13965/Glad To Be Home

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Glad To Be Home
Date of Scene: 24 January 2023
Location: Empire Diner
Synopsis: Priscilla is back home and wants to ask Henry some important questions.
Cast of Characters: Priscilla Camilleri, Henry McCoy

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla had been out of the country for the last week and she'd gotten home only a few hours ago. She'd asked Henry if he'd mind grabbing a late dinner with her at the Empire Diner. She'd stopped at home to unload bags and she'd changed out of the clothes she had been wearing into something a little less flashy.

She was wearing a pair of designer jeans, cognac colored hiking boots and a cream colored sweater that was fashionably baggy. Her coat had been slipped off and was sitting in the seat next to her along with her purse. The woman was scrolling through her phone and awaiting the arrival of her other half.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Dinner! With Pris? That's a perfect evening. Henry had agreed, of course. He was dressed a bit more casual than some of their other dates - nice new jeans, a button down shirt and wide shoes. It was comfortable and a rather every-day appearance. Well, as every day as can be with the blue, furry, leonid man.

It didn't take him too long to arrive, stepping into the diner and glancing around. With his sharpened senses, it was easy enough to track her to her table without a need to bother the host. There's a grin to her as he winks. "Mind another at your table, Doctor?" He teases, even as he slides in to the seat opposite of her.

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilal looks up when she hears Henry and there's a bright smile, "Hello darling, have a seat." she tells him. Once he's settled she reaches out to take a hold of his hand, giving it a warm squeeze, "How were things while I was gone? I was bored at the conference." she tells him.

"And thank you for coming, I wasn't sure if it was too late or not." she tells him quietly.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Her hand is squeezed in return, the touch clearly sought out. "Things were well, did some work at the school, studying some interesting genetic data." He smirks. It was a pleasant thing, to be able to talk shop with the woman he was sharing dinner with. "How was your trip? Did everything go smoothly?"

"You are very welcome. Thank you for inviting me - I'm always happy to enjoy your company over a meal or otherwise." He assures, patting her hand. "Any trips coming up?"

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla smiles at him and there is a waitress that comes over to take their drink orders. She just orders a coke and a water for the moment. Needed more caffeine. She then looks back to Henry as he orders his, "Sounds like nothing blew up and I am glad of that." she grins. "The trip was alright. Would have been better if I snuck you along though." she winks at him.

"I was going to just order in at home, but I needed to stretch my legs and I'd heard good things about this place." she admits. "No trips coming up for at least a month. I am probably going to take a few days of vacation so I can get recharged." she admits. "What about you? Any trips or vacations planned?" she asks him.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry is content to hold her hand as long as she'll allow. For his drink order, he gets a lemonade. "No explosions, thankfully. The world is calm... for now." A wry chuckle. "How long that will stand for, who knows. But I will enjoy it, regardless. Glad to hear your trip went well - and perhaps next time I can get some time off and sneak off with you."

A glance around the place and a smile. "I've heard this place pulls in a lot of famous faces, and has good food." A smile as he looks back to her. "No trips planned, but as we both know - life happens. So relaxing at home? Working around the offices?"

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla gives a smile to him, seeming to keep ahold of his hand since she's been away from him for a week and change. "I'm glad that it is quiet for now." she grins to him. "How are your students doing?" she asks him. "I'm sure you could tell your school that you need to go for business." she winks at him. "Though if I tell them I'm bringing my boyfriend they might try to rope you into speaking." she tells him.

"Mmm, if it has any tonight they are wearing good costumes." she tells him. "I think I'm going to do a lot of relaxing at home. Maybe having some new things delivered to the condo so we can keep some more of your stuff there if you like?" she offers.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a laugh from Henry, good-natured and joyfull. "I would speak if they wanted me to, of course." A smile. "And I could take vacation - I am entitled to that from the school. Though, if the Avengers come calling it's a bit more difficult to refuse." A smirk.

He is ever so content to hold her hand, his palm warm to hers. "Some tend to keep a more discrete appearance, some don't have a choice." He waggles his brows. Some do take notice of him, it's hard not to. "I'd like that, if I'm not imposing on your home, Priscilla. I don't want to assume, after all."

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
"I know." Pris tells him with a warm smile. Drinks are brought and the waitress looks ready to take their order. The woman looks to Henry and lets him go first as she was still deciding. "You should take a few days off. We could go do something." she suggests. "Or we could stay at home and just have a nice quiet day. I am open to either of course." she tells him.

She orders a grilled chicken sandwich with fries and a side salad. Because healthy! Once the waitress has left Priscilla offers him a smile, "I actually don't mind at all. One of the things I was having delivered this week was a bigger dresser and armoire since I was going to ask if you'd like to split time there." she admits.

Henry McCoy has posed:
They are on the same page, at the very least, about speaking at seminars and such! When he's prompted to order, he goes with a comfort food choice - meatloaf, mashed potatoes and some corn. "I am certainly amenable to doing so. I'll let the professor know." Henry grins.

There's a definite blush from the man, as she mentions the armoire and splitting time. "I would very much like that, Priscilla. I enjoy time with you - of all sorts." He chuckles. "I just want to make sure I'm not troubling you in your home, or getting my fur everywhere." He winks.