13952/Fencing Lessons

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Fencing Lessons
Date of Scene: 28 January 2023
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: The first fencing lesson at Xavier's School for the Gifted. As expected, it was wild. Wild, I tell you!
Cast of Characters: Rahne Sinclair, Monet St. Croix, Illyana Rasputina, Noriko Ashida, Tabitha Smith, Evan Sabahnur, Marie-Ange Colbert

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"And remember the object of this is actually very simple. Strike your opponent, and don't get hit in return. Simple and ruthless."

Professor Xavier pauses, then smiles and waves to the field, the fighting zones set up for practice. Taken from standard fencing rules, fencers compete on a 'piste' that is 46 feet long and around six feet wide. There is a centre line with on-guard lines six feet to either side across the width of the piste and this is where the fencers start each round from.

"Like any other style of combat, fencing is about practice. Your weapon determines what rules you wish to use." He pauses, wheeling to the racks, motioning others to join him. "The Epee. The heaviest sword, with the most active play style. You can strike anywhere on the body, at any time, but only the tip is used." He pauses, tossing a pre-emptive glare at Tabitha, them moves on.

"The Sabre, a cutting instrument," he says, showing the next weapon. "Any part of the blade may be used, better for anyone who is used to real combat. Slicing motions are very common here, but legal targets include only above the waist. It is likely the weapon that will fit best for real fighters."

"Lastly, the foil. This is the lightest and most agile of swords. Only the tip is used, (Glares at Tabitha) but keep in mind. It takes roughly two pounds of force to push a needle through the human body." He looks at everyone, then smiles. "These are blunted, it's safer. But it's still dangerous. When using the the foil only strikes to the torso, neck, groin and back count."

He then moves back, offering the weapons. "Swing them around, try them out. If you think you're ready to step onto the field, feel free to do so. We'll get into hard rules next time, this is mostly about getting used to the weapons and the areas of combat. And each other. Keep it clean, if you can manage that much."

"Full gear please. I don't want anyone losing an eye." Or a groin, or any other body part actually.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She finds this sort of thing relaxing. To watch, if not to partake in. She had some basic lessons while at boarding school. It was the sort of affair the elite did. They competed. The good ones were channeled into various teams for performances. Like they were nobility of a sort. M is past teh point where she finds these sorts of things personally engaging.

She is perfect, after all.

But she is there to just watch over and to be on hand if needed. M is back away from the main group to observe, watching The Professor give instructions and with her hands behind her back over while scanning the area and those whom are readying their eqiupment. Makings ure that they're using it and fastening it properly.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Simple and ruthless: Illyana Rasputina's favourite tactics in a nutshell, when she can afford to be. Otherwise it's the Scott Summers Method incarnate in her, countless plans bubbling away behind the golden fringe almost reaching her eyes now. Someone needs a trim.

The fencing equipment isn't something she exactly needs, no mask at least. The pants something she shakes her head to. The reason is probably obvious; the psychoactive armour that follows her mutant gift, like her big brother, excludes all other kinds of. At least she can try the jacket, pulling it on and messing with securing the hidden tabs on the lame. "Do we need the body cords that plug in, or not today?"

A salute comes as a frosty Russian upnod. "Thank you, Professor." Her crisp Russian accent doesn't conceal the fact her diction is almost his. Getting her balance on her feet comes easily as she greets the others when they come.

Noticeably she's not seeking out a weapon. Yet.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is here, well, late.  But she gets dressed so fast she doesn't even have to leave the room.  The speedster is definitely struggling though with the jacket.  That comes last (well, the helmet will come last), and she has to remove her gauntlets.  She decides to fit her gauntlets over the sleeves after pushing them up as much as possible.  It's as awkward as it seems and maybe not altogether safe, but safer than not wearing a jacket or not wearing the gauntlets...separately.

Finally, Noriko's helmet appears on her head and she has a foil.  It was the closest thing.

"HIGHLANDER MODE!" she shouts and then slashes the foil around in a flourish like it ought to be some teenager's youtube lightsaber or a sabre.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It was a fun training session. Fencing. And not the sort that involved physical perimeter boundaries.

Sword, the stabbing and slashing kind. Luckily she also didn't have to provide her own equipment. The only weapons she stored at home where a baseball bat and a flame thrower.

Thank you Wade!

So Out she comes in the standard white fencing uniform and pads. "I feel like I should be umpiring our next pick up baseball game." she jokes while the mask is perched atop her head so she can see. "Or doing inflatable sumo."

She has never won at that.

The rundown on the weapons gets grins. and returned glares from the Professor. "I don't know what's funnier Professor, you thinking I'm thinking or that you thought it!" she jokes back.

"Yana hon, I think with telepaths here we don't need to wire our selves up. And like any of us would even be able to land a hit on you." she states and looks over a Sabre.

In her hand she grins and makes sure she has enough room to not almost cut anyone.

This does still allow Tabby to be Tabby.

The blade on the sabre itself starts glowing with a bright purple plasma being conducted and generated around the metal. "An elegant weapon for a more civilised age!" she says and probably sounds more Emma than Obi Wan for the fake accent.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan moves in to look over the indicated weapons. His attention is piqued by the mention of 'real combat' at what was announced as fencing lessons, and ends up gravitating to the sabre, giving it a few practice swings. Being designed for fencing it is properly balanced, not that he would know, but it feels right when he swings it. That decision being made he steps out of the way of the other students and starts trying to make sure his gear is on correctly.

    Moving over to the fencing uniforms, he finds one in his size and starts getting into it. It's not a terribly complex procedure, as it fits over the T-shirt and shorts that he is wearing today. The headpiece takes a little adjusting, but he finally gets it figured out, but after sizing it correctly he takes it back off to see what comes next.

He grins as he watches Noriko manage her gear, then turn into a kid again once it's on. Not to be left out, he slips his helmet with face-obscuring screen back on and starts making deep breathing noises like Darth Vader.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Monet's presence as emergency first aid is appreciated, and in fact required! The sport is a combat style, you're required to have some level of safety at all times. Especially since the main instructor is Charles. He glances in her direction, but most of his attention is on the students.

"For today, I'd simply like folks to try the gear and see what suits them, Illyana. If your own armour is enough, you may do without. Simply keep in mind that if we ever fence against others, then you must wear all of the gear. Those in this school however have special rules, because we are in many ways unique. You may if you feel it is safe without."

In the background Rahne Siclair is coming in, in full gear. All of it, even the stuff that's optional, but at least her helmet is currently raised. She pauses and offers Noriko some help with her jacket, but otherwise is quiet. Biting her lip, even.

Charles looks up when Noriko begins to wave the foil about, then sighs. "Get it out of your system, then, yes," he offers before listening to Tabitha. "I do not have to assume, Tabitha." Reminder, mindreader.

When Evan gears up as well, he nods. "Try more than one weapon. Most fencers are adept at all three, but tend to lean toward one for their training."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"Inflatable sumo? Only if we go those person-sized hamster balls." Illyana pulls her hair back into a ponytail so no one gets ideas about grabbing it, though yanking on a single strand invites murder. "Better if they have bells in them." Someone has watched too many New Zealand tourism videos.

Even she knows about Star Wars, and arches an eyebrow at Evan and Noriko. Someone must be in a truly fiendish or positive mood, for the slow unfurling of her black orchid smirk follows. "It is more I will destroy the gear when it perceives an attack, da?" she warns Charles with a mild lift of her shoulder. Nonetheless, she's not in a mood to look too worried. A casual loop around the piste gives her a good vantage point. "Anyone want assistance making sure they have this right, speak up. No harm in saying you are not sure of something."

And in lieu of Kurt, they have a Demon Queen.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Going to settle in, M watches the instruction, "The most important things here to have are focus and control. Control your breathing, your posture, your body. If you do not you risk hurting yourself and your partners." Her tone is passive but she's putting enough nuance into it to hopefully sound like she's trying to be helpful rather than her normal tone of what sounded like close to snarking. She goes to observe with the equipment on hand in case someone is hurt. She's alsos taying ag ood distance away so she doesn't get in the way of things or risk disrupting the focus of anyone present. She gives a nod over to the Professor, then to Rahne, then to each of the participants in tow.

The comment about Illyana in armor gets a quick amused look. If anything a normal weapon flicking at Yana is going to get one glance of the Darkchylde then run the other way screaming before contact.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Alright, vwummmm VUWUMMMM ksshhh." Yes Tabitha made lightsaber sounds. "Just don't forget to find it funny yourself Professor!" she states as she swishes and gets used to the weapon before reabsorbing the plasma energy. The foil and epee also getting brief impesonations of laser swords.

"Sumosuits and hamsterballs. Sign me up Illyana!" she states and makes the waddle walk as if the suit she did have was much bulkier. "Rahne, you can't be comfortable in all that!? she asks the littler ginger gearing up.

There's a grin at Monet at the suggestions of breathing and control. "Every day of my life." she points out and shakes her head. It has been nearly one year since the last time she contributed to remodelling the building.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Nodding to Professor X Evan says "Oh, I will, this one just seemed the most interesting." He's taken up a position more than a sword's length away from everyone else so there's no danger of hitting somebody with a random swing as he starts to get a feel for the weapon. The first couple are a bit wild, but as he gets a better feel for the sabre, they become more controlled. Well, slightly more controlled, because he's nowhere near an actual fencing strike. More like he's after a pinata or something, to be honest.

    After a minute or two, he looks over towards the 'teachers' of todays class and asks, "I'm guessing flailing at your opponent as you go down the mat thing isn't right, so what does an actual fencing strike look like?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It took a little time for Marie to get ready. She wanted to make sure that the gear was on right, didn't leave any part of her exposed to blades, fit properly, and everything. Then, she wanted to make sure that she would stand out just a little -- so her helmet has a big red ribbon taped to the back of it. Why? ...well, mainly in hopes that her more combat-oriented allies might take it a little easier on her.

Madame Okoye, afterall, certainly was not!

Charles gets a polite curtsey as she joins the group, before the girl moves over to the weapons. Selecting a foil first, extending her arm (and it) out, and doing a little two-step manuever. She's watched people fence. From the corner of the room. She knows the general idea... but this time, she's finally going to get to play in the reindeer games.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne lifts an epee, and with a few swings puts herself in more danger than any opponent. Highlander style indeed, she's this close to cutting off her own head. And this isn't the slicing weapon yet.

Xavier looks in her direction, a mental guide suggesting something, and the little redhead nods and replaces the weapon. Perhaps with her standard fare of claws, a slicing blade would be more appropriate?

But she walks right past it, taking up a foil. The blade is small, for a small fighter, but she sighs. "It be th' proper gear," she says to Tabitha, then steps onto the piste.

"Well, since someone requested," Charles says, "Rahne. Face Illyana. Then salute. If you do not salute, you can be disqualified entirely. Please remember to do so, everyone."

He's answering Evan now, giving some instruction. "Good day Miss Colbert. Alright. When you're ready, stand with your free hand away from your opponent, and step forward. The thrust is the primary foil attack, so...thrust!"

Rahne salutes, waiting.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
A low nod is given over by M to those that are going to be fighting, and her attention turns over to the ones that are instructing. She goes to get to a position where seh can see things more efficiently. Everything seems to be going satisfactorily as the others line up and the first exchanges are made.

M's hands fold behind her back, and hse goes to observe. Ordinarily, she might be offering criticism (why they insist that it should be feedback is ever an irritant to her) but that's being handled by the Professor, and it would be rude to take attention away from him. Particularly on those rare times he seems to be able to enjoy himself.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"What the f#@* is the point of getting all of this on if we aren't going to use it?!"  Exasperated?  Yes.  Noriko even waves Rahne away from her.  She's a big girl now!  She rolls her eyes when Illyanna brings up 'right'ness.  It comes across as a brief flash of the whites of her eyes, but anyone who has been around Noriko can interpret the signal correctly.

As Monet continues to coach about 'focus' and 'control' and 'posture' and safety, Noriko just heaves a huge sigh.  She pads her way over to sit on the side of the room with blurry shuffling feet and then sinks down to the floor to watch the matchup.  Immediately, she peels off her helmet, already dripping sweat.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
"I will make it happen. We need some kind of goal. What is the point of the fight? Push someone over a line? Most people knocked out win?" The important questions are asked by Illyana. She circles past Tabitha, a little less concerned about the plasma-tossing New Mutant knowing what she's about than some others.

Flailing at pinatas with swords is a time-honoured tradition and one she needs to pursue also. A note for later, mentally made. She smiles in that bleak manner at Marie-Ange. "You are ready? Very smart, make sure the bow does not dangle too much. Easy for a small, whippy blade to get trapped under and pull. Not fun for your throat, I promise." Strangulation by blade, who knew? Promise, she knows. She knows very well.

Those ice-pale eyes flicker-flash when the favourite Scot is called up against her, and someone is very certainly going to find themselves hanging upside down with a chorus of the Demons Nine yodelling Germanic drinking tunes and playing washboards for a night. Preferably while trying to imitate the bastard love child of Elton John and, say, Black Veil Brides.

One of those epees or sabers on the side doesn't end up in her hand. Of course not. Would Ash Williams choose a pistol when he has a chainsaw hand? In an instant, a forked black crossguard appears in her hand, and unlike the CGI of ILM, the blade of her lightsaber --- scratch that, Soulsword -- manifests with a completely audible hum. It even makes the low, humming noise because it can. She thins the blade to a ghostly needle, and then drops into en garde position on the piste, sinking into a deep stance. That's a bit concerning, surely.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan watches the example pair step up at Xavier's command and take positions on the piste. He can at least get the basics from them, even if they're not using the same weapon he ended up with. He slips the helmet back off as there's no reason to wear it while watching examples. It's turn will come later when two of the newbies are let loose to try and avoid maiming each other.

    As is typical for him when a lesson is being taught he gives it his full attention. While it is perhaps a bit unnerving being on the receiving end of such focused scrutiny, but the result tends to be that he doesn't need to be shown something twice.

    The summoning of Illyana's sword gets a wide-eyed, "Cool!", but he still manages to keep paying attention to the actual form being taught. He's pretty sure the sword thing isn't part of it, which is kind of a pity because who doesn't want to summon swords out of thin air?

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Professor, if I may?" Marie asks of the school founder, and if granted permission, steps forward. "Fencing, in many ways, is like a dance..." Tip lifted to the sky, other arm arched behind her like a bow. Her empty hand takes the tip of the foil and pulls back a bit before releasing, letting it swish around like a doorstopper.

"You must be graceful. Attack recklessly and your opponent will strike first. Strike quickly, and retreat." Marie demonstrates a lunging thrust and skitters backwards after; the training in dance serves her well, here, where she lacks the actual martial experience. For a beginner, she's decent. "If your opponent strikes first, parry their blade, and riposte. Each fighter will find a style that suits their ways, offensive or defensive. I have seen both work."

Key word: Seen. She hasn't done it, but it was neat to watch when she did.

...of course, then, Illyana's warning wrecks her moment of confidence, and she's self-consciously checking that bow, making sure it's secure enough. "I... ah... perhaps I should watch." she stammers a little.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Those of you who have experience, face off against those who do not. Treat them well, they are your family and students here. I will step in as needed." That's Charles, and he backs up and lets folks choose what to do.

"If I may suggest, Noriko your speed would lend well to Sabre. Evan, you are mentally capable of Epee, and would do very well with that blade. Tabitha, you are also likely to end up in sabre. Rahne, you've chosen correctly." He doesn't tell Marie or Illana what to do. THough he does motion to Monet. "You could use practice."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at Charles, "Thank you, Professor, but I will pass for now. The offer is appreciated, thank you for the inclusion." She goes to watch back over at the engageemnt, moving to settle in a position wheres he could get a good observation. It's good to see Charles enjoying himself and giving out such firm instructions. It gets her to smile.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne, faced against Illyana though, lunges. She leans in, and has no idea how long her blade is. It wouldn't have hit even if she were close enough, so she looks entirely like an imbecile.

She shakes her head, yelling at herself in her thoughts, and then walks closer. Almost stomping. When she tries to stab the low-slung demon queen, she's in range. But she's also in range of Illyana, long before she can hit her.

It may well be that she's not suited to this sport, but she's still giving it a shot!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
If everyone started pairing up it's probably get stabby real fast. So having the professor first arrange for Rahne and Illyana to pair up seems like a good idea. "Stick and move Rahne, just try to not get hit." It's pretty much a once sided match up but an experienced fighter teaching someone less experienced at least in this style is pretty wise.

Evan gets a grin. "Fencing's actually kinda like boxing with swords. You get points for hits. Keep your head up and mostly just footwork, it's not about hitting. It's about making the other guy miss?" she explains and grins. "Tell ya what, you and I can throw down Evan!" she offers and even does a nifty salute.

Tabitha herself might not be a fencer, but is is rather experienced with melee weapons these days. Between training from Warpath and others here. And the Themyscirans. She's no slouch.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan stands up and goes over to the nearest unoccupied pieste when Professor X tells them to pair off, looking to see which person gets paired off opposite him. He's taking roughly the correct stance since he's watched the example up to this point.

    Keeping his attention on Rahne and Illyana for a moment, he adjusts his position slightly. When Tabitha steps up opposite him, he nods saying, "Sure, let's give it a try!" He slips the helmet on and adjusts it into place, then takes up an approximation of the correct stance. It's not quite correct since he was watching a foil user and he's holding a sabre, but fine tuning will come after getting comfortable with the equipment.

    "Ok, you want to attack first or should I?" he asks, then hurriedly salutes as he remembers the disqualification part the Professor mentioned a few moments ago.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
The Professor gets a somewhat nervous look from the fencer with the bow. "I... ah... do not have experience. I have only seen it done, when I was growing up in the convent, oui?" Marie doesn't exactly protest, but clarifies, to make sure that nobody thinks her more experienced than she really is!

...and maybe less experienced than she is, too. Because while not at Tabby's level of experience, she's definitely been working on improving her ability to /be/ the power, not only to /use/ the power. Between the Themyscirans and the Wakandans, they might make a combatant out of her eventually.

"W-Who would like to spar, then?" The 'open challenge' is thrown out by Marie, if hesitantly.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
For a moment or two, Illyana does not move. She holds the blade at a smart angle, retreating when Rahne advances. Cold deliberation pared down to the uttermost minimum of movement settles over her, and that's probably no surprise to anyone who has watched her fight in the Danger Room or spar in the past. Every practice is -usually- deadly serious. Every opportunity to hone and refine is pursued with concerning intensity.

Not everyone grew up in crazy murderous scenarios! Just many of them. Soulsword emanating a steady glow, it might just blind someone with the light. The sabre quivers slightly as she turns her wrist, moving in to parry the redheaded Scot's thrust and bat it away with a humming clash. Mostly humming because one substance is steel and the other not. See name on tin: soul. "Come in quick and not afraid. You know how cats charge up at something, a favourite toy? I am now your feather on a string. Skitter up and bat it, then retreat back."

Guidance that's only fair, even on the piste, for Rahne. She retreats back until the mat is nearly running out, and then jolts forward, leading in a burst of quick footwork that pops her up like a demented jack in the box. "See? Here, in your face! Meow!"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko doesn't know that people wielding one weapon typically face up against others wielding the same type.  All she knows is what she's seen in the movies, and so that's why she grabbed a foil.  It looks like it belongs with the gear the most to her.  But when Charles suggests she use the sabre instead, she goes and grabs one of those /as well/.

The speedster swings the sabre around.  Way more satisfying by the smirk on her face.

"Aren't you supposed to like, slap someone with your glove?  Or throw it down at their feet?" Noriko responds to Marie-Ange's open challenge.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Space is made and Tabby matches weapons with Evan's the blonde even doing that salute thing.

As is tradition. "Okay, for now, just maybe try and land one on me. Watch your strength. You can probably still poke a hole in me if you get through. So like careful. Monet be right on the whole control and posture. And sudden stab wounds in Boom-Booms tend to risk accidental booming." she warns and settles into what she thinks is a standard fencing position. based on way too many sword fight movies. "En Guarde, in your own time!" she encourages playfully.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would go to watch as the partners would match up. Evaluating the instructions given by Charles and particularly thea dvise for each to use, even if their training had been minimal, if at all. He had an excellent eye. Watching Noriko go to speed around has her shake her head lightly in a show of amusement.

Before turning back to watch the fencing positions being taken. Holding back her urge to correct.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Charles isn't really stopping folks. He's staying back, allowing people to play a bit. That's why when Noriko has two blades, he just smiles and crosses his arms. Evan and Tabby? They can play. Illyana seems to be stepping up as an instructor, which is exactly what he'd expect from her. Marie however seems to need help.

"Marie, step up with Evan for now. I'll fence with you myself later as well." Wait, Charles? In his chair? He seems to be serious.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan nods, "Okay, I'll try to be careful." He's not sure where all the booms come in, but perhaps that will sort itself out later. In the meantime, he takes several steps forward and begins with a thrust, which comes a bit short of actually being a threat as he's completely unfamiliar with the weapon and how long it actually is.

    He hrmms then says, "Well, that didn't work. I think in these things they usually take turns, right? So you go."

    He turns his head when he hears his name spoken, but as he's currently got someone with a sword opposite him, he quickly turns back to Tabitha to make sure he's ready for her attack.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Little Rahne's clear lack of comfort with the blade makes her squeak when Illyana moves, in and out. She blinks under her mask, but her motion to bat away Yana's blade is unconscious and effective. FAR too much wasted motion, but the right thing to do.

She frowns then backs up, letting Illyana have some space to move on the piste, then looks over at Evan. She tries to do a similar stance, not learning nearly as fast, and then she takes a breath.

"Meow," she says, trying to loosen up. Hey, this could actually be fun. She smiles, but it's kind of rigid. Then she rolls her shoulders, and tries to lean in to poke, and back away. She blinks at how far the weapon really can reach, then grins.

"Gonna get you, blondie," she manages. Before attempting a long lunge at Yana's ample bosom!

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"I-I could never slap you, Mademoiselle Noriko!" Marie replies to Nori -- it's a good thing that the mask does a good job of obscuring her face, because the suggestion of such leaves her more than a little aghast.

...though, there were certainly girls at the nunnery that she would have loved to slap. Those, she just didn't have the courage to fight back against.

Of course, then Nori's facing her down with two blades. Green eyes are going wide behind the mask.

But, sometimes we have to face our fears... and in the end? These people that held the blades, they were her friends. Not the bullies that used to pick on her.

"Not very traditional, but..." she intones, before moving over to collect a sabre, as well, and then making her way back to face Nori. "...may I have this dance, Mademoiselle Noriko?" This might, admittedly, be a bit more in her wheelhouse.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Dude, it's a fight, there's no turns in fights despite what Video Games say! Even the god JRG's are stopping that turn based stuff. So old school!" she states and gins and shiffles forwards and back to not make it easy on Evan, though she does manage a parry fine.

"Kinda like boxing but all linear and stuff. Kinda like Street Fighter. Samurai Showdown is probably a better example." she adds and swishes herself in with a bounce, stabbing towards and under Evan's armpit.

If any one asks she totally deliberately missed.

Tabitha likes her weapons like she likes her drugs.


Noriko Ashida has posed:
"No.  You may not.  Eww."  Noriko rolls her eyes in what she considers slow motion at Marie-Ange's challenge so it can be seen and then races out of the Danger Room with no explanation.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Twisting slightly away from Tabitha's blade, which isn't that hard since it was going to miss anyway, Evan brings his sword across to bat Tabby's blade out even further from his body with a ringing metal on metal sound, then brings his sword back to slash the edge across her.

    Fortunately fencing weapons are not sharpened, but he's a little distracted by the general feeling of 'I'm fighting with a sword, this is so cool!" and also fairly new to his abilities. The result being that what should have been a fairly normal saber slashing attack feels kind of like getting hit in the ribs by a very thin baseball bat since more of his strength than he planned for goes into the attack.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Illyana draws back to fall into the en garde position again, shuffling with a modicum of motion and the sword lifted in a straight, neat line again to invite Rahne to attack again. Her smirk isn't of the blistering or withering variety, just an invitation to whack her with a sword again.

The art of jabbing is made easier when the target is right there, but the smack of the sabre won't gouge into her jacket more than a few centimeters before the glossy oiled plumes of metal roll out across the fabric and consume it. See, this is why she can't wear nice things.

Because the armour gets in the way, and for the point that's earned, she breaks into a sharp smirk.

"Maybe. But can you hold me?" The flash of eldritch white flame tinged sapphire blue around its edges -- most definitely a result of a soul shard crammed into the hole where hers should be -- moves nearly as fast as a bullet as she drops low and lunges forward, a sweeping flourish that would normally make a whippy thwack sound. Except there's no whippy thwack in Limbo.

There is, however, crying and demonic dodgeball and mockery from foxglove flowers. Because foxgloves are /assholes/, okay?

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And then Monet goes to take the sight of the impact over upon Tabitha with readiness to get up and head over. She doesn't launch herself - she can't tell if there's actual injury, and she doesn't want to startle Tabitha. She goes to ready the first aid kit just in case she's going to be the one helping down to the medbay. She does, however, wait for a signal from Charles before approaching.

While glancing over at Illyana wih tan expression of 'showoff' that goes over her face for a moment as the blonde magic woman goes through her routine.

Because /someone/ has to one up her.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Charles rolls up when Noriko dashes out, looking in her direction. She's gone so fast. But he shakes his head, reaching out toward Marie. "Hold the weapon gently, it's not meant to be stiff. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to move." He's here to help, and he clearly knows his stuff.

However he's a bit distracted when Tabitha is hurt. "Monet." That's all he says.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
If anyone was going to get hurt goofing off. It had to be Tabitha. But on the upside she may have kind of expected things to happen. So when Evan gets over excited and manages to land a hit There's a wince. And some familiar sounds to some of the older mutants.

And the Professor.

It's that squeaky oof sound and a lot of wind being knocked out of the blonde as she stumbles back.

There's some coughing and wheezing as Tabby backs up and drops her own sabre as she chuckles with some audible pain. "Good one!" she actually compliments. That empty hand clutching where the other bluntened sabre struck.

As much precaution as you can take, there's always accidents and the equipment or at least the padding might need some extra work to avoid injuries when super strength might come into play.

Of course when Illyana sets up a joke the American blonde just wheezes and shakes her head. "Ouch! She, crap ow dammit, just wants to be held!" she had to force that one out. Even as Monet hauls over with the first aid kit. "Just another... training session.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Nori's rejection and sudden departure... well, it's all too familiar to Marie, who frowns beneath the mask. Weapons are lowered to her sides, and the French girl walks to return the weapons she held to where they were kept in wait for the next competitor. She's going to try and look on the bright side, the others were having fun with a sport that has roots in her nation's culture, and at least she didn't get stabbed -- or beheaded!

...but, right now she certainly felt like she was back in France, and those were memories that she didn't want to relive.

Fortunately, the Professor steps in to the rescue. Just like when her visa was coming up. It makes it a little easier for her to hold it together. "...oui, Professor." she replies, voice low and meek. Holding back tears, she's grateful more than ever for the mask. Trying to refocus. She wasn't in France anymore. There were people here who cared about her. So she was going to focus on doing this right. Trying to let her posture relax; a small improvement, though she's almost trying too much to relax, which results in tension anyways. "Like this?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"I can.." Rahne starts to say, getting into the event. A little. Finally. Before Illyana Rasputin simply shows a TINY PERCENTAGE of what she can actually do, and vanishes in front of her eyes by sheer speed and skill.

And then, around when Tabitha gets her rib cracked, Rahne is standing there with a blade right through her and protruding from her back. She blinks and coughs, then looks down. Then?

"I be willin to say tha's a point," she says. Clearly, as if completely unhurt. The Soulsword can not hurt her, not unless Illyana wishes it to do so. But her heart is going SO FAST RIGHT NOW!

She doesn't even notice Marie or Tabitha, she's so into this moment. "You're gonna teach me tha' move, Yana." It's not a request.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    As soon as he hears the impact of the sword, Evan knows he hit way too hard. He drops the sabre (now slightly bent) and says "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit that hard!" He looks upset and worried... first school thing he does outside of classes and he hurts someone. He's not really aware of how often this sort of thing has happened here in the past and that it's kind of expected in a school full of mutants who are just coming into their abilities.

    When Tabby actually compliments the hit, he looks just a little less worried, but just a little. He looks over to Monet and the Professor, and as nobody seems to be mad at him, takes a deep breath and turns back to Tabitha. "I'm really sorry, being this strong is kind of new to me. I've got it to where I can pick things up safely, but it looks like I need more practice before I try to hit things I don't want to break."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And over from M, there is a slow approach over to Taibtha as she glances at Evan, "Well struck. Ms. Smith has taken worse." M evaluates Tabitha's position. "Does it hurt to breathe at all? Or if you change your posture?" Going through the normal methods of checking over someone for any sort of worse injury.

Then half asses it as her player has no idea how one treats a broken rib.

She would nod at Evan, "That is what training is for. And controlled circumstances are. This is an accident. They do happen."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Charles is aware of Marie's emotions. He is aware of everything, after all. This is his school and he is Dumbledore, but without the random moments of lunacy. "It's alright, I want you to focus on the essentials until they are comfortable. This is a polite art, an art of refinement and subtlety."

He pauses, looking over at Rahne, impaled. And at Tabitha, broken. Then he adds, "Our school is, as always, the exception to all rules though. I will take what I can get." He smiles, then pats Marie's hand through the glove. "Perhaps it's time for basic drills." Which ends the fun, but he might be right. Perhaps some of us need to learn the basics first.

Don't look at me, it'll all happen offscreen anyway.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
There's a little sniffle from under Marie's mask, followed by a nod. "Of course, Professor... gladly. We must crawl before we can walk, oui?" asks the French girl, before she lets out a breath and re-readies the weapon. Practicing some thrusting motions at the air. With Charles there, she's definitely returning to her comfort zone, and regaining the will to stay and see this out rather than retreat to her room -- or possibly Mary's apartment, for that matter.

She takes a breath, and lifts her voice for Evan to hear. "You are among friends, Monsieur Evan." Even if she only knows him in passing so far! "With a contact sport, injuries are commonplace.... but there is no place on this planet where I would prefer to be wounded." Because the medical staff here? They were beyond top notch.

Evan Sabahnur has posed:
    Evan looks over at Marie and nods, "Thanks, it just kind of surprised me. I think maybe the basics might be a good idea before I start swinging this thing at anybody again." He moves to the weapon rack and picks up a foil, moving over by Marie and starting to practice the basics under the Professor's tutelage.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a snappointr at Marie as she further reassires. "Kinda part of why I offered to spar. I'm not so squishy as to crumple. I've taken worse hits." Tabby explains and smiles as best she can when the facemask comes off and people can see. She's definitely in pain but she's not angry at all.

"So yeah, accidents happen. I'm a grown up so no big deal." she states and winces a little as maybe she pokes at where she was hit.

She may have done a rib. But she can breath at least.

"May go see what some of the healers are doing. No magical taking the injuries and pain." she gives Illyana a visible frown there.

Tabitha's pains should be for her alone. Not dumped on friends.

Whether or not she gets treated the way she intends remains to be seen but it'll get sorted.