13954/Rogue's Surprise Birthday Casino Night

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Rogue's Surprise Birthday Casino Night
Date of Scene: 24 January 2023
Location: Study Hall / Party Hall
Synopsis: It's Casino Night at Xavier's in honor of Rogue's 23rd birthday! And thanks to the borrowed powers of Jamie Madrox, Rogue gets five extra birthdays. Old friends and new friends come together to celebrate Monte Carlo style before the whole thing descends into Warner Bros style madness.
Cast of Characters: Jubilation Lee, Emma Frost, Franklin Richards, Rogue, Samuel Guthrie, Scott Summers, Valeria Richards, Noriko Ashida, Kitty Pryde, Rahne Sinclair, Ororo Munroe, Jonothon Starsmore, Marie-Ange Colbert, Jamie Madrox

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Look, all I'm saying is... they should just give you the dumb whistle at the start of the game. Fred Savage practically told the whole world where to find it in that movie...." Jubilee's voice echoes against the mansion's rich mahogany walls. She's standing outside of Rogue's room, does not dare to enter it, wearing an awkwardly large tracksuit and baseball cap. The tracksuit is bright pink with white stripes, with snap buttons down both legs. The hat is quite large, as well, with the brim falling low on her face and obscuring most of her features. "Listen, that's not why I came over here," Jubilee adds, her voice lowering a little.

    "I found the meat loaf," she whispers...

    "Remember?" Jubilation perks up. "The meat loaf that you flung that one time... went into the air ducts and we smelled ketchup for weeks? We said it would turn up? Well... It turned up. C'mon!" Jubes holds her hand out to grab at Rogue's wrist, though no part of her crosses the threshold that separates the hall from Rogue's room. "Hurry up before Hambone eats it or something!"

    Meanwhile, downstairs in the Party Hall...

    The guests are assembling. The lights have been turned down, the music is playing thanks to DJ iPod, and the Party Hall's tables have been arranged into casino tables -- Poker, Blackjack, Craps, and so on -- with green felt laid on top for that real casino feel. Tired-looking servers are ready to swoop in with trays of appetizers and drinks, primed to help partygoers take the edge off. Decorations and attire are fancy, but make no mistake: this is a rinky-dink party meant to be enjoyed by friends and family, not be the social event of the season. It's catered, but it's not opulent. Tables with trays of food kept in play thanks to those mysterious cans of blue fire. There's a spot for gifts over in one corner and even a bar! (A cash bar, but it's still a bar!)

    Guests were given specific instructions. Hang out. Lie in wait. Scare the hell out of Rogue with your best surprise when she's brought in for slaughter...

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently heading on in to the room where the party is getting started. Looking about while being one of the guests. Going over to get into her position. This would be amusing. And hopefully ROgue wouldn't throw them all through the nearest wall out of a sense of surprise and paranoia. Ah well. Quite an amusing thing.
    Emma would muse, "It can't quite top last year's." There was, after all, no mud wrestling going to happen. But possibly for the better. Emma would lean back against hte wall, out of sight, with a goble tof wine over in her hands and be waiting for the signal. She would be mostly speaking to herself while waiting for the festivities to commence.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiled as he worked on his sugar cookies, as it was hard to keep them in the four shape when he ran into his sister. After a brief discussion about how he hads kept secret he was the one cooking the cookies he brought when he visited the school, and other then accept it... She hadd blackmailed him! He didn't want to bring her to a casino it was embarassing bringing his... well smarter sister though under the threat of her telling them he hadd agreed! So he got his suit ready, as he couldn't show up to gamble in his normal gear. He also brough some sunglasses to cover his eyes like he hadd seen them do on the TV when they played thier games.

Franklin wasn't really a gambler but it sounded like fun so decided he would bring a little money and go gamble. Now his sister is going he grabbed a bit more, and smiled to himself as he had decided to make the best out of it. So instead of a irritated brother she would get a well dressed brother in his nice suit, a nice Lambo that he hadd rented for the evening though he rarely drived, or spent a great deal of money, so thought for tonight why not.

This is what would pull up outside, as he hadd won the game of chance for driving, from the driverside would be Franklin, and from the other his sister. Franklin would smile and have a small box of sugar cookies, "Remember what you promised sister.." is all he says as he moves to door to follow instructions to the party hall proper.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was a teacher now. A bonified adult here at the school! As such, when Jubilee found her she was still in her teaching clothes for the day. She was seated at her desk in her room, going over some work that her students had submitted via the in-school-server system. She was grinning at Jubilee's words, but hadn't yet looked at her. Not until 'the meat loaf' was brought up. That's when the Belle turned her head to look at her with huge eyes!

"That was like three years ago." She fires back. At the urgency of getting up and going, Marie does indeed stand up. Wearing a dark burgandy button-up sweater, a dark grey skirt that has large black buttons up the front of her right leg, along with black heeled boots poking out of the botto mof the dress, she looks fancy from the day of teaching, but not overly so like one who may have had WARNING OF WHAT IS TO COME may choose to attire themselves!

"How can we be be sure it isn't someone else's meat loaf?" She asks, now taken by the wrist and pulled out of her room only to follow after Jubilee. "Why are you dressed like that?" She asks distractedly on the way.

But, barring any odd answers, the pair are soon to arrive to the rec room / casino, and once they pass through the doors, Rogue is just looking around. "Oh god, we were taken over by Atlantic City and nobody told me?" She asks, sweeping her eyes around the place.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Tonight being a casino night birthday party, Sam decided to dress up for the part. Instead of his normal attire, Sam is wearing a white old fashion suit along with a white hat. He has a red and black vest under the suit coat that has embroidered Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs on it, a matching band is on the hat he has on his head. A pair of black cowboy boots on his feet complete the look for the night for Sam. He will yell Surprise with the rest of them as Rogue walks in and offers her a nod and tip of the hat as well.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers has, of course, spent some time making sure things are straight and correct and neat. He can't help himself and, frankly, no one would want him to - him doing it means other people don't have to and Scott never complains about extra work. He likes it. He's weird that way.

He's wearing a blue button-down shirt over a white tee with dark slacks. When Rogue starts to approach, he sets himself up at the Blackjack table, his ruby-quartz glasses over his eyes. He's been bonding with the hired dealer and advising him on how to increase the gas mileage on his motorcycle.

Valeria Richards has posed:
"You sure Sugar Cookies are a good idea for a gift when we're like loaded and we can probably just buy something really expensive?" Valeria Richards, younger sister to Franklin. Not actually a student, or having ever gone to any school herself, the environments always seemed weird.

Of course for the night a Casino theme meant a dress. Luckily the tall leggy blonde can manage that easy enough and very sleek Van Dyne original, fantastic blue, halter necked and covering her chest while a slit down one leg lets her move on stiletto heeled Roman sandal styled pumps. A few accessories seem more practical, a pair of gold rings on each middle finger and a chrome plated wrirst band that may actually be a computer on each arm.

"I won't cheat too much, any winnings will go back into the school. But I can help with the suprise party part. Invisibility generators make for great concealment as long as the intended target doesn't have the senses to bypass." she explains with a grin as her brother escorts her into the party hall.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko has acquired a black sleeveless flapper dress for the occasion.  It was already needing some repair given the turquoise accent and fringe (at the hem) beadwork is less than maintained, but Noriko decided to make it a little more modern by simply cutting off some of that excess chiffon length underneath and it has since taken on a ragged punk-ish vibe as she's been fighting against its unraveling ever since she put it on.  She is not a seamstress, and yes she almost caught it on fire since she had to do it without her gauntlets on.  It comes down to a v where she's paired it with a delicate vintage chain with delicate rectangular golden links (not /gold/).  She's opted for a simple thin headband that is black-beaded on black and coiffed her hair a bit, but it's already losing its hold.  To top it all off, she is barefoot and sporting a cigarette holder with nothing in it thus far.

Noriko sets her cigarette holder aside to /quickly/ put on some long starry night woolen socks and immediately starts dashing around and rubbing her feet on things like rugs, etc.  As she does, her hair seems to keep lifting and lifting as if it is helping store the charge as much as the rest of her body as she snickers at the same rate as her activities...fast.  Then she runs out into the corridor to scout where Jubes and Rogue are.

There's a clatter somewhere just out of sight as the two make their way to the 'meatloaf.'

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty joins the others in calling out surprise as she and Lockheed drop out of the ceiling a few feet away from the Mississippi belle, landing on the ground lightly. The little purple dragon is clinging tightly to her shoulder, his wings flaring just slightly for balance at the drop. He has on a party hat, one of those pointed ones in a shiny silver with a purple tassel on top, held on by an elastic band about his chin.

"Happy Birthday, Rogue!" Kitty says warmly. She's dressed up for the casino night, wearing a long black dress that she might have wore during a trip to Las Vegas.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair looks onward from up high. She is sitting atop a shelf, her heels kicking backwards toward the wall, and observing. The firehaired munchkin is generally wearing a floral print dress and bare feet, and is looking on as if curious about these humans and their weird practices. Which would almost be a fair statement if she were to say it aloud.

She is not a gambler.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin does the surprise like thy ask him, and lets the people group up that know her first to greet Rogue, or pop in as he would quietly look over everything. He frowned at the drinks though as he wasn't really a drinker though he does go to look if there is water at the bar. After the first greeting, and a few sips of water he would walk over as well. "Happy Birthday.. These are all yours no-need to share" handing her the box. He smiles a bit as he didn't really know Rogue that well, and she prob didn't know him, but everyone likes cookies right, and his Father always told him the best gifts are the ones you make yourself.. and here they are.

After handing her the gift he gives a small nod and moves again to sit away from the others to observe this gambling before he may pertake himself.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Storm's afternoon was well spent. Her ill gotten life in Alexandria left her with the ability to pick pockets and the recipe to Ghorayebah. Ghorayebah are Egypt's gift to the pastry world - light, melt in your mouth butter cookies made with ghee. After saving herself some, she deposits a heaping platter on the table already filled with chafing dishes then begins a round of the gambling tables.

Dressed for Monte Carlo, she is in white silk from head to toe in contrast to her dark skin; her white hair wound into a loose silken turban, a blouse knotted below her breasts, revealing her flat midriff and wide loose pants, flowing to her ankles.

When Rogue enters the room, she joins the chorus of SURPRISE, calling out happy birthday, then steps back, smiling to watch the knots of students. She waves to Noriko, giving her an admiring nod for her flapper ensemble.

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
The British student packed light for his trip across the pond, but of course he had to make sure that he had something at least semi-formal just in case. Jonothon is dressed in a nice pair of slacks, dinner jacket, and an oversized ascot/scarf/thing to cover the raging inferno just below his nose.

He joins the others as they yell their happy birthdays to Rogue, waving from the back as the others crowd around the birthday girl. Today is her day, let the southern belle have her gorgeous moment.

When the mingling starts again, he casts a furtive glance over at the cash bar. He could really go for a pint right now...of course, that would be if he still had a mouth. He grumps to himself. Foolish Americans would probably check his ID too...

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Rogue's suspicion isn't enough to deflate Jubilation. There are many meatloafs that have come and gone over the years, but this one was special. "It bears the mark," is Jubilee's answer to Rogue's concern that it might be a different meatloaf. She says it solemnly, with the reverence appropriate for a famous meatloaf. As simple as that. It bears the mark.

    When they get to the Party Hall, Jubilee seems intent to let Rogue walk in without her. To give her that moment where she walks alone into a big room full of friends ready to wish her a happy birthday. Jubilee leans cooly against the door frame, smugly admiring her black fingernails as she waits for the 'SURPRISE' to erupt without her.

Rogue has posed:
The sight and sound of everyone greeting her in particular does come to her as a surprise. She had had no idea that this was being planned, and well, normally she planned her own birthday stuff, but hadn't come up with any good ideas this year as her focus was merely on her teaching. "Wow. Damn. All this for finding three year old meat loaf in the ventilation ducts?" She asks, smiling at everyone. "Ya'll look so fancy too. Storm, whew.... Rahne!" She waves up at the young Wolfy on the shelf. "Nori your hair is standing up still, I think you still got more charge." She grins before she walks over to Kitty and Lockheed to give Kitty a big hug. "I remember this dress." She says to Kitty with a grin before she looks to Tabitha. "What you drinkin tonight? I want one..."

Jubilation gets a smirk over her shoulder. "You did this, huh? Impressive. Here I thought you hated this kind of celebration... and ya picked a night where Jeepers was out with my dad. Almost like ya thought this through or somethin'." She says to her friend before looking back to the others. "Scott. You look like you're in your Sunday best." She waves a smile to Franklin and then to Jonathan. "Heya, ya'll. Thanks for comin'. I hope everyone wins big t'night!" She is already motioning for Tabitha to get her a drink. "Emma, you too? I knew ya loved me..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost goes to clap her hands together over with the rest, bowing her head over to Jubilee and grin, "Lovely work. Particularly on such short notice over and with so many moving parts." There's sincere admiration in her voice. At Rogue's commentary on the timing Emma would laugh. "Yes, she was rather thorough."

Her looking amused over at the tables. "I suppose Miss Colbert will be breaking the bank tonight. And yes, Rogue. We all do adore you. You're very much the heart of things around here. So happy birthday. And may it be another memorable one and one that's just another in a string of good times for you."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko was going so fast that she went right past Jubes and Noriko, mainly because she was trying to take a circuitous route and not get spotted.  She misses the chance to immediately greet Rogue with a little zap, but maybe that makes her return, and her subsequent connection/non-connection a little more surprising?  Since it happens after the moment of surprise?

"Yeah, well, it's for you!"  Noriko reaches out with lightning precision and lets her built up static charge jump to Rogue with a tickling JOLT (well, Noriko assumes it won't hurt Rogue)!  "SURPRISE!"  Her hair immediately deflates like a sad balloon without as much fanfare.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Surprise!" The Other, Also French Speaking, But Not Birthday Girl (yet) Marie calls out as Jubilee arrives with the -- willing her voice louder than her normal soft-spoken self for the occasion. The red-head has made it a point to try and make it to every event like this that she can. She's missed too many birthdays, holidays, and other things, and it was time to start taking life into her own hands.

Well. As long as the cards permitted such, anyways.

Marie's dressed in an old favorite; a long, shimmering maroon dress that she wore her during her Senior Class' trip to Monaco. Hopefully not a bad omen, given that the star of *that* show ended up in some pretty hot water over cheating at the tables.

"Is this when we sing the joyeux anniversaire song?" she asks of Jubilee, clapping her hands a little.

Valeria Richards has posed:
There's drinks, and surprise yelling that Val totally chimes in on, and maybe when most of the women such as Rogue herself, Emma, Ororo, and even Noriko and Jubilee, all seem to share that trait of being gorgeous that mutants all have. Even the men seem to have their charms. Even the one with his face hidden under a mask.

Selfconciousness even hits supergeniuses.

There's a flute of champagne taken because that's supposed to be a thing at a casino night. A few beeps and swishes of a holo display on her wrist computer to check a few things. Scanners never stop running, plus live feeds from project builds.

Tabitha if anyone spots her is stuck on helping work the party as part of the help. So handing birthday girl a drink happens, and abirthday present. Matching collars in green studded leather. Once Belle sized, the other Labrador. Matching for momma and pupper.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers greets Rogue with one of those two finger whistles, not the construction guy version harassing a girl on the street, but just a general "HEY THERE" sort of greeting. "Happy birthday!" he calls out.

He won't push his present on her here, but it's a simple silver necklace with the X symbol on it. There are a few diamonds, but not so many as to make it garish or hyperexpensive. He puts the package with the rest of her gifts and a card with his name and the simple words "I'm proud of you." on the card.

"Now," he says, taking a sip of his Scotch on the rocks. "Let's get our gamble on," he says, gesturing for anyone who'd like to join him at the Blackjack table before the dealer starts to go to work.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne makes a face at Rogue, then tries to leap down onto Noriko as the girl passes by at speed. Her skirt flies up, but she was more concentrating on landing right on top of the speedster and pinning the young lady to the ground! Given the fact that she was charged up, it's probably best that she misses though.

The girl lands, adjusts her clothing, and then stands up politely. Demurely, she curtsies to Rogue and smiles. Then she runs after Noriko, prepared to chase as necessary! Happy Birthday ish?

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde returns Rogue's hug, glad that she's gotten that absorbing people thing under control so she doesn't have to be so careful. Lockheed never did have to worry about it, he gives Rogue's face a rub of his muzzle to express himself.

After, Kitty goes over to grab herself a drink. She joins back in with the crowd as others get their turn to wish the belle a happy birthday. Kitty stops beside Jonothon Starsmore. She's one of the guidance counselors, if part-time, so likely has already had a chance to meet and help him getting settled. "So do you prefer Jon or Jonothon?" she asks the new arrival.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles, and actually reconises someone as he walks up to Ororo with his water in hand. "I hope this Deadpool has been keeping clear?" he smiles a bit that being a crazy experience in itself. He takes another sip of water and nods, "That one.. he means well sometimes too bad his expression is so violent." and shrugs a bit. He also waves a bit at Pryde as he hadn't seen her since he had to ghost her at the sled thing, and he sighed a bit at that though he still held that smile.

Though still to Ororo he nods to Val, "That is my sister.. The one that never leaves the lab." he chuckles a bit though he still watches over like he does when she is around. "I figured since I been spending more time around it might be nice if she... meets some of the other people here?" and grins at Ororo

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
Jonothon Starsmore puts his hand up to cover his masked face as Noriko ZOOMS by. He manages to keep it on instead of oppening up a light show. He can't smile, but the sides of his eyes crinkle to show his internal laughter at the commotion.

As Rahne falls though, his catches sight of her and immediately looks away. Dresses flying up and all, must not look...British propriety. He turns slightly red for the moment.

Jonothon turns as he is addressed by Ms Pryde. <My friends call me Jono,> He says with a nod. <Everyone goes by Jon, and Jonothon is too much to...formal, I guess?> He smoothes his jacket.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stands by the bar now when she receives her drink. She gives an affectionate head bump back to Lockheed before she accepts the gifts from Tabitha. They get a grin from her. "I like them." She says of the collars, before slipping them in to a pocket. "We'll see how they look once he's back from his hangout with his grandpa." She says with a grin before a sip of her drink is taken.

Her eyes go to the presents table and she steps over to them. "I'll tear in to these in a bit, I think everyone would rather get their drink on first. Call me crazy, but I get that sense about things." She says with a big grin before she's zapped by Nori, which has her yelp and jump, nearly spilling her drink. She turns to swat at Nori. "Get her for me, Rahne?" She asks of the Coyote chasing the Roadrunner.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost's gift over to Rogue on the table of thigns is in an envelope. A rather fancily embroidered one. That's been carefully sealed over with a ribbon. It's a stock certificate and a deed. Of the majority stock of a distillery that as near as Emma can determine makes one of Rogue's favorites. Why not abuse what power one's had to engage in such petty one-upswomanship? Emma's figners go to fold together and smile.

"Happy birthday. You've earned your place here more than most."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's gift is small, but it is on the table with the others. He will wait his turn to tell Rogue happy birthday face to face letting others go first not trying to rush. He has kept a bit of an eye on the card table. When it is his turn he smiles and says "So looks like we get to see what trouble you can make for another year." He says smiling at her.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Storm had left her gift on the table. Decidely, Rogue will be laden with a choice of jewelry after tonight. The little package contains a gold ankh with an ancient history - a find of hers during her days in Alexandria.

Champagne is a must to fete the birthday girl. Obligingly, Storm snags a glass from a passing server and sips after raising it to Rogue. She nods on seeing Franklin and responds with a humorous smirk and a hand wave of dismissal, "Wade will keep his distance till he decides he's bored. He is what he is."

The padded thud of dice on green felt draw her to attention to watch the throws. Turning to Scott Summers, "What's your game, Scott? I don't mind losing a bit for a good cause. No magic, I promise. Do you gamble, Franklin?"

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers grins at Storm, "Blackjack, also known simply as 21. Simplest game in the casino. The roulette wheel comes close, but involves no skill, only luck. I'm not one to rely on luck more than I have to. This game at least makes you feel like you have control, even if the odds, as always, favor the house," he says.

He nods to Franklin when Ororo addresses him, "Feel free to join me, both of you. I'm letting my hair down tonight," he says taking another sip of his drink. It's true, Scott doesn't tend to consume alcohol very frequently - he doesn't like feeling less than ready in case of an emergency. But with so many of them gathered in one place, he figures he can take the risk - any villain would be a fool to attack them when they were en masse like this. Of course, foolish villains aren't as rare as one might like.

Valeria Richards has posed:
Valeria notes the collars given by the much curvier blonde in a red leather minidress dheading for the bar. "See Franklin, we could have gone with something better than cookies." she teases and smiles as people make introdcuction. "Valeria Richards-Von Doom. There's some kinds wonky legal stuff with my god father." she offers. "I hear this place has a phenominal holographic training facility?" she's nerding up to the X-Men. I've been working on portable holographic emitters with canine simulations as allergy free companion animals. Might be possible to rig some for use in outdoors training. I understand a number of you have energy manipulation abilities that might not be helpful to use in inclosed spaces." she suggests.

One person playing blackjack near by gets a tap on the shoulder when about to hit. Valeria warning them off and it lets them a win.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
A Jamie, a Jamie, and a Jamie walk into a bar.

Or a casino, more appropriately.

Jamie-in-a-Tux slips in from the north, while Jamie-in-a-Fedora slips in from the south, leaving Jamie-in-White to slowly stride up to Rogue from the west, looking as dapper as always. "I heard that they were throwing quite a shindig for you," he says, flashing her a brilliant grin as he waves his hand around to indicate the party scene. "So many people, so much fun. It'd be a real shame not to experience all of it, right?"

He arches an eyebrow as his grin broadens, no doubt as Rogue likely begins to discern his intent. He leans in to try to give the Southern Belle the gift of a kiss, which of course she tries to evade. Not that women don't appreciate the affections of Jamie Madrox, but Rogue is that special kind of girl.

Of course, he anticipates her desire to back away which is why Jamie-in-a-tux and Jamie-in-a-fedora converge on her and each of them deliver a quick kiss to either cheek.

Happy birthday, Rogues.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty replies to Jonothon, "Jono it is then. If you need introductions to anyone just let us know," she tells him. Kitty takes a sip of her drink, which is a tequila sunrise judging from the drink's coloring.

Seeing Frankling for the first time since the sledding, Kitty Pryde waves a fist at him though her grinning expression doesn't match the defiant gesture. "Still owe you a snowball," she calls over to Franklin, then points to her eyes with two fingers and then back at his.

Piotr Rasputin comes in, carrying a present wrapped in green paper with a yellow ribbon and a white bow. He sets it down on the table then comes over to stand by Kitty. The Jewish girl looks up at him with an unspoken question. "Da, it dried and is ready to go, Katya," he tells her quietly. Which causes Kitty to give a brief, excited bounce on her toes at the news. "Thanks," she tells Piotr quietly. "Having you paint it is so much better than me doing it on the computer," she murmurs to him. Though various people with excellent hearing or other powers could pick up on the comments.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "The Dark Lord has many spies..." Jubilee replies ominously, staring at Rogue through her dark sunglasses, fingers steepled. It's an answer that's as good as any for how she managed to put all this together on the one night Rogue's dad has her good-for-nothing dog. She grins a little and then pushes off from her spot at the door and walks in behind Rogue. After a few steps in, Jubilee reaches down and grabs the nylon pants of her oversized tracksuit and YANKS.

    Jubilee glide-walks on in, her steps taking on that weird supernatural floaty quality that can sometimes plague vampires not paying attention to their technique and form. Her hand is in the air, high above her head, as she releases her balled up tracksuit behind her. The hat is tossed in its wake, revealing Jubilee's true outfit for the evening.

    Her dress is a dark, satin off-shoulder number, with splashes of deep maroon crepe and black lace trim. It stops above her thighs -- a modification to the original garment, no doubt -- revealing legs covered by sheer, black tights disappearing into dark flats.

    Jubilee's big fangy smile fades -- only slightly -- at Marie's question about whether she can sing the joyeux anniversaire song now. "...Oh! Uh... Later. We're saving that for later. I mean, if we did it now what would people have to look forward to?" Her mouth curls upwards, a shoulder gets shrugged.

    "Don't think for a moment that I believe you like Blackjack because it's fun, Scott," Jubilee announces loudly, really leaning in to the risky business of calling a teacher by his first name. "It's because it has rules, isn't it?" She grins a little and gracefully lowers herself into a seat at the table. Her presence scares off some of those already seated -- those who still haven't shaken their suspicion of her and her new set of fangs -- which opens up plenty of room for Ororo, Franklin, and anyone else who might be interested in Scott's Blackjack salespitch.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was lightly laughing at some of what the others were saying when Jamies converge on her. Last year she challenged 16 of them to a mud wrestling fight at the Mud Bar she'd found in upstate New York. She'd successfully thrown all 16 of them off the muddy waterfall wrestling ring at the big event. Now, here, they were clearly getting their revenge! She's pecked on both cheeks and the sudden startlement takes down what limited control she's gained over her mutation the past couple of years, which means she gets a glimpse of Jamie's mutation, and thus... When she recoils, and then realizes what they've done, she laughs.

From the doorway, two more Rogue's walk in, dressed the same as the original, and they both go straight to the bar to get drinks. "Well, this should be interestin' t'night. Shame Jean was pulled away on business, let alone that Cajun fella."

"We don't need the Cajun fella t'have some fun." The 3rd Rogue now says as she starts mixing a drink from behind the bar, smiling brightly to everyone. First Rogue just starts laughing more openly and fans herself. "Oh god, what have you done, Madrox..."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
It's by pure chance that Noriko is backing away from Rogue to avoid repercussions of her little stunt she pulled that allows her to avoid the AMBUSH FROM ABOVE.  She looks up and catches Rahne's brief exposure when she catches the descending girl out of the corner of her eye.  "You can't catch m-oh-shit!" it almost sounds like each word is interrupting the one before.

As is Noriko's custom to round back to earlier events, in mid chase, she makes her rounds past Ororo and chirps a momentary, "Thanks!  You-look-great-too!" in cheery mischief before taking off again.  She's not leaving Rahne in the dust.  Nope.  She's actually tempting fate by trying to let the girl nip at her heels, so to speak.  Teasing the fact that Rahne will never quite reach her...or will she.  She even picks up a flute of champagne, no two, from a server, and doesn't spill a drop.  She doesn't drink it either.  This is just pure showing off.  She might as well be spinning plates in Rahne's face.

Emma Frost has posed:
Goblet of wine in hand, Emma Frost steps away from the birthday girl, and heads over to the table with some of the snacks other than cake. She's not bothering to head towards the card tables setup. The sheer number of card sharks, telepaths, and even one or two with reality warping powers make playing things a certain bust. So there's no point in getting invested in things.. As a participant.
    Of course, watching the chaos that ensues if there's a train wreck of cheating giong on is entirely legitimate!

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Then blackjack it is," with an enterprising smile, Storm heads for the table. As she seats herself between Jubilee and Scott, "Oh, he is undoubtedly a counter which is entirely legal. I promised no magic so my luck will depend on it smiling on me."

Straight backed and regal, she taps the table for the dealer to count her in. She sips her champagne while the first hand is dealt.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Oh. Okay!" Marie-Ange replies to Jubilee with a bright smile. Always trusting, the seer is. She does take her time to properly greet and bestow her gift the birthday girl (or girls, now, thanks Jamie!); not due to lack of enthusiasm - she has that in spades. However, with things going as well as they have in her own life, she doesn't want to tempt fate by walking through the midst of a stampede. Even if most of the people there are dear friends who she could live with being trampled on by.

Once there's a clearing, though, she approaches in that graceful manner she has, hands bearing a carefully wrapped present of her own. "Ceci est pour vous." she offers, bowing her head and extending both hands towards Rogue for the other woman to take the present. Inside? It's a somewhat worn, but also well-cared-for poetry book. The title, and every word written are in French.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin looks up at Storm and chuckles, "Not really, I find the chance of success lower then many actually consider especially on games with dice." though he notes he looking at the Dice game. "Scott is a wise one as blackjack can give you the highest chance if you play it properly. But excuse me for one moment." He gives her a nod, and he moves over to where her sister is with a sigh.. "Sister.. You know you can drop the Von Doom part, and you just told her what was inside the box." though he smiles not really upset by that.

Though at the end he leans in and whispers to her, "This is a friendly game sister.. Leave them with a little now and then." though outwardly he would just randomly tap someone playing blackjack grinning at her as he is giving bad advice. He waved a finger at Val as he smiled at Pryde.. "You do perhaps a rematch one of these days." he looked at gift in her hands and noded.. Though at the three rogue problem he just noded.. Was that supposed to be abnormal? It was hard to tell here.

Valeria Richards has posed:
There's a hmm as Jubilee floats in and it does actually look pretty impressive, as is the young woman's dress. There's a few more beeps on her wrist computer. Then a hmm. another girl, Japanese leading a Scotsgirl in a pretty dress on a merry chase.

"Okay, might have soemthing for the Vampire stashed in storage at the Latverian Embassy that everyone might like." she makes a semi mental note, the other part being recorded in the wrist computer.

There's more clear card counting as the person playing that she's been assisting starts racking up wins. And a decent stack of chips. "Is there actual money in that or just goofing around?" she asks and hmms.

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
Jonothon Starsmore nods his head as he watches the comotion at the gift table, then the bar top, and then suddenly multiple birthday girls. <Is it always like this?> He asks with an imagined smirk. <Or is tonight simply more special than other nights?> He chuckles, giving another wistful stare at the bar.

<As far as introductions go, I don't believe I have met half of these people,> He laughs again. <Then again, it might be a situation where only meeting half of them is all it takes. Considering it looks like people can duplicate themselves.>

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne doesn't notice Jonothan's response; she's too busy trying to catch Nori in her grasping fingers. She dives after, sliding between two of those tables, and since inertia is a thing manages to lose sight of her prey for a moment. Prey who politely waits for her to get back onto track and running.

There's something to be said for aiming higher than you can reach. If Rahne ever needs to catch someone, she's well prepared. She is visible leaping into the air, legs kept close, as she tries to land on Nori over a table's edge. A Nori who is there, with wine, for almost enough time.

For all the ferocity of the chase, nobody's being bumped or knocked over, and Rahne looks as if she's enjoying herself. Even if she does pass by Jubilee without more than a nod, trying to take her SO's head from her shoulders.

To be fair, she does sleep a lot. So this is just the other side of that coin.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
There is a bit of a wobble from Jamie-in-white, who may or may not be Jamie Prime, who knows, but he tips his head to Rogue and smirks as if he very much enjoyed that quite continental kiss on the cheek despite not getting it himself. Or was it himself? Either way, he takes a few steps back from the bar and dips out to allow Rogue her fun.

Now that the gift has been bestowed and chaos is soon to reign, he sets about finding something for he himself to do. Wrinkling his nose in thought, he ponders some table games until he sees the attempted pursuit by Rahne of Nori. He chuckles in amusement and stands pat for a moment allowing it to pass him by, and then takes another sweep over the room.

Who else needs a little Madrox magic tonight?

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers grins as Jubilee joins, too, looking back and forth between her and Storm, "Well, positioned between two beautiful women, it's obvious luck is in my favor tonight, if such a thing is real. And judging by the powers of at least a couple of mutants I know of, it definitely is," he says.

The dealer puts out cards, one down one up. Scott shows a deuce and so unhesitatingly says, "Hit me," before holding up a finger at Jubilee, "It's a metaphor and part of the game. Do not strike," he says with a half-grin. "Franklin, don't tell your parents we're corrupting you, even though we definitely are. It's the X-men way."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue Prime is quick to offer Sam a big smile and a hug too before she leans back again. "There's gonna be a lot of trouble, now." She notes as three more Rogue's enter the Casino from the main doors, totalling six Rogue's within the room now, the other two already having drinks ready for the new three. One of whom moves over to join Scott and Ororo at the blackjack table. "Okay, lets do this." She says, settling in to the chair and waiting to be dealed in.

Rogue Prime though is being approached by Marie, who gets a big smile at the offered present. She sees the French labeling and reads it over, before she speaks back in an appreciative tone, her own French being well trained since she was a little girl back in Mississippi. When the gift is opened, she sees the poetry journal and lifts it up with one gloved hand to thumb through it. 'I love it' she fires back in French, then moving to give Marie a hug. "Thanks, really." She says back in English. This whole night is, god, what a surprise." She laughs softly as the other five of her are starting to make their rounds around the room. One of them beside Emma now, another with Tabitha and one greeting Val with 'I remember you from when we showed off our boobs." Yep. Mardi Gras stories always end that way, or start that way....

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko happens to round back and weave through the tables, depositing one flute of champagne next to Ororo, and one appearing in front of Scott.  She doesn't even check if they have some already because one can always use a little more booze right?  Jubilation gets one of those ghostly quick pecks on the cheek near her jawline that can only be felt.

"You should come running with me and Pony," Noriko says to Rahne as she spins to 'trot' backwards at hyper speed.  This is a disaster waiting to happen, especially since she doesn't have the traction she needs with those socks which she forgot to shed...

It doesn't help that she's now seeing multiple Rogues, distracting her completely as she tries to blink them away from her vision in mid-back-sprint.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well if we have to call the cops, Ah will go out and talk to them, let them know it is all in hand." He jokes a bit but he does smile and wonders six rogues, does that make her 132? He is smart though and does not voice that question. "So, what you want to do first?"

Ororo Munroe has posed:
Storm shares the smile, accepting the compliment with a small sideways inclination of her head and a brief grin at Jubilee, "Let luck be our guide while beauty reigns."

Eyebrows lifted in question to Scott, "How much control can one have? Show us your stuff."

The dealer turns over an eight of clubs. Without hesitation, "Hit me."

With her lips pursed in disapproval, she says with feigned disdain, "Of course, he won't tell his parents. We are above reproach. I will leave the corrupting to you, Scott."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne can almost reach Nori, reaching out hard. She growls, the taunting making her foolish, and she turns. She jumps, a foot landing in the middle of the betting table next to Scott's cards, and then she leaps.

It was prettily done, she barely even stirred the pot in passing, but the flying tackle she attempts is definitely cheating. You're not allowed to flash a straight like that without ante'ing first.


Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost Would idly send a telepathic thought over to Ororo <<So dear, who do you think that will be doing the most entertaining routine tonight when it comes to the game?>> IT was all about whom did the best at it after all.

Then to Marie-Ange <<Presuming that now is not the time to consult the cards, who do you think will be playing the winning hands tonight?>> Always best to check with the experts, after all

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin smiles at his sister turning to face her again, "I met her once though aperently we do not get along... or maybe we do.." he looks at Jubilee with a shrug, "I do not get that one though that is common around here." he looks around a bit at the now six Rogues, "I do hope she stops cloning though as we might run out of room if six more come." thinking a bit out loud, as he slides a chair out of the way as Rahne runs by. "Though I must say it is interesting."

Then he realises what his sister said, he grins at her.. "Let us not find out by bankrupting them either way..." answering about real money or goofing around as there were chips so that could go either way. They also had a lot of mouths to feed so would feel bad taking their money, but he knew his sister liked to win. After shaking his head he decided to mix it up a bit, as he risks walking out and dodging the moving chase to head over to Jonothon.. "Did I hear right you were new here." he gives a nod. "Franklin Richards." he would offer a hand, but around here that might not always be the best idea.

Valeria Richards has posed:
Corrupting Franklin. That gets a soft chuckle from Valeria right as Rogue mentions where she remembers Valeria from. "Mom and I both thought that you and Doctor? Grey had fantastic boobs." she points out very complimentary. "Mom and Dad aren't worried about Franklin. So he can enhoy a drink or I think some of those brownies over there have weed in them. We can make the car drive ne home later while he can crash and spend some time with your very lovely friends here!" she states and flashes a playful smile to Marie-Ange and Ororo. Even Rahne chasing Noriko gets a wink as much as the girl being chased.

Rogue Dupe gets a chuckle. "Think this party is livelier than the one at the HFC and we all had our boobs out." she doesn't even mention how drunk she herself was.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
When Rogue approves of her gift? Marie lights up like the proverbial Christmas tree. The hug is returned eagerly, because, well, she's a hugger. "You are most welcome -- and merit all the attention that is being lavished upon you, truly." she replies happily, in almost a reassuring tone. The French girl herself would probably be overwhelmed by being the center of attention, but after a few years of Jennymas, she's come to appreciate the allure of such celebrations.

Plus, it was nice to actually be invited!

Still, she's not about to hog the birthday girl. Although there's... apparantly more than enough Rogue to go around, who knows how long that will last? With a little curtsey, she moves to mingle amongst the rest of the guests. Emma's voice in her head makes her come to a stop, though. Surveying the field. <<Our honored guest, to be certain. It would be heresy to refuse her victory tonight!>> A pause. <<...I think Rahne will catch Mademoiselle Noriko, as well.>>

They may have been playing tag instead of cards, but Marie's placing her bet on this one!

Jamie Madrox has posed:
There is a lot going on, and for once, Jamie is not able to enjoy all of it simultaneously. He watches as the chaos begins to unfold, amusement on his face as he sees the proliferation of Rogues. "I am not ashamed to say that she makes a far better overpopulation of a party than I do," he murmurs, to no one in particular. He heads over towards a table just in time to hear Valeria waxing philosophical about the glories of Rogue's boobs. And Jean's too, but there are lots and LOTS of Rogue's boobs in the room, so that is probably a little more worthy of attention.

"More fun than a barrel of Rogues," he offers in agreement with Valeria.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation narrows her eyes as she looks past the crowd to finally see the additional five Rogues. "...This is getting complicated," she mutters to herself. Jubes pulls her phone out from inside her dress -- somewhere lewd, no doubt -- and starts taptaptaptaping against the screen. "Need. More. Cakes..." These three words set up a Rube Goldberg machine of logistics that will, eventually, summon five more Fudgy The Whale cakes for the additional, unexpected birthday girls.

    A pair of eyebrows hike up past Jubilee's dark Ray Bans at Scott Summers. "Such a gentlemen," she teases, even dangling one of her hands near Scott's mouth, across Ororo's eyeline, as a gentle mockery, as though she was expecting her hand to get a chivalrous kiss.

    "Okay, so, which one of these cards do I have to get to win the game?" is Jubilee's next gem. She looks down at the pile of plastic chips in front of her and then briefly glances at each of the opposing stacks. She's about to say something else but then... Rahne crashes into the table. Jubilation Lee's jaw clenches, her face nearly frozen in non-response. One one thousand. Two one thousand. Three one thousand.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Rahne for a few moments. And then over at Jubilee, "Are you all right, dear?" Her tone is quiet and uspportive. THen she looks over at Rahne, "And are you all right as well?" She's not expecting either of htem is remotely hurt in things, but it's polite.. And hopefully enough to either from being extremely frustrated and upset.
    Meanwhile sending back to Marie-Ange <<I feel that your assumptions are rather sound, darling. Get another piece of cake.>>

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
Jonothon Starsmore does his best to dodge the ongoing chase scene, not really acknowledging it but not completely ignoring it as one has to at least dodge when necessary. He does look over from the Rogue Clones wandering around to the man who has come to address him. <Jonothon,> he replies, reaching over and taking Franklin's hand in a firm grip. <Jonothon Starsmore. Yes, I am pretty new here. Just recently arrived from London. Richards, pardon my asking, but do you have any relation to Reed Richards?>

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko does see Valeria's wink. She's turning around just as she catches her own collision with her, sliding the last few precious inches she had to stop herself and change tack.  There's a near cartoonish scramble with blurry action before Noriko wriggles and pops back out of the fray she creates as she barks sharply, "Get off me!" to no one in particular, or at least it isn't clear to onlookers.  She makes a minor show of dusting her beads off, and the minuscule things roll away from her dress.  More damage.  "Oh well."

Suddenly Noriko materializes next to Jubes again, this time her presence more apparent as she stays there, leaning against the table to watch the proceedings, and flash a toothy smile to the vampire.  "You cleaning everyone out?"  She has little sense of time.  In her mind, Jubes should have scammed everyone with card-counting already!

Rogue has posed:
The Rogue that is conversing about high-brow topics with Valaria Richards lets out a light laugh at the response she gets. "Well thanks. Likewise to you, Sugah." She fires back before raising her drink up to her red hued lips to take a sip from it. "Always nice ta get ta have other big group members comin' over ta the house here. We often forget t'reach out enough, probably makes us come off as some kinda creepy cult here." She says with a lilting laugh before she steps over to one of the Casino games to spy it over. "Some day I should learn more gamblin than just Poker."

The Rogue near Emma is opening up the gift from her and giving her a hug at it before laughing. "Am I in charge of a brewery now? Should I buy a steam whistle and yell at people who don't work fast enough?" She's asking the White Queen while eyeing the certificate over.

Another Rogue appears behind Kitty to give her another hug. "The paintin is great." She tells her, before moving to Piotr to hug him as well, apparently having opened that gift from the two of them. "Ya'll even put in Jenkies." She says of the puppy she never got to grow up with.

Yet another Rogue is moving past Scott and Ororo and giving them both a gentle pat on the arm with a gloved hand. "I'm gonna wear these necklaces t'gether, I think." She says with a grin at them holding the necklaces in her free hand.

Meanwhile Rogue Prime is reading some of the French poems out of the book Marie got her, and holding the rock that Rahne got her. She calls out to Rahne though. "Ya gonna have t'explain this one some time, Wile E. Coyote."

And back to Valaria and Jamie, that Rogue is just smirking at Jamie now. "You started this. You're enjoyin it way too much too."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would let the Rogue give her a hug and laugh, "Why thank you dear." She would let Rogue press to her, going ot let her gloved hand go up to rest on Rogue's cheek, then go in to give a gentle smooch over to it, "If you do enjoy it let me know, I have some separate side investments I can cash in if you'd like to have yourself a small enterprise going on."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers is indeed a gentleman and if Jubilee wants a kiss on the fingers, she'll get one. She's a grown-up and an undead one at that, no scandal there.

"The idea is to get at or as close to 21 as you can without going over. Number cards mean what they say, face cards are ten, aces can be either one or ten depending on what you want to get the score you want. There are other variations that can be done, but those are the basics," he says.

To Ororo, he smiles, "Glad to see my bad reputation precedes me."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
It looks as if Rahne is on a tack to catch Nori, but instead she catches Valeria. She swears, that was Noriko a moment before. But then?

She pauses, smiling to Val, and then straightens herself out. The entire event seems to have ended as quickly as it began, and Rahne dusts herself off and walks the opposite direction of the speedster girl and Jubilation.

She looks at Rogue One, and pauses. Then she looks at the rock. Then at Rogue. And she says, "It's a rock." Then she nods and turns to go to the bathroom.

There's got to be more to it, but apparently all that exercise and a girl needs the ladies' room.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
With her back to the room, she hears rather than sees the Rogue and Madrox sheenanigans. Just as her first glass is finished, another appears in its place. Ororo feels rather than sees the person who gifted it but suspects who the giver is. Only Noriko can move that fast and know how much she enjoys the occasional glass of bubbly. She turns her attention back to the cards in time to see two feet land light as air on the table to leap before any damage is done. A sigh and shake of her head is offered, Jubilee.

<<That remains to be seen. We already have pirouettes on the table. They might be acrobatic rather than sleight-of-hand.>> comes her prompt answer to Emma.

Ororo pats Rogue's gloved hand, acknowledging the thanks. "You'll look good in them both, I'm sure."

The dealer slides a ten of hearts out of the hand. to which Ororo holds up a hand. "I'm good."

Jamie Madrox has posed:
"How could I not enjoy all of the Rogues a man could ever ask for?" Jamie flashes a grin at Rogue. "What's not to enjoy?" He waves a hand around to indicate all of the Rogues engaged in all of the things. "Uh, word of warning, though. You might get a bit of a headache when they all come back into you at once, and you better hope they don't ALL get drunk, because that hangover can be killer."

He lingers over near the table, continuing to watch Scott and Ororo attempt to play cards while a straight-up Looney Tunes cartoon is breaking out all around them. "Impressive concentration," he murmurs to himself.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Among the guests, there's not a ton of them that Marie doesn't know. Normally, those are the ones she'd avoid -- but the seer is in her element. Surrounded by (most of) the people she cares most about, in the one place on the planet she truly feels safe? It gives her the energy to reach out to some of the strangers (well, strangers to her!).

First target? Valeria. She caught that smile! So she'll weave her way through the party to walk over to the Richards kid that she doesn't know, extending a hand. "Bonsoir, Mademoiselle!" A pause. "I do not believe I have seen you before, are you a new student at the Institute?" she asks, inclining her head with a demure smile of her own. "Either way, bienvenue! Je-- my name is Marie-Ange Colbert."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin looks at his sister, "You know I can't do that Val." he looks at the bar and chuckles as he had never before, and did not know what would happen though of course he feared the worst. "Though I am glad your having fun." and smiles at his sister with a nod. "You know in a year I will have to offer you drinks, though who knows about those brownies." he glances at scott with a raised eyebrow, "Believe me Mr. Summers I have way worse influences then this." amd chuckles at that.

Turning back to Jonothon <Oh interesting your telepathic as well> the thoughs clear and percise as he had done this many times before <Wow, London.. You know I believe there is someone from France around here somewhere though I lost sight of her.> he glances around a bit as also thinks <Oh, and yea.. That is my dad. My sister and I are both in the Fantastic Four. Ya know the one you might of seen on TV>

Of course as Val is cought he might not be looking as he talks as he frowns a bit, watching carefully as it was his sister.

<Oh there she is.... Wait.. I am pointing with my mind I forgot you can not see that.> and nods over to Marie.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take a step back, smiling softly over at hte responses from Storm and from Marie-Ange <<Thank you darlings. I suppose if we were to make any wager sthen.. Well.. We'd know where your own stances stood.>> IT's all about the entertainment. Not for any sort of results in the end.

Rogue has posed:
Hambone, and his entourage, stop by in the hallway to see if the rec room party was over yet. One of them says something about their XBox being in there. The group is quickly shoo'd away by one of the Rogue's who just sweeps in to send them on their way. Hambone saying 'God, even the Poetry teacher is wasted. This place is a loony bin.' before the kids march on toward the stairs down to the recreation room in the basement presumably.

Rogue One just snorts a laugh at Rahne. "Got it. You are my most eccentric favorite, Rahney." She calls after her.

The Rogue over with Jamie and Valaria looks down at her drink before she grimaces. "Good thing I only got one scheduled class tomorrow afternoon then. Cause I get the sense this is gonna be a boozin' Monday night."

This follows another laugh from the Mississippi Belle with Emma. "I dunno if I wanna branch out quite that far yet. We'll see how this one goes... though if it catches on fire in the first week, and everyone quits, ya can't blame me, okay?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
There's a greeting in French and Valeria grins back to the redhead making it. In the girl's native tongue too. <<Bonsoir! I am Valeria Richards.>> she leaves out the rest of her last name for brevity. <<If it easier I am fluent in French.>> she encourages a more relaxed way for Tarot to communicate. <<But I am very pleased to meet you!>> she says warmly even as Nori scrambles to try and avoid a collision with her. "I know I am pretty enough to stop traffic but usually that doesn't happen. <<Are you okay?>> she asks the electric speedsster in as fluent a Japanese as she was French.

Jonothon Starsmore has posed:
There is an emotion not quite unlike a friendly chuckle as Franklin forgets he is not pointing. <Don't worry about it,> Jonothon says shaking his head. <I end up doing that too.> He straightens his jacket again, fidgeting with a button at the cuff of his jacket. <My Telepathy isn't perfect,> Jono continues. <I can't read your thoughts or anything. Just sort of...broadcast...> A mental image appears looking like a cartoon radio tower. <Counting my lucky stars that I can do just that much. Not having a lower jaw makes it very hard to talk otherwise.>

Jono fidgets again. <Franklin, if I could pick your brain later, that would be marvelous. Though right, now I think...I need some air. If you will excuse me...> Jono turns to leave, slipping away from the party to relax his stiff demeanor.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne returns from the washroom, but doesn't come back exactly. She's doing something weird. She pauses, opening and closing some window blinds back there. She frowns, then walks across a ways. Then she opens and closes a door, looking at it thoughtfully. Then...she goes back, and fiddles with the curtains again.

Weird, but maybe she just wants the lights to ...okay I have no idea. But it does cause some lovely shadows to happen, and when she returns she's grinning. She's made the doorway..dark?

Wandering back to the group, Rahne sneaks up behind Noriko once more. Just one more try, but this time she's going for stealth. Sneak. Sneak sneak. Sneak sneak sneak...

She swipes at crazypants speedygirl, her arms going right over Nori's head as the girl ducks, then falls on her face right beside Jubes, where Noriko was just standing. She's up again, arms spread wide, and gives chase! There's that Wile E Coyote spirit! Never give up!

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
The newest French speaker in the building -- if only temporarily! -- gets a bright smile from Marie at the revelation of fluency. Switching easily to her native tongue, <<Oh, yes it does! I mean. I should practice my English, but it's really so much easier to communicate this way and I think I mostly have it down.>> A giggle at the 'traffic stopping' comment. <<Welcome to Xavier's. This sort of thing happens all the time, but you will grow to love it, I assure you!>>

...and then Rahne's back on the 'attack'! Green eyes are definitely goingg to keep an eye on where the Scottish girl -- and the Japanese one she's chasing -- are heading, just in case she ends up in their path. Would Okoye be proud of her foresight -- well, without /fore/sight? Marie hopes so!

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods, and waves as the person leaves he takes the mental IOU, and returns to talk to his sister, the speedster, and the what looked like this was more a funeral though he remembered her.. "We met haven't we?" He asks Maria, "At the fair right?" he grins a bit as that was a crazy time as well. Though he speaks in english, he has had to take the language classes as well, but he wasn't as fluent as his sister so didn't want to embarass himself. "I do hope you found the cards you were looking for!" though he had left before she had

"I do hope my sister isn't giving you that hard of a time." and chuckles a bit as he knew she wouldn't of. "I did hope to catch up with you one of these days as I am always curious to talk to someone else who can peek past that veil."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Scott's summary of Blackjack earns a sly grin. "I will never be 21, Scott Summers," Jubilation replies from behind those dark sunglasses of hers, switching it up to now be the teacher's full name and not just his first name. The years go on, but not for Jubes. Jubilation can only count so high, even privately to herself. The disruption of their game draws out a reaction from deep within Jubilee. Something dark. Something monstrous that she keeps at bay. It threatens to emerge. Those particularly familiar with this would no doubt see it about to happen. Telepaths might even catch a taste of it a moment or two ahead of schedule.

    She stares forward, both hands gripping the edge of the blackjack table. It creaks and whines against the force of her fingers... the tension builds, the wood splinters... Until it's released. Jubilation stands suddenly -- it's a blur of a motion -- so she can turn away. Her phone has once again found its way into her hands, her fingers handling something of apparent importance. "I'll get them," she mutters, narrating her text to herself as she taptaptaps it. "Going to need five more cakes." With that, Jubilation blur-walks for the door, off on an errand/quest to retrieve more deserts for the additional birthday girls, muttering something about Jamie Madrox being in bed with the people at Carvel.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is too busy making smiles and eyes at Jubilation.  She can't help it.  She's engaged.  She's in love!  And Jubilation is a regular pit stop for her in her daily (nightly too) life.  It was only a matter of short time before she would settle next to the vampire, leaning against the table with comfortably semi-closed eyes.  "I'm not distracting you am I?"  She's not so sure she cares if she is by that dancing smirk.

But if there's anything Noriko's powers give her, it's time; time to react to the incoming last minute P.S. I-still-want-to-swat-you from Rahne.  She makes it seems so simple, but can't resist the taunting from Rahne.

"One sec.  I'll be right back," Noriko offers to Jubilation with a warmer grin, realizing Jubes is busy concentrating and...seems to be not so amused.  It's something she detects more than observes, absorbing the small signifiers.  She takes off after Rahne with a frown on her face.  Her Jubes-time interrupted, Jubes' funtime interrupted.  She takes off towards the shadowy location Rahne's chase leads her to and then there's a loud thunk of something hitting wood paneling and sliding to the floor.

Rahne 1 (finally), Noriko 3.

And thus is how the Wiley Coyote finally gets the better of the Roadrunner (and breaks Noriko's shutout 'record').

Rogue has posed:
The Rogues have gathered around the presents table to stack up the gifts given to them, the group are even talking to each other now about the gifts, which might be a bit weird. It's weird for them too!

One does cut away though toward the bar to get a refreshing drink and she ends up leaning there against it to watch the blackjack table as they converse and play cards. She sips her drink, and the way she's observing makes it quite likely that this is Rogue One. Two of the others start walking together across the room toward one of the games setup where they start challenging each other to see who can win, which may foreshadow some trouble later that night.

Another of the Rogue's calls out to Jubilee. "Careful. Don't let the beast outta the bag. This is Casino night, not Fangino Night." She chides her friend, and official party planner.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie bobs her head and smiles in greeting to Franklin. "In Bushwick," Mutant Town, "with Monsieur Wagner, again here, during the snow war..." She doesn't need precognition to know that there's snow in Frankie's future coming via Kitty express! "...and, oui, at the fair!" As for what she was looking for at the fair? Well, the answer is revealed before she speaks it, as her cheeks go beet red from the memory. "Oui, I most certainly did. Madame Crowe is a uniquely gifted reader."

There's a moment or two of silence as she recomposes herself -- and waves to the departing Valeria -- and continues. "I hope you were able to determine whether you should act or not, as well." A slight nod to that. She doesn't know the details of what the Richards boy wanted to know, but she wasn't the one who did that reading. However, it's what's mentioned last that makes an eyebrow raise. "You have the sight as well, then?"

At that 'thunk' that she hears in the distance? There's a quirk of her lips in a grin. <<It seems I do not /need/ the cards to predict the future, Madame Frost.>> ...of course, then she's immediately self-conscious about that particular statement. "Fate forgive me." she speaks, maybe a little randomly. Regardless of whether or not she needs them? The tarot cards are her beloved crutch, and Marie-Ange will always turn to them when the chips are down.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair walks over, then gives Noriko a napkin. To clean up with. Before she opens the actual door beside them and slips out for the evening.

But then, she opens the door again, and looks at Rogue. "It was my best rock," she says, just loud enough to be heard. Before she actually leaves.

Well, it's a gift after all.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
After watching Ororo and Scott do their best to remain staid during an otherwise raucous party, JamiePrime makes his way over towards the bar to chat up Rogue One. "It's kind of dizzying, isn't it?" He adopts a casual lean as he secures a drink for himself, and then slowly takes to sipping it as he watches the chaos that all of the Rogues are inflicting on the room.

He raises his glass to her, smiling warmly. "Happy Birthday. Sorry for the trick, but ... " He glances over towards the inert forms of the two Jamies that delivered the kiss. "They don't feel a thing. Trust me."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin looks at Noriko, and just watches a bit confused at the whole thing he thinks about the chase and the final capture, and wonders if their powers are actually more alike then he though as that should be impossible. "We keep running into each other.. Perhaps I should of asked you before Miss Crowe, but I know how much I get asked about it so I did not wish to bug you!" he nods a bit at that with a grin. He whispers something to his sister, and gives her some keys as she goes. "I was... though you know how those answers are. I am sure I will understand it when I am ment to." nodding to her a little bit.

Then he stops realising he may of given away more then he ment but he looks at her. "Umm... Yes. Don't tell the students, but the rest know. Please we will talk again soon.." He turns and heads after his sister. "I have seen it!"

Rogue has posed:
The thudding of Nori in to the wall has all the Rogues looking over to her to stare at the aftermath. "Oh shit." One of them says. "So that's what happens when the Roadrunner loses." Another one states before a few of them look over to see Rahne leaving. The 'best rock' comment get a snicker out of several of the Belle's before they wave to Rahne on her way out.

Rogue One is sipping her drink when Jamie approaches. She grins and then glances around the room. "It is a trip." She says then back at him, glancing his way next. "I always kinda wondered how it worked. An' you do it on a level that is like a hundred times over just this." She states, motioning with one hand toward her dupes spread about through the room. "It's pretty crazy t'think some'a them could lead their own lives. But... really..." She lowers her voice then. "They'll probably vanish by mornin'." She says at him before smirking again.

"And thanks, this is certainly one'a the most unique gifts I've had t'toy around with. Can't imagine what it'd be like t'have this all the damn time..."

Jamie Madrox has posed:
Nodding along as Rogue ponders the nature of Multiplicity, Jamie laughs. "They do. None have families, at least as far as I know, but some have normal jobs and go to school, and then eventually, when they come back, I can do those things." He shrugs a bit, and then looks back at the dupes as Rogue lowers her voice. "They will, I'd guess, but that's more how your thing works than mine." He flahes a grin. "Key is to make the most of the time that you have with them." He winks at her, and then drains his glass.

He sets the empty glass on the bar and taps it a couple of times. "You're welcome. You do so much for everyone around here, it /feels/ like you are everywhere at once. So, seemed fitting." He taps the side of his nose. "And it gets a bit crowded up here, but also, I get to experience so many different things, it's kind of worth it."