviate the tension that had built - but at least in this moment, it appeared that the worst was over. Still holding her pose, one knee planted firmly on the ground, the black and red haired woman who had rushed in headfirst without so much as sharing her name was doing everything she could to steady her breathing. Sweat had began to bead upon her forehead, then the rest of her body. Palms came down on either side of her to brace against the floor. From just a few seconds prior, the energy and explosive speed seemed all but a memory - she clearly looked like she was about to either pass out or collapse. As breath became a little more ragged, those who would have her in sight would notice small rivulets of blood trailing down her arms from under her jacket and shirt sleeves, dotting the floor in marked specks of ruby.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Wha- oh, okay?" Vorpal says, aiming the gun in the general direction of the moaning, wounded or unconscious aliens. Suddenly, he is clad in a trench coat, a fedora, and a cigar jutting from the corner of his mouth. "Keep 'em where I can see 'em, nice an' easy until they come to take you away, see?"
A glance in Kimi's direction, and he grows concerned. "Ma'am are you alright? Nadia, see if she needs something... and get us a proper introduction- Colete what the hell do I do with these guys? Do we need to call SHIELD?" He frowns, "And what exactly /was/ in that thing you shot?"
- Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
The disappearing, reappearing, disappearing Waspette reappears. If you didn't already know what she was doing the speed of the size shifts makes it seem almost like teleportation, albeit teleportation with a delay before she appears again. With the strange alien lizard people no longer able to stand, she's back to her normal size again, hovering with her bio-synthetic wings.
At Terry's insistence she flies over to where Kimi is waving down at her, "Hi, I'm Nadia, that wind thing was really cool! Are you okay? Oh! And what's your name?" Vorpal did ask her to get an introduction after all. When Vorpal asks if they should call SHIELD Nadia shouts back, "I'll call Carol, she'll know what to do!"
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Big badaboom," Colette repeats patiently to Terry. It is in fact a component of a hyperdrive navigation computer of Khund manufacture, though similar devices are made by many races. The chain of cubes consist of a series of detectors that monitor local brane distortion in the hyperspace matrix, the one on the end the aliens were trying to get from it is the storage device that records data from the detectors. If someone were to know this fact, they might guess that the aliens wanted it so they could backtrack a journey through hyperspace the ship the device comes from once took. As such, there is little chance of a badaboom, big or otherwise. At least not directly.
"As for what to do with them, why are you asking me? You're the cape. I'm just an innocent civilian bystander who knows nothing about how this hero business works. You could always just make sure they're disarmed and hand them over to the museum's cowering and pathetic security guards. They'll probably hand 'em over to the DEO or something."
The more talkative of the conscious aliens says something to Colette in whatever alien language they had been using. Colette crumples up the paper her rarebit had been wrapped in and tosses it into a trashcan before answering. Whatever she says in reply causes the alien to look towards Vorpal with a nervous expression and babble at him in the same tongue.
"He's asking roughly the same thing Vorp," Colette explains. "He proposes that you take their weapons and release them, and in exchange they promise to promptly depart the planet and never come back. He's also offering you a thousand of some unit of currency I am unfamiliar with to grease the wheels."
"Also your new cape buddy is leaking," Colette adds. She leans casually against a display and calls over to Nadia. "She's not okay, Nadia. She's leaking. She may have been shot or something. Unless leaking blood is one of her superpowers. That could be a thing. Hi, leaking lady."
- Kimi Starr has posed:
As the blood continued to trickle down Kimi's arms, she remained motionless - save for her breathing. While the amount of blood loss wasn't life threatening - considering she hadn't taken a single blow, the fact that it was there in the first place would none the less be concerning. With Nadia coming to her side, Kimi finally lets her eyes open up as she turns to look up at the incredible shrinking and growing woman, a faint bluish green glow fading from her eyes.
"H...hi." exhaustion permeated her voice, "I'm....Kimi." she grimaced down at her hands and arms. "You....kids shouldn't have to put, yourselves in the line of fire like that." The sentiment was genuine, protective, almost motherly - a stark contrast from the billowing ball of rage she was upon the start of the conflict.
Letting a faint chuckle pass her lips, Kimi pushed back and sat flatly on the floor, carefully turning to look around at her handiwork. Nothing seemed too damaged or out of place. Her focus and control clearly were getting better, but god the recoil from using her powers in succession like that still took quite the toll.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Nnnnno. You shot at civilians. And now you've tried to bribe me. Go to hell." The Cheshire summons a Rabbit Hole to scoop each and every one of the aliens, in order to deposit them on a single pile. A magical bubble construct then captures them in the most uncomfortable confining space. "You'll rot there until I decide what to do with you." The security guards probably aren't prepared to deal with the Aliens. Their attack of a civilian facility leaves him absolutely with no pity.
"Nadia, think you can get one of your friends to come with a containment unit?" After all, Nadia had dealt with SHIELD back in the doppelganger saga. She probably had connections still.
Approaching Nadia and Kimi, he says, "Kimi. Hey. I'm Vorpal... and it's ok. This is what we do. Helps to have nine lives," he shoots her a Cheshire grin, and looks at the damage to the room. "That was... pretty darned impressive. We should get you some medical attention, though. We're probably a few minutes away from the authorities getting here. And that means I'm probably stuck giving the statements." Again. "But Nadia and Colette can get you some help? And get you out of here presto in case you don't want attention."
Yes. He knows how vigilantes roll.
- Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Hi, Kimi!" Nadia smiles brightly at her. "Oh no, she really is leaking! I mean bleeding!" And then Vorpal is coming over. "This is Vorpal," Which he just said. She gestures at Terry. "Vorp can you help her with first aid while I make some calls?"
Meanwhile she activates the comms in her helmet to call SHIELD "Hi, I need to talk to Bobbi! Who is this? Oh it's Nadia! Pym-van Dyne, you know Waspette? Science lab credentials? Just put Bobbi on! Yes I mean Dr. Morse. Okay, I'll hold... Vorp they put me on hold! This music is so weird..."
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"DEO will probably get upset if you call SHIELD," Colette suggests. "There's probably a demarcation issue. They'll both turn up and start arguing with each other over custody. Then next thing you know, DEO and SHIELD shooting it out right here in the middle of the museum. Dozens killed in the crossfire, museum ruined. And it'll be all your fault, Vorp."
"HEY! Security guard people!" Colette yells out, cupping a hand to her mouth. "It's safe, you can stop cowering. A bunch of capes dealt with it. Alien invaders taken prisoner, everyone safe. Call the DEO. And SHIELD. And the SCU. Call everyone!"
Colette ambles over to Kimi, peering curiously at her. "They're not kids, they're Titans. Putting themselves in the line of fire is like their favorite thing in the world. You'll never talk them out of it. Vorpal here got shot twice in the first week I knew him, it's kind of his thing. Expecting me to provide medical help seems to be his new thing. Dunno anything about that, sorry." She's had basic first aid training, but she doesn't want to get blood on her clothes. "I'm with Nadia on this one. Terry, you sort it out. I'm a teacher damn it, not a doctor."
A security guard pops her head around the door to look in, and seeing that things are roughly as Colette's yell had described, steps cautiously in followed by a couple of other security guards. "We can uh... thanks for the help," one of them says.
Colette tilts her head to the side, then stares at Vorpal. "You know, we should probably take leaking lady to get medical attention urgently. I know you're desperate to give statements, but I'd suggest a rabbit hole to the Tower's medical bay. The guards here know you're Titans, they can pass the word on to contact you later for a report."
- Kimi Starr has posed:
Kimi was in no mental state to argue, she simply nodded silently and reached up, gingerly wrapping her hands around her upper arms in a self-hug type position. The expressions of pain on her face were plain to anyone, and while her jacket hid whatever wounds were there, just how serious they were was unknown. Looking over to Colette, then Nadia - she gave the smallest of smiles.
"No one else got hurt?" she said.
A shuddering sigh escaped Kimi's lips, "The wind thing...I'm still, getting the hang of it." said to no one in particular. Her eyes shifted across the scene behind her glasses, taking it all in. The confined remains of the lizards, the inexplainable grin on Vorpal's face, the realization of a woman who shrank then grew, and, whomever this third one that clearly was with them. All in all, the adrenaline was wearing thin and it was showing. Closing her eyes, the pained expression passed and turned to something more pensive. How could she have been so idiotic to just rush in without taking the time to at the very least put on a mask. Now, not only all these kids knew her secret, but the guards, and anyone else who happened to be watching.
"....damnit." she whispered at first. Then louder, repeating, "Damnit. Damnit!" drawing her knees up to her chest and chin, the woman tried to hide her face as best she could, even if at this point it was all for naught. Her own anger at herself for being so reckless and acting without thinking was now full and front in her mind, as well as what the ramifications of this would be in the near future.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"It's okay-" Vorpal says, kneeling down to offer Kimi a hand. "It's ok. We'll go to the Tower and get you patched up. You won't need to talk to anyone." The Rabbit Hole opens wide, showing the Titans medbay- which is, as far as such accomodations go, actually kind of nice. "No one will know," he says, makng a guess as to what might be behind the woman's distress. He gestures, tilting his head at the ceiling where the cameras are usually placed.
They are dark and not moving. The alarms had started earlier, but were abruptly silenced just as they started. A small device embedded on the ceiling, spider-like with claws digging into the ceiling, might be an explanation: the aliens disabled all security systems in the room. There is likely no footage of the incident. As for the guards, though? Hard to tell. Most of them are probably more preoccupied with restraining the alien inside the bubble, once Vorpal pops it, than to get a close look at them yet.
"Just in case, we should go. C'mon, we'll get you patched up and you can tell us what's what. If you're lucky, Caitlin may bake her cookies."
He's being a bit over the top, but he can tell she might be in shock. So he does the only thing that he knows what to do: offer to lead Alice down the Rabbit Hole. It's what he does.
- Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Bobbi! It's Nadia, your interns never want to connect me for some reason. Agent Forest isn't an intern? Whatever, anyway there's a bunch of weird unconscious alien lizard people at the Jules Verne museum, can you ask SWORD to come mop up? Awesome thanks! Bye!" Nadia finishes her phone call and looking to the Rabbit Hole that Vorpal is opening, "Maybe we should all just reconvene at the Tower, authorities who can actually deal with this are on the way. I'll order pizza!" Because it just wouldn't be Titans Tower without a tower of pizza boxes.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Good plan Nadia," Colette says, already walking through the Rabbit Hole into the tower. It's everything to do with reassuring Kimi that Rabbit Holes are safe, and nothing to do with getting the hell out of there quickly before SWORD or the DEO put in an appearance and start asking questions. Especially SWORD. Colette already has a file with SHIELD and doesn't want it to get any thicker.
Colette lays herself down on one of the medbay beds and folds her hands behind her head as a pillow. "Ow, ow, I am mortally wounded," she claims in a voice wholly lacking in any indication of pain. "Nothing will save me except for pizza from Giorgio's. Four cheese, side order of breadsticks. Four hundred CCs of beer, stat!"
She sits up again quickly, miraculously cured, and stares back through the open Rabbit Hole at the others in the museum. "You guys coming through? Or planning to stay to explain everything to the authorities when they turn up in about two minutes?"
- Kimi Starr has posed:
Looking to the suspicious hole in space, and watching the others pass through, Kimi feels that at this point, she has no choice but to follow. Carefully, slowly, gathering herself to her feet - she stumbles forward and approaches the Rabbit Hole. Looking it over inquisitively for a moment before tentatively stretching, first a hand, then arm, then her entire body through. She had seen Stargate, but there was no way to know what to expect. Controlling winds was one thing, magical portals to other places was entirely outside of her wheelhouse.
"Wh....huh?" emerging into the medbay, Kimi looks around and is honestly shocked both by how seamless the transition from the museum to, wherever it she was now was. But also how utterly foreign it felt in contrast to what she knew.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
"It's okay- it's just an unexplainable hole in reality caused by cahos magic. Like a wormhole, except you aren't crushed by the incredible gravitational forces when crossing over- so, magic." He leads Kimi to one of the medbay beds, rolling his eyes at Colette's display and shakes his head with a smirk. "Let's have a look at you, Kimi..." he reaches over to grab the nearest med car, "Have a seat on the bed and show me where it hurts... so-"
Bandages, disinfectant, check, "That awesome thing with the wind you did... that's a new thing for you, you said?"
The Rabbit Hole has closed now that all fo them are in the medbay, and Nadia is about to order pizza.
And that means Vorpal is playing nurse. God help us all.
- Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"No, this is not a crank call." Nadia is already on the phone ordering pizza as she steps through the portal. "Are you new? This is Nadia from Titans Tower, we order 100 extra large pizzas all the time. I'm sure there's someone there who knows. Yes, the standing order. Oh! And add a quattro cheese, a side order of breadsticks, and four hundred CC's of beer. Hello? Okay, just bring a can then! Okay, bye!"
Putting away her phone, Nadia grins brightly at everyone, "Pizza's on the way! I think, the new guy seemed a bit confused, but hopefully it's on the way!"
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette gives Nadia a thumbs up, particularly approving of the way the diminutive hero actually attempted to order 400CCs of beer. "I'm sure it's not normally a hundred though, Nadia," she says. "I mean think about it. Pizza box is like 2 inches thick, right? 200 inches is sixteen and a half feet. That's a big stack. I think you're just being thrown by people saying 'just order a hundred pizzas' meaning 'lots'. I mean even Wally, Irie and Bart don't generally eat more than a half dozen extra large each, and you didn't check to see if they're even going to be in the Tower today."
Helpfully she waits until after Nadia has finished putting in the order before making this correction.
"Use the computer scan thingy, that way it's the Titans who get the malpractice suit not you," Colette heckles Terry. "And try not to put the bandages on backwards. That's incredibly dangerous."
Colette nods her head towards Kimi. "When he's done with the sawbones act, we've got a form you can fill in to provide quality of service feedback. Don't forget to mark him down for his terrible bedside manner."
- Kimi Starr has posed:
Kimi continues to look around rather dumbfounded at the medbay and the goings on within it. These 'kids' in her eyes, are going about things as if they don't have a care in the world over what just happened. Shaking her head ever so slightly, she moved cautiously over to one of the diagnostic beds and sit on the edge of it. Glancing between Colette and Terry, her concerns were far from assuaged. Leaning back and following directions - the bed whirred to life and began humming, chirping and doing whatever scientific magic it does in order to determine the causality and severity of an individual's wounds.
Kimi knew what was coming next. The screen lit up and showed a series of spiral looking abrasions and cuts all along her upper arms, from her biceps up to her shoulders. None were flagged particularly life threatening - anyone who happened to look at the screen would see that the cuts were too precise, too perfectly formed, and in a design that was entirely unnatural. Beyond that - Kimi showed in almost perfect health, minus some minor liver damage due to alcohol consumption and blood pressure that would make any family physician debate calling a code.
- Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal looks at the readout and raises an eyebrow. "Huh, okay... that's unusual." This is an anthropomorphi Cheshire Cat saying this. He has no leg to stand on to call something unusual. "But not something to worry about. Looks like you have some... cuts, I guess, potentially from something youd did during the fight? It's not important, they're not life threatening. More than anything, though, you seem to be in shock... probably from using your powers that way. So... how about you just take it easy for a bit? Rest here, it's safe. When you're hungry, you can join us for food... if there's anything the Titans can do for you, you can tell us."
He gestures to the bandages, "Do you... er... need me to tend to the cuts? Or would you rather do it yourself? Either way, the invitation to rest here stands. What do you say?"